I love him
The first move I saw him in was Juno, but my favorite is Youth in Revolt.
Anyone a fan of this kid? I think he's awesome. Loved his character the first time I saw him in Arrested Development-He was named "George Michael Bluth" then-and every consecutive time, he's been cool, too. Wonder if he's ever gonna play a different character? Not that he needs to right now, though. He's got plenty of time left to get out of being type cast. I love his awkward delivery, and the ridiculous lines he's given. "If anyone is getting raped in that car, it's probably not your friend." "Now I'm in this terrible place, I'm hanging upside down, and I have to pee!" etc.
Here is the trailer for his newest movie, coming out soon: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. I want to see it. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
I love him
The first move I saw him in was Juno, but my favorite is Youth in Revolt.
The kid has potential but he plays the exact same character in every movie. But I forsee a change for the better in the upcoming Scott Pilgrim movie
He was only good on Arrested Development. Since then he's gotten too big for his britches.
And yes, I'm biased against the little twit for being the only member of the original AD cast not up for doing the movie that at this rate is never going to happen.
Really? I didn't know that he wouldn't do the Arrested Development movie. That's kinda lame...
But I just saw Youth In Revolt tonight. Gotta say, it's probably my favorite movie I've seen him in so far. You know you're in for a treat when the first scene is the kid masturbating (well, they don't show it, but it's implied.) Yeah, he did a good job of doing an alter-ego to his regular character in this. My friend pointed out that he even doesn't have a slouch as Francois. Which leads us to wonder if that is an added character trait to his regular character. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
I've always kind of liked Michael Cera movies, even if they are all pretty much the exact same character. Also, Ellen Page in Juno pre pregnancy was kinda hawt.
(TFF Family):
I do like me a bit of Michael Cera<33. I first saw him in Superbad, one of my favourite movies. Didn't like him in Paper Heart, though. Well, wasn't so much I didn't like his character... I just didn't like the movie, it was terrible.
I agree that he has always played the exact same dorky character, up until now. Apparently, in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, his character is supposed to be very different, which I'm looking forward to. Then we can decided how good of an actor he really is. =D
Indeed, he has a risk of being type casted.
That being said, for that type, I think he's great. He just makes me laugh; it doesn't matter what he's saying, he always says it in a way that amuses me. This is good for comedies with poor dialogue just as much as comedies with good dialogue.
Until now!
Saw "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" yesterday. That movie kicked ass, seriously. Probably the best movie I've seen all year (though I don't remember what else I've seen this year... Iron Man 2... Expendables... yeah, this is better.) And yeah; the Scott Pilgrim character is different for Michael Cera; he's a cocky asshole in this, heh. Though a lot of the delivery is the same, I though. My brother seems to think this character is totally different, though. I'd like to read the comic and play the video game, now.
Also; this movie is a blend of everything I love, practically. From music to video games, etc... Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
I am a pretty big fan of Michael Cera. I haven't had a chance to go and see Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World yet, but it looks like it'll be a pretty kick ass movie.
Scott Pilgrim was amazing. For the most part Cera played the same old character, but with a few twists. Youth in Revolt is a great example of him getting to step out of this box though. Playing his regular self for most of the film, but then also stepping into the anti-him character (Phillipe I think his name was?) for some hilarity and proof he can do something different.
CPC8: Makin' it happen.Originally Posted by Alisyn
I saw Scott Pilgrim last night (was meant to see Inception again, but we changed our minds at the last moment). I had no idea what to expect, but I must say that is was a pleasant surprise. I loved the dry humour that Cera is incredible at delivering -- even if he is becoming type-cast. I also loved the music in that film. That's two films in as many weeks, and they've both been fantastic.
<3 <3 <3 <3 (Large image):
Mary Elizabeth Winstead <3
Last edited by Alpha; 08-20-2010 at 11:44 PM.
Who is Froggie? Because Mary Elizabeth Winstead is one hell of a fox in "Scott Pilgrim vs the World".
CPC8: Makin' it happen.Originally Posted by Alisyn
Hehe.. I'm kind of ashamed to admit this, but I haven't seen anything that Micheal Cera has acted in. I know of him though from movie trailers and stuff, I just haven't actually seen any of the movies or television shows...
I really wanna see the Scott Pilgrim movie. Seems like it would be a really entertaining film. I hear it's not doing so well at the box office though... That sucks. Hopefully it'll have good DVD sales.
Last edited by Dodie16; 08-25-2010 at 12:23 PM.
Click at your own risk.:
I did eventually go an see Scott Pilgrim an I must say it was absolutely hilarious. Loved it. My girlfriend wants to go see it again.