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    and you owe me 89 and 1/2 pushups! lol
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    I don't especially care. Just a place indoors with A/C, and reasonable hours.
    Personally, I think the sixth one is the hardest. Not only is it tough to get to the end with the key in hand, but catching the emerald is annoying because it moves so fast, and there are way a lotta spikes. The final portion is basically just a small part where you fight the final boss. No bonus stage, just a long, drawn-out battle in two main phases.
    Actually, it is. The difficult has been improved, and plenty of normal enemies will give you a hard time. Still, I never once saw the Game Over screen, so if you can keep up with the game, you should be fine.
    Broccoli. I know its supposed to taste like dirt and all, but it has a taste I was not expecting, and I actually can't describe it.
    Death lists?
  3. View Conversation
    No! I had to spite ewe! plus alchemy is wayyyyy cooler lol
  4. View Conversation
    Fine... *Catches it*
    There we go!

    First Person shooter definitely! RPGs come second
    Gattling Nuke Gun FTW!
    Freddy's glove!

    What's your favorite smiley?
    What's your favorite food (Non-desert)
    What's your favorite Desert?
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    Good to see you noticed! =)

    Yeah, and even I remember it! I have all three on DVD. But, if you use screamo. It'll be drilled into your mind until you're a lifeless doll and the pictures go away! But, so does all your self-control...

    Oh, all right! You mean you had a HM-slave and you may have had a Pokémon like my Gengar which takes out all the Elite Four! /Bigheaded Hahaha! I get it! You have the crappy version of Pokémon SoulSilver! xP Fire Fang is a bad move but the most useless move is Splash! I hate Magikarp so much... =( Why does it turn into something good?
    But, it's a cute likkle Togipi! ='(
    I'll give pink a chance when you give blue a chance! xD
    Oh, me, too! Everyone already thinks I'm weird and others call me gay. ='( Can't a guy make cute jokes?

    I'm a very picky eater! It's probably because my mum can't cook. xD But, you eat anything? Hehehahahoho... and I thought my tastes were bad! (Points for the reference!)
    To be perfectly honest, no!

    It's a happy cake because it's called a cake and cake to me means happy, okay? I mean, if you look up happy in the dictionary, you'll find cake and be next to it!

    I knew it! God, I'm so smart! Give me one, brah!
  6. View Conversation
    I used alchemy and made it a jello blob lol
  7. View Conversation
    Which is why its so frustrating. >.<
    I just used Team Rose to get them all. Their levels are easier, so its not hard to get through a stage without taking damage or dying. The last stage is difficult no matter which team it is, though. IIRC, there's a final portion of the game if you collect all seven chaos emeralds.
    He really captured the spirit of Kefka, which I enjoyed. James sounded a bit different here, though. Then again, I suppose voices do change over time. Yuri Lowenthal sure sounded different than when he did Cecil in FFIV DS.
    Maybe I'll have shrimp instead?
    Pens for me. They are mightier than the sword, after all.
  8. View Conversation
    Catch it first. Then we'll split the posion from all of the spiders!

    XII is the only one I've ever traded in!
    No! (I'll take his void though ) But it sounds VERY COOL! (Or, on second thought, if I may change my answer, the power to control Dreams like Freddy Krueger!)

    What's your favorite Genre of game?
    If you could create a weapon, what would it be?
    If you could have one weapon from one movie, what would it be?
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    Heh, Halloween is tops for me!
    Just watched Zombieland, 10/10!

    Black. Final Fantasy XII! The power to summon, shape, and all-round control the void!
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    I might just have to watch them all. Getting a job where I am is apparently quite difficult.
    Haha. Maybe you wouldn't have missed THAT game, though. xD
    I thought it was awesome, and I totally made Firion one of my mains because. I sometimes get stuck between the two pronounciations, too. Zidane's took me by surprise as well. They also said Cecil's pronounciation in FFIV DS. That's how I knew beforehand.
    But they're squishy...
    Looks like it.
  11. View Conversation
    I'm back! Probably didn't notice that I went but it's finally time to reply to your VM!

