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    hey andro, how do i embed two youtube videos side by side in a post?
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    I have to say, i felt stupid, too, when I beat him. I was focusing too much on those two cats that I got destroyed by the behemoth when it stood up.

    You got the Lightning DLC, as well, yes? I was a little disappointed she turned out to be a Ravager. I mean, I surely can sacrifice the Sentinel for a Ravager now and still avoid death, but I was kind of hoping for a Commando Lightning. It makes sense for her to be Ravager, though, I suppose: her Army of One skill did appear on that job in the first game. I really want Hope to be DLC...
  3. View Conversation
    I'm guessing the HP is what is limiting stamina, then? It would make logical sense. A Forked Cat or whatever its name is has an HP+30% at level 54, but getting it there is a hassle.
  4. View Conversation
    How strange... Maybe the monster materials have something to do with it? Here are my chocobo's stats, though:

    Level: 45
    HP: 7896
    ATK: 954
    MAG: 685
    Passive Abilities: Critical Tetradefense, Stagger Maintenance, Magic +10%, Strength +10%, Resist Poison +10%
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    Ack, I just got it a short while ago. I confused myself because though the area was open in the green Bresha Ruins, behind it was another stone wall (which was really the edge of the map already), and I thought it was the same wall.
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    I hope that it's working for you. Chocoboosts help, too, if your chocobo ends up with a B chance of winning. Hmm, that's very strange... I have the story one, the snowy one, and the orange one that spawns Don Berry, but all have a blocked stone path on the east part of the map. Is this green one yet another Bresha?
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    I still have to do that level. Ugh. And I hope Augusta Tower has been completed for me. I hate the rotating rooms of that place with a passion. I can't get past the stones in Bresha Ruins, though. I have three Bresha timelines. Are there more or something?

    I remember what I did. I used monsters with ATK +10% to up my golden chocobo's ATK, and that gave him his AA stats. Hope it works for you, though.
  8. View Conversation
    I really need that Battlemania skill, then. Getting 100% on every area seems like such a hassle, though.

    My chocobo had A and B, as well. But I infused some monsters with him and that bumped him up to A and A. Also, when racing, you can ensure a headstart by tapping X repeatedly right after the 1 starts to fade. I used strategy 2 to activate Lightning Bolt, and that got me to win 90% of the time.
  9. View Conversation
    I'm trying to get one of those Green Chocobos now to test it. I hear its speed and survival are excellent. I can't find a Tonberry, though... Are they supposed to appear anywhere in AF300 Bresha Ruins?

    Oh, yes, my friend mentioned that. Ah, those three slots. I thought they were part of the main timeline. I REALLY want DLC characters, though--mainly Hope. That Coliseum timeline makes me rather suspicious. Didn't that thing say we'd be back?

    Congrats! That was how I beat it, too, actually. I did manage to fight Yomi head-on and stagger him, but he would ALWAYS use the shield right after I staggered him. And yet, despite eight minutes of poison, I still got five stars.
  10. View Conversation
    When I saw AF4XX Academia, the opening of Star Ocean 3 popped into my mind. I find it nice that tri-Ace helped out with the designs (on Lightning's valkyrie look). AF500 Academia has that Proto Behemoth that I CANNOT seem to beat. Those two things with incredibly high defenses keep me occupied, and once the behemoth stands up, I get swiped at for 6,000 a hit.

    Ah, that is true. I had forgotten about infusing monsters. While I've always kind of been a fan of raising monsters, I was unsure about how it would work it this game. It's not perfect, but I do like it. Have you found any Medic monsters better than the Flanitor? I love its Feral Link.

    Ah, I've never actually seen any of the Star Wars, so I unfortunately can't relate, but I do wonder about the cliffhanger... Some part of me just wants a perfect ending, so there's hope that the secret ending will provide some closure. But now if Square is planning a Final Fantasy XIII-3, nobody would be surprised. How did you feel about the normal ending, though?
  11. View Conversation
    Ah, I can't remember the timelines very well. Yeah, the one that's the final dungeon. I think they should be very easy for you now. Ugh, that dark Academia was by far my least favorite place (which is funny because the bright Academia is my favorite). I got so sick of those Ci'eth. Though I think somebody found a way to use that to max out the Crystarium with a turbo controller.

