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Thread: Dexter

  1. #1
    Finally Back! :D Dexter Benjisan's Avatar
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    Post Dexter

    I was searching through the threads and i was surprised to see that no one had started a Dexter thread.

    Oh well, i guess that means i get to

    For those of you who don't know what Dexter is, it basically is a drama/crime show on Showtime, revolving around a forensics blood spatter analyst named Dexter Morgan who works for the Miami Metro PD. However, he is also a serial killer, different in the fact that he only kills criminals (rapists, murderers etc) who manage to escape sentencing from prison.

    The show is based mildly on Jeff Lindsay's Dexter trilogy, comprising of Darkly Dreaming Dexter, Dearly Devoted Dexter and Dexter in the Dark.

    The idea of creating this thread is that i wish to know other people's perceptions of the show, who their favourite characters are and also to speculate with other fans about their favourite seasons and upcoming Season 3 episodes etc.
    Because balding old men with ninja swords are so in right now

  2. #2
    I found the show to be a bore. It is definitely the closest that Showtime has come to making an HBO-quality show, but they aren't quite there yet.

    Having Michael Hall as a main character is always good, though.

  3. #3
    Bananarama Dexter Pete's Avatar
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    I'm gonna have to go with James on this one. I tried getting into it when it first came out, since the general premise was pretty interesting. It just didn't do it for me though.

    I do think that putting it on CBS was also a pretty dumb move. Essentially the best parts were cut out to make it allowable for network programming. Allusion can only take a show so far, but when it's one of the best parts, it's hard to make it really work.

    The last great show that Showtime had was "Dead Like Me" from about 4 years ago. Nothing else has really piqued my interest since. HBO on the other hand, had me glued to the couch for The Sopranos and still for Entourage.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  4. #4
    Finally Back! :D Dexter Benjisan's Avatar
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    Alizee Jacoty and Pete, you both raise good points. I'm not a big fan of CBS hosting the show as they do take out the best parts, which is a real shame. However, thankfully in Australia, we don't have those parts edited out on our local television and cable networks which is an advantage for us.

    I also agree that Michael C. Hall was a great choice to play Dexter's role
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  5. #5
    Registered User Dexter winterborn86's Avatar
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    Dexter is something i have wantd to see since i saw a TV trailer for it, but i never seem to find it on at night, any ideas what channel it would be on (sky tv)

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  6. #6
    Finally Back! :D Dexter Benjisan's Avatar
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    Well Winterborn86, i'm not too sure about Britain's television networks, however if you are interested in watching the show, try, they have all the episodes of Dexter up for streaming and for downloading
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  7. #7
    Arachnie Suicide Dexter ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    I love Dexter, and also planned on making a thread circulating both the books and the television series at some point. Beat me to it.

    If anything, I like it for the characters. Dexter's sister would have to be my favourite, along with Lela [I believe it was spelt that way] from the second season. I thought she was absolutely amazing. It's rare to come across a character quite like her.

    Sadly, I predicted who the Ice Truck Killer was as soon as it was introduced into the show. That was a bit of a let down for me, as instead of guessing who it was I was reduced to waiting until everybody in the show discovered what was going on.

    Otherwise, an amazing and quite addictive television series. The books were better.
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  8. #8
    Finally Back! :D Dexter Benjisan's Avatar
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    Sorry about that Anachlirium, i just saw an oppourtunity to start a thread and i took it.

    In comparison to the three current seasons, which in your opinion is the best? For me, i would say that Season 2 was the most popular one, especially since Lila was such an interesting character and how it all just seemed to fit together

    I agree with you in saying that the Icetruck Killer's identity was a bit easy to figure out, but nevertheless i still enjoyed the storyline of Season One and the character development involved.

    I think it is interesting how the book and the show's endings were relatively different for the first season, however i believe that the producers of the show have managed to successfully interpret the Dexter trilogy into an appropriate series for television.
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  9. #9
    Sir Prize Dexter Sinister's Avatar
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    The books were better. =/ I read Darkly Dreaming Dexter the year it came out, truth be known. And so forth with each installment...having spent all that time reading them first...It was extremely hard for me to accept casting and writing for all of it.

    Jeff Lindsay made it extremely difficult to put the books down. Having read them and then watched the series... Ehh... My favorite character in the series was Angel. In the books...Dexter.

    The Series took too many liberties with the characters, imo. It was nice and thrilling to see the characters in live motion, though. Besides, why spend hours with a character when you can spread it out to days. Plus, having snowbirded up to Naples and spent time in Miami, I know a lot of the places in both the books and TV show. That makes it interesting, I suppose.

    Doakes was kind of fun. And I'd rather watch the Dexter series than most of the shows I've seen come out lately...

    Last edited by Sinister; 11-20-2008 at 12:09 AM.

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  10. #10
    Finally Back! :D Dexter Benjisan's Avatar
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    I agree Sin, the books were brilliant, and i do agree with your point that Dexter is good to watch as well. Although they did alter the characters in some ways, i think that it was most likely necessary as if they made the show based completely on the books, it might be a bit explicit for an MA15+ rating, or a 17+ rating in the states.

    On a different note, did anyone else think that characters such as Lila West and Miguel Prado should have been in the books and that if they were written into the storyline that they would have made interesting characters in the novels?
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  11. #11
    Finally Back! :D Dexter Benjisan's Avatar
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    Hey guys, just finished watching the Season Finale of Season 3. I don't know about you but did any of yu guys think that they summed it up a bit too quickly?

    I was kinda expecting Dexter to get rid of the Skinner and have to deal with Ramon next season, but he managed to cover both of them in the one episode. Also, there was the wedding as well, which was awesome =)

    But yeah, anyone else want to put forward their opinion on the last episode of the season?
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  12. #12
    Just kind of there. Dexter Calvan's Avatar
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    Dexter is probably the best thing on TV right now.
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  13. #13
    Asking all the personal questions. Dexter RamesesII's Avatar
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    Dexter is like a desert that is sickly sweet its tastes so good but you can't eat it all it is a very good show second season is currently on tv in australia although you could buy the second season before it was on tv figure that one out any way i record it because i don't get time to watch it wich is good because and relax and watch it later on.
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