Banned because I am the God of the banning game wahahahahahahaha and noone can ban me
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Banned because I am the God of the banning game wahahahahahahaha and noone can ban me
Banned because only I can become a god.
Uh...huh...Dreams, anyway.
Banned because the Move Tool wishes to remove you.
Not banned because that sig is amazing!
You're banned because Serenade wants you to be banned. =3
banned cuz banning is fun :)
Banned because you all remind me of glitterskin otaku furries...and I am your bane...I HATE FURRIES!!!!!!!!!!!
banned cuz i like furries :(
You're banned because I still have to wait a week for XIII to come out. x3
banned cuz i lack the right game system for FFXIII D:
You're banned for not buying one, then.
banned cuz i'm pretty much broke :(
Banned because you should grow a money twee. =P
Banned because money trees don't exist. Unless if you're talking about a tree with money attached to it. xD
Banned because you said that money trees don't exist. I beg to differ.
Not exactly a money making tree, but that is the name of it.
Banned because I dreamt I grew a money tree last night!
But before I could get it, I woke up... :(
You're banned because your dreams hate you.
you're banned for making illogical sense
Banned because you did not ban Sabin. >A<
Banned cuz I don't care that I didn't ban him I banned somebody else
Banned because you're a bunch of otakus who are absolutely ashamed of their race and decided to adopt another culture (i.e. Japan), which spawned Hentai. ****ed up but slightly understandable. The true abomonation was unleashed once furries entered the mix. The most vile and disgusting images ever conceived, and spawned the horrifiying Sonic hentai which scarred me as a young glitterskin slayer. It has since been my sworn duty to rid all planes of existence of their furry infestation. With each battle, my art of furry slaying only became more perfected. It was when I defeated the god of thunder who was an Otaku (much like all you ****ers) in hand to hand combat that I became an unstoppable force, what with firing electricity from my palms and summoning lightning from the skies. Furries literally had no chance once I obtained the staff blades of Hydrall, my ancestor. Uttering my very name caused all furries to trmble in fear. I slew the multi colored catgirls of the jungle, I cleaved through the wolf men of the forests, the minotaurs of the prairies felt lightning course through their horns, and I felled one of their titanic gods whit both blades through it's skull. I am the very reason that you all sleep well at night and don't wake up either dead, a furry, or a dead furry. My crusade will only be finished once I bathe my blades in the fur, and the hair of every furry everywhere......What were we talking about again?
:( Banned for not having much of a sense of humour. ;)
Banned for being a FF6 obsessor
Banned because FF 10 was way better then FF6