    Or have more monster slots than just three. I miss using the Tri-disaster Paradigm that I used a lot in the first game to build up stagger lightning fast. It kind of makes 70% of the monsters actually seem more obsolete than they should be. I don't need any of the Ravagers or Saboteurs or Synergist ones. At all. Sentinel didn't seem so useful in the game at first, but ooh, boy, it got useful. Kind of my least favorite class, too. And then you have the stupid accessory weight. I wanted to equip the Auto-Haste accessories, but those take up 75/100 already. I think it's ridiculous. All I equip are ATK/MAG-raising accessories and Hp-raising accessories because that meets the weight and I have can three.
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    YES. THANK YOU. I always thought about the nerfed Synergist class in this game for Noel and Serah while I was playing. In FFXIII, I would cast Haste, Bravery, and Faith to end the battle as quickly as possible, and I'd not worry much about Protect and Shell. But in this game, I worry more about surviving. Yeah, for almost everybody, I wager Commando, Sentinel, and Medic are what they pick. I got one of those Microchu things that seemed like a very good Synergist, but I couldn't find space; giving up survival is too much. I did find that the Behemoth somewhat compensates for it because its Feral Link gives the party Bravery and Faith (I think; I'm bad at the symbols).

    Well, if you redo AF700 Academia, you can refight those two Pacos things that drop two Scarletites, each one selling for almost 20,000. It doesn't take all too long, but I mostly just sold Collector Catalogs. You can get those from the Dahaka Cup (Fal'cie Class) in chocobo races. The golden chocobo should be able to win easy with stamina and strength at A.
  13. View Conversation
    I forget that the enemies had so much HP in the first game. I'm planning on going back to play it through wholly, but that thing is kind of discouraging me now. Yomi was bad enough. Also, the HP of the final boss compared to the third battle is just...stupid.

    I never even fought Yomi until I got my better weapons, because I didn't really want the ATB Gauge +1 weapon made from his Trapezohedrons. I got Adamantites and money from chocobo races, and the rest from Immortal and Ochu.
  14. View Conversation
    Ugh, God, that Yomi. I never got through all the missions in FFXIII, so I can't remember if I ever got to it, but this one is just a pain. I ended up just using (SAB/SAB/SEN), (MED/MED/MED), and (SEN/SEN/SEN) to whittle down its HP until it died.

    If you ever need to max your golden chocobo (if you haven't already), I can recommended the Clearwater Marshes, since those things drop Potent Essences like crazy, and crystals, too.
  15. View Conversation
    You certainly are diligent (and productive) about those fragments. We have about the same playtime, but you have about twice as many fragments as I have. xD

    Have you gotten the Lucky Coin one in Serendipity? I've been trying, but I guess what I don't get is what I'm supposed to do to actually get it. Something about lots of 7s...
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Stress, Good and/or Bad

by Andromeda on 11-28-2016 at 10:09 PM
It's been a while for one of these. I have an odd habit of doing one rough a year. Looking at the last one, it's been more than that. But I did two in a month so that's got me covered.

I usually always have a reason for these, rarely are they just some update of life is life. Whether I feel like thinking about heady subjects or just getting lost in words, there's a reason. This feels a little more like its going to be update-ish. A lot of stuff has happened and with nothing to

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Something More Coherent

by Andromeda on 02-02-2015 at 09:43 PM
This is a little early, huh? I'm largely prompted by some recent work that I'm doing. Said work was prompted by something else. Something akin to the domino affect would be accurate, I guess. I would have put these somewhere else, but well the proper locations no longer exist sadly.

So what is it that I'm talking about? Logos! Yes, logos! Titles! That such thing. In my unending quest to do the wrong creative thing, I made some title logos or what have you for some of my stories.

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Mistakes, Directions and Paths

by Andromeda on 01-05-2015 at 01:20 AM
I don't do these as often as I might wish, though I would really wonder if I really would have much interesting to say if I did it as often as I wanted. However, Christmas vacation ends for me after two weeks and so I sort of felt like putting things down. Like always, I start off with just thinking about events and then I get to a subject of discussion. And I always think I don't have anything to discuss, but I always end up with something. And I figure another one out for this one.

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Love/Hate? or Entertainment?

by Andromeda on 07-21-2013 at 08:14 PM
Hey it's actually a blog post from me. Crazy talk huh? I've been busy with other things and I haven't had a topic I really wanted to ramble about. Well, I found a topic and it is all thanks to a JRPG I just finished. I'm going to be doing some general ranting about the game, but I'll also get into my gaming philosophy which actually extends out to other things. I've also got some other things I'm going to do as well at the end. So scroll down to see the surprise!

Anyway, the game

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Shift - Chapter 51 - Black and Blue

by Andromeda on 04-20-2013 at 12:25 PM
The very air that surrounded Yuki seemed to be unsympathetic to the problem that was weighing on him. It pressed against his shoulders keeping him from rising from the street. He had no will to stand at the moment. His head just held down brushing the side of his face with his dark blue nearly black hair. The streetlamp above him cast a heavy light that darkened his eyes until it just seemed like there was a void present.

Yuki’s mind was stuck as memories of the past flooded with

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