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    Nah, you didn't offend me. You might have offended Beetlejuice, but I doubt he reads TFF. I just like messing with you.

    And I want to go into film journalism, you know, criticism and stuff.

    It's great that you get to do what you're passionate about for a living. What do you play? We should get together and jam sometime.
  2. View Conversation
    xD Piano? Nay, it'd be you playing the sexy music in this piece. I wouldn't mind leaning to play sometime.

    Oh! Being drunk is actually fun! I've been drinking once or twice in the past month or so, and it was pretty baller.

    This is the first game I've actively hunted achievements in! I think probably because I know I can attain them all with nothing but time XD
  3. View Conversation
    Lol the jeep isn't for me to drive, it's for Her to drive. As ar as the bass, I just have a no-name brand for now, but I've been playing for about two months or so. I don't have quite as much time to practice as I'd like though.

    I've been playing the hell out of FF13 when I get a chance, mostly just going back and getting the last few achievements that I missed.

    But what have YOU been up to, Miss Aimee?
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    Good to hear, working sucks but gotta do it right? lol. I am in the course Visual Communications, it revolves around, Photoshop, animation, 3d After that I'll probably go back and take Game Design, we'll see though.

    Yeah every time someone makes a great RP idea, the prepping goes well, then once it starts it's like everyone procrastinates...maybe if there was way more people participating they would get farther. We can only hope right? Time for me to head out. ttyl
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    Work and school. Work isn't much but it's something and it doesn't get in the way of school so it's nice. School is alright, I still am getting the hang of it since I hated school back in High School. My math skills are coming back though

    Other then that, I go to Oregon today, Gramma's Memorial. So I'll be in such a cooler place this weekend, get out of this heat! I started to write some things with me and my friend so I'll stop being MIA on some RPs and get something up.

    How are you? Having a good time I hope!
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    Well, I was planning on a volkwagen golf tdi, good mileage, cheap price, reliable, etc. But I just found out today that either I'm signing an auto loan for a jeep for my mother, or she's taking back my current transport that she pays on, and i'll be having to figure out how to get to work. Other than work pretty much all I do is occasionally play FF and guitar hero, and practice bass guitar. But seriously, that's like it xD
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    What if I told you that's me in my avatar , you don't think I'm sexy?

    Teaching music sounds like fun. I originally started out college wanting to go into education, but decided against it. Right now I'm going for degrees in Journalism and film studies.
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    State-wise, I'm north of the border, in the horrendously boring Canadian province of Manitoba. =P

    Work's been alright. It's work, what can I say? Some good days, some bad days, not getting payed enough, haha. You know how it is. As for gaming, I'm currently waiting for the holiday rush, so I've just been playing a bit of catch-up. Right now I'm in the middle of Yakuza 3 and Peace Walker. Unfortunately, they're both really meaty games, so I doubt I'll finish them by the time the October rush hits, which is a shame as they're both heavily story driven and I'll likely forget what's going on by the time I get back to then, but oh well. What about you? What are you playing?

    You need to get call display that can block numbers then block her before you go to bed. 1 sure way to get a sleep uninterrupted by mama-stalkers...unless she's one of those resourceful stalkers...>.> As for me, I just feel it's time to move out. I'm 22 already and it has to happen eventually. I figured I should start trying to work towards it now, while I'm taking a year off school. Trying to "grow up" a bit, as it were, whatever that's supposed to mean. That and parents can be quite aggravating at times, haha.

    That 14 year old has impeccable taste, I must say. I do think he's right in his assessment . Sorry to hear that your fun game night has dissolved into a night of passive social networking. That's a shame. Maybe you can still get drunk and screw around with your friend's Facebook account? I bet that'd be fun too.
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    I'm back in school now, and I quit my job recently, so I've actually been able to enjoy weekends for a while until I start looking for a new job.

    What do you do for a living, if you don't mind me asking?
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    I've just pretty much been working, and starting to save money to get a car and move the hell out. ^^
  11. View Conversation
    Omg Aimee is actually online! =D
  12. View Conversation
    Things are going alright for me, how about you?
  13. View Conversation
    Darn straight I did. Where've you been? Making the world your oyster?

    As for me, I haven't really been doing anything of note lately. Work - gaming if I feel like it, time wasting if I don't - bad sleep - work - gaming if I feel like it, time wasting if I don't - bad sleep - rinse and repeat.

    I'm saving up to move out, so there isn't much to be done other than that right now, I'm afraid.

    How about you? How's your life been?
  14. View Conversation
    You still doing that awards thing? The last day for voting was yesterday; should I close it, or are you gonna do something else with that thread?
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    okay what festival did you go too?
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About Hyzenthlay

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February 10, 1990 (35)
About Hyzenthlay
I eat pizza too much.
Holy Kharlan
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Piano, Violin and Vocal tutor.


Cogito, ergo sum.
PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner


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09-16-2016 10:47 AM
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