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  1. hi mier link,whats your favorite final fantasy game?
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    *Sighs* The Job Search is draining me, I've been searching for months and probarly applied to over 100 jobs >< I feel so drained.
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    Whats sup Meier? How's life been treating ya?
  4. been quite boring, stuck at work for another 3 hours. ready to go home and crash out for the night, to bad its only noon here haha. how has yours been?
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    *laughs* I bet!

    Anyways, hows your days been?
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    Nothing. I can be quite inconspicuous at times. Blend into my surroundings and vanishing like a Ninja. Hence, not so noticeable.

    So, you're forgiven. Becoming a friend now has cleansed you of your sin.

    Dang...I tried to post this before, but it stuck on me...
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    Your just really clever ain't ya!

    And no, i'm not obsessed! I'm really not - would it have been any better if it had been you that i picked lol?
  8. i figure theres so much of the town that hasnt been used and so much that is actually blocked off or "locked" that they can keep using the city, i am just not sure how much more they can use / alter the story line with out screwing it up. then again they could go 2 or 4 style and kind of stay away from the alysa story. theres still alot that can be done though
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    And yeah, very true. I'm wondering if Silent Hill will go on for as long as Final Fantasy or something. A part of me would love to see an abittoir in a forest off Silent Hill. I don't know if that sounds a bit like one of those lame Western movies like the newer Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but if it was changed around and made into a creepier place... I could definately see that having some potential.

    In 0riginis there's a butcher shop, but I don't think it really has the full affect of an actual slaughterhouse.
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    Yeah... there's masses of information you can learn about. I wish that you could discover more of the towns' information in game, though, rather than from that massive book Konami released. I want that book so bad. I'd eat a chipmunk for it! Well...maybe not, but I'd look after a chipmunk for it.
  11. View Conversation
    I knew a lot of that, most of it, but I love the way the author worded it. Such an excellent usage of vocabulary. Thanks for that!
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    You know it man. We shall dominate the world and give judgement on people.

    [I saw your thread in the TFF Fam Section. I'll get to it in a bit. ]
  13. haha i know the L2 swings the camera but it doesnt always work correctly sometimes when used it will swing 180 and then it will automaticly swing again if your char is out of the angel so your back to where you began (camera facing backwards). i like the camera controal / aiming system on RE4, i just felt more in control.

    BTW i usually dont drink much anymore but i was using it to cope with physical pain haha
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    It's one of the R or L buttons at the top of the controller. I never usually had too many problems with the camera angles. Although, I don't really agree much with alcohol, so I don't drink. This could be why, hah.
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    I think Silent Hill 3's gameplay is probably the easiest, but possibly the funnest. Although I think that if Silent Hill 1 was revamped and modernized with newer graphics, it'd be the most terrifying (it's bewtween that and 4 imo). The music is certainly the most disturbing, following by Silent Hill 3. Silent Hill 2, 4's and 0rigins soundtracks were more haunting than frightening. And yeah, in Silent Hill 2, the Mary/Maria boss at the end dies all by herself if you just run around randomly without hitting her. Wow, tough. And aye, Silent Hill 4: The Room was tough with Eileen... especially if you wanted to get the good ending, which requires her to be pretty much scratchless.
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About Meier Link

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Date of Birth
April 4, 1982 (42)
About Meier Link
Yup I am that guy. Single father with full custody of my 2 amazing boys, Breyen and Aaden.
Broken Arrow, OK
Paintball, videogames, my girl thats 440 miles away, family, and good movies
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Reflecting on lifes lessons.
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