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    Not to mention an idiot, but you know. Thanks for the thanks lol What's new with you?
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    Just finished college for the summer the other day, so I've a load of time on my hands, battled through some dodgy exams, .. yea I might do another cover of a solo or somethin,
    ah crap thats a shame.. have a look at those m-audio fast tracks, pretty cheap and versatile
    any news lately your side a town??
  3. View Conversation
    I dunno, it just seems a little petty. The idea of making a thread only to shed light upon some quotes you don't like, then having it closed before the subject even has a chance to respond? I would figure that it would backfire -- instead of you making somebody else look stupid, it would make you look immature and childish. That's my take on it, at least -- if you actually disagree with somebody, either engage in an open forum or deal with them directly, but don't try to attack them in front of everybody and then retreat before they get a chance to address you.
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah, I love No Country for Old Men.

    And I like my all white profile.
  5. View Conversation
    Actually interested. Did you actually make a post to discuss ... anything? Or did you just try to do the whole "hahahah, look, this guy are dumb, I so smarter lol"?
  6. View Conversation
    haha your an absolute BOSS!
  7. View Conversation
    Yeah, the instant shift to the black screen does give way to a lot of different theories. If you want to go the other way, there is endless symbolism to say that he died, even going as far as incorporating titles of episodes with events.

    It's something like "Tony gets shot in an episode called Members Only, and there's a guy wearing a Members Only jacket, so clearly it's a sign he's gonna die"
  8. View Conversation
    Haha no more bipolar than Toowoomba.
  9. View Conversation
    ahahhaha. thnx. I'll try not to OD on the awesomeness to come (no guarantees tho)
    what other shows you like to watch?
  10. View Conversation
    i knooooow, RIGHT?! i just started watching the second season. O. M. Gggggg Krycek (is that how you spell it??) is sooo evil O_O
  11. Oh haha, I just recently had my hair almost the exact same, but flipped. Had it all red with a with a little black.
  12. Is your avatar your current hair colors?
  13. Really nice! James Earl Jones wow even his name sounds regal! Also im sure i watched an national geographic documentary with him doing the voiceover
  14. View Conversation
    If its in the FFVII forum then no I don't. I only mod gen chat, ID and members buisness. Out side those three I am reletivly powerless. Do a post report on the original post and it be sent to the mod of that forum. If there is no mod it will be sent to an s mod. Ask for it to be deleted or the content will be viewable if it is just closed.
  15. Hello, if you still have it, could you send me the AC Mod for FF7?
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