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    I forgot to tell you before! Last night, my friend's sister was there hanging out, and I barely know her, but I was antagonistic to her anyway! Her phone was dying and beeping, and I was like "Why didn't you charge it before you came here?!" and she was like "I didn't realize..." and I was like "What the hell is wrong with you?!" and she just kinda looked at me with a semi amused, semi concerned expression and chuckled. You'd be proud!
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    The game is real short, so it shouldn't have taken them that long to get through. Do they keep getting lost and stuff? Where are you up to in 3 now? Seems like you must be pretty far, glad you like it so much too. :> Did it scare you much so far? You might enjoy watching this when you're done ~ first is good too, probably the most quirky. Just a shame it aged so badly graphically.

    Ah 4...I hate it. Haha, would probably be fine to watch, but it's dreadful to play. Your character is a complete derp (all the male leads in the Japanese Silent Hill games are for some reason) who gets stuck in his own room/apartment. It's really boring and often annoying playing through the parts in his room. There's also these monsters that look like Sadako (Ring/woman from Japanese horror film) which can't be killed and they're annoying as crap. There's a load of them and the ****ers are always floating after you. The thing about Silent Hill 4 is that it's pretty close to being a damn decent game, but then they made all these weird decisions that made it pretty darned annoying to play at times. It's the only Japanese Silent Hill I only finished once...

    Oh, apparently them corpses that were missing were a glitch as well. xD In some run throughs they have still been there.

    Yeah...kinda finished it again last night. ^^; It was still just as amazing. Had the same person play with me through the entire game. <3 Never intended to sit and play through the entire game in one sitting even once, but somehow it seems to have happened every time. Aye, they do, just not platinum trophies. The hardest one on Journey is probably the one that says to take a week long break then start a new game. Haha, yeah. This person seemed normal though. They were German! All the best gamers I met randomly online recently were German. <3 I've done it, but I'll have to link it to you tomorrow becuase the forum is doing a really lame April fool day joke which stretches all the pages. <_> Hope you like the review, it was a bit too hard to put some of it into words, it's really something you gotta try yourself, I think. Ya know what I mean?

    Aww, that's really nice. Must be wonderful to have a family like that. You've been like that for a while now, huh? Good on you, hun. <3

    Aye, the miles and the dreaded 1000 push-up trophy. It's not really that bad at all since it lets you do push-ups from the knees. But something about the mention of push-ups makes a girl lazy. ^^;
  3. Thanks Julie I Appreciate It. Ooooh, I'll Be Uploading A Video Of My Current Progress On My Main File Sometime This Week Comming. I Kinda Feel Like Playing On My Main, And Also Showing All My Cool Stuff...LOL I Will Also Show When Was The Last Time I Played & How Many Hours I've Played, This Way People Can See How Long It Took Me To Get To Where I Am.
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    They're not too bad, just kind of doing the daily grind and working far too much. I'm just not used to having free time after work, which is surprisingly nice!
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    Haha, no. She calls her dad just after leaving, remember? She loves Harry. Oh yeah, the game would actually make a bit more sense if you saw the first Silent Hill first, but you don't really need to in order to get most of it. Hope you keep enjoying watching it. :> Yeah, let's count that as a 'good' glitch. It's nice that they kinda got one thing right. Each day seems to shine light on another crappy change, yesterday found out that they fiddled with another SH2 scene. :|

    Yeah, pretty sure I noticed one up. Hopefully it has a companion with them all the way to the end, it's that bit better... Wonder which of us is the bigger crying type? xD Journey is just too amazing...finished it for the third time last night, had somebody to follow me to the very last second of the game (the other times they left just before, weird)...whenever somebody sticks around it feels like you've bonded or something, like you shared something special with them. Had a friend request off the person who went to the very end with me(it gives you the PSN IDs after the end credits of all your companions). x3 You gotta try this game, man. If you ever get the dosh and enough internet time, get it and play it online. It's an amazing 'experience.' Thinking of doing a quick review for it on SOU forums, will link you it when done if you want.

    Hmm, sorry you got the same problem. And thanks, Dodie, you're good at making people feel better. ^^ Hope you're doing good at the moment?

    Oh oh oh oh! I got that stupid glitched trophy from the workout game yesterday. Yay! Third time lucky, huh.
  6. View Conversation
    we seriously need to talk more and more often! how are you?
  7. View Conversation
    well hello there
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    well there was another image like that going for 2000xish, which would mean i would have to manually edit the picture.
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    Hey can you help me with something? first off can you tell me what the sig size limit is? I want to use this image Image: Satorl Marsh | Xenoblade Chronicles Art Gallery as a sig but in a format that fits with the forum rules. If you can or want to help me, that would be greatly appreciated
  10. View Conversation
    Yay! Glad you went with the original. Haha, but she is grubby before the town even goes evil? xD That was the PS2 version of 3. Had no idea the PC versions were so fab. ^^ Some dude found yet another bug in the HD version of SH2 when he was recording it, but it's actually one that kinda adds to the horror ~ she has teeth and gums in her right eye!? xD

    Gonna complain to Sony if it does come to that. That's just a step too far in the plain greedy direction.

