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    Leith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    What can you tell me about this place (if anything)?
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    In Canada you can drink at 19 haah. But I'm not into that. Conviction conviction.
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    Why is it that practically every country is in debt? The UK is in debt, the US is in debt, NZ is in debt, the developing world is in so much debt that the interest is more than what they pay back each year, so that it increases exponentially. The international money economy is the biggest fraud ever concieved. The money doesn't exist -- it's borne from speculation of what will happen. The only certainty seems to be that debt will increase. Debt is overstated, and is a tool for overriding sovereignty. Case in point: Moody's threatened to lower NZ's credit rating from AA to AA-, and the government reacted by increasing GST, to 'cut debt'.

    It all makes no sense. Private interests increasingly control governments; and I'm not being conspiratorial here. Well, maybe a little, heh. But the IMF and other supra-national (and thus un-democratic) organisations condition loans on the basis that sovereign states follow policies of retrenchment and basically rejection of the policy that you and I support. That is a great deal of power.

    Hell, there's so much debt that nobody could possibly make money from loaning it.
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    I had hoped the LibDems would be a mediating influence, not a wolf in sheep's clothing.

    EDIT: Maybe there is a mediating influence after all! That sounds good, but I'm sceptical it's not just a "but we did do this..." sort of game, in order to obfuscate their other changes.

    The fees sound horrible.
  5. View Conversation
    What is going on in the UK, Aerif?

    I thought the world had moved on from short-sighted neo-liberalism? And the VAT is going to be 20%!? Our GST (the equivalent) is currently at 12.5%, but the conservative government is boosting it to 15%. Those taxes are the worst for poor people.

    Man, I knew it would be bad, but I didn't think it'd be that bad.
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    New Caledonia is a French colony. Or ex-colony... I'm actually not sure now that I think about it. Nouvelle Caledonie.

    But yeah, my Dad's from Dunedin/Otago. He's also Scottish, as in, a bunch of your neighbours got on a boat and sailed here and became half of me haha. Funny that. Largest Chirstian denomination in the South Island is Presbyterianism, following the Scottish settlers. The Catholic Irish came to Wellington, and the Methodists and Anglicans to the north.

    A lot of places are named after British colonial possessions as well. Several suburbs of Wellington, such as Khandallah, and the nice region up north called Coromandel -- both named after places in India.

    Oh, and then I suppose Wellington -- after the Duke of Wellington.
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    "Whenever I go to Spain..." statements like that make me so jealous of people who don't thousands of kilometres away from large landmasses Though I suppose I cooould pop over to Fiji, or New Caledonia

    I'm hoping to go to Melbourne this summer, and probably Sydney too. It will be awesome, not least because it will be the first time I'd have left the country.

    Yeah sunburn's the worst. Last year I was walking around town, and could literally feel my skin burning. So I went and caught a movie haha. It was good; air-conditioned with ice cream, a surprisingly good choice in the middle of summer.

    And whoever thought tanning beds were a good idea is a right munter. I mean, you're paying for something that you could get for free, while being outside and doing something constructive. Like my neighbour, who will get all kitted-up in Lycra and go for a big walk, only to come home and drive to the shops, to church, to work, wherever. She would both save time and look less like a piece of liquorice if she did normal things while walking.

    And don't get me started on people who drive to the gym to use a treadmill.
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    I hate privately-owned beaches. It should just be straight-up illegal to own a beach. I mean, no one gets any use out of it if one person uses it privately and excludes everybody else. Fortunately, there are very few private beaches in NZ. In fact, I can only think of one.

    But yeah, beaches are all well and good, if it weren't for that hole in the ozone -.- Fortunately, it's shrinking with the ban of CFCs, but it's incredibly thin over NZ in the summer, and we have the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. If you ever do come here with your Scottish skin, make sure you were a crap load of sunscreen.
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    Australia is, but NZ is mild the whole year, with little seasonal variation, due to it being so thin that we really have no in-land. The only place that would come close is Queenstown in the Southern Alps. 30C+ in summer, easily sub-0 in Winter.

    Global warming being responsible to some measure wouldn't surprise me, I mean, it's gotta show up eventually, and it's not like Copenhagen actually achieved anything.

