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  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    So I went and saw this last night, and I have to say, I did not find it to be anywhere near as horrible as the internet made it out to be. Sure, it had its problems, but nothing that couldn't be overlooked for the sake of the overall experience: it is, in fact, an "action-packed thrill ride" (as cliche as that might sound) and if you are familiar with the comics or the other movies, it effectively portrays Wolverine's back story. Also, at a little over an hour and a half running time, it's done quickly enough. Although that can also be looked at as a problem...

    The first two X-Men movies were both over 2 hours long, if memory serves correctly. They took the time to develop the story, and the characters. My biggest problem with the third X-Men movie was that it was too short, and felt like they tried to do too much in the 1:40-some minute running time, as well as introducing fan favorites, only portray them incorrectly in small rolls, and kill them off (Psylocke, anyone?) This movie has similar problems, though I won't go too far into that. Just realize that, as the original X-Men movies were basically "Wolverine and the X-Men," this movie is pretty much "Wolverine. Period. (As one might expect from the title.) Another problem is plot holes.

    Here's a little more detail: Gambit was there. He did stuff. His roll could have been filled by any other character, and I'm not completely sure if I was really sold on this character being Gambit, but at least he was finally in one of the movies!
    I also appreciated the fact that they didn't kill him.

    Also, was in this movie, but his character was allegedly made up. *shrug* I didn't mind him. Then there was Dominic Monaghan as Bolt, a character I've never heard of (actually, I haven't heard of a lot of these characters.)

    To all the Deadpool fans...
    You're gonna be pissed off. At the beginning of the movie, his character was vaguely correct. Then, they turn him into "Weapon XI... the Deadpool." A pooling of 8 different mutants' powers, including Wolverine's claws, in the form of his katanas. And they sewed his mouth shut, and Striker controlled him via computer.

    Here are the two major plotholes in this movie:
    1.Logan lost his memory at the end of the movie, but Victor Creed did not. Although that's not really the problem, so much as the Victor Creed in this movie is nothing like Sabretooth in the original X-Men movie. Doesn't look like him, is a more compelling and intelligent character than him, etc...
    2.The secret laboratory where Logan gets injected with adamantium is in a different location than it was in the second movie.

    There have been complaints about the writing in this movie, too. It is pretty cheesy in parts, but not overwhelming. Overall, this is like an 80's/90's action flick with X-Men characters thrown in. I like those kinds of action flicks, myself, and it has the added bonus of having X-Men characters in it, so for me, it was good. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2
    Air from my lungs. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Violet's Avatar
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    I liked the first two X-men movies, but I viewed Origins as a whole new beginning to the X-Men series. Why? Because X-Men 3 was very disappointing.. they literally messed up the entire story with that one. After me and my brother left the theaters, we had nothing good to say about the movie. Now, moving on to X-Men Origins.. I have to say, this is a great "resurrection" of the films and I hope they don't make any direct sequels of X-Men 3, because I'm gonna be disappointed unless they use the same director who did Origins(or at least a director that isn't the guy that worked on 3).

    I demand some Gambit x Rogue, damnit! Enough of this Bobby x Rogue crap, argh. They may as well do a Cyclops x Rogue while they're at it if they're gonna destroy that romantic pair, seriously. And don't mind me, I'm just being a grumpy fan. I have the right to complain, lol.

    Anyways, my overall opinion of Wolverine Origins is that it was a good movie. It's something I'd watch again, but I wouldn't label it a master piece or anything like that. You're right that they changed the Sabretooth from the one they used in the movies, but wasn't he closer to what Sabretooth was supposed to be like? And maybe his change implies that they're gonna do something new with the next movies and not continue from X-Men 3? If not, then I won't mind as long as Gambit's in it somewhere.
    Last edited by Violet; 05-03-2009 at 06:45 AM.

  3. #3
    Kou's Avatar
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    Although it deviated, sometimes greatly, from the comic in some points it was an entertaining action film. Sure I sat there thinking 'this never happened... or deadpool never did that' or other such was still a good watch. There were a lot of things that I think should of been done personally, but to keep the rating it was given and in a minus 2 hour movie...I guess the director did what he had to. I think it could of been so much moreof Bryan Singer directed it though since he didn't do too bad with the first 2 x-men movies.
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  4. #4
    Sh*t! I just cast Firaga on myself! X-Men Origins: Wolverine Neo Nagisa's Avatar
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    It should have been like this: X-men Origins would take the place of X-men 1, then number 1 would be bumped to X-men 2's place, and X-men 2 would be X-men 3. And what happens to the actual X-men 3, you ask? We light it on fire and shove it back up into the uterus that brought it to life.

