Why yes it is a guild. We are currently thinking about helping noobs and stuf but we are not sure yet. However its just a thought. After all its kinda hard to join. In unrealated news how far have you goten in RE outbreak? Any thing I can help with?
hmm. I was thinking, if you could be a little more literate, would you concider joining CRAO PORR COCK8? Before you join we would need to see you be a little more gramatical but you have a good post count. I think you should think about it.
Well take comfort in knowing that you accually got the program to work. I cant even get the sprite editor to work....Im not going to give up though. This oppretunity is just too awsome.
No.... But I know for a fact he is online. I tried posting in a help thread and I still havent checked it so I might have got an answere but Ill just check tommorow.
Oi Vey! Whats up Jack?
so how you been ? have not talked to ya in a while........ i had an interesting evening..... we had my girls b day party tonight since everyone is busy from tommorrow until monday and her b day is saturday ........ had some cake that i actually liked and i seen twilight for the first time.......
hey i got to get my hair done tomorow ill go to the wellness center after im done so you thin you will still be there
Your face is up! Na, Nothing really. Looking forward to working out tommorow at the wellness center.
um ok
Ur FaCe WaZ HeRe!
just masing around
nuthin much man u
i wed the river me and my friend are in the middle of no were fricking bears and mountion lions frickinf following use y i carry a 8 mm now but thats just going to piuss it off lol we usely wed alot abput 8-12 miles a trip that raindow is a lake trout tho i got some big as river trout
thats cool i we have a Tailor season over here and as soon as your line hits the water you pretty much pulling one out its unreal but there is no challenge in it. I like fishing for Flat Head because they are so picky and they are lazy so the are a challenge
ill add some to my ablem if i can rember how lol..... and sorry for the typos
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waltz for the moon
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