The movie was nowhere near as good as the book. I think they spent all their money on making Saphira look good. The orc-like race (I forget what they're called; I read the second book like two years ago now) were basically just a barbarian human race in the movie, and the Shade looks like an ordinary man. Plus, King Evil-Jerk (once again, haven't read the books in some time) was in the movie when he should not have been; he wasn't in the story, and that was half the mystery. Furthermore, many of the resistance characters are not in the movie at all. There were also key scenes of suspense from the book that are ruined in the movie by not being suspenseful at all.
To me, the book was a pretty fun read-my favorite part being Saphira-but the movie does not measure up. The second book, I had to trudge through more, however. I have the third book, but haven't read it yet. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom