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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #451
    Lady of the Flowers Character Statistics. Anthiena's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Possible BOD Profile

    Dark Enchantress
    Power: **

    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: ???
    Eyes: Grey-blue
    Hair: straight, dark dirty blonde hair that touches shoulders.
    Fleshtone: pale caucasian

    Dark Power:**

    Species: Living humanoid shadow (?)

    Abilities: Summon lightning, summon shades, illusion, limited teleport (only to places she has seen personally), soul consumption, Holy Magic has no affect, become fully coporeal for short spans.

    Main Weapons: Anthea Kalistriel - Some sort of enchanted blade that will grow and change the more blood that is spilt upon it. It was bound to her in her own blood and that of an Elf-both of their names was used for the new name for the blade. It's origins are most likely fae, but unknown. Anthiena is NOT the first one to have it.

    Unknown Talisman - This talisman may be carried by someone else to somewhere she hasn't been to before and she may teleport near it. It's full powers are unknown at this point.

    Strengths: Cannot be harmed by normal weapons, no trouble with Holy protections.

    Weaknesses: Unable to use normal weapons, not visible to magic nulls, not able to attack directly. Tied to Light Follower. Not effective against magic-resistant fighters.

    Tactics: Though leery of fighting, Anthiena relies almost entirely on Magic and will teleport to safety when she can if the fight proves to be beyond her power.

    Appearence: A barely tangible being created of shadow. Her face and form are clearly in sight, but most of her body appears to be made of shadow.

    Anthiena was created/summoned by a mischeivious but well meaning Follower of the Light and set loose; the only thing the Follower did to ensure her own safety was to bind the shadow to her by investing part of her soul into the shadow, enabling her to gain conciousness. Since then, the Shadow has escaped her former "creator" to join the BOD at the behest of Gorath.

    Though she did probably have a sort of existence before being summoned, it is unclear as to what she was. Sluagh was one possiblity, which she felt would also expain her ability to produce entirely lifelike illusion and no real intelligence before... but the true origins of the shadow and her powers are unknown at this point. It may also be possible that she has further powers that she is unaware of.

    Sluagh were the like the hounds of the wild hunt for the unseelies/dark fae and said to be living nightmares. They would hunt a person down until the Unseelie queen called them off or that person died; they would never stop otherwise.
    Last edited by Anthiena; 08-20-2006 at 06:24 PM.

  2. #452
    Appearance:Wears a white tank top,and Has a blue star carved out of saphireon a chain around his neck.Has faded blue jean pants,and blue sneakers.He also has red spiked hair about down to his shoulders.
    Weapon:The wizards Blade(It is like rikus keyblade in KH2 except it has a blue handle, blue hand guard,Keychain is a yellow star,blade is blue with yellow stars printed on it).
    Abilities;Teleport,and all magic
    Stats:low HP,but has high attck,def,and speed.
    Biography:He never knew his parents and ran away from the orphanage at 15.

  3. #453
    Synthesized Ascension Character Statistics. Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Character Name: Scion Ventosus
    Age: 2,130 years
    Gender: Male
    Race: Dalfe (New Breed of Elf)
    Class: Black Magic Knight

    Appearance: Scion stands at about 5’8, a decent height. He has a long black hair and a pair of emerald green eyes. His skin appears soft and rather pale, his body with a slender figure and medium build in muscles, almost perfectly balanced. But this is not what makes him stand out the crowd.

    Scion was born as the first of his race, though actually he is his race since there were no beings like him. What separates him from other creatures or elves is the fact when night draws over the sky and the moon rises, many black glowing symbols cover his body. These symbols are similar to the elven language, but are not written in words. However, anyone who has seen these symbols have died and none have translated what they have said. His attire is specifically designed to cover his body.

    Sitting over his forehead and placed like a crown is a head ornament one would assume he was a high elf. The only thing that is different is a pair of black wings designed to sit backwards upon the end of the ornament. They are rather small as well. From there is a necklace with a violet stone sitting just above his chest. He then wears a black jacket with mithril laced on the insides and patched up to look like a simple jacket. Under the jacket is a silk black shirt and then down further is loose black leather pants held by a thick belt of unknown properties. It holds an emerald stone as a buckle and then right behind the sides of his legs connects black sheathes for his weapons. Lastly, he wears black elven boots with silver lining for design.

    Personality: Scion is both a romantic and a sad being. You usually find him wooing some girl or another, but he isn’t really a skirt chaser. Most people never see the part of him where he just shuts down. Normally he just creates conversation and is rather neutral when it comes to certain subjects, but when he becomes silent most people avoid him. Usually silence means he’s in a bad mood and many have turned up in terrible shape from a beating, yet this is not anger he releases. No one has ever heard him yell. And out of all that not many have seen his intellect on the matter. The speed in which he thinks is usually a matter of seconds or even milliseconds before you realize what is or was happening. And he’s very observant.

    Biography: Two years before Scion was born, something had happened that no one expected to happen.

    It had begun when an Angelic creature defied its master and like any angelic creature was sent to live among the mortals and become fallen or forsaken. This one angelic creature was a man whose history is erased with no name, but as the man lived upon the earth he had grown attached to an elven woman. For which, both beings defied their lords and ran away together. And as any story goes the couple had given birth to a child two years later; this was Scion. However, the High Elves had foreseen this and decided to persecute the couple and easily found where they were hiding. When they finally got to their hidden home the child was already gone. They had sent Scion to a Drow city due to his features. Course, most drows had black skin, but white wasn’t that rare among the race.

    Not long after both the fallen angel and elf were executed and the council had set out troops to find the child. It was ten years before they finally gave up, not being able to see forward. This scared the council though since through fate when a certain subject could not be foreseen it meant great change. What they didn’t know is five years before the Drow society had exiled the child after finding out what he was and sent him to be offered as a sacrifice to a large dragon village nearby.

    After leaving the child alone for the dragons to consume it was not long until one dragon finally appeared after hearing what they were doing and found the child tied to a tree. When the dragon began the sacrifice an explosion occurred. Other dragons close by flew in to find out what had happened. When they had came to the site they found the dragon almost completely destroyed from a black smoke and found the child standing on the only piece of land around him. The dragon’s immediately took action and started to attack but were soon stopped by one man in armor who grabbed the child and began defending him. This man was far from ordinary as he killed three of the dragons before the last of them flew off.

    When he took off his helmet it was another drow. Strangely, this drow did not seem to care what the boy was. In fact he had taken the child to be his own and gave Scion the title of apprentice.

    This drow wasn’t just any drow, he was a legendary General who had also been exiled thousands of years before. And thus began Scion’s training.

    Basic training in both drow and elven lands took a matter of 40 years, but this training had gone on for one hundred years. When the General had taught Scion everything he knew of war, strategy, and life Scion had taken in these skills well and eventually overpowered the General at some point. At this point, the General let go of Scion and let him walk into the world upon his own journey.

    From the beginning of this journey Scion had gone throughout the world to a great extent and during the present time and era, he is still not known. This was his intent, of course. He had done many deeds for many sides, but was skilled enough to stay within the shadows from the biggest societies. However, in the underground of the world he is known for a few things many would idolize, yet no one has ever come to meet with him. And now something has stirred his intentions and slowly through the exaggeration of rumors and truths he is becoming known. Time will tell when the High Elves learn of his life.


    Terminus & Oblivio: Twin-blades that are 24” in full length and the blades are 17” themselves. Connected to a black leather belt and set in two black leather sheathes, these blades are anything but normal. Their width in fact is almost 3” thick, but that’s from looking at its spine. The strange formation of these blades is the fact there seems to be four blades side-by-side that are at their sharpest. The metal used for these blades is a black formation of mithril, light and strong, but hold magical properties. Their technical side though is the fact that both blades can turn into “Windmills”. By flicking a hair-trigger on the upper back side of the handle it releases them into a cross shaped weapon. There is even a wire wrapped around the cylinder that holds the four blades together, which further gives reason to why they are called “Windmills”.

    Another transformation they take is during regular form where they split into more of a claw-like figure like a fan. And the last use they have is the written spells they have upon them. They help increase user’s power if the user knows the spell as well and can even intertwine spells. These are the “Windmill Daggers”.


    Black Magic – During his training, Scion found that he had the ability to use black magic quite effectively. He has created a book worth of spells with this power.

    Time Magic – Though he was gifted in black magic, his Master taught him some spells of Time and space. Nothing truly extreme, but he has found the spells useful one time or another.

    Elemental Magic – This kind of magic isn’t his strongest point. He knows a few spells for almost every element, but he has never dived into its power and is a step up from basics.

    Weapon Spells – Given any weapon, Scion may be able to fuse certain spells upon weapons that will last as long for an entire day.

    Telepathy/Telepathy Weapon – Elves are required to learn how use the telepathic ability of their magic, thus Scion learned how to speak to both people and animal minds. There also involves a technique in attacking one’s mind in order to drop their guard.

  4. #454
    Character Statistics. ShadowX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Your mom's house
    Name:Shadow Ex
    Apperence:Black hoodie,black pants,old gray shoes,red eyes,brown hair
    Weapon: Dual weilded swords
    Ablities: Invinciblity, all black magic
    Stats:Med hp,High Atk,Low def
    Biography:When born his parents set him off to sea as he traveled for 12 yrs.
    as a murderer named koshi found him. The murderer tought Shadow everything he knew and when trainining was complete he gave Shadow 2 swords as Shadow followed in his footsteps.

  5. #455
    Here's mine! By the way,I may add more than 2 characters,but will use one at a time. It comes from my Fan Fiction,which is coming soon (when I find the Fan Fiction area around here). Also,I may be too lazy to finish today,so I'll keep editing until its finally finished.

    I Character

    Name:Leon Landers
    Race:Spirit Master (A race that can merge with elemental spirits to gain their powers. Existence on a planet outside the Solar System)
    Job:Martial Arts Teacher.
    Birth Name:XL-9

    Appearance:Leon wears blue pants,a white T-Shirt,and a small blue jacket similar to Squall Leonhart's black one. He also wears an amulet,named the Lion Roar.

    Bio: Despite Leon being sort of an ass most of the time,he actually suffers from emotional pain since he was born. He never knew his parents (Until the 2nd part of my Fan Fiction series),but was raised on a farm by a gentle old man named Locke.

    Its on his 20th birthday when he meets the cartoon versions of the J-Pop band Puffy AmiYumi. After his adventures with them,he learns that there's more things than just saving the world. He currently resides on his home planet,waiting for anything that may be threatening for the Universe (again) and stop it.

    Personality:Leon,as said before,can behave like an ass and often has a negative personality, but he always cares for those he knows and loves. But when he wants to be funny, he only uses sarcasm.


    Magical Gaunlets:When Leon starts his adventures, he is given by some magical force a pair of Gaunlets. These weapons grant him Super Strength.


    1.Mighty Alpha Ray:His signature move, Leon uses his 2 hands to fire a beam that can deal Fire- and Lightning-based damage.

    2.Lion Fist:Transforms into a lion and mauls the enemy for non-elemental damage.

    3.Super Delta Ray:Takes 2 turns (or posts) to fully activate. Fires a wide beam which can deal Light-based damage and 200% damage.

