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Thread: Simpson's musical

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. Simpson's musical RamesesII's Avatar
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    Simpson's musical

    Simple, what is your favorite Simpson's musical scene or episode?

    I would have to say my all time fav is 'See my vest' sung my Monty Burns when he tries to kidnap the puppies. And the of course the Spider pig som=ng from the movie haha.
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  2. #2
    Registered User Simpson's musical
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    Jul 2009
    Been a while since I've seen an episode of the Simpsons, so my mind is a little fuzzy on which episodes had musical numbers in them. Spider-pig was on my iPod for a while, but I got rid of it. Too much of a good thing I guess.

    Yes, I liked the Monty Burns' song "See my Vest". I thought it was hilarious!

    YouTube - Simpsons - See My Vest

    I also liked the Dr. Zaius Rap

    YouTube - Dr. Zaius Rap

    I could probably look for more that I liked, but these two just stuck out in my head.
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