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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #421
    Character Statistics. Anomaly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hellish Heaven
    Name: General Fou-Lu
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Race: Human?-Cyborg
    Class: Dragoon/Ninja

    Physical Description:
    From head to foot he's clothed in a solid black body suit that seems to cling tightly to the his muscles, displaying a lithe but well muscled body. His hands up to the elbow are protected by thick black clawed gloves. He also wears a pair of thick black boots that go up to about knee height.

    Around his waist are many thick black belts that seem to be lined with grenades and throwing weapons of various size and descriptions. Around his shoulders is a thick, black feathered collar. A black cape extends down his back and melts in and out of shadow.
    His face is concealed both by the bodysuit and by a winged half mask. One set of raven like wings sweep upwards, while a second set of smaller bat like wings curve downwards. No eyes can be seen through the eye holes, only a kind of reflective blackness.

    Personality: A very closed off individual. He gets the job done and then moves on. However, if you rile him up he's sarcastic, sardonic, and extremely sadistic. He likes to play with his prey someitmes, wanting to push their life to the limit...before he ends it.

    Yanluo - A famous Gun-Spear. The first blade noticible of the spear is extremely long and ornate...almost like an ax, with black thorns and flowers decorating it. The back side of the spear has a long and delicatly curved scythe blade with the same black rose motif. The blade on the very tip of the spear seems incredibly thin compared to the other two, but just as long and vicious, straight as an arrow. It fires several different kinds of ammo, including explosive and magical rounds.

    Other Weapons:
    Concealed inside of Fou-Lu's cybernetic suit are several ninja stars, shurkins, saw blades, knives, grenades, micro missles, and proximity mines.

    Only on request
    ONLINE- He is one of many pilots for this awesome living weapon. (see Anomaly's bio for description)

    Cyber Suit - His cybernetic body suit is a triumph of modern technology. It makes him faster, stronger, and able to stay awake for days without sleeping to track his prey. Full of hidden compartments and weapons, the suit is a perfect weapon. It is bullet proof, resistant to most magics, and resistant to most peircing attacks (though it has its weak points).

    Jump Boots - His boots allow him to jump so high its almost as if he's flying. The shock absourbers make it so that he can survive falls even from great heights, so long as he lands on his feet.

    Black Cape - His cloak can allow him to become entirely invisible by bending light and absorbs the powers of darkness. It can partially shield him from the power of light, but not entirely. It's also resistant to most other magics and peircing weapons.

    He uses shadow magic, which is made up mainly of illusion techniques he learned as a ninja. However, he CAN melt into the shadow plane at times, using it for the purpose of both travel and sneak attacks. He can also make relatively solid shadow puppets to attack, but the skill is one that is hard to use even for one advanced in the art of ninjitsu. His most common use of his magic is merely for purposes of mobility and stealth. - (note: Shadow is not the same as darkness. Shadows thrive in the presence of light, giving them more substance and clarity. In darkness, Shadows spread to engulf all, but lose something of their solid nature in the trade off.)

    ~Spells in depth
    Shadow Shift - Utilizing pools of shadow, Fou-Lu can swiftly travel through the shadow dimensions and appear from any pool of shadow large enough to allow him to pass through, including the shadow of his prey.

    Shadow Blind - Weaving a deceptive skein of shadows, a ninja can temporarily rob its prey of its sight. The spell, however, requires constant encouragement, thus when in place no other shadow magics can be employed.

    Shadow Mirage - An insubstantial mirage. It can be anything from the fearsome to the mundane. It is only has no scent, cannot be touched, and can make no sound.

    Shadow Double - Powerful shadow technique that can be used to summon an infinite number of shadow clones. They are solid enough, but have a tendency to disipate back into shadow after a time and can only do shadow damage.

    Shadow Bind - Technique that binds the shadow of the prey, rendering it impossible for them to move from the spot where they stand. Though it is a rather cruel net, when it comes time for the hunt to end at least the prey will know it will be swift. Like Shadow Blind this spell is temporary and can only be held in place for any length of time if no other shadow spells are cast.

    Only on request
    Abaddon- (cheif angel of the pit) Ele Darkness/Fire; immune to fire
    Shadow Beast- (symbiotic anti-GEAR weapon) Ele Shadow
    Wyrmcubi- (beautiful worm demon) Ele Blood; demonic, enchants characters with its beauty to lure them to their death

    Special Tech:
    Shadow Dance- Red eyes dance among a wall of shadows around the enemy, then close in to try and suffocate the enemy.

    Shadow Fall- Large hoses curl out from Fou-Lu's shoulders. These are controled cyberneticaly and can twist and knot around prey like grasping tendrils. They also exude distilled shadows...spreading shimmering, dark pools in even the most well lit of areas.

    Dragoon Buster- Launching himself high in the air, Fou-Lu can come back down with enough force to cause low yeild earthquakes. If he fires his gun at the same time it will shatter the ground into quick sand.

