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    Ah, well hope you're able to get the car. I'm still working on my GED, i can't seem to figure out some of the math problems. I'm doing geometry and finding the area of figures is where i'm struggling.

    The other thing new is that I have gamefly and I'm renting games from that. I wanted to try Grandia II but it wasn't available for rent so I decided to put the 3rd game of it on the queue.
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    hi there, how you doing? have you done anything in art class yet? and anything new going on/
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    Well the thing about this earthquake is that it occurred on a previously unidentified fault, and was absolutely unexpected by geologists. It is miles from the plate boundary, which is really what you live on, and what my city is on as well. So it was unusual.

    I think the biggest I've ever experienced is a high-five (LOL), though they expect that a 7.something is going to occur on the Wellington fault within the next 100 years. If you ever hear 'earthquake' and 'Wellington' in the same sentence, you can probably tell that my city will be worse for wear, and then you can actually try and hunt me down, haha (wait, why is that funny? :/).

    Earthquakes don't freak me out though. I'm not sure why. At the end of the day, chances are I won't die, and will just lose stuff. Stuff is stuff.
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    You must be used to earthquakes too, right? Don't you live near the San Andreas fault, or is my American geography really bad?

    It was a fault similar to that one.

    I really didn't think it would get much notice outside of NZ, Australia, and maybe the UK.
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    And how did you hear of it?
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    I'M ALIVE!

    In fact, I slept through it. It hit a city about an hour's flight away. 7.1 though, so it was huge. But it hit at 4.30am so everyone was asleep, and together as families. No one died, and only two people have serious injuries. Hard to believe really. Problem is contaminated water, apparently. Sewerage has leaked into the water supply.
  7. View Conversation
    Awww... Thanks a bunch~! <3 back at ya!
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    Ann lied to you. CS5 is the latest. *Delayed*
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    Ohh i fell asleep at a party and an incedent occured.
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    I still have both of my legs.
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    I start college on monday im quite nervous without my eyebrows
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    How be school going and what are you even studying?
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    Bum language? I should have known that.
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    I like teachers like that, too. Those trivial tidbits of information make the lectures seem more fun. Now on to the business at hand. What the hell does Iknowrite mean? Is that the name of an American Indian tribe or something?
  15. View Conversation
    Thanks Mel! How the hell have ya been?
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Ta DA!!!:

Alright, who censored my rocketship?

From The Clint Eastwood
I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.


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