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    Hahaha, I have a good memory, you know. (But that totally contradicts what I just said about my banner thread. xD) You know why, though? I can be much more creative with banners because of their size. Avatars are too small, you see. But even so, my avatar is seen more because I post VMs more than posts. =P

    Yeah, I think so. That option is possible; I saw it once. But I never bothered. Though I highly doubt it's the reason, I wonder if people whom a user blocks can still view their profile?

    Hopefully~ *clasps hand and prays* But just so you know, on the last contest, I correctly guessed whom all the banners belonged to considering the style used. xD

    You know, I always wanted to make a Journal, but something always manages to hold me back on that. Maybe some other time I will.
  2. View Conversation
    Aww, but Norse Mythology is the best form of mythology. D= Valkyries, Asgard, Midgard, they're all pretty amazing. 8D But maybe tri-Ace is making be bias with its Valkyrie Profile games. xD

    I had to, though. All those different colored fractals and abstract renders, I would die if they had been on the same layer. @__@ I asked Violet about it just now. If there is one, this will be my very first time entering any contest on a forum. =] Bad thing is that my style is too isolated here on the forum, so my submission would totally be known with a single glance. =P

    Oh, yeah, I forgot that I had that thread. =P I'm so used to asking you for feedback that it's invisible to me. xD And yep, I'll use it until I can make something new. I said that I would have an FFXIII-themed avatar until the release, not a banner. =P At least I have a new style to work with now. =]
  3. View Conversation
    Oh, yeah! I totally forgot about Artemis. xD But all I know is that an archer from Star Ocean had two moves called Hunter's Moon and Crescent Wings. =P

    Hahaha! xD It's [igg] as in "big" and [dra] as in "dragon." =P Have you heard of Yggdrasil, the world tree in Norse Mythology? I can bet you that's where it came from. 8D

    It's too late now, though, unfortunately. =' I accidentally saved the merged version, so the layer with the font is nor joined in with the other twelve layers. I'm forced to be pleased with this. xD
  4. View Conversation
    There's a reason behind the arc, you know. =P When I think of archers, I think of a crescent moon, for some reason. xD And you mean something like this?

    Ooh, I quite like that. Though the top line is a bit blend-y? =P

    Haha, yep, that's a boy, all right. But he's in fact a generic character only known by "Hunter." I wanted a specific Hunter form that game (Yggdra Union), but there doesn't exist any renders of him. Boo! >=O But I settled for the generic one. =] (The Black Mages totally stole that hat from him. xD)
  5. View Conversation
    Dodie! I tried my hands at something new this time: a banner without a background. Everything that's not the render is just color, effect, or abstract things that I managed to cut out. >___< It looks... okay, in my opinion, but I'm starting to have doubts a bit. I'll post it here instead, since some parts are almost invisible on white or TFF Light. =P

  6. View Conversation
    Thanks, I intend to. I think birthdays can be underrated. Who doesn't want their own personal holiday? XD Now if only I could convince my boss I should get paid for it...haha
  7. View Conversation
    Thats a sweet idea. Nice thinking Dodie!..and yes I am if you knew my history and how crappy i'm doin in school you would know. But enough of that thats a nice idea you got there .
  8. View Conversation
    No problem. I don't know how I did it since I'm useless fricker.
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    You'll have alot of fun with Mother 3 if you ever get to playing it. The best part is the sound battle system where you can lay up to 16 hit combos hitting the A button to the battle music beat, its awesome.
  11. View Conversation
    I added you on MSN just to let you know.
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    I want to get a job either in the computer field (computer building & programming field) or a job in the restaurant field with cooking and stuff.

    As for Mother 3... there is an english translation patch for that game *hint hint*. I played it and beat it and I loved every part of it
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    Yeah, I'm doing pretty well. I've been playing through EarthBound for the SNES. Its my 6th playthrough and outside of that I've been working on getting my GED. I got a hign school diploma just last school year but it works differently than a normal one and so I've been attending an adult school to prepare for the GED testing so I can pass and get it. the GED will give me more of a chance of getting into a job and stuff.
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    Hey Dodie, how are you doing today?
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    I do want to enter Eorzea when it first comes out; I didn't get into Vana'diel till a few years after release. I want to try to get well established in the game so I can be there for everything and not miss a possible "Golden Age" though I hope the "Golden Age" will last a long time.

    I just have respect for Exdeath and the Cloud of Darkness. I'm not part of Anonymous. Back in the day with my high-school friends, we were the Illuminati (Metal Gear Solid style). We took pics of each member and had the red bar across our eyes and was in black and white.
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About Dodie16
I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
Favorite FF?:
VII and XII all the way, baby.
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Por Rorr Kitty9
"Mess with us, and the claws come out!"
Evil BAD Guys
"Not just evil...not just bad...EVIL BAD!"
The above userbar was made for me by FATE!!! He is awesome.
The above banner was made for me by VIVIMASTERMAGE!!! He is awesome as well.


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