Ooh, I like them. Especially the cookie jar one. I'll be sure to add some, if not all of them. Also, I've not been on your page before. You have absolutely lovely hair. EDIT - Also, thank you for the picture comment. I'm proud of that skirt, I made it myself. And I wore it, if I remember correctly, with knee-high boots but with a wedge rather than a proper heel. Black leather ^^.
I could've sworn I read about it coming out on DVD somewhere... maybe it was on the IMDB message board, which wouldn't be very reliable, I suppose. I thought I saw it on Amazon too, though... oh well. Wuv, Yer Mom
I think I read that Daria is actually coming out on DVD. Like, season 1 or something. Now that I have it all on my 'puter... Oh well.
They often plan shit without me.
I think the reason companies are like that is because, when one hires someone who has a bunch of qualifications, when the hire-e does his/her job well, then the hirer may in fact lose his job to the one who's skills surpasses his. I think that makes sense, anyway
There is a plan?
That is totally up to you two. You guys won the bid, you get to decide.
Thanks, I got to have dreams of a fluffy white-and-black kitten dressed in assassin leathers because of this. I hope you're happy!
Hmm I get the "You look familar" thing alot but do you have msn?we can try to figure it out LOL
Your... assassin cat!? I... I will be sure the message gets across, Sa-rawr! I promise..! iwon'treallytellhimthatyousaidthatifyouarenotprivy toTHEPLANSthatyouwillcreepintoaholeinkansasand...i don'tknowwhereiwasgoingwiththisanymore. But I will shamelessly plug my homepage before saying I are going to bed! Feel free to add me to whatever IM program you use, or something. Or don't! ^_^
I know! I used to live there...! In a basement! MWAHAHA. It is very empty and lame and no hockey and kitties and not me anymore. :/! I really can't tell you about the conspiracy here though. Prying eyes will see! And then I'll lose my finger, like in Body of Lies. I really like my fingers, I think I should say. They're necessary for all sorts of things, like playing guitar, or video games, or writing, or... wearing rings! ALL KINDS OF STUFF.
I... I could live with a shaved head...! BUT YOU SHA'NT SHAVE THE C-ZAR'S HEAD. I CANNOT ALLOW IT... Instead I shall tie you up in... a basement in the middle of Kansas! NO ONE WILL EVER FIND YOU.
I....! No way! I could NEVER hand over the PLANS to the dastardly CONSPIRACY we are unleashing on THE FINAL FANTASY FORUMS. NOT EVEN UNDER PAIN OF DAIRY.
[THE PLAN] is going off without a hitch, you know. There's just going to be a--oshi I THINK THEY ARE ONTO US CESA--Sarawr are not Cesar. ~slinks away, clutching the conspiracy!~
Yes.. that's true.. so when I have the opportunity to go to other pLaces I aLways try to take a picture of it, the pLace..
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