Oh, I guess that makes sense then! I'm not really all that fond of cats, but if what you're saying is true, then I am very much flattered!
Heh, no way! What's he been up to? I haven't spoken to him in about 5 years now.
Can I count on your vote for Most Antagonistic?
I sat here for like 2 minutes straight trying to think of a witty response to that, but I cannot. Mind = blown, gg
Sadly, no. I went to a semiformal a few days ago. that was nice. My feet hurt.
Lol I should just come and stalk you in person jk lol yea so i bought the cleansing bar and the scrub i usually use(i needed mroe and ive been told to exfoliate everyday which seems to help.I did buy the cvs brand of benzoyl peroxide,hmm ive never had problems mixing salyclic acid nad the ben.peroxide i'm sure i'll be fine becaus ehe only thing that has the acid in it is my scrub so its only a lil bit. i'm going to skip the toner for now like you suggested and just do the bar,scrub,peroxide,moisturizer i got a new moisturizer cause i'm low on my other one lol its neutrogena healthy skin face lotion,it helps blemishes as well as aging LOL so yea we shall see how this goes talk to you soon (i hope)
I forgot to ask you lol shoudl i use a toner too?on one of the sites i read it says to use an alcohol free toner and the one i currently have has alcohol in it i am thinking about stopping at cvs and getting teh stuff you suggested lol thanks so much "big sis"
Oh its alright lo when i get off im going to work or to bed lol thats why we've been missing each other! And yesterday i worked like 9 hours lol so i'm whipped
lol yeah pretty much, I've had all the freetime in the world about two months ago, and now since all of the good stuff is getting released, real life beckons. Though I know nothing about linux, if you need a good emulator, I use VirtualboyAdvance, and everything seems to run great. The only complaint is the small screen, and if you enlarge it, it messes with the pixels at times. I remember all of that! I got the game for my 8th birthday actually. The box was soo huge since it came with that player guide. And yeah! the scratch and sniff boss cards! I remember I used to carry around the Carbon Dog one because it smelled like mustard, lol. I remember at school, everyone was like "who is this ness character?" because of Super Smash Bros., so I had the privledge of showing them the greatest game ever, lol. I ended up letting my friend borrow my game and guide, but his baby sister got a hold of the guide and tore several pages out of it. Sad day for me. But yeah, I think you would enjoy the Mother 3 game. It still has it's occasional quirkiness in someplaces like EB, but it has a more serious tone compared to it. I'll let you play it to understand what I mean.
I'm juggling between Fallout 3 and Tales of Vesperia right now. ToV is a pretty much run-of-the-mill jRPG, with a bunch of neat little features that make the game surprisingly addictive for sure, while Fallout 3 is the most epic thing I have played in quite some time. So epic, that it seems to wear me out, lol. Also, since I am such a Earthbound fanboy, I downloaded the english patch that some translators just released a few weeks ago for the Mother 3 (aka EB2) game for the GBA. I've also been working on that too; fun game, but it doesn't quite have the same charm that Earthbound does. Not only all of that, but a friend of mine let me have his import game of initial D: street stage for my PSP, so now I'm totally hooked on that too....Too bad right at this time all the homework from my classes seems to be in overdrive mode atm. grrr.
Secret of Evermore eh? I never really could get into that game very much, the story I thought was pretty unique and good, but it just drove me away, no matter how much I wanted to love it, maybe it was because I spoiled myself too early by starting with SD3, idk though. As for SF, I ended up completing Emelia's and Red's scenarios, both ended up being pretty good overall, though Emelia's final boss was very tough, even with five 800+HP characters, but somehow I plodded on. Red's scenario was easy, and his bosses weren't too tough, just long fights. I started Blue's scenario a while back, but I haven't made much progress on it so far, now that I have new games to keep me occupied and such, but once I have those out of the way, I will set aside some time for it. It's definitely cool to get a character quest down, but it sucks starting a new one because of all the grinding you have to do all over again. Oh, and how is Infinite Undescovery going btw? I think after I complete Fallout 3 and Tales of Vesperia, I shall try that game out if it doesn't completely suck, I haven't heard anything about it though.
Why hello thar! How is Sarah 2.5 doing today?
Aww. I don't know where the time went. D: And yes, silly kitty. But I don't blame him though. You're so snuggable. Hee hee.
WARK! O_O Haha. =P
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