    I like X-Men origins. However, they screwed themselves for sequels to it, if you ask me. They can't really do it with any other character now. All the characters were in that movie, and if they made a sequel with lets say Cyclops, we'd just be seeing Wolverine's out of Cyclop's eyes. Idk.. bleh. Maybe they could pull it off.. somehow. And Gambit, omg. He should have been in 1 and 2. DX

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  5. #5
    Air from my lungs. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Violet's Avatar
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    X-Men Origins is a prequel to the ones they have out right now. They're already working on another movie called X-Men: First Class which focuses on Xavier's first class of mutants. And there will be no Gambit. I just read about this here: Splash Page Fox Execs Say No Gambit In ‘X-Men: First Class,’ Invite Bryan Singer To Direct Spin-Offs

    And I agree with Nagisa.. I think they need to push X-Men 3 out and pretend it never existed. It killed off everyone. Only thing they could do in a sequel to that is if they have it where Phoenix teleported them to the future or something like that.. *sigh* If only it were in Marvel's hands.

  6. #6
    I invented Go-Gurt. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violet View Post
    And I agree with Nagisa.. I think they need to push X-Men 3 out and pretend it never existed. It killed off everyone.
    They didn't kill off everybody. Only Jean Gray and a lot of unknown mutants. I mean, Wolverine did say, "I think she killed Scott," but that's never confirmed. As far as anybody knows, he could have easily gotten away, of course, without his glasses, running through the forest blinded. As for Professor X, he switched bodies with the braindead coma patient.

    As for X-Men Origins, I though it was a great film. I was especially fond of Liev Schreiber's portrayal of Victor Creed, and the fact that they adapted the partial meltdown of Artificial Three Mile Island in 1979 to have been caused by the destruction of Stryker's project. I can't wait for the Japanese-saga sequel, so that Wolverine's origins can actually be fully understood, which would hopefully include Wolverine's second wife, Deathstrike.

    The whole Gambit and Rogue situation, though, is complete trash. The Rogue character in the movies is a complete pansy. She doesn't even know how to use her powers. They should just do a Gambit spin-off movie. Just have him go to Vegas and cause a whole lot of shit. Perhaps join the Brotherhood, like he's supposed to.

    As for Deadpool, I though he was a great character, even though he wasn't exactly present in the movie for too long. Perhaps they could reattach his head and give him his own spinoff, as well.

  7. #7
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I agree, on the X3 killing everyone off thing. I didn't really think about it, but they did kill off Cyclops and the Prof, and they took away the mutant powers of many others in that movie. The one I think was the most lame was Cyclops, because he basically was only had a significant part in the first movie. He was captured in X2, and James Marsden decided to go with Singer to do the Superman movie, so they decided to kill him off early in the third movie. So they kinda screwed themselves over for making any direct sequels off those movies... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  8. #8
    Air from my lungs. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Violet's Avatar
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    I disagree about the Rogue and Gambit situation being trash. It was a great pairing. They worked well with eachother, and I think it should be continued to the screen just for the soul purpose of it existing. Taylor Kitsch said he's all for continueing the Rogue and Gambit thing, but he said he doesn't want Gambit being a tied-down character.

    Personally, I love Gambit x Rogue. But then, you're right about the actress.. she isn't exactly what I'd consider Rogue material. Rogue's supposed to be a kickass tomboy southern girl.. Anna Paquin failed at portraying that.
    Last edited by Violet; 05-07-2009 at 07:43 PM.

  9. #9
    I invented Go-Gurt. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violet View Post
    I disagree about the Rogue and Gambit situation being trash.
    I didn't mean that in the way you think I meant it. In the comics their relationship was good. On the cartoons it was good. I was saying that it would be trash in terms of how much the film's version of the Rogue character sucks. To make the relationship work, the character would need to be recast.

  10. #10
    Air from my lungs. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Violet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Egon Spengler View Post
    I didn't mean that in the way you think I meant it. In the comics their relationship was good. On the cartoons it was good. I was saying that it would be trash in terms of how much the film's version of the Rogue character sucks. To make the relationship work, the character would need to be recast.

