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    Dude I know. I always like the pictures of me that I didn't take. I always feel super homo taking my own which is why I hardly keep pictures up on anything. Everyone who I talk to knows what I look like, so I'd feel silly having tons of pics of myself haha.
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    LOL what is going on omg.
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    Twitter yersh.

    But shit you can send me those too. Haha Jk
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    Oh and yes..yes I have
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    Cool, what kind?
    I have a highway one there, with a matt sunburst finish and the 70s headstock
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    On my sexy meter you rate 10.
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    Yeah if your ex really still has feelings for you, it'll totally suck for her to be away that long knowing that your hanging out with someone else. Not fun.
    And haha. hellz no. Men are far too delicious.

    Long hair is sexy the majority of the time. Tell Brett that I told you to ask him about his model hair.

    I haven't seen your long hair. Pics! also, I think Alpha looks awesome with his hippie hair haha I keep telling him to grow it out again.

    I on the other hand need a trim. I realized this when my hair got caught in the seat belt buckle.
  9. View Conversation
    Ohh yeaah. Well If you guys are already broken up it might be something she (ur ex in Africa) needs to deal with. I think telling them is a good idea, but if I were your ex I would prefer to be told when I got back. At the same time, if you feel like you really like this girl then you should let ur ex know asap. It sucks being the last one to find out if you're the first one that should know (if that makes sense), so my suggestion is to tell her now.

    Love is treating me silly-like. I'm super busy and I haven't really been like physically attracted to anyone for a while. It kinda sucks. I had a thing with one of my co workers at my old job but I decided not to go there. It's kinda hard for me actually because I'm having mixed emotions.

    And yes. I have a Twitter.. And a Tumblr.. And a Facebook
  10. View Conversation
    Oh really? and who might those be?
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    Okay, same rituals everyday but I'm faring well. I DO wish though, that I lived some place that offered free health insurance atm :/ California fails there *sigh*

    How are you??
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    I'm not sure. If it's not Winston, it might be that explanation of Newspeak written by Orwell. It's like 30 pages at the end of my edition.
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    *Re-reads*... yes you do. haha

    Eventhough I've been busy,which has kept me from going on as much, I've lost interest in it because people just don't talk anymore. There really aren't any convos like before. It's kind of like when you text someone and then they reply an hour later and the conversation has already died haha.

    I only actively talk to Brett on msn and nix when he's online (which is rare). Oh and Alpha--gotta have my daily dose of Richie , but I haz them on fb too.

    I haven't downloaded the new msn on my computer because I formatted, and I still need some updates in order to install it. I usually just sign on from my phone (when I do go on).

    I noticed you were missing in action for a while there haha.
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Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good


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05-07-2016 01:22 AM
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06-27-2018 01:37 AM
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