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    Happy birthday gorgeous hope you have/had a good one. And I didn't mean that in any sort of perverted way. Oh it is so hard being male nowadays we are so discriminated against haha jk
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    Thank you ^_^
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    Thanks Miss. She'll be okay. She ended up going to the hospital today. She's finally doing something.
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    Haha, shit that's super awkward! I don't know how I can prove I liked that name before then, but I swear I did! Or maybe this is a match made in heaven

    Haha, I just made myself laugh by reading my own response in that thread.

    Office Space is a Mike Judge comedy, a satire of office work. It was OK, the funny parts were really funny, but there were too many jokes that fell flat. I like the characters, even the supporting ones, like stapler guy [couldn't actually find a worthwhile video to support this statement, so here's this instead.]

    Try lawrich[at]
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    Are you really into Disney films? What is your favourite?

    I haven't seen Kick-Ass either, haha. Bad, I know. I watched Office Space the other night. Not really the same humour, but it was funny nonetheless.

    I like Gaelic names, like Saoirse. I think all my children will get names like that. Although as someone who gets their name mispronounced often, is that a big burden? Having a pretty name is fair compensation though, haha, a lot better than one which attracts penis jokes.

    I added you but it said you don't have Windows Live Messenger. It said an email had been sent to you to get it.
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    Rofl, these are getting too long to reply to on my iPod.

    I don't really want to go to Austrlia; if I did, it'd probably only while I pay off my student loan and save for a home deposit or something. Man I feel old talking about this

    I wish I lived on campus. Travel is such a bitch. It's so expensive and there's only so much fun to be had with Angry Birds.

    I didn't know what RWCMD was, so I googled it, and watched like 15 minutes of those 2 minute actor showcases. They're so incredible. I don't know anything about those other choices, but it would be awesome if you went there and did that.

    I haven't actually seen any of those. I'm notorious for wanting to go see films in the cinema, but never getting around to it. Most of my films are a good few years old; I just dive for bargain DVDs for most of the films I watch. I want to see Superbad though.

    I get called Richie or Rich by friends and sometimes family. I got **** (but never Dickie) at school a little bit, but no one really uses that as a serious nickname and there's only so many **** jokes, so I haven't heard it in a long time.

    Rofl, censor my name.

    Is Halie a Celtic name? I wish I had a Gaelic name, Richard is too English

    Also, Ima take the liberty to add you on MSN heh heh.
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    Because there just isn't enough jobs here, especially in what I want to do. Our economy is too small and only just looking like it'll come out of recession. Australia never went into recession; there are more jobs and they all pay better, regardless of what you do. Their minimum wage is several dollars higher than ours, for instance. I think things are cheaper too, except houses.

    Hmm. Our only uni entrance thing is to get these points, called NCEA points. You need 80 in each of the three final years of college to 'pass that year', but 60 in your final year to get into uni -- but the uni 60 have to be in certain subjects. So you need 14 points in Level 2+ English (there being 3 levels, and 24 points to get in each subject, each year) and 14 points in Level 2+ maths. If you get those, then you can get into uni; and, once there, you can do whatever you want, regardless of what you took at college. Hmm, I think I didn't explain that well. It's pretty complicated, and I have no idea what a UCAS is, haha. Also, once you hit 20, you don't even need those 60 points anymore, it's just open to everyone.

    I went to one of the two universities in my city. The other one is for nurses, vets and visual arts students (I know, weird mix right?), my one is larger and has everything a large university would (20,000+ students). Moving out of home to study is fun, but adds more of a challenge. I was at home for the first three years, but I'm flatting with friends now, while still studying (although one of us has a full time job). I'm definitely doing less work now than I was at home. Time seems to disappear, not only from cooking and cleaning and working (more), but just because friends seem always to be around and it's so much easier to not be studying.

    Which universities are you considering? (Or is 'hoping to get into' a better verb? I still don't get how your system works--is it the same as for England? (GSCEs or something?))

    Haha well maybe they are, maybe not. I like those two I mentioned, as well as Trainspotting, Requiem for a Dream, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Pulp Fiction, Donnie Darko, Juno, No Country for Old Men... Idk what you have and haven't seen from them.

    I'm Richard (pleased to meet you? Haha.) I assume your actual name is Halie? How is that pronounced. I want to say Hay-lee but I have a feeling it's wrong and pisses you off every time you get a relief teacher.
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    Actually I'm working part time essentially in this industry: Geographic information system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , and I plan to start a Masters degree next year in it, which will take two years. But if I find full-time employment (and going on what my friends are doing/have done, I'd have no trouble, provided I moved to Australia), I'd try do it part-time over four years.

    Ugh, I like uni, but I'm a little over it. Four years is a long time. It's irritating, because I could have finished end of 2011, had I not switched majors several times. But I think I needed that time to find something that I enjoy, am good at, and can be useful for. I think those are the only three things that matter when finding a 'profession'.

    I highly doubt that you'll do something that you WON'T regret. It's all part of it.

    Yeah, I'd say it was my favourite film from last year. Watch it if you get the chance. Can you recommend me anything?