    Limit Breaks:
    "Kuro Inabikari"- A massive explosion of electirc darkness explodes from the Yanluo's muzzle. Even if it misses, it has a chance to blind the enemy.
    "Upgrade Type I"- Fou-Lu's suit temporarily utilizes jet packs to increase his speed. In this form he moves so fast that it constantly creates sonic booms that he can use to his advantage to attack his enemies. This can last for a fairly long amount of time depending on how much the jet engines are used.

    "Kuro Shuurai"- Moving with the speed of darkness augmented by science, Fou-Lu strikes deep into his oppoenets heart. If he hits it will cause massive damage and temporarily blind the enemy. If it misses, it will still cause a dark explosive wave to spread out in a destructive ring around the spear.
    "Upgrade Type II"- Fou-Lu's suit temporarily utilizes a heavy assault form, thick armor spreading over his entire body. Massive lazer swords ignite across his body. In this form he loses his normal speed but moves about as fast as a normal human. To counterbalance this, he attains the ability to fly, his cape twisting into large black wings. This lasts for a moderate amount of time.

    Only on request
    "Kuro Ryuujin" - Fou-Lu's body twists into the form of a black oriental style demonic twin headed dragon. One head is the typical of a demonic dragon while the other is purely cybernetic. The beast uses Shadow breath and Nuke breath and can attack with its wings and claws.
    "Upgrade Type III"- Fou-lu's armor takes on a heavy armor upgrade. He loses his speed entirely but gains a massive ion cannon in the form of a cybernetic dragons head connected to his left arm. His right arm becomes a massive drill sword, and his legs become massive hydrolic lifts that raise him to a great height. His head and vital organs are under thick layers of armor in this mode. This mode doesn't last very long as it drains power.

    Only on request
    "Kuro"- Shadows spread through the world as a massive crimson eye opens blotting out the sky. Fou-lu stands atop it as a wave of madness engulfs the world. Causes massive shadow damage and inflicts confuse/fear/blind/paralyze
    "Upgrade Type Omega"- Fou-Lu enters into a upgraded state that comprises the best aspects of all three upgrade types. Its power is nearly limitless, but Fou-Lu must attain the first three upgrades before he can enter this state.

    Fou-lu is a former general with the Masters. It is rumored many have worn the mask, but the recent incarnation seems to be a man with darkness in his soul and shadows in his past. He's a mercinary for hire who relishes in killing.

  2. #422
    Character Statistics. Prodigal Madness's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Following the Voices
    Name: Ambaron Stormrage
    Race: ???
    Skin: Metallic Bronze
    Eyes: Violet
    Hair: Wild, short, brown
    Age: ???
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5’10"
    Weight: 138 lb.
    Class: Mage/Planeswalker
    Shapeshifter- Ambaron can appear/change as he wills. His physical body is a mere reflection of his will, including clothing.
    Distort- Ambaron interacts strangely with an dimension/time based energy.
    Speed of Thought- Rather than speaking, Ambaron imparts his thoughts(those he desires to) directly into others’ minds. This make their perception of time distort. Thus each time he ‘speaks’, time seems to greatly slow. This allows him to implant images into a person’s mind, creating a short(or lasting) illusion.
    ‘Walker’s Obscuring- Due to his racial heritage and planeswalker abilities, unless he wishes it, it’s nigh impossible to obtain information on him, predict/divine anything of him, or even sense him(aside normal sense, which depend on what form he uses).
    True Name- The reason as to why he doesn’t speak aloud is because he knows the true names of much of existence, which gives him power over it. So long as an object is summoned rather than magically created, the true name has affect.
    Caster’s Shame- Ambaron pinpoints a certain time of magic/energy used by a person and can neutralize it by removing the being’s access to that source. If the source is attempted to be used, the magic/energy put into it burns away. While this causes no actual bodily damage, it sets fire to pain receptors. A common way he uses to confine casters or beings that manipulate energy. Screams of pain give away when the being attempts such an action. While extremely powerful, Ambaron must constantly renew the effect, less the being slip free. (Must be used every 2 post made by myself.)
    Ambaron is a master Mage, possibly the most powerful in existence due to his race and transcendence. As such, he has a near unlimited amount of spells and energy, the following only being some of his more unique ones.

