Once everyone has put their signatures in, I'll put the polls up. I think I might cut it off at what it's at right now. 10's enough I think. The maximum polls we can have is 15.. but it doesn't look like anyone else is signing up.
Lol,well shes the one who said i probably should go to the hospital,my symptoms are like appendicitis but my blood work was all normal so they did a CT scan and it showed swollen lymph nodes. But all the females in my family had their appendix out in october so that was another reason hehe
when i was admitted they gave me morphine then he prescribed me some med and my mom said its the same as advil lol so ive been taking advil,my moms a nurse so i trust her
Yea,i was in the hospital last monday mom thought i had appendicitis but i actually have swollen lymph nodes so ive been a bit sock and really tired and some pain in my abdominal area which sucks but yea..hopefully it will go away soon
Im good,just been working and sleeping LOL
Hey how you been?
Naah.. I'm just kidding.. :-)
Yah.. I stayed.. u don't Like? I couLd go anytime..
I was kidding around.
Im back Meier Link... it was a long time since we had an nice talk tougeter... it would be nice to see you again... from the one and only Xanthos!
Thanks for the rep! Lol I was going to say that I take gil and +rep as bribes but I didn't want to come out all high and mighty. It's been kinda hard deciding which two groups might become eliminated though.. I think myself and Govinda have reached a decision, so we'll see how it plays out later tonight.
fair enough
Join him on his last day before matrimony grabs him by the balls. If you have any questions or concerns or drink recommendations, contact Fish Kelish at 555-7859.
haha, well in my defense, i'm more of a veteran tff than you! zomg..i win! ..again
About the wedding, yes it was. However, one of the main stars of the show cannot make it. Therefore the wedding has been delayed for now.
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Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
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