Damn... better try again... Damn it!!! We dont want califonia!!! gay's can get married there!!!
The fireworks... sucked!
I map quested your location, and a million places showed up... Even beijing XD
EWW! Silky!
You told your dad that?
Okay. But wow, you just plum forgot? I guess that means you don't really care that much after all, eh? *tease*
Oh, my God!
It's fine. Don't forget to participate in the Council either. You joined and have yet to do anything. If you're not going to bother contributing/participating, you're going to get kicked out.
I'll try to look it up.
Oh, just looking up videos!^^
I can't. It's not my jurisdiction.
It doesn't matter if it's just a game. You're "advertising" real products that actually exist.
Oh, my God! Look at this video! It's so funny! YouTube - The Shamwow sucks!!!!
This has got to be my favorite game now! No! I don't wanna be the ShamWow guy! Did you know his last name is Offer?
Hey, I LOVE copying those commercials; it's so funny!^^
Freezing Ring!
Tsuna Feesh
Registered User
the mysterious
Griever is junctioned to me.
Asking all the personal questions.
Protecter of the Crystals
R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手
Twilight's Enigma
Can I be forgiven for what I am now
Became A Hero