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Thread: Friday the 13th

  1. #1

    Friday the 13th

    Hmmm all I can say about this one is that at times I felt I was watching,not a Jason movie but a teen slasher with no recognition that it had a reputation to live up to being a kinda/sorta remake of a pretty good slasher series.Man was that a run-on sentence but it spoke like I meant it to.However I did enjoy the film for about half of it not just one half but little parts here and there adding up to a half.The mask looked even better than the originals and the killings were at sometimes unique and fun to watch.There were 6 likable characters including Jason.The ending was very predictable but you could still pretend you didnt know what was going to happen.

  2. #2
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Friday the 13th Polk's Avatar
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    Let me just start out by saying this: I love horror flicks. Give me anything from the 80's that's filled with cheese and I'll gobble it up. Friday the 13th is no exception. I'm not afraid to say that Part VI is one of my favorite movies of all time. So when I heard they were rebooting the series, I squeed like a little girl.

    The first 30 minutes of the film are really good. Good deaths, decent plot progression, it sets the bar really high. Then the rest of the film doesn't even come close to that. It's really disappointing. It goes sharply downhill from there on. I found myself really only caring about two characters: Jason and Clay. All the other characters were so drowning in cliche that I really couldn't give two shits if they died or not. Yes. I get it. They're teenagers who like to party.

    The one thing I really found myself saying the entire time was, "Okay, they took the effort to reboot a classic slasher series. When are they going to evolve it?" If you're going to reboot a series, do something different. Needless to say, they didn't do that. It's a Friday the 13th movie that leaves a really bad "New American horror film" taste in your mouth. Friday the 13th lovers beware.
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  3. #3
    Asking all the personal questions. Friday the 13th RamesesII's Avatar
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    I laugh at this sort of horror movie sorry to say it guys, altough it ahs a solid stroy line it is no equal to the likes of the Japanese horrors such as grudge and the ring although i have never seen the original ring, these movies are really freaky and there is no blood or guts even The Sixth Sense was scarier than these slasher films don't get me wrong i like them for the interesting deaths and all and for a good laugh when a pants wetting teenager meets and indestructible force that wants to rip the flesh off their skin lol but i prefer a more thriller approach to horror. I love a good plot and one with twists and an ending that you just sit back in your seat and say wow i didn't see that one etc.
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    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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  4. #4
    Registered User Friday the 13th Dimi's Avatar
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    Eh yeah. I saw this movie the night it premiered. It's a good movie. The beginning of the movie is definitely really good. I had a dumb moment though after the first part when the screen goes to "Friday The 13th". Then again, half of the audience in the movies thought it was a short movie too. We were all like, "What the ****?"

    All in all, it's a decent movie. Like Polk, I'm a huge fan of slasher movies. It just doesn't par up to the original.

  5. #5
    All evil will see the light Friday the 13th Assassin's Avatar
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    Re: Friday the 13th

    Most of the time i like watching horror movies but not those in which every1 getz murdered by an abnormal sereal killer ....... I did watch the movie just bcoz of Jared Padalecki coz i LUVVVVV <3 him n hiz series SUPERNATURAL but i thought dat it waz kind of a movie a person iz watching n he/she iz jumping on the couch n saying dat "He'z behind you", "Watch out for the killer", "Plz dont die" n "Dont open the closet.. No plz dont open the closet".... So itz a gud movie to watch wid friendz

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