    4.Meteor Punch:A barrage of punches while running around the opponent at supersonic speed.

    5.Warp Alpha Ray:A full power Alpha Ray. Not as powerful as the Delta Ray,but after taking one turn of wind-up time,it leaves a surprise on the opponent's next turn!

    6.Super Spirit Master:Becomes a golden-haired warrior.

    Spirit Forms:Leon transforms into a certain form when he merges with an elemental spirit. After merging with the Spirit, the corresponding element helps deal on its -based attacks do 50% more damage.

    II Character

    Name:Yami Quan
    Nickname:Yami the Dark-Hearted.
    Race:Spirit Master
    Job:Bounty Hunter

    More coming soon.

  6. #456
    I'm back. It's only been like ... 5 years? ...

    Here's a quick character text-up

    Name: Raven
    Gender: Male
    Apparent Age: mid-twenties
    Actual Age: yet unknown
    Height: 6' 1"
    Build: Thin and lanky. But not to such an extreme as to appear weak.
    Hair: Grey/Brown Short, Wavy, Thin.
    Face: Carries a serious yet blank expression when not actively engaged.

    Strong Points:
    Speed. Agility. Finesse.

    Weak Points:
    Power. Endurance. Lacking in unique abilities.

    Weapon of choice:
    Twin long-daggers - able to draw quickly and without warning. The worn-out leather bound handles enable them to be used similar to tonfa. 18 inches apiece.

    Once black, now faded into grey clothing. Thin and light, a long sleeve shirt and near full length pants enwrap this man. A tattered cloth resembles a once noble cloak adorning his back. No armor to speak of. Thick, leather, well worn boots protect his feet.

    He has been residing in the caves just beyond a windswept desert of Earth. Few know of his part, nor care to learn of it.

    Strangely swift and agile despite his clunky boots, Raven can do many things with his knives not ordinarily possible. Yet still within the realm of reason and logic.

    Little is known of his special ability other than a rapid succession of explosions ensues…

  7. #457

    heres mine

    Name: Neo Emerald
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 144lbs
    2nd Class: Black and white mages
    Items: He Always carries 5 elixers nothing else
    Magic: Cura,firaga,blizardraga,thudaga,ultima,and,haste
    Summons:A flame staue that does 160-500 damage cost 500 mp
    2nd a grim reaper that kills automaticly but only has 26% of hitting and costs 2000 mp
    hp 10000
    mp 14000
    weapons a wooden staff with the power of all the black magic elements called The Black Staff and second a 4 ft long sword with gold as the grip with platinum as the blade called The Deaths Treasure
    his limit move and why he carries the elixers he explodes draning all mp and all but 1 hp
    Description: Black Hair red shirt blue pants green eyes with fs on each hand is on each shoe and a v tied around his neck yes u ff7 fans he has the letters and roman numerals of ff7

  8. #458
    Name: Zaldar Leval

    Age: 12

    Gender: Male

    Homeworld: Valgar

    Species: Valgarian

    Weaponary: Zaldar has one weapon other than his abilities, and it is known as "The Heart of Valgar." Strange as it seems, but it was a blade that was created by him at a young age, too young to remember back, but it was special. It had the power to live off of a planet, and as long as the planet was intact, it would remain at a great power. When Valgar was destroyed by a strange occurance, the blade which was then known as Raigar was created. This blade was different though, since it was impowered by the heart of Valgar, which would only grow and grow as time flew by. Raigar is the main blade of this child, even if the user was young, he was no idiot. Zaldar would be sure to keep it at good use at all times, using it only when the time was right to fight.

    Abilities: An ability that of course not most posses, but who would have thought that a child could control it. The power to control all matter, manipulate it by his own will is a truely amazing thing. At a childs age it is such a pitiful tool, but as time moves on, the power of course will further develop, making the Zaldar stronger, as well as increasing his skill by training him. The pressure of such a skill requires a cool head, since of course, it can end up controlling the person who supposivly is in control. The basic of the matter power is to create and dismantle, but within time, it has many other uses, too many to count to be exact. The power of one such as this requires time, since as we all know, matter cannot just appear, unless enough is stored within the users body. Due to the young age of Zaldar, he can only control the matter in solids, which is a flaw, but it didn't matter, since his mind already knew how to control liquids and gases, but he chose not to use that knowledge at the present moment. One flaw would lead to his death. In due time he would be able to control the matter in anything, and master the art of combat with it quickly, so that it would be easy to master.

    With his matter ability, Zaldar was born with another, which he controls on his own will. A sheild is around him that deflects any spiritual, telepathy, and forceful attacks. The only way to get through this is to go hand to hand, or as he would say, sword to sword. It was a sheild that he didn't want, but of course it kept many from reading his mind, as well as messing with it, which would be troublesome. His abilities are undoubtfully powerful, but with time, he would be able to master them, more or less have more control over them than he has now. It is complicated, but all in all, the power is very hard to control, even if you were born with it, or something in that vacinity.


    Personality: Zaldar isn't that idiot that you would see walking down the street on an average basis, he is a super genious. He may not look like he is smart at all, since he keeps a scowl on, and looks nothing like it, but he is talented. He doesn't have much of a temper, since being calm is something he can handle, but if this is not possible, he will unleash his wrath upon anyone who angers his soul. Zaldar did have friends, which kept him cheerful, but they left at the destruction of Valgar, and he was left to fend for himself. It was probably about here in which his happiness was slowly drained out, but he still has some, since his home world wasn't destroyed until he was about nine. Keeping his cool is all he does, as well as keeping the ever present scowl on his face.

    Bio: Zaldar Leval was born on the planet known as Valgar, a world of what the elders called 'Dark Beauty,' which of course, was in the very centre of the Regal galaxy. The planet was full of beauty, as well as the mystic power. The world revolved around only two things, power and of course, the lost magic of the Valgarian race. Valgar always was calm, keeping a beautiful serenity at all times, but at anytime of war, Valgar would step up and defeat their foes with a mighty fist. Zaldar, born into the petty families of Valgar, was never known, and kept low at almost all times.

    As a child, Zaldar quickly built up his reputation, even at his birth. On the particular day of his birth, he did something that only his family noticed, yet of course didn't believe. It was with a wave of his hand, that his house completely disappeared, while his family was left in shock. It was less than an hour later in which the house returned undamaged, and look exactly the same. His parents even went to a doctor to see what was wrong with him, but the doctor of course said that they had been seeing things. He even stated that it might have just been a fluke due to their imaginations, or even perhaps due to their "excitement" of having a new born. Both of his parents knew that something of course was different about him, but they kept it as their own burden, not wanting to tell anyone else.

    When he was still able to be classified a toddler, about three, his power was known by his family a bit more. It was only too often in which he would make the door disappear so he didn't have to reach for the knob, or just lower the entire kitchen so he could get food. Zaldar's parents always knew the house was changing the way he wanted to see it, so every so often, they would of course ask him to level it back. Doing so took only seconds, but it severly effecting the young childs mind, since it was still developing. He may of had control over his power, but it still was hard to control it at such an age.

    At the age of six, he was sent to a school where things got troublesome. The school left him in boredom and he would stay by himself at almost all times, and there were those who mad fun of him. He would stay quiet, only watching them make fun of him, but soon he took action. It wasn't too hard to predict, but Zaldar made their mouths disappear into the air, leaving it matterless unless he returned it. This was probably when his power was noticed by a small portion of Valgar, but only a very small portion. At times he would return what he had taken, but to those who were crud, he would blow up their mouths while it was in the air, leaving it unable to come back, even with his powers. It may be because he was still young, but Zaldar hadn't tapped into 1% of his true power yet, which troubled his parents.

    As time flew by, two years later, he was fed up with everything he knew. Zaldar had plans on releasing the monster vault, which was Valgar's hidden place to keep the monsters of misery which have inflicted pain for eons. As he reached the vault, a man was already there opening the vault, and as Zaldar came, he drew arms. The eight year old stared down, and as if something controled him, he raised his arm and flung it off to a side. The man went flying, and his body was left in ruin; as for the vault it opened. Zaldar could only watch as demons escaped out of it, yet passed by him, not caring for his being whatsoever. His stare became dull, and before half of the demons could escape, he dismattered them, making them exposed to nothingness, which to a normal human, an explosion would be seen. The demons were all destroyed, all but one. The one Zaldar let go as he fainted, and because of this, Valgar was left in ruin, due to only one horrific beast. Even if Zaldar had plans on releasing them, he didn't want destruction of his home planet.

    It was days later he woke up upon a new planet surface, a world which was known as Traverse Town. His memory was completely wiped out, due to a powerful elder whom wanted him to become a good person, not spread off to the evil. His mind was warped with questions that he could not understand, and in his hands were three items of unknown origins. One was a necklace with a diamond of sufficant size, which he put around his neck. Another being a blade, which he called "Raigar." And the last being a ring, which had many demon marks flowing throughout it. The items were strange, and he had no clue of what they would do, but they were sacred on the world of Valgar, and only to be used by the heroes of the world. Zaldar knew nothing of this, so he kept them as casual items which he would keep with him at all times, never letting them be held or touched by someone else.

    Two years passed, and he was at age ten, still unknown of what was happening around him. He was able to Traverse the Town, and basically learned everyone in it, as well as made friends, but was lost. Zaldar was lost at soul, since his memory was forged within him, leaving no signs of revial unless he forced it out, which he tended not to even try. His friends rotated around himself, Ryke, Gale, and Tsutira. He didn't speak very often, but he did seem to be the leader of the group under some strange circumstances dealing with his matter power. It was strange, but his friends actually seemed to think he was a cool person, even with his 'strange' memory, as well as his solemn being.

    Time kept a steady path with Zaldar as he turned to the age of twelve. His memory was regaining, and he ended up remembering only the strangest things, such as demonic beings that threatened his soul, as well as a large beast who grimaced at seeing his being. It was strange, but he felt related to all of these figures somehow, but nothing truly clicked into place. His mind seemed to just wander, remembering things that wasn't even needed, just passing the important memories. It was in this same year his memory regained, but now he is out to find reason of this beast which destroyed his homeworld.

    Talented n00b ftw.

  9. #459
    Personal Info

    Name: Dante
    Dexterity: Ambi-dexterous
    Alias: None
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Height/Weight: 6'1"/ 137 Lbs.
    Main Element: Fire
    Alignment: Evil
    Job: Bounty Hunter

    Dante is a tall, lean man about six feet in height. Although he may not seem very muscular, but he is. He has short, spikey white hair that falls to his neck. He has pale white skin that seems to slightly glisten in the moonlight. He has deep blue, peircing eyes that seem to glow a deep green when he is in a feirce battle.

    He sports a black trenchcoat that he keeps unbuttoned at all times. He also wears a black t-shirt that tightly clings to his body, revealing his rock hard abs. He also sports a loose fiting pair of black leather pants with a special made belt that has his sheathes for his swords on the each side, and holsters in the back for his handguns. He also wears black steel toed boots. He also has a necklace with his family insignia; A black dragon and a white snake twisted in a double helix shape as a pendant on it.

    Personality: Dante is a malicious man, he is the epitomy of pure evil, he feels no remorse in the slaughtering of thousands. He seems to emit an aura of pure hate.

    -------------------------------------Battle Info------------------------------------------

    Raven's Blood: Dante's custon made gunblade, the blade is black in color with a cross cut out of the center, and is outlined in blood red. The "gun" is a desert eagle.

    Endless Remorse: Dante's other custom made gunblade, the difference is that the blade is white, with the same cross cut out, only it is black in color. The "gun is a desert eagle as well.

    Love and Hate: Dante's Custom made pistols. There is a "button" on both of them that when pressed make deadly spikes protrude from the bottom of both handles allowing Dante to perform melee combos

    Beowolf: These are Dante's Gauntlets and Greives, they are black with silver outline around them. They are about 125lbs in weight all together but since Dante has trained with them for so long, they feel very light. They Increase his agility, stamina, and defense when worn

    Kunai: A set of 6 Kunai that reside in separate sheaths on the inside of Dante's trenchcoat.

    Dark Blade: This Blade, along with another was found in cave. The sword was shrouded in light, yet it was emitting a dark Aura. This weapon is a short sword, The entire Sword is a total of 4'9", The Blade is 4' and the hilt is 9". The Blade has many markings enscribed in it, many of them Dante cannot read, but there are a few he can. The ones he can read, depict a fiery battle between two fighters, they seem to be twins.

    Hand to Hand Combat: Dante is proficient in Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do and Akido

    Dark and Devil: These are Dante's new .60 caliber semi automatic Desert Eagles. They hold 18 shots each.


    Shadow Dash: Dante uses an Arcane spell that allows him to increase his speed so that when he moves, he leaves an "image" behind to confuse his enemy.

    Shockwave: Dante Focuses his energy into a forceful power wave.

    Enlarge- Dante casts a simple enlarging spell upon his opponent

    Volcano: Dante strikes the ground to make a pillar of fire arise and speed toward the opponent.

    Shrink- Dante casts a simple shrinking spell upon an enemy.

    Raven's Remorse: Dante rushes his oppenent and unleashes a series of devastating slashes and stabs with his gunblades.

    Enshruken Rai: Dante slashes the air, releasing a series of energy waves towards his opponent.

    Enkei Han: Dante charges his magic into either of his blades, and unleashes a fireball unto his enemy

    History: Dante grew up in a rich town, a very rich town. He always seemed out of place there, he never got along with the kids, he always got into fights, argued with his parents. One day, his father went too far, he hit Dante, and he went beserk. He brutally slaughtered his father, stabbing him over 50 times. When his mother came home, he was sitting on the stairs laughing. Dante looked up and saw the look of horror on his mother's face, and immediatly decided to kill her too. Dante then set his house ablaze and ran for the woods.

    Dante wandered for days and days, it began to rain one day, and Dante came upon a large ominous cave. His curiosty, and need for shelter drew him in. As he entered, a figure appeared and knocked him out with chloroform, when he woke up, he was in a large bed in a wooden house in the middle of a forest. He sat up and looked around the room, there was a table with some clothes laid out. There was a black trench, a black t-shirt, some leather pants, and some boots. He later found out that they were steel toed. He got dressed quickly and left the room. He entered a long corridor, and looked to his left, and to then to his right. From the left, he heard the sounds of sword's clashing. He slowly made his way in that direction, and saw two men engaged in a swordfight, only they weren't swords, there was something... different about them. The handle of the blade was curved, like a gun handle should be. The blade's themselves were longer across then a normal sword should be. Suddenly, a loud gunshot echoed throughout the wooden house, and Dante realized that the each weapon had a gun built into the blade.

    The man whose weapon had let off the shot looked over towards Dante's direction. He motioned him to come over. Dante cautiously walked over towards him. The man was roughly about the same height as Dante, he had long shaggy black hair, and deep green eyes. The man annouced himself as Renshi. Renshi handed Dante the weapon, it felt like it belonged there. Dante gave it a few swings, the weapon was light, it flowed flawlessly through the air. Dante looked over to the other man who was in the room, he had now taken a defensive stance. Dante assumed he wanted to fight, so Dante rushed the opponent, but he was clumsy compared to the man he was fighting. The man easily dodged his attack and kicked Dante down. This training continued for months, and Dante's skills slowly got better and better. He had begin to notice that he had more patience, and the violent rage that lay within him was no longer trying to get out. He felt now that he could control it. Dante began to notice that both of his trainers personality began to slowly change, they were no longer as patient with him, they seemed to ignore him.

    Dante's patience with them slowly thinned as well. Dante wanted to get out of there, so he planned to leave the next day. He trained as usual as not to arouse suspicion, then night came, and Dante slowly opened the window in his bedroom. As soon as one foot was out of the window, he heard both of his trainers enter the room. They violently pulled him back into the room and began to interrogate him, and when Dante didn't speak, they began to beat him. After a while they stopped, and left Dante in his room. Dante now began to feel that rage in his soul begin to emerge. He began to plot the killings of both the men in the house.

    After a few days of recovery, Dante was back up and training again, he was now very confident in his skills. As the day rolled on, the two men wanted Dante to train with them, Dante was going to use this chance to kill them. Attack and Block, attack and block, that's how it went for some time, until Dante saw his opening, Renshi left the room and went outside for a few moments. So Dante and the other man began to train. Just as the man executed an upward swing, Dante stepped to the left, and peirced the man's sternum. The man fell to his knee's, and Dante removed the blade from his chest and then decapitated his trainer. Just as his head rolled off of his shoulders, Renshi walked back in the room, a look of shock on his face. Dante ran at him, and swung his weapon as hard as he could into Reshi's mid-section. The blade tore through his flesh like butter. Dante looked around and smiled at his accomplishment. He took each man's weapon to keep as his trophies. He made his way outdoors, and saw that there was a man dressed in all white standing there. He questioned him about Renshi. Dante let out a malicious laugh and revealed the blade he used to kill them both, it was still dripping with their blood. The man let out a gasp and pulled two firearms and began to clumsily shoot at Dante. Before the fourth shot was let off, Dante had peirced the man's throat, twisted the blade and pulled up, killing him. As Dante removed the sword, the man fell to the ground, and the impact made his finger pull the trigger, and the shot grazed Dante's shoulder. Dante let out a grunt, and peirced the sword he had used to kill these three men into the ground. Dante grabbed the man's guns, and the ammunition that was on his person, and made his way back towards civilization
    Last edited by GrimmJaw; 02-16-2007 at 09:39 PM.

  10. #460
    Character Statistics. Aleks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Name: Lein CloudStorm
    Race: Human
    Age: 28
    Nationality: Japan
    Story: 13 months and 4 days ago Lein woke up in a strange place full of trees. A forest. All he had was a leather west, leather pants and a long sword with a slightly blue tip. On it "Nendu" was ingraved. The name of an ancient race of humans no longer tought to excist. In complete distress he eventually discovers he is in Japan. And after a while memories keep coming back. Or rather a memory. A strong light, then blood, then a beatifull women walking past, and then a scream, more blood, light - black. And now here. Who is he, or what he doesn't know.
    Appearance: Blue eyes, dark hair...yup..thats it. A big scratch beside his nose, yes too.
    Weapon: He wears useless Leather cloths and a "Nendu" sword with magical powers which gives him the following powers:
    - To withstand fire-attacks
    - To alter rocks into useble substance
    - Fast reflexes
    - Human Scanning
    - Psycho-Shield (can be destroyed) (ok, due to no armour protection)
    The sword is also very strong and measures the average hight of a human person, which means its actually bigger then Lein himself.

  11. #461
    Name: ????
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6ft 11Inches
    Weight: 17.4 stone
    Hair: Slightly long, dark brown hair.
    Left eye: light blue Right eye: Dark brown
    Skin Tone: Pale

    Weaponry: He uses many different weapons and they vary in every battle he fights. His trademark weapons are;

    Wind katanna: When the battle starts getting serious, he forges this blade from the very wind itself. It increases his speed as well as the strenght of his attacks. The main weakness of this is that it takes a lot of his energy to forge it.

    Pendulm: A small piece of sharp crystal attached to wire. Usually empowers it with magic and is incredily fast.

    Shuriken: He has five belts of these that he keeps under the robes on his chest and are most commonly used.

    Spells/Skills: Uses a mixture of Advanced spells to empower him self and his weaponry. Most commonly used spells by him are wind, fire and some non elemental magic. Also when he empowers himself, spells such as haste, shell, protect are used but haste is used the most by him. People can tell when his strength is increase and the fight is getting serious for him, because a strange black aura will pulse around him; the dark the aura is, the more power he is gathering. A rarely used skill of his is to use his magic to make more weaponry. He doesn't like to use cure magic for he chooses to either win or die trying.

    Armor: He only clothes and armour are the light weight black robes that he wears at all times. They cover all of his body except for his eyes and hands. He can easily lift pieces of them to get to his weaponry undernearth

    Hidden skill: Dark/Light power- This skill is one of the rarest things used by him although he has no control on when it happens. Usually when it happens, the aura surrounding him will engulf him completly. When he emerged from it, he being controled by either one of his two sides for he has lost control of one or the other. This results in his body being pushed to its very limit. All his strength and speed is maxed out until all his energy is drained.

    Brief Biography: His is the sole surviver of his planets madness. The planet he lived on was striken by civil war and so when the last bombs went off, the planet was leveled and only he survived. Because of this he now has to sides to himself, his good side and his darker side. If either one of these sides takes complete control of him, his hidden skill of transformation is unlocked.
    Last edited by Itachi Uchiha; 09-08-2006 at 08:29 AM.

  12. #462
    Character Statistics. Dirty Rob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Baron. Heading to Mysidia to obtain a crystal.
    Name: Dirty Rob

    Age: Non-Of-Your-Buisness/Unknown

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Class: Dark Knight


    Rob's height is around 5 1/2 ft. (rough estimate). He has short spiked firey red hair, wearing a black suit of armour with the Heartagram on the back of the torso. (
    He is dressed completely in black armour. He has a light complection with no scars. He has blue eyes witch show a hint of darkness within them. He may not be a muscular person but he has balanced strength and speed.


    Rob tries to act tough and like he will easily kill under orders. A man of few words. But underneath the tough guy illusion, he is a person who cares for friends and allies and would die for them. And underneath the tough guy sharade he fears what he is becoming as he slowly loses all emotions.
    He often speaks of a man named Ville Valo who is apparently his hero.

    Weapons: Rob as a Dark Knight may only use Dark swords.

    His sword is called 'Darkness' and although it can be powerful, is utterly useless against the undead.


    He cannot cast spells.


    Dark: His sword steals a suprisingly high amount of his energy and transforms it into a wave of darkness dealing damage to any thing it hits. A powerful skill yet it has high feats, If overused it could kill him and just like his sword, Dark is useless against undead enemies.


    Although he speaks little of his past, if he gets wound up in a convosation with somebody he likes or a friend, he will often be very open and sometimes speak of too much.

    Robert works as a Dark Knight after his home town was destroyed by an unknown person/accident he has been a 'gun for hire' A.K.A mercenary. Working for money while searching for something to do. All of his friends are either ina realationship or married yet Robert refuses to settle down.