    Yeah, I agree.. I don't think they'll recast her though unless she refuses for some reason or other. It would be nice though :/. If they had her and Gambit get together in the movie, they wouldn't pull it off well because she isn't enough like Rogue. She's too hesitant and awkward.. and weak.

  11. #11
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    She's a good actress, though. I think it was more in the way her character was written and the director directed her (as much as I like David Hayter and Brian Singer's work...) I mean, look what they did to Bobby Drake; he's supposed to the wisecracking original X-Men, not a brooding teenager! (Or so I've heard...) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  12. #12
    Master of the Shadow Key X-Men Origins: Wolverine KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    Bobby wasn't so much brooding as he was boring. I mean, I get the whole Iceman/Pyro rivalry thing, but they never took it a step further. This eventually ended in that disappointing fight in X3.

  13. #13
    I invented Go-Gurt. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Clint's Avatar
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    Iceman was only a boring, seemingly brooding character because a horrible actor was hired to play him. It's not at all that they made him young. It could have worked if they had gotten somebody who didn't suck the large nuts of a homosexual cyclops. I though Colossus was a boring character, too, but that might just be because he wasn't given any sort of back story, let alone lines or scenes, even though that character was a large part of the story in the comic books.

  14. #14
    Master of the Shadow Key X-Men Origins: Wolverine KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    I thought Colossus was a nice side character, but I agree that he should've had a reason to be there besides the director saying, "Let's put the big Russian tin man in the movie!!!"(They did the same thing with Juggarnaut, they didn't he show his relation with Professor X.) Colossus's fastball special with Wolverine was my favorite part of X3 though, I wasn't expecting that!

  15. #15
    I invented Go-Gurt. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Clint's Avatar
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    Just out of curiosity, what is Juggernaut's relation with Xavier?

  16. #16
    Master of the Shadow Key X-Men Origins: Wolverine KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    In the comics, Juggernaut(Cain Marko) was Xavier's stepbrother. As children, Cain was physically beaten by his dad, and he started hating Xaiver when he found out he was using his powers to get ahead. When they grew up, they fought together in the Korean War, where they foung an ancient temple. Cain touched a gem inside which made the temple collapse. Xavier tried to help Cain get out, but he couldn't and was forced to leave. Years later, Cain eventually dug himself out with his new powers the gem gave him and, thinking Xavier abandoned him, started hunting him down. Thus was the birth of Juggernaut. As you can see, X3 would've been SO much better if they included this backstory instead of choosing Juggernaut to be a big, dumb, grunt.

  17. #17
    Although it deviated, sometimes greatly, from the comic in some points it was an entertaining action film.
    This basically sums up the movie as a whole for me. Out of all the movies I've had the misfortune to see this year (Duplicity, Twilight, Race to Witch Mountain, amongst others), it was probably the best.

    Also, Weapon XI/the Deadpool at the end of the movie looked ****ing cool. Like really ****ing cool. I hope I wasn't the only one who thought that

  18. #18
    Air from my lungs. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Violet's Avatar
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    I have to admit, some of X-Men's stories in the comics sounded like they ran out of ideas. Like with Gambit.. just read about his legacy on Wikipedia. It sounds like it got a tad out of hand.. and they couldn't just leave the drama between him and Rogue alone.

    And after seeing a few comics with Deadpool in it, I can see how much they butchered his character in the movie. It's somewhat depressing, as he's supposed to be an extremely funny dude. His design looked creepy. But when you go see the movie, don't let that cancel out everything else. The rest of it was good, imo.
    Last edited by Violet; 05-08-2009 at 06:05 PM.

  19. #19
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 X-Men Origins: Wolverine Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I saw that movie. It was not bad at all. Still don't know how Logan got Bone Claws in the first place.

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  20. #20
    Master of the Shadow Key X-Men Origins: Wolverine KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    The bone claws were his natural mutant abilities.

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    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 X-Men Origins: Wolverine Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    He was born a Mutant??? That would explain alot. LOL

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  22. #22
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    Actually his healing factor is his confirmed mutant ability. They never state wether the retractable bones are a deformity or a power but seeing as mutants powers don't usually appear until their teen years I would say it is not a power. All they have ever really said about the bones is that 'he was born with them'.
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  23. #23
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    What was supposed to be the time difference in the X-men Origins movie and the first X-men movie? Just curious.

