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    It is strange when it's coming from a closed person like yourself.

    I still love astronomy. It's scary yet fascinating that there are stars dozens of times bigger than our sun.

    There are no videos on Saint Seiya, just a page of discussion.
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    Oh I know it's not hentai, but I'm just as tempted to look up the author's name and research his past works. After what you told me, though, it does sound interesting. My teenage years was a phase I just wish I didn't get into, though. So overall I got mixed feelings about it.

    Well, I'll let you know once I get Crunchyroll up and running on Firefox. Saint Seiya is a series to get into. Then again, I've always been fascinated with astronomy.
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    I tried to ride one when I was a kid. Never again ._.

    Hentai's a weakness I'm trying to get over (successful so far) so I doubt I'll read that. But what I meant was that they would explain the science in the anime. For instance, a master has taught his pupil about atoms. If their movement slows down, the temperature would grow cold. Things like that.

    Just earlier I signed up for Crunchyroll, but all it led me to was a page asking for a 14-day free trial. So for now I'm giving up on it.
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    Yeah, no. I'll need a bike for this. Too bad I can't ride it x.x

    Pretty much the only thing offensive about it is the violence and how gruesome it can be sometimes, but after reading your works I can say you'd have no problem with that. Something I like about it, though, I how they sometimes explain the science behind the attacks they use. If you do watch it, though, I recommend the original with English subs, but those are hard to find. You're more likely to find it in Spanish and other languages since it was more popular in Latin America and Europe.
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    I'd probably die during the race xD

    Then expect a PM soon. I have a tendency on being nosy so I try to keep it under control.

    Well, lucky for you I know a lot about Saint Seiya. I would just need to know your definition of "bad" and maybe I can tell you if it's worth your time. And hey, I would watch a lot of episodes consecutively whenever I found a source of vids online. Who needs to step outside for fresh air anyway?
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    Maybe somewhere down the line. As I said, there's so much stuff that I have gotten into and I don't want to make a promise I can't keep. o_o

    You can PM me if you wish and we could talk about it more. I'm always happy to lend an ear to other people's stories. But I guess in your case, I'm especially interested since you keep so much to yourself so I would understand if you didn't want to tell me.

    In my opinion, Saint Seiya's a good series. Started in the late 80s and it stopped after the Poseidon arc. But in 2006 (I believe) they released the Hades arc, the final chapter of the original series. The images looked better than they did back in the 80s, too. Too bad the English Dub was canceled after 60 episodes, though.
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    I hadn't read Shift and won't make any promises if I ever will. But I'll try to get to it. I can at least try o_o

    And yes, it does leave you a mess. I'm doing better, but I couldn't get over her until recently o-o. And from what I can tell, you implied that it has happened to you as well (or someone close to you). It sucks.

    As for Saint Seiya it's one of my new favorites. The original series is done, the author's original manga is still going (slowly) and now there's non-canon anime of the series. I was told it was good, but I don't know. Hardly anything gets my attention these days.
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    Tbh I never got down to reading it (I hope that's ok). I was absent for so long because I found love and she took every second of my time. We called it off 8 months ago and I've been a wreck since then.

    I've been reading many things since I left so that's another reason I haven't gotten down to reading Shift. Mainly the Saint Seiya series. And since I've read somewhere that you like your name so much, I figured I told you there's a character there who wears an armor based on the Andromeda Constellation :3
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    Geez, how long has it been? o.o

    Hi, sorry for being absent for so long. How have you been?
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    Believe it or not it was quite helpful. I was barely able to beat the thing, if I remember correctly. So yeah, thanks for that! Saved me lot's of time of playing with combinations, which can be quite boring