    Oh, also. If you can, do a paper at uni in something really ridiculous, that you never thought you'd ever do. If anything, it makes good party banter (I haven't been to a party (with new people) in four years where conversation hasnt gone to 'what are you studying?'). But it's a good way to broaden your horizons and challenge yourself, as cheesy as that sounds.
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    If by academic you mean like history, geography... then yes. They were my strengths in college. I sat an exam for history, separate from normal high school exams, meant to extend students in their final year. My essay won me $500 and was something like the fourth-best entered over the country. Funnily enough it was on early-modern England (the Elizabethan). Although since coming to uni I've tried to broaden and have done everything from religious studies to computer science, but no history. Actually, if I had any advice regarding school and post-school, it would be to keep as many doors open as possible. If you're anything like me, your interests are going to flutter a lot, and you don't want to lock yourself in a room you end up disliking. Plus you'll be surprised at the complementarities (sp?) between things that shouldn't go together.

    Oh wow, you got on to watching that pretty soon. Have you seen Drive? That has Carey Mulligan in it, as well as a kick-ass soundtrack. Can be a little gruesome though.
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    I suppose it can be sexy, but only if it's played well. I don't play it well; I try to play it well. Very different things. Also I'm not intelligent. I think I just know how to express my thoughts clearly. You get that from having two English teachers as parents.

    Man fine art, acting, singing? You sound like one creative cat. I totally respect that. Remember that earth without art is just eh. (I've totally used that twice on TFF in two days now...).

    I don't want to spoil the film, because if I told you any more about their relationship, there'd be no reason to watch the film. Except Carey Mulligan occasionally parle le français... qui est très agréable.
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    I could never be an artist, of any kind. I'd love to be, but I'm just not talented like that The closest thing is that I'm learning to play bass -- but I'm terrible and it's not the sexiest of instruments. What would you do if not acting/singing?

    Haha I asked because A it's a really good film and you should watch it, and B because the whole idea is that the dude is older and seduces a younger woman (I don't want to ruin it do that's all I can say). Also I'm 21, which is why I thought about that film (except the dude's a total douche and I'm not a douche, right? Right?).
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    Premier pub girl, darlin'. But yeah, I'm not a fan of loud music, drinking and rubbing against other people. I like my quiet drinks, with the odd unknown band playing in the background now and then lol.

    I don't know how long I'll be there for, but a few days might be nice. I've never been to Wales, so it'd be cool to make the most of it. Might go exploring. ^^
  13. View Conversation
    Hmmm wellll Alisyn mentioned that your passion is the arts? Is that like acting orr..? You'd make a good actor.

    Also how old are you? Have you seen the film 'An Education'?
  14. View Conversation
    Soooo.. this is an awkward date. We haven't spoken once the whole time!
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    I think we're going to Cardiff for some drinks, and I'll be staying in Pontypridd, at Halls of University of Glamorgan. If I'm lucky haha. She's gone and invited errrybody, and we all have to sleep somewhere lol. xD
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Doesn't post for over 6 months probably. Makes a blog post anyway?

by Halie on 04-02-2015 at 05:42 PM
Because I'm narcissistic like that.

Anywho, it's been almost a year since I last made a blog post and I was just at the end of my first year of uni then. Now I'm at the end of my second! Well, almost. Technically I don't have any classes until September but I've got a festival for term 3, so I'll be directing a show with my friend. We're putting on a play which is actually a novel about Virginia Woolf, which we've adapted into a play ourselves. We have to give it a different name

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First year is over

by Halie on 06-04-2014 at 07:35 PM
And I'm a fresher no longer! I'm leaving on Sunday, mam's gonna come and pick me up. She's a little bit nervous driving all that way with my TV in the car, but my dad's car is in the garage atm so he can't come down, so.

I had a good and bad first year. It was an awesome experience, I'll give you that, but there were some really shitty times, particularly in the flat, but I've told you guys all about that (though they've gotten worse). Anyway, to commemorate the end of my first year

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Term 2 = dooone

by Halie on 03-26-2014 at 08:59 PM
That's correctimundo, my second semester is over, woot woot! This one went by so fast, like hella fast. First term dragged in comparison! I've enjoyed this term so much. It's had it's downs to but overall... spiffing.

I mean it's technically not over yet, I'm not leaving until Saturday, but I have no more lectures, yaaay. Just submitted my final essay of the year (no lectures/assignments in term 3, will explain), I left it a wee bit to the last minute, I'm so glad it's over. Ugh.

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So I finished my first semester!

by Halie on 12-23-2013 at 04:27 PM
I've been home from uni for a week now, having officially survived my first ever semester! I'm glad to have a break and see everyone again but I kinda can't wait to go back in a way. Idk. I have mixed feelings. On one hand I absolutely hate living in the flat (I'll explain why) so it's nice to be away but I miss the friends I made already and I hate coming home to judgemental relatives asking annoying questions all the time. You know what I mean? Anyone else get that when they visit relatives at

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by Halie on 09-27-2013 at 11:24 AM
So I'm just getting ready to go to a drama social up in one of the clubs here in Exeter, and it's the first time I'll have gone drinking here yet. Oh yeah btw I moved to Exeter uni, I don't think I've updated to tell you that yet but yeah, here I am! Woooo! I'm just about settling in. My room is really nice and cozy and my flatmates are lovely. There are four of them, two of which are really quiet and don't really like to go out much and another two who are the exact opposite and have been out drinking

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