    Limit Break:

    Your Sweet 666

    Robert will charge at his enemy slashing away at a high speed with his sword. This to has it's feats, yet it is extremely powerful he can over-do it deal more harm to himself than the enemy. It also leaves him exhausted and open for attacks.
    Last edited by Dirty Rob; 09-03-2006 at 10:18 AM.

  13. #463
    Synthesized Ascension Character Statistics. Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Name: Leonarc
    Age: 387
    Gender: Male
    Race: Hybrid Faerie (Half Wind Faerie, Half Fallen Angel)

    Personality: Leonarc’s personality sits on the lines of both unpredictable and creepy. He’s always smiling, he’s always acting kind, but there is something about that attitude to makes someone think “There is something wrong.” No one can tell what he is thinking and usually avoid him at all cost.

    Appearance: Leonarc never had much of a growth spurt in growing up, so he stands at about 5’6 and weighs about 168 lbs. And for someone his size, he does have some pretty big muscles though they are not big enough to slow him down. However, this is not what makes him stand out in a crowd. What makes him differ from most people is the color of his hair and eyes, they are completely opposite. He has long red hair that has one single thick braid and is connected to a metal ring on the end. The rest of his hair reaches out under his neck and falls softly. The colors of his eyes are what confuse people the most for they are an ice blue. Having two completely different colors some times angers people to being the freak of the world, but that do not bother him.

    As for his attire, anyone can tell he was from a northern region. He wears a leather jacket with a hood and pants that are both white. Both the hood and neck outlining of the jacket are also covered in white fur. The only thing unordinary about the leather clothing is they are completely customized.

    There are four layers that create the leather jacket and pants. The first layer is the basic leather, the next two layers are what make it unique. The second layer is some type of metal stitched into small wires to create a light chain-mail. The third layer is the same type of light chain-mail, but it’s made of crystal. That one layer took a special blacksmith to create. The last layer is simple cotton and soft silk for comfort. He has no armor other than that. Then he wears some round tipped boots and has a pair of gloves. Over all this he wears a white cloak.


    Lumia, the Unseen in the Sky – This sword that he carries on his right hip is one of the few of its kind and is very unique. At first, one would notice that it just looks like a regular sword, but that is what it wants you to believe. What you don’t know is the fact that this sword is alive. However, in order for it to be released into its true form, the Master must speak a spell. Once the spell takes effect, the sword becomes what it was meant to become.

    In Lumia’s true form, there is no other sword like it. It stands at a length of four feet, three inches and its design is quite beautiful. The blade itself is not a blade, but sixty three rings of metal forged together. The rings themselves are two inches in diameter and about one inch thick. Altogether are three rows of twenty rings, two rings above them, and one ring to form the design of the sword. On top of all that is a triangle shaped piece that helps hold the rings firmly and also used to form the swords complete shape. From there, a guard connects the rings strongly together with horns on each side, a handle that is made of bone, and a rectangular shaped piece of metal that connects on the butt of the handle to keep everything in place.

    Now, as for the abilities of this weapon is what make it the reason why it is so rare.

    The first ability this weapon has to do with the rings themselves. Whenever wind passes through the rings, it creates a filter of energy since the weapon is based on the element of air. This energy increases speed and also strength. If the Master of the sword is already strong enough, this almost triples that.

    The second ability of this sword is a defensive counter-attack instinct. In simple words, whenever force for an attack hits the blades side, it immediately reacts and sends out two to four rings in the opposite direction of the attack. In an example, let’s say its two swordsmen are fighting each other. Whenever the one swordsman attacks the other, the sword will connect the hit, but in exchange the rings are forced off in the attacking swordsman direction. The rings will extend as far as they can before they are ordered back to the sword like a yo-yo effect. This ability can be turned on and off.

    The third ability is one of the most deadly of them all. First, the user will stand calmly and place the sword in front of his face. After closing his eyes he will chant a soft spell. This spell then disperses all of the rings in random directions and each ring will disappear. He then splits them up into a 70% 30% use. 70% attacks while 30% will defend. Now, even though the rings are invisible, whenever they fly in any direction they create a whistling sound.

    The last ability is a complete defensive and offensive technique. Also, for this ability to begin the third ability must already be in effect. Now, as the rings are dispersed in the air Leonarc will begin chanting a new spell. The spell has the rings zone onto his energy signal. Then, using his energy as a center the rings will begin a tornado effect and spinning around his body counter-clockwise while floating three feet away from his body so not to cut him. The form this ability takes shape in is the size of an F2 tornado yet it moves at much greater speeds and when Leonarc moves, they move. The only thing about this technique is Leonarc must be focused at all times on the spell or it will diminish and turn back into sword-form.

    Pair of Rings – On his left hand are two rings. On the ring finger sits a silver ring with black markings on it. This ring will rejuvenate his power for two hours. However, when time is up it will take more power from him. He uses it if he has used up a lot of energy for one fight and enters another. The second ring has unknown abilities, he has never used it.


    Feather-Step – A technique he created and mastered, it gives ones feet the slight ability to float. This is used to increase speed without making a sound.

    Mirage Dust – Being part faerie, he also has some ability to use a type of dust a faerie would use. This kind though has only been used twice before and has never been seen by anyone else.

    Ethereal Sensor/Vibration Sensor – An ethereal sensor ability gives notice to all energy being used. If an enemy would be forming a magical attack, this would immediately alert the user. The type of senses this technique picks up is: Elemental, time distortion, or a non-elemental energy. Now, a Vibration sensor is more physical type. It picks up vibrations in the air, on or in the ground, and under the water. It, once again, alerts the user.

    Basic Magic – Leonarc knows simple spells from the elements. Usually, the most he uses is a cure spell from holy magic, a mist spell from water magic, and a telepathic spell to move objects. He doesn’t know too many spells other then that. But they are not that powerful;.

    Biography: Unknown.

  14. #464
    *If there's something wrong and need to be fixed, please PM me.



    159 cm

    49 kg

    Shining Green

    Short golden locks that surround her face.

    Slim but feminine and strong.

    General Description
    She wears a short green dress with dark green embroidery around the bottom. The top of the dress goes up to a point and connects to the matching choker around her neck. She has one sleeve that falls off to the left of her shoulder. On her legs she wears matching knee high lace up green boots.

    Natu is very proud and arrogant. Her pride means everything to her. She is usually pretending to be happy and cheerful. Her heart however is full of hate and pain for her lost love that had been hidding under the mask of happiness. Her smile is rarely seen but when she smiles her face shines as will she. She shows her soft side only to afew certain people.

    Kurenai-This weapon are named after her dead lover and was given to her by her spirit protector. Two razor sharp elaborated Energy fans that arrive from her hands when she wants them to arrive. They are enchanted by the essence of the wind. This weapo is her favorite weapon, its strength depends on her will and their size can be changed by her command.

    Leaf Dance- As little green seeds appear in Natu's palm, she throws them at the ground. Huge predator plants grow up in insane speed creating obstacle between Natu and her opponent. On the place of each dead plant, three new ones grow up in their place.

    Blaze Rage-Natu creates five energy balls who duplicate themselves in a second and then the copies duplicate themselves again levitating around. Soon the opponent finds himself surrounded by energy balls that explode if he moves.

    Spiral Blast- Energy waves are spread swiftly around her acting like a shield and destructive attack at once. It ends as enormous explosion in a gieven radius of 10 meters around Natu.

    Phoenix Storm- Hundreds of huge burning rocks fall from the sky, melting everything in their path. They land spontaneously distracting the opponent for a while.

    Star Dust- Shiny golden dust cloud blinds the enemy for a while as it comes in physical contact with him. It penetrates though the opponent's skin, causing great pain as purulent wounds grow up on his/her body.

    Mirror Attack- Natu absorbs opponent attacks's power for a while and then she reflects it back in double power as a huge energy beam.

    Poseidon- He is lord of the sea. His weapon is a trident, which can shake the earth, and shatter any object. He controls the oceans and storms which is what he attacks with.

    Zeus- His muscular body surrounded by little playful sparks. His weapon is a thunderbolt which he hurls at those who displease him. The physical form of his weapon is a giant hammer he holds easily in one hand.

    Gaea- The earth goddess. She arrives in her original Titan form. A huge warrior female dressed in brown full plates covered with ancient spells. A simple helm protects her head. In one hand she holds a broad sword and in the other... a round shield.

    Nemesis- The goddess of revenge. Her eyes are faceted rubies of rage. A grey mask that fully covers her face represents the eternal scream. Her armor made of human vengeance and emotions and glows in dark green tones. Her weapons are large double bladed swords.

    Break lvl 1
    Water Essence- As Natu merges with Poseidon her eyes turn ice blue. The Trident grows up into a spear that radiates a cold feeling in all directions. Each prong can attack different enemies at the same time. The armor transforms to a furry coat which provides her a defense from the opponent's attacks.

    Thunder Essence- Natu's and Zeuss junction creates a golden spiky haired creature. It wields a lightning whip and rides a dark cloud.

    Earth Essence-When Natu merges with Gaea... a thin sexless figure whos helm is decorated by greenish and almost transparent stone arrives. It has large butterfly like wings and the Earth Goddess' broad sword transforms into a sting shaped wooden wand which can control gravity.

    Vengeance Essence- Merging with Nemesis creates a deformed warrior who's face is a mask of agony. A scream can awaking the opponent's most painful memories. Black twirling chains swirl around the creature's body in endless agony.

    Break lvl 2
    La Pucelle(The Virgin)- Natu, evoking her protector spirit, her body glows in green aura as her agility grows and enables her to move at speeds uncatchable for human and most demon eyes. She can combine the speed with her break lvl 1 merging to boost her power.

    Break lvl 3
    Vayu Esse (The Forbidden Rune)- The Rune can be spoken out only by a true Amazon, Green House heiress. To summon it, the Amazon would have to shed her own blood. The power that is given for the sacrifice is to suck life energy from the opponent by physical contact. The longer she able to keep on the contact the more energy is stolen from the foe.

    Break lvl 4
    Maiden's Madness- As her feelings mix together they explode into a Berserk mode. Sometimes she is not able to control her actions. In her rage, Natu crashes all around as she reaches out for the enemy. She cannot to be hurt by any attack of the opponent, mental or physical.

    There were four mighty tribes of Amazons which ruled upon the land. White House of Aeren in north. Yellow House of Erja in south. Red house of Lunaris in east. Green House of Kino in west. The members of the tribes were girls from neighbor's countries who were kidnapped in order to grow up as amazon warriors. In rare cases the older amazons caught a man to produce pure blooded offspring, usually only the leader of the house or high ranked warriors were allowed to get pregnant.

    The four Houses lived peacefully, protecting their lands from barbaric tribes of intruders and any other forces who invaded the land from time to time. Culture, architecture, art, music, books and crafts of battling were developed by each of the Houses. Every of them possessed a unique magic and style of fighting. United they were invincible.

    But then unpredictable happened. A great war burst out between the Houses, cutting of the bounds of friendship between them. The reasons of the war never were found out. Only rumors of the leaders being possessed by a demon were spread around quietly.