    Oh is that what that "A" near your name refers to?
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    I doubt you remember me, but you answered my question in a thread a few years back, and I was just visiting today for the first time in a bit.
    Whilst checking my posts I made way back, you replied a with tutorial-like long post which I remember as quite helpful.
    I was just coming around saying hi to the few people I do remember on this forum.
    It's nice to see that some of the names I recognize are still around.
    Hopefully I will remember to check back in tomorrow for the reply(s) I get.
    Nice seeing your still active though
  12. I Am Great. Just Platinum'd FFXIII-2 Like A Couple Days Ago, Clocked In At 105 Hours And 52 Minutes...Finally Finished It...Although I Still Have A Few More Things To do In There...Like Get All The DLC's And Also Capture Every Monster In The Game That I Can, Then Level Them Up To Their Maximum lvls. Also Really Excited For Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. I Just Cannot Wait For More Info To Be Announced, Or Even A Trailer Of Sorts, In Terms Of Graphics & Character Design At The Very Least. Battle System I Assume Won't Be Revealed Until The End Of This Year, If Not The Beginning Of Next Year. I Am Just Thrilled Right Now. I Also Want To Find Out More On How We Can Use Facebook To Improve Our Gameplay Experience. If It Works Well, This Will Be Some Innovative Stuff. How Are You Feeling About This Game? I Know People Aren't Really Looking Forward To It, But That Is Their Opinion. So Far I Loved All FF Games That I Have Played And Owned, So This Shouldn't Disappoint Me.
  13. Hey Andromeda How Have You Been Lately?
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    Yeah, Brago from Zatch Bell. And boo, that sucks, must've been an ad or something. I'll try hosting it elsewhere.
  15. View Conversation This in a fancy purple/dark background theme. She has similar powers to Brago, so possibly some dark spheres in the foreground next to her or something.
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Stress, Good and/or Bad

by Andromeda on 11-28-2016 at 10:09 PM
It's been a while for one of these. I have an odd habit of doing one rough a year. Looking at the last one, it's been more than that. But I did two in a month so that's got me covered.

I usually always have a reason for these, rarely are they just some update of life is life. Whether I feel like thinking about heady subjects or just getting lost in words, there's a reason. This feels a little more like its going to be update-ish. A lot of stuff has happened and with nothing to

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Something More Coherent

by Andromeda on 02-02-2015 at 09:43 PM
This is a little early, huh? I'm largely prompted by some recent work that I'm doing. Said work was prompted by something else. Something akin to the domino affect would be accurate, I guess. I would have put these somewhere else, but well the proper locations no longer exist sadly.

So what is it that I'm talking about? Logos! Yes, logos! Titles! That such thing. In my unending quest to do the wrong creative thing, I made some title logos or what have you for some of my stories.

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Mistakes, Directions and Paths

by Andromeda on 01-05-2015 at 01:20 AM
I don't do these as often as I might wish, though I would really wonder if I really would have much interesting to say if I did it as often as I wanted. However, Christmas vacation ends for me after two weeks and so I sort of felt like putting things down. Like always, I start off with just thinking about events and then I get to a subject of discussion. And I always think I don't have anything to discuss, but I always end up with something. And I figure another one out for this one.

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Love/Hate? or Entertainment?

by Andromeda on 07-21-2013 at 08:14 PM
Hey it's actually a blog post from me. Crazy talk huh? I've been busy with other things and I haven't had a topic I really wanted to ramble about. Well, I found a topic and it is all thanks to a JRPG I just finished. I'm going to be doing some general ranting about the game, but I'll also get into my gaming philosophy which actually extends out to other things. I've also got some other things I'm going to do as well at the end. So scroll down to see the surprise!

Anyway, the game

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Shift - Chapter 51 - Black and Blue

by Andromeda on 04-20-2013 at 12:25 PM
The very air that surrounded Yuki seemed to be unsympathetic to the problem that was weighing on him. It pressed against his shoulders keeping him from rising from the street. He had no will to stand at the moment. His head just held down brushing the side of his face with his dark blue nearly black hair. The streetlamp above him cast a heavy light that darkened his eyes until it just seemed like there was a void present.

Yuki’s mind was stuck as memories of the past flooded with

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