Banned for having less than 50 Posts.
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Banned for having less than 50 Posts.
Banned for changing your name!
Banned for having a long username xD
Banned because you have fewer HP!
Banned cuz you don't have much more! (And cuz I have 20 more than you :D)
Banned because you you are a Pokenerd!
Banned because Pokemon is awesome! D8<
Banned for forgetting the accent!
Banned because... POKÉMON! (That's a reason if you don't agree with it then you are banned for that instead.)
Banned because DMC and FF are teh best EVAH!
Banned because i don't agree with you.
Banned because I say so, damn it.
Banned for not giving a valid reason.
Banned because you haven't brought me a cuppa for gracing this thread with my presence!
Banned because I haven't played FFIX!
:D Banned for having a cool Sephiroth siggie.
Banned for being a higher level than I am.
Everyone is Banned because I said so
Banned because I fed your pokemon to the chaos worms! Good riddance!
Banned because I has no pokemon
BAnned for not having pokemon!
Banned for spelling banned like this. BAnned.
Banned for having a SWEET Shinra sig!
Banned for distributing videos of me preforming odd acts with sea creatures
:eek: Banned for performing odd acts with sea creatures?
Banned for not paying off the Electro Bill for the Shin-Ra company.
Banned for living in a long location
Banned because I just can't find the Land Of Potatoes. :(
Banned cuz no one's banned anyone here in 10 days D:
Banned for trying to keep the thread going after 10 days.