    Rivers of blood covered the land. The Houses fought between themselves, their main purpose is to destroy those who once were companions. A bloody battle was carried on between Aeren, Erja, Lunaris and Kino, it decided on the war. Using all of they powers, the four charged forth, trying to defeat their opponents. Only Lunaris and Kino survived, wounded hardly. The Yellow house was extincted and the White house almost shared it's fate. Weak and separated, the tribes were an easy prey for the dark creatures which invaded the land. All the tries to achieve the now forgotten peace once more failed. Each house stood for himself, the remained warriors of it hid and lived in shadows in attempt to survive.

    Years passed, generations replaced generations and the glory of past transformed into legends and myths. The amazons lost most of their strength, many of the knowledge was lost with the destruction of temples, libraries and the death of leaders.

    Natu was the heir of the Green House. She was grown up by a rough mother, instructed by the best warriors of the Green House. Since her childhood, her destiny was clear. She was the chosen one, the gifted. Natu was told to be the best, never to give up. And she did so. Training most of her life, the girl was experienced enough to win many of her older comrades in age of 15. The youth was the pride of the Green House.

    Natu always liked to explore. Her curiosity lead her further then any other amazon women dared to go. At one of her journeys around the area she met Kurenai, a member of the Red House. Shock and coldness were Natu's first feelings for the stranger. It wasn't the last time she met the tan girl. After a closer acquaintance, the girls became good friends. Hiding their friendship from they tribes which still considered each other at a mortal enemy, even after so many years.

    Very soon a new feeling bloomed between the two. First time in her life Natu fell in love. Kurenai felt the same towards the golden haired teenager. Soaking in their hidden happiness the couple met as often as they could. Everything was perfect or so Natu thought. The young amazon was traced by her comrades as she was heading to a secret layout, the lovers nest. Leaded by their leader, the amazons attacked the kissing girls. Despite of Natu's begging to spare on her love, Kurenai was executed before Natu's eyes. Natu was tortured for hours as punishment for her disobedience. She was crucified and left to die as a traitor, banished from her own tribe.

    The dying girl who's heart was full of pain and hate was saved by a mysterious woman, named Shira. As sudden as she came, Shira left Natu when the girl was able to stand up. Spending months in training, as much as her weak body allowed her. Hate was the only thing that motivated her to live. She wanted revenge. When Natu sneaked back into her tribe, she found the place ruined and abandoned. Every of the amazon were dead. Broken bones was all that left of them.

    Confused and not satisfied, Natu left what was once all she knew. Since then she wanders aimlessly, urging to find out why she still alive, the last of the Green House.

  15. #465
    Character Statistics. Zephyr's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    New Zealand
    Dargarth "Prophet" Jarlian
    (Most commonly known as simply 'Prophet')

    Vital Statistics
    Age: approx. 3780 (Looks to be in late teens/early 20s)
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 180 pounds
    Eyes: Gray/Blue
    Hair: Dark Brown
    Race: Asethar/Human

    NB: The Asethar are similar to humans on many levels. Their main difference is a slightly longer lifespan, and larger amounts of spiritual energy. Once a proud, arrogant race with advanced technology, they sought a war that would eventually end them. A small group escaped the fall of The Great City (as it was known), and began life anew in the mountains. There, they learnt the way of the land, and began to revere nature and all it's spirits.

    Brief Bio
    Dargarth - which means Child of the Seasons in the ancient tongue - is the last living person to claim Asethar heritage. Ironic, perhaps, is the fact he is also the first Asethar to be of mixed blood. His father, a human, was found in the forest surrounding the village. Greviously wounded, he was taken into the village and cared for by the healer. The healer's daughter fell in love with the man - and the normal things followed.

    When Dargarth was five, his mother - and almost half the village - fell prey to a virulent disease. There was nothing the healer could do, and all who caught it eventually perished. His father, devastated by her death, turned to drink and withdrew from society. Dargarth spent most of his days with the other village children in the forest surrounding the village, learning how to hunt and forage for food.

    At the age of 10, Dargarth and one of his friends decided it would be fun to climb to the very top of the huge mountain behind the village. They were smart enough to pick a fine, clear summers day - but little did they know of the journey before them. All day they hiked, but never any closer did the summit look. Refusing to give up, the two boys made camp and waited out the night. Rising with the sun, they once again turned to the trail. Three days it took them to make the ascent, but they would say the climb was worth it. From the summit, it felt as if one could see the entire world. It was Kalnor that saw it first. A dark smear across the land, snaking it's way towards the mountain village. The two boys stood for a moment, just watching, when Dargarth spoke softly. "I think it's smoke."

    Forgetting their packs, the two rushed back down the mountain trail to warn the village. The need for haste rising deep within him, Dargarth felt a strange power flowing from him as he ran - and so it was with great surprise that the two found themselves running back into the village gates a mere three hours after starting the descent. The sight that awaited them is one that still haunts Dargarth to this day. The entire village had been laid to waste. Stepping over the lifeless bodies of former friends and family, the two horror-struck boys searched for any survivors. But no living thing remained, even their livestock and pets had been cut down. After two days of mourning, they decided to lay the dead to rest in the fashion of their race. Working hard, they amassed a huge pyre and, after carefully placing the dead on top, set it alight. Bound by tradition, the two swore vengeance, and so ventured forth into the world, seeking those that had wronged them.

    It took them 7 years, but the two had their revenge. However, they paid a high price. Kalnor was mortally wounded, and died some days later. With his final words, he called Dargarth his brother, and gave him Fehu, the dagger of fire. "Remember me always, my brother, for now you are the last. Let not our people fade from history."

    The death of his friend sent Dargarth over the edge, into the world of madness. Haunted by all the death he had seen, and caused, he sought a way to undo it all. Power washed over him, and the fabric of space/time began to warp around him. He thought to go back to the beginning, and stop the desctruction of his village ever occuring - but time would not allow such a thing, as it would inevitably lead to a paradox. The world went dark...

    When he came to, it was immediately apparent that he was no longer where, or when, he had just been. Propelled 1000 years into the past, he arrived in The Great City upon the eve of its destruction. There, he bore witness to the arrogance that spelled the fall of his race. Magic and technology combined, mechanical soldiers powered by the souls of those unwilling to go to war, and a proud certainty that the Asethar were the most powerful race in the universe. Naturally, such things do not go unpunished. The Asethar, seeking yet more power, had allied themselves with the Outsider Gods - malevolent and chatoic beings that savoured only destruction - and had so doomed themselved. Fleeing the city as the atomic weapons began to rain down upon it, Dargarth escaped into the mountains. There, he ran into a small group of refugees, and together they moved further inland, away from the smoking ruins behind them. He soon learned that this small ragged bunch was all that remained of the once mighty Asethar. They had survived by hiding beneath the city during the war, evading the recruitment patrols. "It was horrible," one said. "They took you, dead or alive, and forced you to the front lines."

    After weeks of walking, the group stumbled unexpectedly on a small wooden hut. (Oh gods, I just realised how damn long this 'brief bio' is going to be. If you actually want the detailed information, read the book. The bio isn't terribly important to RPBs.)


    Dargarth prefers to smooth things over with words rather than resort to combat. He has a sense of honour and decency, and just a little decorum, although a theatrical streak causes him to be a little flamboyant at times - especially when throwing spells around. Fairly open-minded and honest, he accepts most people at face value - a trait that has gotten him into trouble more than once. He trusts his friends implicitly, and his enemies not at all. He won't admit to it, but he is haunted by guilt over some of his past actions, and at the core of his being is a great sadness. After losing so many, and killing more, he has come to cherish life. Long has he sworn to never allow any other being to become the last of their kind, for well he knowns the loneliness of it.


    Funsai-keika ("Shattered Flow")*
    This weapon was given to Dargarth by his old master. It is forged of a long-forgotten alloy that never loses its edge. The blade is a dark gray-silver, but if you look deep within its surface, it has been said that entire galaxies of stars fill the blade. The hilt is black, wound with silver. The guard is of the same metal as the blade, and is intricately engraved with the image of a single river encircling a broken hourglass, the sand spilling out of the lower half. The scabbard is attached to the slender gray rope that serves as Dargarth’s belt. It is said that the blade of this katana is so sharp that it can slice through the very fabric of reality.

    *Translation Note: I used a little bit of creative license here, so please don't send me messages telling me my translation is off, it's supposed to be.

    Isa and Fehu
    These daggers, both forged by the smith in Dargarth's home village, were once gifted to two young boys at the end of their very first hunt (A long standing tradition amogst the Asethar people). Made to be used together, they were a symbol of a strong friendship. Before Kalnor's demise, he handed Fehu to Dargarth, requesting that he be remembered. Each dagger bears an elemental rune; Isa (Ice) is forged of a pale blue, translucent steel. Fehu (Fire) is forged of normal steel, but bears a ruby at its crosspiece. The two sit in simple sheaths on either side of Dargarth’s belt. In honour of his fallen friend, Dargarth never uses these daggers seperately.


    Cloak of the Wanderer
    To all appearances, this is nothing more than a simple black hooded cloak that protects Dargarth from the weather, and keeps his features hidden when he needs it. However, it bears a powerful enchantment that protects its wearer from the environment, allowing him to exist in totally inhospitable places. This garment protects against all mundane environmental effects. For example, It would protect it’s wearer from the intense heat of a volcano, but not the heat of a magical fire, from the cold of a blizzard, but not the cold of a magical snow storm.

    Aside from the cloak, Dargarth wears little actual armour, instead relying on his speed and spells to protect him from harm.

    Other Equipment

    Blue Feather
    This long, deep blue feather hangs on a simple piece of string around Dargarth’s neck. Given to him by someone that means a lot to him, he keeps it close at all times, not even removing it to bathe.

    Demon’s Tear
    This is a blood red, translucent gem that serves as a form of pendant. It is, as its name suggests, in the shape of a tear drop. Given to him by the same person as the feather, this item is magical in nature, and has the ability to slow the flow of blood, effectively staunching any heavily bleeding wounds. But even it has its limits.

    Pandora X
    A strange ring seemingly composed of equal parts light and darkness. A gift he received long ago, this ring has the power to nullify any magical attack based on Light or Dark.

    Belt of Many Pockets
    This very useful device consists of many pockets attached to a belt. The strange thing is, there is the same amount of room in each pocket as there is in a standard backpack. This is because each of the 7 pockets opens onto its own small encapsulated dimension. Dargarth has many useful things stored inside this belt, but mostly it just contains food, water and a rather silly number of souvenirs. It also contains a small number of useful items - flasks of holy water, caltrops, some rope, ceramic flasks filled with explosive liquids... stuff like that.

    Special Abilities

    Dargarth can sometimes glean information about the future, usually no more than 6 seconds or so ahead, that would allow him to dodge, block or otherwise negate an attack. Of course, some things just can't be stopped...

    Special Attacks

    Dargarth primarily focuses on magic that can cause the most destruction in the smallest possible time, such as fireballs and bolts of lightning. He does however know some more defensive spells. He sees magic as an art form, something that comes from within, and as such, he doesn't follow any strict rules about spell-casting. He draws mainly from the elements of Fire, Electricity, Air, Ice and Shadow. While his race is known for their spirit magic, Dargarth knows only a little about it, the last living shaman of his race having died a long time ago. He also makes a point of not using earth-based magics unless he really, really has to.

