Just don't jump out of the car unless absolutely necessary.
MSN, you.
Hello we hasn't spoke in ages and seeing as im kinda perfect and all its gotta be down to you
Had a shit day at work, but other than that pretty alright xD
Ohai! What's new?
No problem! I am procrastinating on homework. =_=;; I shouldn't, but I don't feel like it! Haha. How about you?
But seriously though, you're very pretty. That's why I said it.
Hmmm, I don't know how to reply back to that. Haha. XD Awkwardness +1
Annoying? Not at all. You were rather amusing. I'm waiting for a bit on New Vegas to find out which system I want it for. I'd prefer it for the PS3, but if it's going to be another crappy port with really late DLC, I'll probably just get the 360 version. As for invisible things, I think one day we should tag team wrestle an invisible Super Mutant. I bet we could take him.
You're a fun drunk.
My favorite film would probably be Fight Club. Saw it when I was an impressionable teenager and it still holds a profound meaning to me. Oh, dads. My dad wanted me to be a lawyer, so I know where you're coming from with that.
It's not so bad being underwater that long. Usually we just end up indulging heavily in plasmids until insanity and anarchy reign supreme and no one is safe. Then the ice thaws and it's all good. A lack of greenery would take a bit of getting used to, I'm sure, but that's why potted plants were invented! Damn them and their lack of cord etiquette! But oh my god, mud wrestling an invisible spider!? That's by far the coolest thing I've ever heard of. That should have its own internet meme that signifies awesomeness. Seriously. Much as I complain, it's sure good to be employed in October. The games just keep coming. x_x I've already purchased Enslaved and Castlevania and there's still Fallout and The Force Unleashed (if it doesn't totally suck) to get! My wallet is crying. I had fun talking. You should be deprived of sleep more often. ^_^
Being drunk or really doing anything other than work or study is new to me. I drank for the first time back in may, and have only drank two or three times since. It's fun, but when I drink I tend to chill and be kind of a smart ass (more so than usual). Oh! I did go on a few dates back in late august/early september.
Yes, I live underwater. New Rapture is under Lake Winnipeg. 7 months out of the year, we can't get out due to surface freezing. My writing has been stalled due to extreme laziness, haha. I need to be in the right mood to write and it hasn't hit me lately. I'll eventually get to it, I'm sure. You could always move in with a friend. That's what I'm planning on doing. I doubt I could afford living alone in anywhere that's not a dump if I weren't splitting the rent with a roommate. Aggravating as it may end up being, it's the better option I think. I think that smiley worked much better than the shy one would have. Maybe your friend is sexually attracted to trees. It's no wonder said person would want them stripped if that were the case. All those sexy, naked branches. My god! Where'd you go last night?
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
I cant think of a title
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
No blade matches mine........
Hentai Fiend
Registered User
Royal Guard
Au revoir.
Tsuna Feesh
The Ace Pilot and Cap'n
...means nothing to no way