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    Whoo-hoo! Congrats! XD Now to cross the 10,000, right? =D

    I guess the colonies really didn't like England, so they completely ignored their language and made their own variation? xD Still, I like the the British's better. =3

    Picture which I'll have forever? =P Nuh-uh, I just used the screenshot button on my keyboard to take that picture, and then cropped off that portion.

    They also have some of the best tutorials I've seen anywhere! =D They are divine, aren't they? I need to learn text.

    I'm getting better, I think, at steering away from over-design and over-glow. xD
  2. View Conversation
    Yea it really does, I couldn't have asked for anything better. Yep i had the old tard moment and should have just tryed it out in the first place thanks alot again for the tip!
  3. View Conversation
    Oh, I love it when Choco changes color! And I totally agree with that. I never used the Invincible again after I got my gold Chocobo. =D

    I should really get the ENGLISH spellchecker, though, instead of the AMERICAN ENGLISH one. It corrects me for spelling colour like this. xD

    I should advertise it and go, "All hail, the great Dodie, she who continued to post even after being banned for life!" xD I remember that very first title; it sticks to my head. xD But the Clever? one was the one that I was trying to recall.

    That's what I though, too. But maybe I shouldn't do lyrics, just some text. I use to hate that option, though, because it doesn't look good with rectangular avatars and big banners. =3 You wanna see what inspired me? These avatars are amazing

    Hahaha, told you that you were nosey! XD And thanks! I tried out the new style for that one, and I toned down the brightness, too. =3
  4. View Conversation
    well you should check it out and now i got vivi to make ma a signature
  5. View Conversation
    hey you should check my newest thread i think you might like it
  6. View Conversation
    Awesome! I got it to work!
  7. View Conversation
    Alright thanks alot Dodie! I didn't try that one, because I thought it was for spoliers in games Thanks again!
  8. View Conversation
    Hey Dodie! How did you get your sig to drop like that when you hit the show butten? I was messing around with mine but i coudn't seem to get it to work! Do you mind giving me some tips on how you did yours please!
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    I just loved it whenever I got a Chocograph! It felt sooooo satisfying, doesn't it? And remember those Broken Chocograph pieces? I think they provided a good mystery, of sorts, too.

    Yeah, it sucks. It just doesn't give it a red underline anymore. I was added an incorrect word by accident, and the spellchecker wouldn't correct me for it anymore. =P Hahaha, that happens for me a lot, too. And especially with the I's and all. xD

    Oh, I totally did! xD Heh-heh, how you truly are amazing if you dodged a ban, and even more so, a PERMANENT ban. =D Oh, yeah, that as it. I couldn't remember what your previous user title was.

    Hmm, that's where I was struggling with. What songs are there in FFVII? I know One-Winged Angel, but that's like Latin, right? And it's for Sephiroth. Heehee, Bevel and Emboss option. =D I'm going to start transpenrt avatars now; they seem really, really cool.
  10. View Conversation
    hiya dodie how was your day mine was a little long all because i was in school thats soooo boring
  11. Thats Good, Except The Not Remembering Your Dream Part When You Usually Remember Them Like All The Time...Hehe

    I Did Have An Okay Night's Rest, But Not The Best Oh Well. Don't Even Think I Dreamed About Anything...XD
  12. Herro There Dodie (=^_^=) How Are You? Did You Have A Goodnight? What Did You Dream About? Sorry If I Shouldn't Be Asking That...XD My Curiosity Is Kicking In Again
  13. View Conversation
    Yeah ..really but you have to inform me when you are able to speack well
  14. View Conversation
    I loved it, too, and I absolutely loved Chocobo Hot and Cold. Best mini-game ever!

    And adding words doesn't put them in the suggestions, either. Hey, no fair; you fixed your typo. xD I was going to correct you. =P

    Hahaha, I saw it, and I saved a shot of it, too. xD Do Sephy-Crazed Fangirl or something like that. X3

    I love that third one. Thankies! Maybe I could fade lyrics somewhere, too. Hehe, I <3 Ziddy. And my avatar is three 3-D parts now: Maqui, my name, and..the right. xD I may start that theme
  15. View Conversation
    Hahaha, I just thought of them because it rhymed with Qu. xD Cute little squirrel thing, though.

    Well, I didn't look back at it because I know spellchecker would say Sephiroth is incorrect, anyway, so I thought I had typed it right. xD (I had to look back at that one just now, though.) I forget to capitalize my I's a lot, recently.

    You know, Dodie, you should try it for me. x3

    I'll probably end up with abstract again. xD God, I love those. But first thing's first: avatar of Ziddy for someone else~ And heh-heh, I made my current avatar weirder? xD
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About Dodie16
I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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VII and XII all the way, baby.
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The above banner was made for me by VIVIMASTERMAGE!!! He is awesome as well.


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