    Special Magic

    Dargarth has the power to affect the flow of time in many ways, from speeding himself up, to slowing down projectiles in flight. He tries not to use it to much, as it greatly affects the fabric of space/time. He has speculated greatly as to the source of this power, but has never reached a satisfactory answer. He mostly uses it to travel from place to place, and from time to time - ostensibly to 'obverse history as it happens.'

    NB: Chronomancy is quite possibly *the* easiest power to use when it comes to "god-modding". I understand this, which is why my character views using it to win as somehow cheating. If you see me using it in a way that could be construed as "god-modding", do not hesitate to tell me.


    Spirit of the Mountain
    The only powerful spirit-magic Dargarth was ever able to master. The Spirit of the Mountain takes the form of a tremendous and terrible bear. As it is a spirit, it is mostly incorporeal, but it's teeth and claws are real enough. Intelligent, and able to call upon it's own spirit-magic, the Spirit of the Mountain is a powerful ally, and a deadly foe.

    The Moirae
    Calling upon the power of the Moirae, the Triple Goddess of Fate, Dargarth is able to summon one to his aid - although there is usually a steep cost, for not lightly does fate conspire to help a mortal being avoid fate. The first is Clotho, the Spinner. She wields a distaff, but is more adept at healing and other "white" magics than combat. The second is Lachesis, the Measurer. Armed with a rod, she is a fairly balanced combatant, tossing spells and engaging in melee with equal skill. The third, and final, is Atropos, the Cutter. Feared by mortals and gods alike, Atropos' job is to choose the manner of death of a person, and when the time comes, slice their life-thread with her "abhorrèd shears". Armed with a razor-sharp scythe, and powerful spells of all kinds, she is an opponent to be feared. All who cheat fate eventually meet her.


    Level 1Borrowed Time
    Borrowing some time from a future self, Dargarth is able to regenerate some of his wounds, and gains a massive boost to speed for a short time.

    Level 2Veil of Entrophy
    Surrounded by a thin shell of backwards flowing time, Dargarth is rendered immune to any attack that uses missiles for a short while. This includes arrows, bullets, fireballs etc. It should be noted that this ONLY applies to RANGED attacks. Melee attacks will not be stopped.

    Level 3Elemental Flux
    Distorting the time field around his opponent, Dargarth can cause small rifts in space/time to appear, linked directly to the primal planes. Pure elemental magic seeps through, bombarding his opponent with fire, water, air and earth type magic.

    Level 4Cry of the Phoenix
    Close to death, and without hope of victory, Dargarth is able to use what remains of his life-force to immolate himself. Anyone and anything in the immediate vincinity, unless somehow protected, is incinerated. One week later, he re-forms in some other location, fully healed. He learned this trick from the Eternal Bird herself.

    (NB: The Eternal Bird is the Asethar spirit that watches over the passage of time (the Seasons, actually). She dies at the end of each autumn, and is ressurected in spring. Summer is when she in at the height of her power, and Winter is the time that the land must go without her firey warmth. She is most often depicted as a Phoenix.)

    Level 5Worlds Torn Asunder
    Dargarth has used this ability only once - and the price he paid was great. For 15 years, he wandered the worlds, devoid of all memories. He was only able to regain his self through the action of a certain Chaos Demon. He has since sworn to never use this ability again.
    Last edited by Zephyr; 08-14-2007 at 01:41 AM. Reason: Character changed

  16. #466
    Name:Blaine Age:19
    Race:Hume' Height:5.7
    Gender:Male Weight:132
    Job:Swordmaster Title:The Holy Prince of Valiance
    Weapon:Excalibur Hair:Long Dark Blue
    Head:Masterband Eyesark Blue
    Armower Wrist Attitude:Very serious
    Body:Leather Plate Home:Valiance
    Feet:Running Shoes Loverincess Maya
    Limit:Climhazzard Summons:Alexander
    Meteor Crush Omega
    Last edited by Blaine; 09-01-2006 at 06:59 PM.

  17. #467
    Name: Duran
    Was once known to some as the Angel of Despair.

    Age: Has been since the beginning

    Height 6"

    Weight: 185lbs

    Zion: A broadsword that Duran has always carried with him. A large crystal is imbedded in the unique almost translucent metal of the sword. When Duran has his hand on the hilt the sword radiates a green glow.

    Remnant: Another broadsword that has come under Duran's possession over time. The once un-named sword was wielded by Duran's Yin Raphael. After events that happened decades ago. Duran found the sword along with Raphael's other possessions. He took the sword with him as a reminded of his Yin. The sword radiates a blue glow when Duran's hand is touching it.

    Looks: Duran's normal attire is his pair of white pants. Over the ages the have become dusty and stained. His ageless appearance shows him to be in his early thirties. He has long black brown hair that goes past his shoulders. His eyes are a mix of green and blue hues.

    Background: A fallen angel. The cause of his fall was impatience. Duran extracted judgement when it wasn't his to make. God did not forget about Duran as he spent his days on earth. When Duran's Yin Raphael who was also a fallen angel bargained with the devil for power. It was Duran and his company that stopped him. The Devil had played it out all to well and had tied Duran, his sword Zion, and a woman together. In order to free her from her debt Duran allowed her to pierce him with Zion. At that moment Raphael was also killed.

    After the dust cleared. Duran awoke. He found his sword along with Raphael's but no trace of his companions. God intertwined the Yin and Yang creating a new whole Duran. Realising everything that had happened, Duran knew that God still had something planned for him. Decades have passed and with that a lot of Duran's experience and technique.

    Being an angel Duran has power both in the physical and spiritual world. Also his body, senses, and overall attributes are quite a bit higher than the human being.

    Fighting Style: Duran's fighting style is self taught. Normally he'll only use one sword but is known from time to time to use both. Over the time he has walked on earth he has learned how to preform special techniques.
    Call to Zion: With a thrust of a sword Duran is able to send forth a burst of both heavenly and demonic energy towards his opponent.
    Remnants Cry: Storing the angelic and demonic energy in his sword, Duran can influence its release to ward off other oncoming energies.
    Angel of Despair: Duran manipulates his angelic/demonic energies to attempt to give his opponent an overwhelming feeling of despair.

  18. #468
    Name: Rusty
    Age: Nineteen
    Height: 6'0
    Weight: 100 lbs


    1. Fists= Actually he fights with his fists more than any other weapon. Has mastered Ki and Chi moves.

    2. Sword= Very typical weapon, he knows that. He mastered Chi and Ki, so he can also use them with his sword.

    Background: He grew up in a monk temple, where he studied the art of martial arts and how to controll his Chi. His parents sent him there because of his natural talent of Ki.

    He had a typical childhood, like most kids. Except he once had a worm for a pet.

    Apprence: Black shirt and pants. Black shoes as well. Monks don't have much fashion sense.

    Skills/Fighting style: He fights normally, although he is prone to dodge, because being hit hurts, obviously.

    Skills: Ki barrier= Creates a shield of Ki or Chi, usually is used at the first of battle.
    Ki Blast= Creates a sphere like energy source, is a very basic skill.

    Advanced Skills: Strike of Thousand Strikes/Lightningblast= Strike of thousand strikes can be used both ways, sword and fist. Lightning Blast= Best Ki skill ever.

    Final Ultima Strike= Can only be done if there is enough energy on the earth and in Rusty. Hard to perform, instant power upage is performed though.

  19. #469
    Warlord of Your Mom Character Statistics. ultima_trev's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Kingdom of Dis
    Name: Cadaveras De Sade
    Alias(s): First Fuhrer to Sodom, Prince of the South
    Specie: Wraith / ethereal deity
    Gender: Male
    Age: Eternal
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 300lbs
    Build: Rock solid
    Eyes: Yellow
    Hair: Black
    Hair Length: Very short (cut with a hair clipper and no. 1 guard)
    Skintone: Tan
    Allegiance: Brotherhood of Doom

    Weapons: Katana (left hand), wakisashi (right hand), kunai (backup)
    Clothing: Black ninja gi, coated with a thin lair of adamantium

    Possesses frightful ethereal powers but is restricted from using them, so he relies on mid-range magic capabilities in addition to his formidable speed and close combat prowess. He can infuse magic (particularly ice, wind, and lighting elementals) into his swords and kunai to make them deadlier when the enemy's armor is too strong.

    --The Scoop--
    Formerly a human ninja, assassinated by Nobunaga's forces.
    Formerly a wraith ninja, vanquished by the Illuminati.
    Formerly a demon berserker, slain by Wotan.
    Now an ethereal being taking human form.

    He has been reincarnated on several occasions, be it coincidental or fateful. Regardless, he is determined to kill whomever to make the world a better place.

  20. #470
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Gran Pulse
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    Name: Taima Aolani
    Alias: Stormwind
    Species: Human
    Race: Valkyrja
    Age: 27
    Height: 5’ 8”
    Weight: 151 lbs
    Hair: White (permanently dyed)
    Eyes: Dark Blue

    Upper Body: A white shirt and an amethyst pendant on a gold chain.
    Lower Body: Dark blue pants and dyed leather boots.

    Lightweight plate armor over her chest with the blue dragon of her order emblazoned on the front. Leather gauntlets with steel forearm guards, leather greaves and metal plated boots, all dyed the same dark blue.

    Main Class: Dragoon
    Master of the lance with the legendary ability to soar into the heavens and fall upon the opponent with great force. High power, moderate speed and agility, lacking in defense.

    Sub Class: Thunder Mage
    Can cast low-mid strength thunder magic. The intensity and effectiveness of the spells depends on the weather and the environment. Limited ability to manipulate natural electricity.

    Weaponry: Tempest
    An eight foot lance; wooden shaft with a two foot steel spearhead. Just below the spearhead’s base are ground guards that prevent the metal from conducting electricity. Named for the two-bladed serrated tip that produces a whirling sound similar to a tornado.

    Magic: See Sub Class.

    Main Techniques

    Blue Dragon: A technique taught to all Kyr dragoons. It is a series of five attacks, relying more on speed than power. It starts with a horizontal slash into a diagonal uppercut, a downward strike on the opposite diagonal into a straight upward thrust into a final jump attack meant to knock the opponent back. This is used primarily as a defensive move to gain distance from an opponent, should they close inside the lance’s guard. The strikes are by no means weak, but only the last part of the attack is capable of serious damage due to the nature of the weapon.

    Thunderbird: The offensive version of Blue Dragon. Taima leads with a jumping attack, as soon as the lance strikes the opponent or the ground she uses the momentum to vault up and flip, slashing down at their upper back and head, then flipping up a second time and twisting to finally land and launch a powerful thrust at the opponent’s (hopefully) unprotected back. Very beautiful and difficult to pull off, as she does not touch the ground until the final part of the attack. The full attack is only successfully completed about 25% of the time because of the amount of sheer strength it takes. Taima does not use it often unless she is sure she can land the last hit, which has been known to make or break a fight in past tournaments.

    Lightning: Taima charges Tempest with electricity and leaps high into the air, diving at her opponent with earth-shattering force, the electricity forming a whirling vortex around her. The impact disperses the energy with a powerful but short range secondary blast.