    Will of Aging- Turns immortality/eternal life against his opponent. The aging process sets in immediately, aging them to what a being of an ordinary aging race would appear to be at that age. Weakens the body and mind. Enhances spell power. Though this won’t kill the opponent if they are badly aged, it will keep the affected ones in the aged body until he chooses to freely release them back to their true forms. Can be used once daily.
    Will of Foreboding- Prevents anyone from using a magic spell or ability they have already used during that battle, or within 24 hours if it has lasted longer than...
    Drown- Ambaron creates a link with you when you try to do anything non-physical attack which connects right to the ‘magic/energy’ of the world and overwhelms you in power. Common side effects are bodies blowing apart, loss of magic, destruction of artifacts(magical items of any sort- weapons/armor/etc), loss of control of your body, and loss of control of summons( unsummons them). Obviously, is you don't use magic, or don't have summons out- things wouldn't apply such as those.
    Oblivion- Ambaron warps a tiny piece of space/time that quickly crushes itself out of existence. The resulting gravity destroys the surrounding area by collapsing it in onto the missing section. The amount of area destroyed depends on what realm it’s in and how much energy is sunk into it.
    Suule- The black tattoo along his left arm can be turned into a summon. However, as it is a spell that merely bonds the spirit to Ambaron, Suule will sometimes act of its own accord to try and keep itself from being destroyed. If summoned, it can be a threat to anyone. If it comes unbidden, it will not harm any but those opposing Ambaron. Typically it destroys all summons, and has a tendency to wipe the battlefield clear. Often given free run during wars.
    Seven Sins- Through a number of different techniques, Ambaron may expand any of the Sins that his target exhibits, with somewhat horrifying results.
    Suppression- This is one of Ambaron’s top tier spells. It goes to work both on a being’s knowledge and their physical/magical self. While limited to a single target, this stops a single being from being able to do a chosen activity. Be it something like moving at high speeds, negating all magic upon a being’s items/weapons/armor, or even stopping the being from using magic themselves. However, when used to stop a person’s magical capabilities, their physical ones are enhanced slightly, and vice versa. When used upon their magical items, of any sort, no enhancements are given. (Lasts until 3 of my posts go by- not counting the one it is used in.)
    Various. None of often enough use, or importance, to be yet of note.
    Dawn- Ambaron typically starts as a synthetic being. A substance mimicking skin for appearance, overlaid on a strange metallic body. Within the alloy are microchip-like objects, heavily infused with magic to allow for control of the body, and a few other abilities vary with the setting the body is created in. While in this body, Ambaron is unable to cast spells.
    Rebirth- Ambaron abandons the synthetic body, storing it in another realm, and dons his half-elf form. In this form, while able to fight exceptionally well, he’s quite frail. Thus, it remains as a primary spell caster.
    Awakening- ??? Final form. Complete caster. Spells are done completely by whim, typically with overwhelming power. Unknown if spells become uncontrollable or simply has that much energy to waste.

    Possession- ??? Useable only when Suule has free run. Not so much as possession, but borrowing both of body and power. Ambaron’s mind remains untouched and can regain control of his body and magic at any time. However, the energy used while Suule has command, seems to not affect Ambaron in the least bit.

    Fraction- This splits his mind/personality into separate entities. Can only be used after Dawn has ended.
    Such entities are: Nwalme, Hunte, Isao, Aiden, Valka, Rogue, Kyouji Kagami, Silva, Tivadar. Yes, this is more a list for me, than knowledge for you.

    Most recently-
    During his first Fraction, so many splits occurred, Ambaron ceased to exist. Thanks to one of his darker entities formed, Nwalme, he hunted down other ones and absorbed them into himself. This caused Ambaron to reawaken and gather the rest to himself. After perfecting Fraction, he used many to go throughout the planes- to gather power, magic, and above all, knowledge.
    Changeling Staff- Aside from being made of a black, morphemic, indestructible material, the Staff has no real special powers. However, embedded in it is the Dragon’s Eye.
    Dragon’s Eye- The most powerful object of his native plane. The Dragon’s Eye is a violet colored, circular gem, with a darker slit in its center, appearing to be a dragon’s eye. The artifact enhances its wielder’s best attributes. In Ambaron’s case, his intelligence, charisma, and agility. It also enhances nonelemental magic, also known to some as astromancy, and allows for it to be used akin and react as elemental magic would. It also provides a number of other abilities, such as- being able to physically see magic, immunity to heat/cold, understanding of every language, and immunity to any sort of charm.
    Last edited by Prodigal Madness; 05-29-2006 at 04:53 PM.

  3. #423
    Synthesized Ascension Character Statistics. Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Name: Leonarc Maligo Strages
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half Dragon, Half Crysterian
    Class: Ex-Dragon Knight, Black Magic Knight

    Personality: Leonarc is the type of character with a sort of high intelligence. He almost never does anything without some sort of plan and calculates every type of consequence. He has elegance about him in almost every aspect; the way he moves, the way he speaks, even the way he looks upon everything. However, he is more of a neutralist than anything, never really having one belief on certain subjects. He never takes sides either and only does things that benefit his own goals. He also has strong educations within war, strategy, and philosophy. This is where he basis his morals upon life. It is his great passion to be balanced through himself and never under or overestimates anything. But, there are times where he acts completely emotionless which seems to also make him unpredictable. His true motives lie deep within his soul.