    Hah, you have no idea. Scotland IS lucky on the weather front (that's a pun!); it may be cold, but do you get incessant 'bitey' rain that travels horizontally and negates any advantages conferred by an umbrella?
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    It was kind of unseasonably warm yesterday, so that may be unrepresentative. Basically, the hint of frost is on the morning air, but I haven't seen one yet. The first reports of road closures (snow) are beginning to trickle in from the South Island.

    Typical daily range for me at the moment is 3C in the morning, maybe getting to 11C or 12C by mid-afternoon.

    22C? Man, you Scots have it lucky. Honestly, Wellington's fortunate to have 20C in summer, and there's always a cold wind to ruin it, especially when your skin's wet (i.e., a the beach).

    Plus it's also a mild mind-**** that I'm sitting by a heater at 2.15am.
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    Yeah still sticking with the piano tutoring. I'm becoming a general music teacher next year. Just training at the mo.

    How about you, hows uni going?
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    Weird, I though I already had you as a friend haha. Also I will keep the secret a secret and no one will know.
  13. View Conversation
    Hey. Hows the beta demo going? Made any headway with it?

    How you doing by the way?
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    Hiya Aerif! Played it through once more, may do it again, and write down the errors, but my final playing time is 1:50:53 (1 hour, 50 minutes, and 53 seconds.) I didn't know if you needed to know the time, I guess i'll do many play throughs, some quickly, and some slowly. This one I went slow and looked around every corner. See Ya!
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    Aye, it's a cute little town, with unfortunatly high house prices since it's near the coast.
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October 6, 1991 (33)
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You should see the paragraphs I deleted before clicking 'post now'.

by Aerif on 07-26-2015 at 01:09 PM
Officially speaking the last activity I had on these forums was in February 2015, five months ago. This activity coincided with a life changing event for me, in the form of a new job - the starting rung on a career - an opportunity as a designer at a AAA game studio, one which I won't name here to prevent any unfortunate paper trails - however I have a feeling a fair proportion of you already know. This exciting opportunity had the drawback of having to move to what is technically a different country

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Winter Reflection

by Aerif on 12-27-2013 at 04:05 PM
It's becoming a habit of mine to take a relatively simple topic and stretch it out into several pages of writing that is of no interest to other people. This is why I will make an excellent academic.

Trailed thought. Let me start over.

It's becoming a habit of mine to take the time during the winter holidays to reflect upon the year that was, and unless I'm mistaken about my commitment to such a process this will be the seventh time I do so on TFF, to coincide with my eighth

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[Hey pilgrims. Happy thanksgiving pilgrims.] Thoughts and prayers to those involved at Clutha.

by Aerif on 11-29-2013 at 06:01 PM
Well I guess it was yesterday. I did manage to say thanksgiving to an actual American though. He knows who he is.

Black Friday has always been a fascinating topic of conversation in the UK, since its slowly becoming an imported tradition. As far as I can tell Black Friday sales only began a few years ago - at least online - with Amazon selling Wiis and Xbox 360s for £50: a pretty amazing bargain even by today's standards.

This is the first year I've seen (or to better put

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Updated 11-29-2013 at 06:09 PM by Aerif


˙ǝᴉl ɐ sᴉ ƃolq sᴉɥʇ ɟo ǝɯɐu ǝɥ┴

by Aerif on 10-31-2013 at 01:29 PM
August. Fecking August was the last time I updated.

Of all people it was Loco who made me realise this by asking about my lack of logging into FFXIV. Presumably he is injured and has run out of people to contact.

Since my last posts, my situation has changed a fair bit. I live in the city now in the student accommodation I mentioned before, and am adjusting to life as a non-commuting student. Dundee, although small, is fairly pleasant.

Also they have this:

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Ultros keeps getting hit by Thundaga

by Aerif on 08-25-2013 at 09:38 AM
One of the major benefits of Square Enix being a Japanese country is that all of the testing periods, and early access beginnings, and emergency down-period maintenance in Final Fantasy XIV have been happening at ideal times for European players. The Japanese 6pm start time has translated nicely into 10am start times in the UK.

For some strange reason however, the Early Access period which began yesterday morning has so far been afflicted by much more frequent downtime and maintenance

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