Though simple words, they make a valid point.
Where is the tribute to the greatest dictator of all? Me....
I guess you will have to wait a few years
"Who says that Germans always obliterate the French? An idiot."
Though simple words, they make a valid point.
I don't really understand the video (sowiiee) but I like your banner =)
EX Member Of The Al Bhed Club
& The Yaoi Otakus Club
I miss everybody there
My DEAR TFF Family
My Vampire Bleach Obsessive Brother - ABARAI RENJI
My Addicted to Bleach Brother - KUROSAKI ICHIGO
My normal healthy brother - METAL572
My not imaginary sister - LoVeLeSs
misfortunes kept befalling me.. what did I ever do wrong?! ...
Your signature is too long.
Like, it's definitely way too long.
As in, infraction of the signature guidelines long. you might want to fix that.
Attempting to ignore the massive size, it's very colorful. It's an attention-getter, which I suppose is what you'd want in a signature -- something that catches the eye and gets people to actually pay attention to it. I actually like it.
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
Get off the FFXI theme already! Although, his pose does amuse me.
Such a true quote too.
Until now!
Big Mao! Alright, you've already stated that your choice of dictator isn't anything personal, but I'm not pissy about ol' Zedong. He was just a bit...mad, really. Some nice quotes too.
I'm a fan of your recurring theme. So, since it's not Pinochet this time, 8/10![]()
Your sword is just what's in the circle...? I'm not a fan of videos in signitures, as is well known, but at least you kept yours small, so 7/10 for you.
Be prepared, friends. The first of a long list of African dictators has hit my signiture.
Until now!
9/10, dictators are cool, but I saw a documentary, and that dude Idi can't swim for crap. Nice research and a nice q/a at the end.
victoria aut mors
Reno! I love Reno, hehe. It's a rather plain signature, but I like it. It's small, and doesn't take up half the page [unlike mine- sorry] And it has some cool links in there. It's good, but you lose points for unoriginality. How many people have their result for this quiz in their sig?
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
It amuses me, but it's a little too big for my liking...and I hate the term Otaku.6/10
Last edited by Jin; 03-28-2007 at 03:32 PM.
Until now!
10/10 Boner-part is funny, and reminds me of the history lessons I used to fall asleep in. Once again kudos on your research. I just wonder if this dude could swim... (see my last post)
victoria aut mors
I sincerely hope you aren't confusing this man with the Bonaparte. That would be the sin of all sins. Pretty close to falling asleep in history class, how in the world?
You're not a final fantasy character! 2/10 >=(
*bitter over boner-part comment? Perhaps.*
Until now!
ur signature gives me something to read..though the dictators don't appear in my history test =_= 9/10 ..
EX Member Of The Al Bhed Club
& The Yaoi Otakus Club
I miss everybody there
My DEAR TFF Family
My Vampire Bleach Obsessive Brother - ABARAI RENJI
My Addicted to Bleach Brother - KUROSAKI ICHIGO
My normal healthy brother - METAL572
My not imaginary sister - LoVeLeSs
misfortunes kept befalling me.. what did I ever do wrong?! ...
Well unless you were taking a course specifically on Europe in the early modern period, I doubt that Napoleon III would have been on it, no...
You have the same name as my girlfriend and spell it the way her cousin does and it's creeping me out, I must say. 5/10 for doing that and putting it into your sig. I'm sorry.
Until now!
Bit big, but not overpowering (get it? Dictatorship? Nah...)
I still think "What" should say "Where" in the information about the dictator.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
"What did he rule? He ruled France."
It's gramatically legitimate and sounds better than "where" in my opinion. Now if we were talking about regions instead of states, that'd be a whole different thing.
I like yours. It's collagearific. 8/10
Until now!
What did he rule? The people, the state. Where did he rule? The Central African Republic. Har har. Sorry. I'll get off your back with my inane and annoying grammar pedantry. And I'll take Helter Skelter with me.
Your sig constantly educates me, since I only know of mainstream despots; Franco, Pol Pot, Stalin, you know. The arrangement speaks of nothing but intelligence and an interest in politics and history, two of my favourite personal pursuits. 8/10.
Ahhh, but the Central African Republic is the state that he rules. Where it is is irrelevant; the state is an artificial creation of man. 60 years ago, the Central African Republic didn't exist as it was colonized by the French as the French Congo. On the larger scale, the name has no meaning as a place in any time other than during its existance and then only to those that remember its existance. Anatolia is a place and always will be, whereas Turkey is only a place until the state of Turkey dissolves. Is it obvious that I'll defend this to the end pointlessly?
I like how I turned this thread into a philisophical debate. I rule.
Anyways, I like the quotes, but I like pictures too. =(
Until now!
Yes. Just yes. Put that wee lyric to music, please.
But it's wee bit big; internet cripples like me (46.6kbps dial-up) have trouble loading things like that. 6/10.
Cool quote... but no pictures...?
<img src="">
<img src="">
Malahk Musashi is a closet ecstasy gay... and I am his cuddle kitty.
<img src="">
10/10 It's big and shows every weirdo your artwork and affiliations. COOL!
victoria aut mors
Danka-Danka! n_n
Reno kicks ass, sooooo.... 9/10
<img src="">
<img src="">
Malahk Musashi is a closet ecstasy gay... and I am his cuddle kitty.
<img src="">
I like both of those pictures there. They contrast with eachother a fair bit, doncha think ><? But they're both awesome. That link is awesome, too. It makes me click almost everytime I see it. Seriously >.>
Anyway, awesome. 9/10
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
<img src="">
<img src="">
Malahk Musashi is a closet ecstasy gay... and I am his cuddle kitty.
<img src="">
Can't say I'm a big Silent Hill fan, but the second one makes me smile. 8/10
As for mine, forgive me for not having a serious looking picture of this term's spokesman, but how can I when King Jong-Il is the subject? =P
Last edited by Jin; 04-02-2007 at 09:18 PM.
Until now!
I...I like his sunglasses. 8/10
I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.
That's awesome. I really like that picture. No words for it, I just like it >.>
Awesome family, too.
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
it's a big pic of a dictator 7.5/10
HOPEFULLY mine will show up, if not, then screw it!
LOTS of text there ED.
We need to chat again btw.
The picture didnt show, but the family is very nice thoughhhhhh, so I'd give you 6/10 simply because the picture doesnt show.
Cogito, ergo sum.
PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
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