Oh? Google ideas then! Mesh them together, and you've got an RP!
Aww, poor thing! Why don't you make your own??
Yeppers! ^^ You RP'ing any?
Hey, whatever works for you. ^^ I just ate lunch, so I am fairly happy right now.
Haven't talked to you in awhile! How are ya?
*Glomps* Hiya!! ^^
AHA! WAS dead while talking to myself.
Athna tends to do that haha she was my first vm
Hello, kupo.
Hwello, random page visitor
I don't think it will die completely she will be back i kow that for a fact
Sorry if i sounded rude in my last message to i didn't mean it like that. Maybe it will be best just to pause the rp until kilala gets back after all she knows the main stream line of the story and i am assuming she wants to be the one to control what'Bob' has to say.
That's good... Anyway, tell her I don't miss her.
She tried to link you to some stuff, didn't she? Uhh, evil girl...^^;
Don't EVER listen to Silky!
The Leading Man
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The Ace Pilot and Cap'n
All is One.One is All.
I feel epic...
Asking all the personal questions.
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