    Appearance: Leonarc is a man who doesn’t stand out too much within a crowd, physically. He’s height only tops 5’6 and one could easily lose him within that crowd. However, the features of which he has all have unique characteristics about them. His hair gives off a crimson coloring glow with a length of two to three feet all around. It usually is pulled up though as a matter of comfort, the knot tied with a very thick red string. His eyes probably stand out the most. They have a strange aroma about him, golden and bright, yet men have gone through insanity from his stare. Fear can be overwhelming from the look in which he gives many people, fear of the unknown. The completion of his facial structure acquires high cheek bones, but a strong jaw.

    The build of his body is anywhere from medium to high for the top half of his body strong slightly thick arms and a tight fit abs, though his legs are much thicker with a sight of strength. His style of clothing though seems much more oriental. Covering most of his body is a crimson kimono, though it hangs heavily around him. On the inside of his attire reveal some basic clothing. He wears a simple black shirt; however, there are no shoulder pieces. His legs are covered in some crimson pants that are slightly baggy, yet comfortable and loose enough for stretching and flexible movements. He then wears a pair of black Geta shoes and black socks, they a bit suspicious compared to other Geta’s.

    Onto the accessories he wears a metallic armguard that covers his forearms up to his hands with a strap around his middle finger. Upon his right hand are also three rings, they wrap around his thumb, index, and ring finger. Each have distinct markings also. Around his neck is also a necklace carrying a round relic of some kind. Now, sitting on his back though is a rather large circular panel that is two feet in diameter and over half an inch thick. Its material is unknown, but it has a symbol of a wolves face. The purpose of this panel though is upon carrying his weapons. Horizontally from right to left are two metal poles where the one on top has a two foot long katana blade upon it with a guard while the other pole is an original piece. The other weapons are three katanas that are 2.6 feet long, one sitting horizontally from left to the right while the other two lay upside-down. All of the weapons are slid into the panel itself also; mostly the katanas, but two of the swords overlap each other.

    Lastly, Leonarc has a few tattoos on each upper arm that wrap around the entire bicep. The right bicep has a dragon while the left bicep reveals more of a phoenix swirling around. These tattoos are not simple works of art though.

    Biography: Thousands of years ago, a dragon had escaped from its sanctuary and taken human form not long after. From the great mountains it had escaped the dragon had found a small village filled with many strange people of a very old race. Yet, from the first night he went there he immediately became infatuated with one of the young woman who lived there, so he decided to stay to earn her love. However, this did not last very long since other dragons have been searching the area for his whereabouts. In a desperate attempt, he made love to this woman one night and left her the next morning, a necklace with a violet gem placed next to the bed as a gift to her.

    The woman wept for two months for this man she had loved, but her young age had gotten the best of her and on the second week of the second month, she found out she was pregnant.

    Twelve months later, she gave birth to a boy; Leonarc. But, she did not suspect another as only two minutes later after giving birth to Leonarc she felt the pain once more and the Healer of the village became quite surprised. She had another boy; this was Griffith. This was the first time in their history a woman had twins. So, the village’s leader assumed the idea this outsider was of much different race and this was a law against their teachings. This meant she would be exiled from the village with both of her child. This is when the village Healer stepped in. He suggested that she stay, but only one child should be raised.

    For hours they debated upon the subject and finally decided upon the plan, with one condition; the first child be sent to the Dragons. They cared not what happened to the child, but they figured it was safer for this race. The next day one of the village men took the first child out towards the mountains, catching a dragon nearby. He told them his offer and what had happened, the dragon becoming amused as he had figured out the story behind their one dragon’s escape. The dragon decided to take the child back to the mountains.

    When the dragon finally came to the Gods of Dragons and told him the entire story, they actually accepted the child. Though the father had long been dead from a war months ago, they did not mind a strange child to walk their halls.

    By the time he was four, the child could speak rather decent English and the dragon’s language, but also gave a high intelligence and caution to his surroundings. When twelve came around, his skill in the arts of strategy, philosophy, and history was astonishing. Each year was spent inside reading their library and training with foreign weapons. His ability within martial arts and many weapons grew to a great extent for which they were proud he had their blood. Lastly, when he turned eighteen he told them of what he knew and fled the mountains to meet his twin.

    From there they made a pact that lasted for four hundred years to which once they met they would share their experiences and help strengthen their abilities. This is when they set a plan in motion to cross different paths that lead to the same ending. But this destination was slow and came two thousand years where they disappeared into time. Six hundred years passed before either one of them was seen in a description, but were forgotten in the new era. They now use this knowledge at their will with a smile on their face.


    Dragon Knight Skills

    Manipulate Fire – Through magical means, Leonarc can manipulate the fire he can breathe to create other affects other than burn. The longest timed record of breathing any kind of fire lastly two days.