    Yeah, it was so gorgeous and it felt good to to play. Not to mention moving, had to fight back the tears near the end when we were pretty much just jumping around. ^^; Yeah...just one of those days, i guess. Sometimes i get depressed for no good reason which has been happening again recently. Guess it's just crappy brain chemistry, but you get so sick of it happening, and it feels kinda pathetic when there are people with real serious issues. The only real reason is not having a job, but then if I had one I'd probably get really stressed after a while. xD Anyways, it's fine. It'll pass. It seems like I'm done worrying about relationships too much, so that's something at least. :>

    Aye, there was a load of red stuff on the ground, but there was red stuff on the ground in other points of the game. Yeah, we must have extremely different ideas on messed up. :s
  11. Now I Have 5 Videos Up And Running On Youtube, I Put Them In The Thread As Well. You Can Also Find Them On My Facebook Page. I Hope That I Am Helping By Doing This, Thats All I Really Want Is For People To Be Happy, And To Know That I Am Doing My Part As A TFF Member By Helping Anyone Out Who Needs It. It Will Encourage Me To Know That People Like The Idea Of Me Having A Walkthrough For FFXIII-2, And Are Actually Watching And Enjoying It At The Same Time, Meaning That I Will Indeed Make More Parts To This Walkthrough. I Hope It Turns Out Well.
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    Heehee, yay! Are you watching the HD version, or the original? Yeah, she's great, huh? Such a cool girl, even if she does look kinda grubby. Glad you're liking it. Can't remember if mentioned already, but the PC version of Silent Hill 2 can look just plain amazing with a patch a fan made to up the resolution, so when you get around to watching that it might be worth hunting down a high res one on the PC. ^^

    Yeah, so many stores are going to suffer from it if this does become a reality. I think some shops are second hand games only over there? People will lose jobs...and then there's rentals getting screwed over too. Why do they seem to have it in for used games? :/ It's really shocking if true, and even though it doesn't actually effect me, kinda puts you off even getting a PS4...who knows what they'd pull next.

    Oh my goodness, Dodie....I'm SO glad you mentioned Journey, I would have forgotten about it otherwise. Decided to have another look at it just in case it seemed more interesting now, it sounded like it could be good, but a little steep in cost for a 2-3 hour game. Anyways, decided to treat myself this evening after kind of a bummer of a day. Geez, it is totally worth the damn price tag. AMAZING game, by far one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Seriously. Get this game if you get the chance, I already know you'll love it too (probably anybody who enjoyed ICO/SOTC would). It was pretty decent solo, but when somebody joins you it's incredible. I had no intention of sitting on my butt and playing for so long, but I finished it all in one sitting. ^^; It's really moving too, had to fight to hold back the tears by the end when all we were doing really was flying/jumping around. Super, mega recommend. So yeah, thanks for mentioning it. xD

    Ooo, okay. Thanks for the mention of it (not played it). Naw, but you have me interested, gonna check it out after sending this! 'Messed up' is usually good for entertainment. Edit: Hm, I don't get it. You get slashed to death by invisible forces and die? Where's my messed up stuff?
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    They still do.
  14. View Conversation
    I hit enter. I was just pointing out why I liked it
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    Maybe, but I doubt anybody wanted anything more than an upgrade. ^^;

    I hope you don't have a pervert stalking you. o_o Aw, come'd do fine on it! It came yesterday, the thing is real good, doesn't need to be screwed in (but you can), yet still took all my weight perfectly without budging. :3

    Oh, guess they probably are. It's weird though since a desert can look pretty cool. Why do they always manage to make them annoying in games? xD

    Man, speaking of games (again), read something pretty ****ed up if true (just a rumour right now ~ about the Playstation 4).

    "Other rumours suggest that a restrictive DRM system will be in place, meaning that purchased Blu-Ray games will be locked to your PSN account. This means that anyone buying a second hand game won’t be able to use it and will instead be limited to a trial. If the owner of the second hand game wants to unlock the full title then apparently they’ll need to pay a fee. This is similar to the system that’s being bounded around for the next Xbox."

    Seems extremely mean...they're getting out of hand with things like endings being unlocked with DLC and messing about with second-hand games. Developers this gen are so ****ing lazy too. Just loading up some of the best looking PS2 games the other week made it obvious that so much more care and attention to detail was poured into games back then. Really sad state the industry is gonna get into at this rate. Dunno what half of them will do when people start to get sick of thousandth generic shooter to come out. Sorry if that was a bit rant-ish. Even though I never buy second-hand games that still upsets me for those (like you, even) which do.

    Oh okay, that's weird. Kinda cool you get all those creepy abandoned nut houses though. Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes down with me. xD Oh man, it makes sense you can't kill them, but it still seemed a shame. After chucking the rock at it, it kinda just stood still for a few seconds, it almost looked like it was shocked. xD But then then it remembered what it was supposed to be doing and chased me. I knocked down the floating naked man's pillars. That'll teach him. D:<
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