    Stormwind: Her signature technique and namesake. She distances herself from her opponent and spins Tempest in a rapid vertical whirl, charging the entire lance with electricity. Once charged she releases it in a wide vertical arc, discharging an expanding horizontal energy blast with a strong following wind at her opponent. Its power weakens as it travels, with a max range of approximately 30 feet in normal conditions. An approaching or present storm can intensify the power and extend the range to as much as 50 feet or more, depending on the storm’s strength.


    The Valkyrja are an ancient warrior tribe with a small but powerful empire called Kyr. They are not aggressive toward neighboring countries but instead a deeply religious society based on honor and the holy spirit of battle. They are not often seen beyond Kyr’s borders.

    Taima Aolani the Stormwind is an exception. She is a hero among the Valkyrja, remaining undefeated in seven consecutive Hero Campaigns, the great tournament held every year at the sacred city of Valkyr. However, on the eighth tournament she was defeated by a newcomer’s underhanded tricks, though to the empire it was a clean victory. No Valkyrja has ever cheated or acted dishonorably in or out of the Campaign. She could not object to the crowning of the new Hero without dishonoring herself.

    Although her standing in the eyes of her people did not suffer, Taima herself was devastated by the loss. After many long days of soul-searching, she decided to leave the empire and seek new opponents and above all, answer one question: the true identity of the new Kyr Hero. Taima strongly believes that she was not defeated by a Valkyrja, but by a pretender. She fully intends to find the truth.

    Two years into the journey, Taima learns of a powerful and noble order, the Phoenix Knights. She immediately decides to apply to the esteemed ranks in the hopes of learning from other great warriors. It may not help find her answers, but is determined to return and defeat the imposter. To do that she must become even stronger. As strong as a Knight of legend. That is why she requests to join the Phoenix Knights.
    Last edited by DragonHeart; 09-19-2006 at 01:26 PM.

  21. #471
    Name: Clive Fatima
    Alias: The Obsidian Knight
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Clive is a tall man, standing a staggering six feet four inches. He has long black hair that cascades down to just below his broad shoulders. He has deep green eyes that seem to gaze into the very depths of the souls of his friends and enemies alike. His left ear is pierced with an obsidian cross. He has thin lips that seldom part. A silver chain with an obsidian Dragon entwined with an ivory Snake in a double helix fashion sit upon his neckline. His tanned skin seems to contrast his white leather trench coat which is always left unbuttoned, revealing a black wifebeater that clings to his well defined abs. He wears long loose fitting white leather pants that sport an intricate red design down the left leg. He has a black belt that supports a scabbard on the right side, and slots for his set of seven, six inch daggers on his left. Across his back, another strap that supports a sheath for his broadsword.

    Alliance: Neutral

    Personality: Clive is a quiet man who lets his actions speak for him. He has a furious temper that is hard to ignite. He cares for few, and shows little emotion.


    Crimson Silence: A set of two Cutlass's. Both blades come to four feet in length, including the handle. The blades are a translucient red color, while than handguard is black. Upon the handguard is the japanese kanji symbol for silence.


    Dark Dash: Due to his large size, Clive had to master the art of being swift. As time continued, Clive mastered the Dark Dash technique, which allows him to speed across the landscape at a higher rate of speed than he normally would have. But, long term use of this drains Clive of his energy very quickly.


    Shrink- A simple shrink spell. (Must make contact with opponent)
    Fira- A quickly casted fire spell.
    Aerora- A fierce gust rages at an opponent
    Enlarge- A fairly simple enlarge spell. (Must make contact with opponent)
    Thundara- Lightining deftly strikes his opponent.

    Clive, over time has been able to negate most fire and ice based attacks. Though it takes a bit of energy, Clive can manage to negate an attack for quite some time.

    Biography: Still to come
    Last edited by GrimmJaw; 07-21-2007 at 09:34 PM.

  22. #472
    Name: Takai
    Age: (Presumably) 17'ish
    Gender: Male
    Race: Angel
    Height: 5'11"
    Hair: Medium-length, straight, blonde
    Eyes: Slate-blue
    Clothing: Navy-blue hoodie over white t-shirt. Blue jeans. Black sneakers.

    Weaponry: Arms, legs, and holy energy

    Takai is, or was, your typical high school student. He tries to be as normal and average as possible, trying to fit in with the rest of the crowd. Even after discovering he was an angel, he tries to act normal, ignoring the powers that lie within him.

    Takai is able to use holy energy and unleash it in a variety of ways. Since he does not use weapons or armor, he relies heavily on his divine powers. Whenever accessing these powers, faint glowing wings appear on his back. Takai is very inexperienced in battle and cannot perfectly manipulate the holy energy.

    Ray- releases a beam of energy from palm

    Energy Burst- unleashes a quick burst of energy from palms, close-range

    Sphere- gathers ball of energy in hands before tossing it at the enemy

    Shield- creates a weak barrier

    Aura Surge- momentarily thickens holy aura, interrupting nearby projectiles and opponents

    Magnificent Light- a bright light engulfs the area before slowly fading away, temporarily blinding all within

    Purify- attempts to overflow an object with holy energy, causing it to explode

    Martyr- unleashes all contained energy, causing a devastating explosion that heavily damages both self and enemy
    Last edited by Kaitou; 09-25-2006 at 02:10 PM.

  23. #473
    Character Statistics. Dark One's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Boco shut up.
    Name: Master Link

    Age: 18

    Gender: male

    Eyes: blue

    Height: 6’3

    Weight: 155

    Rank Title- Speed master

    Abilities: Hydro jump- Is a special move where he moves from left to the right in about 1 sec. or less. Then jump very high and come down with tremendous forces one his opiate.

    Abilities #2: Agility slash- Is where he moves from one side of his opiate to the other swing his sword. Then comes up from beside them and cuts them with is sword.

    Abilities#3:Agility burst- a sort burst of speed. That takes all his energy. Link circles the person and it makes it almost imposable to see him.

    Abilities#4:Last stand- When Link knows he well be killed shortly. He gets all his energy together and charges his enemy (sword in hand)

    Special Skills:
    Telaport slash_ Link goes from front side back side of an enemy trying to cut them with his sword. It is very powerfull and help full.

    Secondary weapon- Sword of Hyrule is made of gold and silver. It is said it has the heart of Hyrule in it. It is said to bring peace to the world when Hyrule is under attack. Also when the person using it is in harms way

    History: Well no one really knows how or where he came from. They think he is from Hyrule. It is in the Deep South where the strongest fighters stay and where a lot of men go and never come back. Most the people there are strong and fast. It is said that the people born in Hyrule are faster then the gods them self’s. Some people say that he is a god and can not be killed. Others say he is strong and fast but all can be killed. The true story of Master link is that he was born in Hyrule but moves at the age of 2. When men burned his home and killed his father. So when link was older and found out what happened to his father. Link went and killed every man that took part in the killing of his father. From that day on was a skilled fight that would kill any one how got in his way.

    Appearance: blond hair, long coat to my feet with a hood. Also he has black with heartless tattooed on his back. Also he wears no show he says they slow him down. Plus a scar on his face from a fire when he was younger.

    Weapon(s):2 IAIDO swords -The arts of the sword as we know them today probably began with Iizasa Choisai the founder of the Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu. This school included the use of many weapons from sword and stick
    History: Well there is not much that anyone knows about me. I was a mercenary for years and that’s how I found the Desert Eagle.

    Master Long Sword- One of the last few surviving blades fored eons ago in the old kingdom. Seemingly made of simple brass. This sword is always sharp and it is unbreakable.

    Secondary weapon- Sword of Hyrule is made of gold and silver. It is said it has the heart of Hyrule in it. It is said to bring peace to the world when Hyrule is under attack. Also when the person using it is in harms way.
    Last edited by Dark One; 09-14-2007 at 12:32 PM.

  24. #474
    Lady Succubus Character Statistics. Victoria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
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    Name: Mitsu Kana

    Race: Human

    A four foot blade attached to a wristband on Kana's righthand wristband. Known as a Batatsu.

    Black as night ninja-gi pants with a white mythril shirt and a matching ninja-gi sleeveless vest.

    His hair is a silvery grey color.

    His eyes are a mystifying blue color.

    His only niece Hitari Mitsu, and his Sensei Otenaki Kage.


    Uses the thunder element as a basis for his attacks. He uses different seals to perform the specific attacks. The seals are based off of the chinese zodiac.

    Kagerou No Jitsu - Tiger, Rat, Ox, Rooster
    An attack that uses the surrounding air and transforms the atoms into that of electricity and shoots a deathening beam of 50,000 volts right into the opponents chest.

    Thunder Replication - Goat, Dragon, Rooster, Dog, Ox, Horse
    He vanishes into thin air in the untrained eyes, but under the eyes of a talented warrior, he would appear to have duplicates of himself which if they are hit, they explode with 25,000 volts. (Similar to Double Team on Pokemon, except if you hit them, you get shocked.)

    Omega Raiken - Dragon, Rabbit, Snake, Sheep, Ox, Horse, Rabbit, Rat, Rooster, Dragon, Monkey, Tiger, Sheep, Ox, Snake, Rabbit, Rat
    An attack used as a last resort if facing a really strong opponent that he feels that he cannot beat. This particular move increases his stamina one hundred fold, and increases his chakra two hundred fold. But at a price. Once this technique wears off, his chakra runs out completely, therefore he must rest in bed for several days to recooperate his strength.

    He created his own ninjitsu style of the unique Kesari Reika style which was originated by the great Otenaki Kage. And through perseverance, he managed to gain a contract to summon a great demon fox known as Crevan. The demon fox is ruthless and can ward of armies of great size with a tad bit of difficulty.

    He had been Kage's pupil ever since he was an orphaned teenager. Kage opted to take him under his wing because of the tremendous potential he saw within. And was he ever right in his choosing.

  25. #475

    No Rules Character - (Atelier Logos)

    Destroyer Shiva
    Leave nothing standing


    Series: Legacy (LEG)
    Height: 18 metres (59 feet, approximately)
    Weight: 50 metric tons
    Foot speed on level terrain: 16 KM/H (10 MPH)

    Fixed armaments: elemental control (earth, air, fire, water, plasma, void, light)

    Armaments (all included): 2 x "Tirhakah" 12m mithril & orihalcum great shotel; "Nimrod" long bow, made of the wood of 1000 year-old ash tree; "Steropes" 60m mithril chain with meteor hammer; "Goliath" adamant morning star; 2 x "Utukhegal" adamant dagger

    Additional Equipment (all included): "Eros" taltos cow leather shoulder quiver; "Senzangakona" Ishlangu style shield, made of the stretched skin of Leviathan; "Arachne" braided mithril bolo net; "Cerberus" orihalcum trident; 20 x "Brontes" arrow, featuring bodhi wood shaft, roc feather vanes and osmium arrowhead.

    The first in what promises to be a truly outstanding line, the Destroyer Shiva is a mass destruction golem meant to end any and all ground battles quickly and decisively. With its collection of various and premium quality weapons, the Destroyer Shiva can adapt to any combat scenario and utterly crush its opposition. In addition to its accessories, the Destroyer Shiva has command of six different elemental forces, each housed separately within each hand and the Shiva's head. As an added psychological weapon, the Shiva is capable of shuffling the position of its elements among its seven control points, adding to enemy uncertainty.

