Banned for having a FF6 saying
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Banned for having a FF6 saying
You're banned because blah blah blah.
Banned for using blah blah blah as your reason
You're banned because I can use blah blah blah if I want to.
banned for having a hope avatar
Banned for being the master of pokeglomps when it should be Pokéglomps! xD
Banned for yap yap yap(to fate) and I'm not banning Kyle cuz tomarrow is his birthday:p
if you can use blah blah blah I can use yap yap yap:p
You're banned for banning someone on the day before their birthday! D=< *glares*
Banned for having no signature. (OH SH!T! I DON'T HAVE A SIGNATURE EITHER!!! O_o)
Banned for having no banner.
Banned cuz you haven't posted in my new thread. WTF my sig didn't show up!
Banned because that's bad news.
You're banned because a "polyhedrome" is nonexistent. However, a polyhedron, on the other hand, is real. ^~
your banned cause i had to go look up what the world that word was :(
You're banned for not knowing what a polyhedron is. xD
Also, your, you're, and yore are not the same words. ^~
Banned because your signature is SHINY.
your banned because i havent been on here in too long!
Your banned because you don't know Raider.
Totally off the rule book I ban Che for being a douche. Seriously man you alright but your a douche.
i ban you because you should know me cus i am awesome, but very old :D
and i double ban you for having a awesoem sig :D
:eek: Banned for the Joker impersonator in your signature.
Banned for claiming to be using a flamethrower out of boredom. :above:
Banned because it's an awsome smilie!
Banned for being Ebil. (misspelt on purpose) :lol:
Banned because you are a doofus. :P
Banned because you judge people before you get to know them. :p