    You should remember! I think that every person your age has seen Goldmember and I'm really sorry that I got that image into your head! Just block it out with some screamo. I mean, screamo's terrible but at least the image goes away, huh?

    Yeah, how do you switch a dragon team? Even with pseudo-dragons like Gyarados, there's probably about 10? I'm not really sure! Yeah, they do cheat because I noticed when I was double-teaming with Gold against the Champion and Gym Leader. Flygon is outrageously awesome! But, the problem is that all dragon types have a lot of amazing tutor moves and I don't have Heart Scales. ='( Houndoom is good but I noticed that he has poor attack making moves like Crunch and Fire Fang hardly take damage! Togetic's in my Hall of Fame, too!
    Oh, you terrible little woman! >=(
    Yeah, I guess I could let them into my favourites... someday.
    Oh, you're using luff, luff?

    Oh, they aren't that big... and I've noticed that you eat anything, don't you?
    How the heck did you guess?

    But cake can't be sad! It's a bit of an oxymoron as I think cake means happy!

    Ha! You ish tiny! xD Oh, my God! You shoved me away for brownies! I bet it had hash in it, didn't it?!
    We have no idea... xD
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    Back, back, back, back, back? =D <3

    Aww, yayzles! =D I've been craving them for a while now. x3
    Yep, under a purple sky! 8D That's why it's better that you don't share cotton candy and just tear it with your hands on the stick. xD
    Are you good at arm-wresting? =3 I think he'll crush us both with four fingers. x3 You know, now you have me wishing I've been in an abandoned house once, just for the experience, sensation, and fun of retelling it.

    Oh, my God, that's the most monotonous thing I've ever heard! XD Honestly, I'm surprised they even publish it. And, if you look at the links to other dare they put Infinite Undiscovery in there as bad voice-acting? =O
    Yep, yep, yep! =D We'll be rich before you know, you'll see~! Then we'll buy a private jet, fly over to England, and we'll have a nice new happy family. =D
    Naw, they never said what he is, but on the official site (before they replaced the pronoun with "it"), Leo was referred to as a boy. =3 But really, Leo looks like a boy.

    Thankies~! =D I don't like limiting myself with those borders, so I break freeeeeeeeee. =)
  13. View Conversation
    *steals ande eats whistle* XP
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    Halloween! Bionicle: The Legend Reborn. Not shabby! I fight for Chaos!
  15. View Conversation
    I don't think so. The game is set-up so that there are a multitude of ways to go about it. There's supposed to be a better ending for Jayden if you do it differently. There's even one ending which explains where the game title comes from. (No big spoiler, Madison writes a book on her investigation on the Origami killer, and she called it Heavy Rain, and it was a bestseller, because she was signing autographs at a book store. But to get that ending, everyone but Madison and Shaun have to die.) I think there's even an ending where everyone dies, including Shaun, and the Origami killer is on the streets again. But, I would think the ending I saw is close to the best ending, because it resolves all the issues, and the mystery is solved, and all the characters get a proper ending. Still, play the game, it looks fantastic, brilliant for what it tries to accomplish. Sorry for the semi-essay here.
    I once loaned Kingdom Hearts to my neighbor. And now that I think on it, that's why I didn't play it for a year, I forgot it! When I talked to him, he said he that he beat it, and wasted a month of so on it. He also kept it in a nice case and was wondering when I'd ask for it back. xD That was nice of him, though.
    Riposte is GOOD for critical hits. All you have to do it stagger your opponent, by guarding. That's why its so important. At level 100, you can easily deal 2000 or so damage with a single counter and HP attack. Yeah, the story is definitely the weakest entry in the series, but I didn't really pay attention to it. It was nice to finally hear our characters talking for once than read a text box. (Johnny Young Bosch for Firion!!!) I also finally learned how to pronouce Ultimecia, Zidane, and Tidus. I was mixed after hearing KH1's and KH2's pronounciation of Tidus. Although I slightly like Tie-dus better than Tee-dus. The gameplay is like 99% of the game for me.
    But they're hard...
    The guy was trying to drill-rape Madison. o__O
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I eat faces.
Gensokyo. It is a silly place.
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IX, X and XII.
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