So I went and saw this last night, and I have to say, I did not find it to be anywhere near as horrible as the internet made it out to be. Sure, it had its problems, but nothing that couldn't be overlooked for the sake of the overall experience: it is, in fact, an "action-packed thrill ride" (as cliche as that might sound) and if you are familiar with the comics or the other movies, it effectively portrays Wolverine's back story. Also, at a little over an hour and a half running time, it's done quickly enough. Although that can also be looked at as a problem...
The first two X-Men movies were both over 2 hours long, if memory serves correctly. They took the time to develop the story, and the characters. My biggest problem with the third X-Men movie was that it was too short, and felt like they tried to do too much in the 1:40-some minute running time, as well as introducing fan favorites, only portray them incorrectly in small rolls, and kill them off (Psylocke, anyone?) This movie has similar problems, though I won't go too far into that. Just realize that, as the original X-Men movies were basically "Wolverine and the X-Men," this movie is pretty much "Wolverine. Period. (As one might expect from the title.) Another problem is plot holes.
Here's a little more detail: Gambit was there. He did stuff. His roll could have been filled by any other character, and I'm not completely sure if I was really sold on this character being Gambit, but at least he was finally in one of the movies!Also, was in this movie, but his character was allegedly made up. *shrug* I didn't mind him. Then there was Dominic Monaghan as Bolt, a character I've never heard of (actually, I haven't heard of a lot of these characters.)
Spoiler: I also appreciated the fact that they didn't kill him.
To all the Deadpool fans...
Spoiler: You're gonna be pissed off. At the beginning of the movie, his character was vaguely correct. Then, they turn him into "Weapon XI... the Deadpool." A pooling of 8 different mutants' powers, including Wolverine's claws, in the form of his katanas. And they sewed his mouth shut, and Striker controlled him via computer.
Here are the two major plotholes in this movie:
Spoiler: 1.Logan lost his memory at the end of the movie, but Victor Creed did not. Although that's not really the problem, so much as the Victor Creed in this movie is nothing like Sabretooth in the original X-Men movie. Doesn't look like him, is a more compelling and intelligent character than him, etc...
2.The secret laboratory where Logan gets injected with adamantium is in a different location than it was in the second movie.
There have been complaints about the writing in this movie, too. It is pretty cheesy in parts, but not overwhelming. Overall, this is like an 80's/90's action flick with X-Men characters thrown in. I like those kinds of action flicks, myself, and it has the added bonus of having X-Men characters in it, so for me, it was good. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom