Of course I'm not gone O_O! I'm back now <333333 *Huggles* And Photoshop makes it alot easier x3
But I did block out the sun once!
Did you know that I once blocked out the sun for a few months? That's what started the Ice Age, you know?
Yes, which also comes to prove... how gullible you are!
Of course it does!^^
No, because although people refuse to believe that I am revered, they still, deep down, revere me!
See? And remember to tell him that, too. (For some reason, you seem to be the only person to believe me!)
Uh, do not listen to that man. I am, in fact, very highly revered!
No fate isn't revered
Good job! But be warned: I may be young, but I am highly revered! At least I think I am!
Jumping offline for a second but ill be back in a minute. Be right back!
You're suppose to reply like this: "What? You're even younger than me!"
Meep! *Huggles* I'm okay! Back from hospital x3 So thats good to be out of there... And of course I could try and teach you :3 Do you have photoshop? :3
Geez, you're pretty young...
whoa...huggle overkill much?
Dark Knight
...means nothing to no way
Registered User
Asking all the personal questions.
Amor fati.