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  1. View Conversation
    Civility is a facade. The only reason people think they need to be civil is because everybody is so insecure that anything that may be considered slightly offensive becomes severely offensive, even if it's hilarious. On the inside, absolutely nobody is civil. Anybody who thinks they're naturally civil is just a retard with a holier-than-thou attitude.

    I never realized how honest I could be. I feel like a hero. Preferably an American hero.
  2. View Conversation
    I liked it. Then again, I suck at shooters so most probably found it too easy. ^^;;
    Will check out your thread.
  3. View Conversation
    What's up with you lately? You've been getting uncharacteristically friendly with those moderator people. Is it some kind of rouse? Do you have some kind of coup de grace up your sleeve? You're planning a secession civil war type deal, right? Because if you are, I'm in.
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    My PS3 is usually quiet. ^^;
    If I have the Xbox running, I can hear it down the hall. Neither are as quiet as my PS2, so I use that for DVDs. xD

    Hey, that's cool. You'll have to post the designs/tattoo when they're done. =D
  5. View Conversation
    OH and I haven't been doing anything. I'm lame. Also I haven't played anything in a while. School just got out until fall session so now I'm starting to get back into it. I don't play too may of the newer games. I like to play older ones that I never got a chance to. The only semi new game I've played is Fallout.

    have you played Grandia II?
  6. View Conversation
    Thank youuu!

    I gave Alexis9000, or whatever his/her name is, the same vm too. One liners are just fine, but that topic in particular should drobably have a "why" because it's your fave character OF ALL TIME !!!! hahaha.
  7. View Conversation
    can do me a favor pweese? and maybe say "why" here:

    Just a little more por favor.

  8. View Conversation
    L.A. Noire is going very well. It's definitely well constructed and a lot of heart went into making it. Facial animations are spectacular. My only concerns with it is that accusing someone of telling a lie makes Cole (main guy) get a little violent to the point that it doesn't make sense (like: "Did you steal my pencil?" "No..." "YOU'RE ****ING LYING YOU SONOFABITCH. WHY ARE YOU HOLDING UP MY INVESTIGATION?!"), and that my PS3 does make some weird noises when playing it. xD

    No painkillers? =(
  9. View Conversation
    I was almost sure I saw a VM from you earlier... might've imagined it. xD;
    If I'm not, it's because I was busy and got caught up with dinner preparations, and then I got sucked into L.A. Noire. xD;

    How goes?
  10. View Conversation
    PS you should share your money wif mee since you make more

  11. View Conversation
    Yeah it's neutral. That person doesn't have enough posts to give credited reputation/thanks yet. It doesn't effect your current standing.

    I think it's 200 posts that's needed by the user, but I'm not for sure. I forgot haha.
  12. View Conversation
    Let me know if and when you have the money to get me other there, so I can be a kickboxer before becoming an old geezer. I'll sleep on someone's couch and mine for a while.
  13. View Conversation
    Dapto, known for it's large number of places serving/selling alcohol with slang like Dapto Briefcase recognised in a surprising number of areas referring to cheap wine casks and Dapto Dogs (Greyhound Racing). It's in NSW at the arse end of Wollongong, just above suburbs of Shellharbour.

    Melbourne's nice though, got some Vic relos that occasionally have functions at various establishments there. My only complaint was getting terrible (or no) phone reception in several parts.
  14. View Conversation
    ....Is that you ^^?
  15. View Conversation
    no kidding?! Wow I can not wait for this either

    besides P4, did you ever play any other SMT games? I have been also playing nocturne as of late, pretty fun and challenging game.
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