    Wind Wings – Leonarc was not born with any sort of wings, so through his life he created invisible spells attached to his back that were like wings, however he still cannot fly. Their use is more of to control his movements when off the ground.

    Newborn Magic – Universal Seals – Every dragon that is born brings with it a new magic into the world, it is the same case for Leonarc. His magical gift was much different than most dragons who gain new types of fire, ice, or whatever. This gift was Seal Magic that was connected through time and space. These seals are much different than talismans or curses, they take shapes in a circle like pentagram where there are eight different colorations with different symbols. These seals can also be combined to create certain affects, creations, and dimensional portals. They cannot be blocked by anything though, their energy is much different and pure.

    Mind’s Eye – In a technical term, the mind’s eye is just an enhancement upon his own eyes. Dragon’s eyes are so strong they can see anything off over a mile away. However, this enhancement not only increases his eye sight but enables him to see things no human can see, such as the formation of magic and distortions within the main dimension of life. It also increases how fast his eyes ability of speed in an instinct manner, being able to interact with another beings speed by increasing the muscle usage and being able to dodge certain things.

    Object Summoning – In related to the Universal Seals Leonarc can use, he can also call upon artifacts, certain items, and relics at his disposal, such as calling a weapon to come to him through a seal. However, this only works with objects that are in the present, he cannot summon weapons in the past or future. Any objects that have survived the past are an exception.

    Space Distortion – By reinforcing and vibrating the formation of atoms, Leonarc can create a distortion within the current dimension that can cause illusions, small portals, and even attacks by forming the atoms at his will to be thrown into an opponent. However, this takes certain materials to create the vibrations.

    Black Magic Skills

    Undead & Dimensional Summoning – Through using certain seals together, Leonarc can revive certain creatures, however anything human or similar with a soul will be revived soulless. The list includes demons, extinct creatures, and even spirits. The dimensional summoning is a power that can summon celestial beings. Not gods, but rather legendary creatures and the like. This takes more power though.

    Prayer – From means of prayer he summons certain demonic beings to gather energy from a living being from whatever they do, (Magic, Transformation, External Life force), these spiritual demons eat the energy and once enough is gathered will return to Leonarc and heal whatever wounds he may have.

    Sacrificial Power – By sacrificing certain things of his own beings, or sacrificing another creatures blood, Leonarc call upon his Gods to give him strength in need. However, this slightly possesses his mind until this power wears off. It also decreases pain.

    Mist Plague – From summoning the energy of death from undead or dead creatures from a seal, Leonarc can create a form of black mist that may cover an extension of a mile. This mist is energy of death that when breathed in it instantly attacks major organs of the body; the heart, lungs, and the liver. Creatures of darkness or death in nature cannot be affective by it.

    Soul Clones – From stealing the souls from another dimension Leonarc may create a shadow creature that is given a soul. The shadow then takes form of whatever the soul is, but is in complete control from Leonarc’s will.

    Dragon Summoning – This takes a lot more power, but Leonarc may be able to summon old friends and related family in Dragons to fight along side him. This takes a much larger seal, but he can summon out a small militia of dragons.


    Legendary Fusion – Leonarc may also summon legendary creature and great beings to fuse his own body with. The deal towards this though is giving or creating an extremely difficult wish come true. His power increases anywhere from ten to one hundred times stronger. This effect last half a day.

    Heritage Fusion – In his current form, blood from each side gives him certain strengths and advantages. However, there is a point through forcing the blood to form together that creates a giant effect towards Leonarc. This transformation alters his entire physical being, but even in this form he still does not have wings. Instead, his skin becomes more like scales and black. He grows medium size horns and his body increases two feet. The effect also reinforces everything about his power and train of thought, or more speed of thought. It only last for one hour at the most.


    Celestial Wraith – This weapon was created by the dragon as a gift towards Leonarc. However, the material was used by a dragon itself using the scales and bones. This dragon had died defending Leonarc so they thought in honor they created a weapon in shape of the naginata with various customizations. The Katana on the end of the pole has teeth on the sharp side of the blade and on the guard upon the guard’s back was a one-pronged spike in width of one inch away from the katana. Writings were also chipped into the blade as well as the pole. Now, the pole of the naginata is of two pieces, half of it holding the blade while the other half the basic pole, but all of it connects together. When placed together the pole is formed into a red color with many designs, mainly a description of a great battle the dragons had recorded in their history, but the design was not its only beauty. It was slightly hollow on the inside as well, no one is sure why. It was also blessed by the Dragon elders as well. It reaches in seven feet in length, the katana two feet and the rest of the pole five.

    Brotherhood of Stryx – This is a set of three katana’s who are brothers in their lifetime. They were found by Leonarc during the war and he has used them ever since. Now, two blades are quite similar within this set, being two feet six inches long and have a jagged front edge of thousands of teeth. The last sword just has a basic sharp edge, but it has its own seal upon the neck near the guard. The thing that makes each sword similar is the spell cast upon all of them. The origin of the spell is unknown, but once unsheathed each blade begins to heat up to such a degree it burns through much, however they only come to a certain temperature so that they will neither break, melt, or dull. The spell can be turned off at any time.

