Hola! I've been joined the Umbrella Corporation! I have put in 3 pic of the game of mine! Having fun with the other game? Have beaten ''The Emperor'' Yet?
Wow, you hardly even seem drunk! Guess years of practice payed off!
You say that you're drunk? I'm impressed that someone can type this well when they're drunk... Wow, you must have a strong brain that still keeps connected even when drinking...
Whoa you are starting a Resident Evil Group without me! Can I join, I want to talk about EVIL CORPORATE ZOMBIES!
Well thats good i am glad you got to spend time with him thats good to hear i am sure he enjoyed spending time with dad as mine do, they like to wrestle me haha
All right, a little than the little more than a little!
No, I will not admit that it is hilarious! Fine, maybe a little!
haha well in that case HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!! to you haha i hope you had/have a good day and got pancakes in bed or something like that i don't know i do so i hope you get something special haha.
Yes, I have. And it's got to do with a non-existent social group; there is nothing about FaRaKi there.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Besides, it's FaRaKi that will dominate all Hahahahahahaha, *cough cough* No, I really am sick. It sucks.
I don't think the rain is going to help the pollen and mold problem. It'll probably just make it worse, especially when it finally stops raining. I'd love to trade weather with you, especially if it became dry enough to kill all the mold. It's times like this where I wish I lived in a desert.
Check the ninth post in this thread: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forums/ge...imination.html
I'm a little bit sick, actually. Been raining here for at least two months nonstop now. Sinuses are seriously ****ed up, but I'm getting better.
Hey, so you have thought about that comment that I made.
How are you doing?
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Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.