    Also, I was very upset on how they completely ruined deadpool, but the death scene they gave him more than made up for it, for those of you who saw know what I'm talking about lol. But whoever the actor was for Deadpool did a damn good job, at least at the beginning parts. They way Deadpool ran his mouth and couldn't shut his trap was very entertaining.

    I was kinda put off by the whole secrecy and plot twists of the movie, it made things seemed overcomplicated and took away from the action that was at hand. And how quickly Wolverine forgave his girlfriend/wife after all that happened? I would say that was a little absurd and felt more at place with "Days of Our Lives" then "X-men", but who knows.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  24. #24
    Registered User X-Men Origins: Wolverine winterborn86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    What was supposed to be the time difference in the X-men Origins movie and the first X-men movie? Just curious.

    Also, I was very upset on how they completely ruined deadpool, but the death scene they gave him more than made up for it, for those of you who saw know what I'm talking about lol. But whoever the actor was for Deadpool did a damn good job, at least at the beginning parts. They way Deadpool ran his mouth and couldn't shut his trap was very entertaining.

    I was kinda put off by the whole secrecy and plot twists of the movie, it made things seemed overcomplicated and took away from the action that was at hand. And how quickly Wolverine forgave his girlfriend/wife after all that happened? I would say that was a little absurd and felt more at place with "Days of Our Lives" then "X-men", but who knows.
    I think there must be nearly about 10 years between origins and the 1st movie, cos in origins scott was only a teenager who looked about 17 to 19years old and in the movie he is alot older, I'm probably wrong about the time difference but thats what I thought. If anyone does know feel free to correct me

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  25. #25
    Master of the Shadow Key X-Men Origins: Wolverine KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    I think your idea on the time span might be accurate winterborn because if anyone saw the early trailers, they would've seen a young storm in a scene that was deleted from the movie (Storm was supposed to appear in the African village), who looks about 9 or 10 years old.

  26. #26
    I invented Go-Gurt. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    I think there must be nearly about 10 years between origins and the 1st movie, cos in origins scott was only a teenager who looked about 17 to 19years old and in the movie he is alot older, I'm probably wrong about the time difference but thats what I thought. If anyone does know feel free to correct me
    It has to be more than ten years, because the partial meltdown of Three Mile Island was incorporated into the movie, and that happened in 1979. At the beginning of the first movie, which was in 2000, it stated that the events took place in the not too distant future. Which means that if Scott was about 17 during the events of Wolverine, then that means that during the first film, he was at least 40 years old. And since the character obviously wasn't that old during the first film, I'd say that they either changed the date of the meltdown, or changed the date of the not too distant future.

  27. #27
    Whole movie was a mess, so many plot holes and pointless scenes and them pointles scenes not leaving enough room to develop character for gambit and deadpool. Seriously this film could have been made of win if they just included them more =/

    Such a shame as Wolverine, Gambit and Deadpool/Wade are like my fav marvel characters.

    And the SFX were dog shit, i mean seriously they could have just used the same claw effects that they used in xmen1,2 and 3 but noooooo

  28. #28
    Registered User X-Men Origins: Wolverine winterborn86's Avatar
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    I really loved the film, I saw it last Monday.
    It was interesting to see what type of life logan had before he became appart of the Xmen.
    Is it true the his brother was actually sabertooth in the 1st movie?? My partner said it was although, I don't think I have actually ever heard it being mentioned in any of the films, but the likeness between victor and sabertooth were very alike so I couls easily see it being correct. Does anyone know??

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  29. #29
    In the comics, Wolverine and Sabertooth are not brothers. They changed it for the movie. It made it very interesting and, if you think about it, it seems logical. Both Wolverine and Sebertooth have very similar traits. Of both are animals in every sense of the word. Can't say if Sabertooth has the healing ability in the comics, but if he does it makes it all the more similar to Wolverine.

    I enjoyed the movie a lot. The only thing I would have changed was how it seemed to skip around. If they took it at a slower pace and smoothed the transitions out, it would have been a 5/5 blockbuster and a true role model for how comic book movies should be.

  30. #30
    Master of the Shadow Key X-Men Origins: Wolverine KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    After seeing the movie, I thought it was okay..better than the 3rd movie. The only thing I would've changed is Deadpool's role in the movie. They should've show him a bit more, so his change to Weapon XI would've meant a bit more. For example, if they made Wraith the Weapon XI, it would've had more of an impact. Or better, keep Deadpool the way he was!!!

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