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    Heyheyheywait, what about the whole "shining sprites"? o3o
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    Bright and shining? Whatever do you mean by that? The sheer brightness of Meigumi's sprites, right? Or the eye shines in the Ralz and Meigumi sprites?

    No worries. I'll put them all in a .zip and such, and post it 'ere.

    Glad that they work real nicely~
  3. -->
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    I'm not saying that you should show me a screenshot of your progress. xD I'm asking for a screenshot of where you manage the sprites. Ah, well, if you can't show me, then I'll have to read up on the RPG forums and find out about it~

    Yeah, I just noticed how funny-looking it is. I'll fix it up and try as many times as I can to get it perfect as possible~
  5. View Conversation
    ....Well, the walking speed in the latest game is already too slow. >_>;

    Are you sure there's nothing about frames per second, or something? @_@; I really don't want to make it look....weird, or anything, but send me a screenshot about it.
  6. View Conversation
    So, Elyon I got to work on the story, and this is what I have. Just thought you should know.

  7. View Conversation
    Ah, I see what you mean now. The walking DOES look a little funny.

    It's probably because the frame skip for the sprite is too fast. Is there anyway to make each sprite move slower, and yet maintain the same walking speed(or faster walking speed)?
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    To the overworld sheet(first sheet with no number)--Actually, he's walking with his arms swinging a little. But, I'll use the game to use the sheet by replacing the Elyon one to check it.

    To the 3rd sheet-- Ah, I totally didn't know that. I'll get to fixing as soon as I can get some time. ^0^;

    And thank you, these were a handful to do, since I had to do these from scratch, with slight reference. xD
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    Oh yays!

    Something awesome.


    I like to say cool.


    That boss takes FOREVER...

    Anyways, Elyon. Now that you have all that information, how should I proceed from here? Should I try to create the character senarios, describing what happens to them before they join the party, or should I work on finishing the world? I can't really do either until you explain more about our mysterious other party members. Also, have you decided on 8 instead of 9?
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    Errors are the worst. >__<

    Oh noes!


    Oh cool! So we can swap them on the fly?

    You're cool, Elyon. : )

    You're using, or you scrapped the ring system?

    Oh, sure. Different players do different things. This way, everyone wins!

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    What happened? Ah, who knows.

    Then won't a party of nine be... exceeding? Maybe we can make it 8, that way we have two even teams to level separately. And I bet the first team has a lot more story involved with Shira than the second. If possible, you know I'm having Ralz lead at all times. >:3

    Good, good. More options is good. Especially if we can replace the leader, as I mentioned.

    Party script... the what? Does that mean you can swap members in the menu? Sorry, I've forgotten this...

    But its a good thing, right?

    GO, ELYON! *cheers*
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    Oh, and by the way, I went ninja again.

    I call Ralz "Rally". It's one of his nicknames from me, along with "Cousin". ^________^

    And sweeeet, I have the power to take over your mind unconsciously....
  13. View Conversation
    COC Graphic Update.zip

    Wheeee, lots of new things~ I got lazy on the _3, but the sooner, the better. Just ask if I need to change anything. ^0^
  14. View Conversation

    I mean, in the game. Is she not being represented?
  15. View Conversation
    Fair enough. As long as we can switch them out somehow. So yeah, 3 party members? And what happened to Jill?

    Aw, too bad. Was a pretty cool idea.
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About Elyon Seraphim

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Date of Birth
August 29, 1990 (34)
About Elyon Seraphim
I am a male human(?) being coming from the world of Tellus. While i am quite positive that i am chaotic good in both mind and soul. My flaw is that i am kind of anti-social, but i assure you that i just mean everything well, and that i like conversations and speculations, or even just mindless philosophizing.

But i digress, i am a person who is naturally good-willed.
Falling from the Sky
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I, IV, V and IX.
Laziness and Youtube.
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