How's it goin' plugger? It's heating up now, it's 32 degrees today!
Yeah I stopped watching Masterchef after the first series I used to watch Survivor too but it sucks now as well, they have to resort to bringing in old players to revive the series.
Well the judges have minimal talent themselves, so it's no surprise they chose really shitty talent. I hate these reality shows, mainly because once they make one, they just churn them out every year and it becomes really mediocore. Junior Masterchef started again last night, I really wish these chef people, would just cook something normal But these kids are pretty great though, they can cook better than some adults
Its hilarious, even some of the finalists suck to me.
Did you watch The X Factor audition, with the guy whose mum said, 'You should've sung, 'What About Me?' Hahahahaha, hilarious. Yeah lady, it was the song choice, not the fact that your son can't sing. Aww poor guy. But seriously, what is with these people who think they are the best singers ever, but they actually suck really really badly?!
This weekend girl actually it started at the start of the week. Yeah for sure kiss some babies and stuff
When is that? I probably won't be lol. Sounds nice though. Would be a great place to get your KRudd on, get a few more likes in the polls
Coming up for the carnival of flowers?
Hehehehe KRudd. Love it.
Urgh it is still cold typical f'n South east queensland as if we didn't get enough of winter why not give us more. How is life down the range?
Yeah it is freezing atm i think it will be like this for a few days
I'm not a anything man. I'm not a drinker You're from Qld right? Is it cold where you're at? Because it is quite chilly here. The news said there would be a cold snap and they were right for once.
Haha I am more of a beer man myself
Lol. Pretty expensive solution to get them to sleep. Unless you make your own. My mother loves rum. I'd swear she has rum in her veins, instead of blood
Helps them go to sleep hahahaha just kidding.