    Kimono of Behemoth – This kimono he wears is not a simple piece of clothing, it is actually a piece of armor. Made from the bones of a phoenix, this kimono was created in four small layers. The top and inside layer are of fabric that has silk, yet cannot catch fire, but the inner two are the chain mail pieces of bone intertwined to created a strong defense. It was also given magic that absorbs heat and also absorbs energy for storage. Some people find it strange he wears it openly though, but he does not mind.

    Necklace of Pandemona; Rings of Cogliostro – These various items that Leonarc wears have no understanding to anyone but himself. They answer to no one but him, and abilities are unknown to what they do. When they are used is also unknown due to lack of signals or certain attributes. He never reveals any secret unless an enemy’s death is certain.

    Dracaliber - This is the greatest weapon Leonarc has collected within his entire lifespan. It is not very well known within the history of every world, and a mere myth to most people. Now, Merlin had actually had a son from a lover by the name of Nimue. This son was named Talek, but had no magical talent from his father. Since Nimue had taken Merlin's magic, she taught her son its arts which later brewed a dark side to Talek's mind. Years later, Talek had found his own wife and gave birth to his own son two years later. This was the perfect opportunity for him to unleash that other side of him, and he did with his son, Wardolf.

    Upon the years of training his Son in the arts of Dark Magic, he also found the boy the have an interest and talent within blacksmithing. From the age of ten to sixteen, Wardolf learned as much as he could about both subjects. Unfortunately, Nimue found out after so many years and went to kill both of them. Instead, she agreed to turn her son into exile to save her husband, who would still be punished, but did she did not suspect this back-up plan Talek had. Before Wardolf left, he took a very special book Talek had written that had every spell, in full detail, so that his son may continue his lessons by himself.

    Upon being exiled, Wardolf lived within an abandoned castle that had a library of which survived its destruction. For thirty years he studied the magic and everything within the library until he had full knowledge of all that he could find. Then, one day when conjuring a dark creature, the Dragon God Grogalisto had been disturbed from the power of dark magic that had been destroying the near-forest life and soon began fighting Wardolf. Amazingly enough, Wardolf used enough power to literally knock out three large teeth from the Dragon's mouth and in much pain, the dragon retreated from surprise.

    From the dry blood and the teeth bone of the Dragon's mouth, Wardolf finally had an idea. Using his blacksmith skills, he enhanced the tooth with a dark magic and then created a very unique sword out of it. This sword was called Dracaliber and it reached a little over six feet long. The entire blade was black, over-written with thirteen spells that gave it, its power. The dragon's magic from the blood then increased those spells to such a degree Wardolf could not even hold it. He then bribed a young dragon to use it and understood all of its effects. Its secrets lie within the blade itself now since Wardolf had died a month later from a strange disease that seemed to affect him from the sword itself. This scared the young dragon and through fear he went deep into a lake to seal it underground.

    It was hundreds of years later when Leonarc found the great weapon from a demonic creature who was trying to trick him. When Leonarc finally took the blade the trick did not seem to work, but in fact had a much opposite affect than what the demon wanted. That entire kingdom was destroyed three days later.

    Now, he keeps it within his dimensional vault for emergencies.

    Additional Info: None.


    Name: Griffith Malus Strages
    Age: Unknown (Appears 22)
    Race: Half Dragon, Half Crysterian
    Class: Crystal Knight

    Appearance:: Griffith is a twin brother of the man named Leonarc Strages. In which, his appearance is quite similar. Being two inches shorter than his brother, his body shape still resembles that of Leonarc’s. Sharp ice blue eyes, pure black long hair, and a medium-strong sized body. However, the greatest difference in appearance is his white skin.

    During both brothers’ birth, Griffith had accepted more Crysterian genes than dragon genes and was given a pure snow white skin. And instead of a strong dragon-like skin he appeared to have an ice-like skin that was difficult to penetrate, strangely reinforced with the dragon genes. His attire is also much more different than his brothers. First of all, he wears a customized two-piece leather suit. The top half of the jacket ends just below his waist and has flaps that curl backwards like wings. It also zips up to his neck. The bottom half pants are a bit loose, zipping up at the ankles. The similarity about both of them is that they are created with three layers. The first layer is the thick leather that covers the entire inside and out of the suit, but the last two layers are workings of the elves. Years ago, Griffith had asked a favor of the elves to create a chain-mail by using crystals.

