I have a roof! Don't worry ^^
Ummm....*backs away* I'm...fine.... Whats...up?
Rawr! *glomps* Hiya~~!
Well I'll tell you anyways! It's a drug that makes you appear dead. You fall asleep for about 4 hours, and it appears that you have no pulse. It's like what Juliet took in Romeo and Juliet. I don't think that was aimed at you, so don't get all worked up. It's actually a really kinky secret, so I think you would want to know!! (I hope you know I'm kidding ^.^)
Ever heard of Cantarella?
Ok then I'll be sure you are the first one I enslave ^.^ ...Big brother will be my slave
...*cough*Wedon'ttalkaboutcatsinthere.It'sworlddom ination*cough* I hate cats too XD It's just a random name.
Heey ^.^ Come join my group! (It's not what you think it's about!)
thats good it is the weekend so i should find some time
thanks haha i haven't had time yet but i will soon
yup, cause when I first started TFF bout a year ago, I had a sleeping account until an e-mail reminded me. Felt like a slap to the face....
ok! tnx!
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*pops in* *smiles* Hello!^^
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