    The Destroyer Shiva's body is composed of escudo and orihalcum bound together in a crystalline matrix, making it nigh invulnerable to all forms of conventional weaponry currently in use. With its three faces, the Destroyer Shiva is afforded a 180-degree standard field of vision (or 270-degree including peripheral). Sporting three pairs of fully articulated arms, the Destroyer Shiva is capable of engaging multiple targets over an extended range. Imagine your Shiva in the middle of enemy ranks; stomping soldiers, slashing the warriors closest to it with its Utukhegal daggers and pinning cavalry against the ground with its Cerberus trident while nocking a Brontes arrow onto the string of its Nimrod longbow--a truly magnificent sight.

    Please contact sales for available colour variations and styles.

    (#LEG-001) Destroyer Shiva price: 100 000 000 bars of Atlantean gold*

    It is with deep regret we wish to report that this item is not available for delivery.

    *or equivalent currency (body parts no longer accepted form of payment)

    Note: Despite being named after the Hindu god Shiva, Destroyer Shiva's form actually takes after the goddess Kali--albeit with six arms. The build is decidedly more muscular as opposed to lithe and feminine. The hair detail on Destroyer Shiva is styled upward. Each pair of arms sprout from individual shoulders instead of budding from a single shoulder as seen in traditional Hindu artwork.

    Secondary Note (by LocoColt04): As mentioned in the post title, this character is for "no rules" fights, which means any fight it participates in will have its own rules listed. This was pre-approved by me via PM, so don't come whining to me about it. Be prepared and be sure to keep any custom rules for his threads in mind before taking any challenges.
    Last edited by sneakyonfoota; 10-01-2006 at 08:13 AM. Reason: Typo corrected, added company name

  26. #476

    Figured it's probably time I did this.

    Character 1

    Name: Trevor Tiscione
    Race: Human
    Age: 20

    Physical Appearance: Trevor stands only two inches short of six feet. He is an extremely effeminate man and his physique and posture show it. He has a very sleek and slender body with a thick chest and long arms. His deep brown hair is parted down the middle and hugs his face, dropping inches below his dull green eyes in the front and past his ears on the sides. It comes to a point in the back halfway between his ears and shoulders. Trevor's lips are a luscious rose red and his eyelids are made up in blue. The black eyeliner stands out and makes him seem almost cryptic. His legs, arms, and chest are entirely waxed and reflect any light shining off of them.

    Clothing: A skin-tight blue tank top that only comes halfway down his belly. Trevor wears black leather pants, also skin-tight. The rise just above his hips where a brown leather belt with a silver buckle hangs loosely for show. Blue and black bands are tied and placed sporadically up and down both of his arms while a white bandana is tied around his left thigh. On his hands are two white gloves with the fingers cut off. His boots are a dirtier shade of white, meeting his leather pants halfway up his shin. The insides of the boots are curved specifally for Trevor, allowing him comfort and speed in all terrains. The soles are ridged and grant better-than-average grip on rockier terrain. Around his neck is a bright red choker, almost contrasting the rest of his attire.

    Weapons: Around Trevor's wrists are a pair of interlockable bands with long blades reaching backward past his elbows. Protruding from each is a small mechanism that reaches to the inside of each of his palms. Each mechanism triggers a bolt lock that when pressed releases a spring in each of the blades, launching them forward to come to a rest when the rear of the blade has come halfway down Trevor's forearm. While the outside is curved and sharpened, the inside is somewhat duller but comes to several points. When Trevor depresses the bolt lock again, the blades retract again to slip back into their steel holsters.

    Armor: The two steel holsters on Trevor's forearms serve a double purpose as armguards. His pants are a thick leather that offer below-average protection but provide freedom of movement and offer room for his superb agility.

    Spells: Slow: A very quick and easy spell to cast. Rather than speeding himself up to place himself at an advantage, he chooses to slow down his opponent to place them at the disadvantage.

    Daze: Though also a quick and easy spell, its benefits seem to almost not be worth the effort. Only working as a short paralysis, Daze stuns the enemy for only an instant giving Trevor a brief moment of time to rethink his strategies.

    Flash: Uses a bright light to temporarily blind his opponent. Though only temporary, the blindness is complete until it finally starts to fade after several moments.

    Techniques: Retribution: From the start until the end of this technique, Trevor somewhat 'absorbs' all damage he receives. Though he still takes the damage, whenever he finishes the technique he pays it back double to his opponent. Usually used as a finishing move as he allows more attacks in than normal.

  27. #477
    Name: Caije Ortallo

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Dark Height
    A sword with dark destruction. It has two blades forced onto the hilt. The blades are shiny steel, razor sharp blades. The sword's hilt is black which has a Ruby gem placed in the middle. The blade itself can slash trough Dragonhide. the Blade is Lethal. It is one meter long and is light to weild.

    Black Falcon: A Dark slash which claims the power of blood from past enemies hindered.

    Teleportaion Teleports about five feet away, takes a while to re-use.

    Appearance: Has black spikey Hair ,blue eyes. he wears blue tank top which carries a Army strap which Carries his sword on the back. He wears blue Jeans and black boots. He has a scar under his right eye which stretchs under his to his nose.

  28. #478
    Character Statistics. Slim Perfect's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    .....In your closet.....
    Everything writen in blue is an update to my profile as of August 17th, 2007!

    Shaw Markham

    Age 27

    Gender Male

    In Thy Name
    Type: Scimitar
    Element: -None-
    Attributes: A short bladed scimitar. Decorated with a thunderbolt-like pattern carved into the blade. The handle is made of 24 carat gold.
    History: He was given this sword by his father when he was young. And, since he learned how to wield it, it has not left his side. His father has since passed away, but as long as this sword stays with Shaw, he can never forget him.

    .45 Slayer
    Type: Western-Style, 5-shot, Pistol
    Element: -None-
    Attributes: An oversized, 5-shot, custom Pistol. It looks very old and Western-Like. It is made of a type of steel treated with bronze to give it the metallic brown colour. A stampeding mustang is carved onto both sides.
    History: Given to Shaw as a gift from somewhat of a 'friend.' More of an acquaintance actually. They are almost rivals but in somewhat of a friendly manner. Custom made by an extremely skilled synthesizer.

    Sand Bow
    Type: A simple bow and arrow set.
    Element: -None-
    Attributes: A normal sized bow, painted gold and black. It is made of a type of driftwood, found buried in the desert sands. The bow and it's arrows are all hand made by a carpenter from a small desert town Shaw once saved from a group of robbers. the arrows have brown roadrunner feathers as tails. It was blessed by a sage from the same town so the arrows fly swifter and faster, and the bow will never break.

    Extreme Strength Over time, through adventuring and training, he has become extremely strong, as his muscles have developed greatly.
    Swordsmanship He is unbelievably agile with a sword (scimitar) and can pretty much wield his sword in any way, using other items, and the environment.

    Appearance He wears a black cowboy hat, a red t-shirt tied around his waist, worn-out jeans rolled up to his knees, and a set of grey cowboy boots, spurs not included.
    He wears a brown cape tied to the side so the adjascent end hangs over his shirtless right arm. It is torn and frayed at the end.
    Has long, straight, grey-white hair. Built Body-Type.

    History He has always, and always will, live his life off his earnings as a treasure hunter. He will only ever steal treasure from those deserving of it. Other than that he just explores ruins and things of the like. His father died of cancer when he was 9 years old. At that time he abandoned his mother late that night, to run away and mourn his fathers death. It took him 10 years to get over the loss, and for some time after had been treasure hunting with a small group of people. One day he was separated from his party in a desert sandstorm, During said sandstorm he was confronted by a Sand Golem; a large, unintelligent, brute, of a creature, made entirely out of sand. He felled the creature only to be brought to the realization that it can regenerate, by being made witness to the process shortly afterwards. He had no idea where he could escape to so he continued to fight. He was locked in an epic struggle with the creature for days until, finally, he was saved by Drake Atakoh. They said their thanks and parted, leaving with each other a gift. One that has not been revealed by either man as of yet.
    Upon returning to his life as a treasure hunter he had decided to visit Europe, where he proved himself to be quite unwelcome. He had made the unwise choice of stealing from the Italian Mafia, the most brutal crime syndicate in Europe, and arguably the world. He soon found out that the Mafia has eyes everywhere in Europe, establishing itself a reign over everything in the country, including law. Due to the amount of product stolen, and the incredibly undetectable manner in which it was done, a bounty was put out on Shaw's head for 1 000 000 Euros; quite the hefty sum indeed.

    Other He loves spaghetti and meatballs and cannot wait for his next opportunity to eat them. He is tired of eating canned vegetables, because that was about all they're left with, foodwise.
    Last edited by Slim Perfect; 08-17-2007 at 12:24 AM. Reason: update

  29. #479
    The STRAYED Wolf Character Statistics. Dark Rider's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Name: Tare Alavar Graves (Kitashin)
    Age: Actual? Appears 22-25
    Race/Class: Zavex/Black Knight mage
    Armor: Shadow's cloak, Night sky(Cape), Demon ore (Black plate armor),
    Weapons:1-Tare's Promise-Huge black Sword(Like Cloud's except a bit longer and a tad bit thinner)
    2-Sorina's Gift-A long thin red serated blade(A rose design all along the blade)
    3Leoryn's Remains-Long wide Navy sword that posesses a dragon's spirit(see my avatar)
    Other: White Remembrance: White ribbon tied round his head.
    Rose of the White: Silver rose necklace
    Leoryn's Flesh: A scale of Leoryn Tare has fused with his own hand
    Bio: A mysterious villain/Hero who never understood his true purpose. Being an ex-Black mage, and ex-Rider he knows his strength, and how to control the air around hi, but loses control to his rage. All he does now is wander alone remebering his past, and thinking of the future
    Personality: Loner, rogue, very iritable, and particularly emotionless and cold.
    Abilities: Tare's Rage-(Tare's promise) Uses his largest blade to strike furiously. A strong fast wide attack
    Tare's Love-(Sorina's gift) slashes extremely quickly, and from each hit,heals his wounds little by little
    Leoryn's Rage-(Leoryn's remains) The blade summons Leaoryn's soul which fuses with Tare as he performs magical attacks with the blade.
    Tare's limit-(both: Tare's Promise/Leoryn's remains) Using both his Rider blade, and his dark sword he leaps into the air and grows black angelic wings, he fuses the swords together making Sword of the Zavex King and crashes down slicing through enemies, and casting random black spells.

  30. #480
    Name: Kuragari


    Age: 21


    Eyes: Brown

    Life Story: Kuragari holds but one single weapon. This weapon is called, Tsurugi. In his attempt to rid the world of a horrible war, he saught the power of this cursed sword, effects from in which he was not aware of. He traveled far, and finally stumbled across it. At the moment his hand was placed onto the Tsurugi, a dark energy flowed through his body. This energy tainted his soul with the darkness. Risking the chance, he fought with this sword and ended the long war. Sadly though, by the end of the war the Tsurugi had tainted his soul to its limit. Kuragari was plunged into darkness, and was completely controlled. While the armies were still recovering from the war, Kuragari struck and forced them all back. Now that the sword had finally had a wielder of pure darkness, its powers were opened. The swords powers were further increased, however, by the touch of blood. Every drop of blood would power his sword.

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