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    Yup! Me too It's really the best advice EVER!
  2. View Conversation
    Sweet. I can't believe I missed it. I've been driving around, just to find the stores
  3. View Conversation
    Where is that shop? I haven't been there yet. I'll definitely be getting her a lip piercing. Do they have a septum piercing? That'd be cool.
  4. View Conversation
    It's an outfit called '80's gone wrong', I don't think it was intended to be a lady gaga outfit, but that's what I thought of when I saw it. It's a pink dress and some weird pink hat that covers the face. My girl is 100% skinny, but she still has an ass though. What hair style? I've got black hair in butterfly clip style. I made the clips black so it just looks like black hair. I don't really like the hair styles they have. Is that jacket the purple Saints one? I've got that one too. And the Saints kicks. They're awesome. My girl has more of a punk style.
  5. View Conversation
    Hmmm I'm not good with coming up with names. I keep changing my characters outfit all the time. I think it's 'cause I'm a girl. She's currently wearing that corset with a coat, tight black pants and hot boots. And she now has a chest tattoo. My boyfriend thinks I'm a lesbian because I called her a sexy bitch on Facebook? *sigh* I'm disappoined that you can't make your boobs, like Shaundi's. And if you make your boobs the biggest they can go, it just makes you fat you can dress up like Lady Gaga too but I'm not interested in that.
  6. View Conversation
    And yet, you were going to be part of it. I only got picked because you turned it down.
  7. View Conversation
    Why do you feel like you're in a cuckoo clock?
  8. View Conversation
    I only just started playing yesterday. I've done 12 missions so far. There is a lot to do! I love that Professor Genki activity. So fun. I'll take a picture and put it up here when I can. I'm on my phone so the picture doesn't come up very well. I need to hurry up and go to the shops so I can get back and play and hopefully I can squeeze in a nap!
  9. View Conversation
    I got Saints Row The Third! It's funny how the boobs jiggle when you move. Oh and nut shots! I'm loving it.
  10. View Conversation
    LOL, I don't know how I'd feel about my arm being quite that size. Thank you, phoenixes are my favorite in the mythical creatures category. The meaning of them is also very personal, but most tattoos are (at least the good ones). I actually hadn't imagined having them be in the oriental style that they were drawn in, the artist completely shocked (and thrilled) me when he showed me the original sketch before it went from paper to skin. It was worth every penny, I really really want more, but I lack the funds currently. However, I'm full of ideas haha.

    You should share a pic of yours! Do you have anymore or is that your only one? (Yup, my piece is my first and only at the moment.)
  11. View Conversation
    I'll be honest. It's a damn fine suit. It makes you look like a big deal
  12. View Conversation
    Awesome. The trailer looks really good. That's why I like Saints Row, 'cause I can be a chick. I'm getting it on PS3. Is the pc version better? Or are they the same? My boyfriend and I always end up giving each other our presents before Christmas. Lol. We're going to try really hard this year not to.
  13. View Conversation
    Haha I know a lot of people playing it but I haven't even seen game-play yet. I was told it's like Grand Theft Auto style but cooler.

    I'm probably going to get my own copy of dark Souls within the next two weeks, but from what I've heard from people I know, the game is actually less difficult than Demon's Souls. I get a lot of "It's cheap" (as in the difficulty),but I have yet to know what that means. I'm guessing it just means that the enemies are more of assholes in this one and maybe the game has made it a point to make that apparent. Demon's Souls on the other hand IS hard but every one of my 123,444,554,455,44 death's have been fair imo. I guess I'll get to judge for myself when I play.
  14. View Conversation
    Mmmm profit... lol. Yeah it's probably better to build your own place, that way it hasn't been lived in. I will probably only ever buy a house if I win money. Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? Not long to go. What will Santa be getting you this year? I'm hoping to get a futon or a ghd. Maybe Skyrim? I'm going to buy Saints Row The Third this weekend, only if it's $80 or less though.
  15. View Conversation
    I guess it just depends on what you prefer really. I didn't know there was a difference between "hot" and "beautiful". I thought "hot" was just one of the markers on the beauty scale. Anyway, when it comes to music, I don't go for looks, I am more interested in the voice. I think the only female singer that I would ever be attracted to would be Rainie Yang from Taiwan. Or Chloe Agnew from Ireland, but she's a few years younger than I'd like. Rainie, however, is a few years older than I am (I think).
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