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    Excellent plan! You are a smart one you are.
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    Hahaha, have you heard of the songs on Nightmare Revisited of The Nightmare Before Christmas? I like Sally's Song a lot, mostly because Amy Lee sings it. xD

    Or telekinesis, right? =P Gas stations are great, because they sell things that you usually have to buy in packs separate. Although, speaking in general if you add the price of the single thing up to the whole pack, it'd be more, it's nice when you just want one thing. =3
    Haha, nothing popular or famous, I mean. xD We don't get many tourists here, really. In fact, the city name is almost unheard of. Actually, I don't mind it so much. I can deal with it as long as I don't accidentally swallow it. I have such bad gag reflexes.
    I love Hot Cheetos a lot. =D Hahaha, yeh, you thought I ate moldy cheese in its entirety? I may be slow and kind of stupid, but I'm really picky with food (especially disgusting things).

    I don't know if I can still remember how to use the N64 controller. Haha. xD
    Naw, I don't like that title. =P Makes me sound conceited, so just Sneakster Fate!
    Haha, I love how literal you urn things. xD

    You don't want to hear ANYMORE, or you don't want to hear ANY MORE? Because you said the former, meaning you want to lose the sense of hearing altogether? =P Me and my grammar. Loool. Although, I love Rattata. ^.^
    Hahaha, I'm not sure how good a pet he makes, but hey, he's stuck as a cow now.
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    ... but she fell too, except she tumbled, making her look really stupid, I don't think you can plan that... unless she pushed a dummy down and walked down afterwards...
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    ... Ah, all better... wait... I'M NOT A PIRATE ANYMORE! WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!

    Well, I suspect that Jack died instintaniously, while Jill just sat there twiddling her thumbs...
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    You LIKE the Disney songs? =O The only one I like is Just Keep Swimming. XD

    Haha, well, you blew up my battleship with your mind, I guess. You have to go farther away for an inexpensive coffee that tastes better? Sheesh.
    Mine has nothing, to be honest. =P Naw, just medicine, sleep, saltwater, and tea. =3
    You don't like chips? Heh, I love chips. ^_^Though, I can't stand salt and vinegar. Sour cream and onion is delish, though! Haha, it was a weird Jelly Belly flavors bag, so I knew what I was eating. There was also skunk spray and pencil shavings that I ate.

    OMG, I looked through my N64 games the other day, and it turns out I do have Super Paper Mario. I just never knew. =3
    Naw, even better! 8D Traps via the Sneakster Fate~
    This is gonna drive us to Hell and back. Dx

    Haha, or maybe the farmers that get to keep the rats they find living in the ground that break their necks, cook them, skin them, and then eat them like that?
    Because I called him MooMoo! xD I forget why, but that's what he's staying as: my pet cow. =P
  6. View Conversation
    Aye, Aye believe ye, now use yer magic powers and revive me!

    I'm too lazy to make something up, so Ahem... Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.
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    Well, that be because Aye be trying to annoy ye! NAY! Yer blade plundered me, so yer blade Aye shall haunt!

    Lol, its quite the creepy story... but, I don't know any good stories...
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    ...Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I may be dead, but me voice shall haunt ye forever!

    Well, Kid 1 really liked pokemon, so he dressed up as a pokemon trainer for halloween. Kid 2, predicting that the kid would dress up like that, brought a mudkip. At school, Kid 2 saw Kid 1 in the hallway and asked how much did Kid 1 like pokemon. Kid 1 said he liked them very much. Kid 2 then preceded to ask Kid 1 if he liked pokemon so much that he would f**k his Mudkip. Kid 1 did it. and thus the term "so I herd joo liek Mudkipz" was born.
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    Never said it couldn't be. But I have to find out if your stalking me first.
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    You haven't heard the story of the kid who really, REALLY, liked Mudkips?
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    Me and my ice cream obsession! =D The only thing that'd make it better is if we were listening to some gothic rock! ^.^

    Hahaha, let's play Battleship, Shiny! You sunk my battleship~ xD What? Five dollars for a small coffee? They're insane...seriously. >>
    My city is so hardly known it's not even on the cities for weather forecast. =P Yeah, it isn't the flu, I'm sure. =) I couldn't sleep at night (hardly) for like two days, but that's passed now. I can sleep again, and I'm barely coughing.
    Hahaha, but expired just means it doesn't taste as good, not that it's inedible. Except sour milk and moldy cheese. I ate a moldy cheese Jelly Belly once, and I almost hrew up. ><

    *jumps* BOOM! Dead... What rating did that game get, anyway? A lot of criticism?
    Haha, and you leave the traps to me! xD
    Oh, God, I wanna remember that character who tried to act all noble and fancy, but I just CAN'T! =O I wanna know! ='(

    Or maybe the people in the woods that raise goats and respsect them, but also shoot them in the neck with arrows so blood spills out and drinks it raw like that, saying if you wait the blood will thicken and become undrinkable?
    Thankies! ^_^ He's my pet cow. =P
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    OK! Give me a while!

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    Yeah! I need new underwear now! xD *huggles* <3 Yeah, I don't even like the taste of alcohol... it's pretty bad so you won't have to worry about that, Sis! =D

    I miss him, too! No, I didn't look back! I promise. You were talking about how you wished medicine would taste better then I talked to you. I said that I wanted a gold sticker or something in your book of friends. I mistook you for a guy! xD AWESOME! I'm gonna know your name, I'm gonna know your name, I'm gonna know your name~! =) Love you!
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    I might post a pic if you want. Same here

    Fine by me! Lemme know when you're done!
  15. View Conversation
    'Sall right A new bike, and my PS3 was an early gift, + a Darth Maul cake and Rocky Road Ice cream.

    LOL, did it work? You can tell me when again.
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I eat faces.
Gensokyo. It is a silly place.
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IX, X and XII.
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04-13-2012 09:07 AM
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