    It was a very tricky process, but the elves were able to create this new chain-mail by making the strands of crystal wire much smaller. This also used the same method as creating mithril chain-mail. Now, after it was finished the welded the two chain-mail layers together and sowed the leather design with an elfish touch. Upon the back of the neck collar is elfish lettering that says, “Cold” as to reveal Griffith’s personality. Before he was able to put it on they placed a spell upon the chain-mail. First, the armor could only worn by Griffith and secondly, it could lower itself to a blizzard like temperature for reasons Griffith and the elves who made it know.

    As for the rest of the accessories he wears, a pair of leather gloves also of elven design can be seen, black elven boots, and a violet gem on a necklace he constantly wears. Upon the back of his pants are also two rectangle shaped bags that hold his main weapon, Delduwath, in two pieces. Each bag is 3.85 feet long and 2 in a half inches thick. Lastly, another rectangle bag sits just a few inches away from the weapon bags, yet it is much smaller being six inches long and three inches tall. The items inside the bag are unknown.

    Personality: Like his brother, Griffith has a high intelligence. He is also quiet at times and loves to plan out things. He was also taught academics of math, philosophy, and war. He’s the calculating type, however there is one major difference between himself and his brother; he loves being sadistic. If there is an opportunity to take away someone’s pride he does it brilliantly. He brings about more torture to people than his brother even though Leonarc finds it quite amusing. But, during a battle he cannot afford to play around, he becomes more serious and usually does not speak unless it is worth speaking. A mischievous joker, but not a fool.


    Delduwath: His weapon is a customized pole-arm made of crystal and is slightly hollow with a bamboo look. It’s lengths to approximately 7.7 feet long and both ends are thicker for about one foot. There are four buttons per 1.9 feet. How his weapon works though is much different than any regular pole-arm. The way it works is through the many combinations, buttons, and pieces. The main use of it is actually the pole-arm itself, a very defensive weapon it can also cause much damage. The first part of this great weapon is the thicker ends on the pole-arm. There is a switch upon this part and when turned releases ten hook-like and very sharp pieces of metal on the one end. With such, he can make the hooks open wide or close shut by rolling the center of the pole and can literally rip the skin off a man’s arm.

    The second feature of the Delduwath is its ability to disconnect into four separate poles. The hollow part inside the pole is only just an inch big and inside this pole is very sharp wire. Its metal is also made from crystal and can be used in many ways. The button upon each pole is used to position each pole at a certain length. The uses of it are vast, but it is mainly kept within its pole-arm state.

    Dracaliber: Both Leonarc and Griffith share dimensional abilities, which also means they share the same dimensional pocket that holds sacred objects. This includes this great long sword weapon which extended over six feet long. The entire blade is black, over-written with thirteen spells that gave it, its power. With dragon's magic within the blood increased these spells to such a degree that barely any creature could wield it. Not much else is known about it.


    Dimensional Pocket – As said, Griffith can control the dimensional pocket Leonarc uses as well. Though this pocket is anything but small. It is a large room filled with many items both have collected over the years.

    Crystal Manipulation – The Crysterian race was a very specific race that could shape crystals into anything they wanted. In fact, their houses and cities were made from crystals, but it takes a large amount of energy to manipulate anything larger than a house.

    Dimensional Reflection – By using objects that cast reflections (Crystals, glass, even ice) by using certain spells he can create a dimensional portal upon the reflection and use it to many useful needs. He can also use the dimensions energy to perform other task.

    Dimensional Summoning – This ability is mainly a use to summon creates from other dimensional planes. This also includes bringing back the undead under his complete will.

    Regeneration – The Crysterian race is a civilization based within area’s of extreme cold weather. When a cold temperature touches their skin, any wounds will heal upon their body like frost forming upon glass. This can’t, however, regenerate entire limbs.

    Biography: Thousands of years ago, a dragon had escaped from its sanctuary and taken human form not long after. From the great mountains it had escaped the dragon had found a small village filled with many strange people of a very old race. Yet, from the first night he went there he immediately became infatuated with one of the young woman who lived there, so he decided to stay to earn her love. However, this did not last very long since other dragons have been searching the area for his whereabouts. In a desperate attempt, he made love to this woman one night and left her the next morning, a necklace with a violet gem placed next to the bed as a gift to her.

    The woman wept for two months for this man she had loved, but her young age had gotten the best of her and on the second week of the second month, she found out she was pregnant.

    Twelve months later, she gave birth to a boy; Leonarc. But, she did not suspect another as only two minutes later after giving birth to Leonarc she felt the pain once more and the Healer of the village became quite surprised. She had another boy; this was Griffith. This was the first time in their history a woman had twins. So, the village’s leader assumed the idea this outsider was of much different race and this was a law against their teachings. This meant she would be exiled from the village with both of her child. This is when the village Healer stepped in. He suggested that she stay, but only one child should be raised.

