Good for you Im also pretty good but just very bored..Im looking for a job cause this boredom is killing me !
Hello there buddy.
Hey, the concert turned out GREAT! I did what you told me to and at the end of the face got painted like Gene Simmons lol but yeah, how was your night?
Ok there is one thing, How can i go about get a sig and avi shop? I dont know if im good enough yet, but maybe you could give your opinion? THanks
oh yeah! This girl that I am going with wants me to wear all black, but I don't have any black pants or shirts, so what would you suggest?
Haha nice yeah i know what you mean about c sections missus had two with each pregnancy, she had no say because the twins were in icky positions and they did them 1month premy and then because the next was so close and they were a bit iffy about her scar rupturing if she tried to go natural so they did another for our youngest. The twins are three in about a months time, Braelyn is throwing unbelievable tantrums to the extent where he bites and hits himself (sounds a bit like daddy) its just crazy but when he has his good times he is so cute and such an angel, Bella has become the bossy older sister it is so funny hearing her tell the others to what to do she is constantly getting up them. Work is great getting busy with the onset of spring and summer and to add onto that we have two new buildings going in yah fun fun. We have just sorted out our back room because we just had a garden shed put in so we can get some of the stuf out of the house and we have changed the sleeping arrangements both girls sleep in the same room and Brae has a room to himself but his room is also the play room so that should suit him to the T lol anyway we will see how that works out haha
there's a guest randomly reading how to get un banned from a forum. Coincidence?
Who ya warnin? =P
yeah I'm not much of a drinker really, I will drink like maybe once or twice a year. Oh my mom got me Kiss concert tickets for FREEEEEE!
S'up Meier ? Hows life?
Hey. I noticed your nomination for Biggest Fangirl/fanboy. Doodie? Could you please correct that typo? It's a tad embarrassing...
I will, but only because it's you.
I just got lunar in the mail today~
Errrrm, I just read the message, but. You had nothing in the inspiration. It was inspired by Citizens of Chaosthroph: Chronicals of Chaosthroph. I did not realize about any infringement. If there was an infringement then I aplogize. I ope you don't mind that I deleted the discussion. It's a forum game.
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Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.