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    Well my girlfriend goes up to Richmond tomorrow to take her M.E.P.S again. This time there shouldn't be a problem preventing her from taking them and hopefully she passes and gets in.

    As for me, I've recently thought about joining the military. I've had an unsuccessful time deciding what I wanted my career to be and so the military may be the best option to jump start my "second-life". I have been leaning towards becoming a chef and if I could join the military and cook, that would be a sweet deal. Though some of my family members aren't too keen on the idea of me joining the military much less the me entertaining the idea. My cousin, when I first told that, that is what I may do, thought that my life had ended. My aunt has - jokingly - said that she would come down here and smack or kill me if I joined. They may not like it but the military may be the best thing for me.

    What's up with you?
  2. View Conversation
    Hey there. Hay is for horses, so let's make some glue!
  3. View Conversation
    I'd rep you again for your post in the illegal immigration thread, but I've done so too recently, so I'll just thank you openly for not being an idiot like so many others. Seriously, I was beginning to think I was the only person who thought this stuff.
  4. View Conversation
    Would it be safe to say that you have almost completely recovered from your horrible injury?

    My girlfriend is still waiting to do her M.E.P.S. Last time she went up to Richmond the guy forgot to get her medical records from her so she could do nothing the whole day. Then he forgot about his recruits and picked her and the others up at 6 p.m. while the other recruiters had already picked their recruits around 2 in the afternoon.

    My friend and I said that her recruiter is pretty bad, he is not there at the office a lot when she calls inquiring about the next time she'll be going up to Richmond. How he has handled her case, to us, is sub-par as if the guy doesn't really care about doing an adequate job. We said she should try to get a different recruiter whom wouldn't be as bad. She is still with her original recruiter but she did call today; he said that she would be going up to Richmond in the early part of June.

    Which is good because she needs to get on with her life and get out of the apartment she is in. She is staying with people that we are both friends with, however they aren't the cleanest people: leaving dishes in the sink for days, not taking the trash out when it is overflowing, drinks sitting around unfinished, mold growing on a computer desk, ect. and they always like to blame her whenever there is an argument involving her. Now she may have started some but I'm inclined to believe that one of them would "jab" her first and she would "jab" back defending herself. They would get offended that she would dare do such a thing and then gang up on her - verbally. It also appears that whenever one of them drinks there is an argument. I've gotten tired of the arguing and their messy lifestyle so after I had a heated exchange with them I've distanced myself from them, caring less and less about them.

    My niece makes me realize that at this point in time I am not ready for children and possibly never will be. She occasionaly has bad days but I don't think I could handle it, who knows my child could be worse on the flip-side it could be better - all a game of chance. Sometimes when I'm watching tv she comes over and knows exactly which button is for the power and presses it. She begins to walk away and as I turn the tv back on she turns around and presses the power button again. She may do that 2-4 times. Sometimes she can be so mishcievious. While I enjoy being around her, when she's good, I like being the Uncle because I can always hand her off to her mother/my sister.
  5. *poke*
  6. View Conversation
    Not all Australians think the same way about Guantanemo Bay as those in ID here.
    You might find this slightly amusing:
    YouTube - Fat Pizza - Guantanimo Bay
  7. View Conversation
    Well, good work at any rate. It's nice to find someone on the internet who actually knows what I'm talking about when I reference my own country.
  8. View Conversation
    I'm pleasantly surprised by your knowledge of New Zealand history. You're challenging my stereotype of unworldly American citizens. Stop it.

    But really, how do you know so much about the Rainbow Warrior? Did you read about it when I mentioned it, and acted like you knew all along? Or did you learn it somewhere? Or have you come across it before?

    I mean, the nationality of the photographer was a fairly obscure point, in a strange case in a pretty obscure country. What game are you playing at, hmm?
  9. View Conversation
    You make a valid point on your comment. I guess I gotta little carried away with my response. What you gonna do?
  10. View Conversation
    Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum. I smell liberal lies; I doubt you saw last night's episode of Countdown with Keith Olberman - I don't regularly watch it but I may check what good ol' crazy Keith is saying.

    Back on track, regarding last night's episode, Keith was commenting on the ruling by the Supreme Court's decision regarding corparations/unions/etc., and campaign contributions; Keith called the decision by Roberts this generation's Dread Scott Case and compared Robertson to Taney. Though what Taney's "Dread Scott" decision is a another huge thing that I won't get into detail. Anyhuma, Keith went on describing the end of freedom, democracy (the U.S is a Republic Keith), and that politicians would be bought and sold by corporations. Keith goes on to say that all the corporations would instill republican or conservative values and that we would become facist with Palin as president; Keith does forget that there are corporations (GE) and unions that also have a lot of pull but he can't mention them because they are liberal and they are "good". I shook my head at his silliness.

    He may put the clip on his website if you want to get the full scoop; it may take a couple of days if he decides to put the clip up.
  11. View Conversation
    Yeah, I didn't even know that the first movie existed until I was in college. It's now a St. Patty's Day tradition. I'm also anxiously awaiting the second on dvd, but I don't know how it'll be without Willem Dafoe. He really helped make it what it was.
  12. View Conversation
    lolol I don't think he thinks to himself before typing.
  13. View Conversation
    You caught me. I'm a Big fan of Boondock Saints... still haven't seen the second one though.
  14. View Conversation
    Hey man, what can you tell me about this conservative 'tea party' business? I thought you would know about it, since I've heard (read) you say that you think there's been no 'real conservatives' since Reagan. Like that time you said you would sooner vote for an 'honest Democrat' than a Republican.

    Won't it just split the conservative vote?
  15. View Conversation
    Awww this is such a cute pic lol:

    It looks like an awesome advertisement for something.

    Even soldiers use Colgate
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