    For hours they debated upon the subject and finally decided upon the plan, with one condition; the first child be sent to the Dragons. They cared not what happened to the child, but they figured it was safer for this race. The next day one of the village men took the first child out towards the mountains, catching a dragon nearby. He told them his offer and what had happened, the dragon becoming amused as he had figured out the story behind their one dragon’s escape. The dragon decided to take the child back to the mountains.

    Now, back in the village the second child was raised as much as any child of their race, learning many things about his ability of their race, and discovering new ones. For the first ten years the villages actually enjoyed Griffith for his personality, but were also angered by his attitude towards many people. Being a straight forward smartass, many were insulted by his intelligence which seemed to heighten every year. Many would joke he had the wits of a dragon, though he never got the joke himself. When sixteen came around he had grown quite well except for the shortness of his body. Most people never took notice of it as he made up for it with that intelligence of his and his energetic amusement. But, he had matured also which some times made his smartass comments seem quite harsh. Even after a village whipping this didn’t change his outlook on it all. When eighteen hit he had only grown two inches taller yet much more handsome. He also grew more quiet due to circumstances he didn’t like all that much. This was also the year he was told of what happened so many years ago and of his twin brother; he surprised them by telling them he already knew of his brother.

    Apparently, a telepathic link between the two was shared for years on end as they had long conversations and were planning on meeting each other. And within a month, they did. The bond had grown stronger when that day came, but they had decided on something else. They wanted to catch up with one another, but instead suggested they take their different paths. From there they stayed together for one more month before setting off in two opposite directions to begin their life.

    It was centuries before the two met again; four hundred to be exact. From that time they revealed the pact they had made centuries earlier; to help strengthen each other’s abilities. This is the beginning when they began sharing that dimensional pocket and showed each other the items they had found. A new plan followed after. They took two different paths the next week, but it would lead to the same destination. This time they would take it more slowly than before, thus two thousand years going by in their lives. At the exact time this had happened they both disappeared.

    It was six hundred years before anyone gave off a description of one of them, but it was during a time when they were long forgotten. They now both prowl around the world both together and apart, accomplishing many things.
    Last edited by Zardoch; 07-05-2006 at 04:49 PM.

  4. #424
    Ok, heres my first character:

    Name: Kamdrik
    Age: 36
    Height: 6ft
    Weight Light
    Class: Dread Knight
    Race: Elven

    Weapons Kamdrik carries a big steel axe, it was forged in the fires of Hellgard, he also carries a small knife, which is said to have hidden powers sealed away by the dread lord Kamiwe.

    Armour Kamdrik walks around in big black armour made of plate steel, his shoulder armour is blood red, which he puts his slain enemies heads on to show his power.

    Magic Kamdirk mainly depends on his strength to win his battles, but, because the dread lords blood is inside him he has a few magic spells:
    Dread Darkness - Summons a ball of black power which wraps itself around the enemy and causes a form of 'slow'.

    Dread Fire - This summons a huge ball of fire to destroy the enemies armour (like armour break).

    Dread Lord Eternal - This can only be used once in battle and last 5 posts, it actually turn kamdrik into the dread lord and makes his strength go up immensly.

    Additional Info The dread blade can be destroyed is Kamdrik chooses to use it, it can only be destroyed if it is used too much/

  5. #425
    Character Statistics. Sevion's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Washington State.
    Name: Sevion
    Age: 27
    Weight:160 lbs (mostly muscle)
    Race: Human
    Class: Sorcerer

    Weapon: Sevion uses his magic mainly but also uses his sword, hands, and feet. He has not real fighting style but regilar street fighting punches, and kicks. As for Sevion's sword it is a double bladed light sword thats mainly for use when in close with a enemy. There is nothing special about it exept that it damn near un breakable for sevion has used it in many battles and it has not a scratch. It is about 2 feet in leangth and the handle in black and silver with a ruby embedded in it.


    Sevion's magic comes in three forms Defensive, Dark, and Elemental


    Heal: Heal can be used very often in battles but cannot be used more then 3 times in five posts it heals thirty percent of Sevion's health,

    Reflect: This attack can reflect any magic attacks for one turn and can only be used twice in battle,

    Absorb: Absorb can take twenty pecent of attacks and turn them into strength for himself thsi can last up to 3 turns depending on how weak sevion is and can only be used 3 times


    Shadow Control: This spell turn shadows elemental and either constrict or confuse an enemy. When the shadows turn elemental they expand and can cover an entire area and hide Sevion,

    Vines of Destruction: When this spell is in affect dark vines come out of the ground near Sevion he can control these andmake them attack and slash at an enemy,

    Dark Sphere: Sevion forms a ball of darkness and can shoot it at an enemy it damages fairly and takes up little energy,

    Rayne: When it is cloudy or night Sevion can call upon dark rain to fall from the sky it weakens and drains energy from and enemy untill it clears. Cab=n only be used ounce and only if its rainy, dark, or cloudy and lasts about 4 minutes,


    Chaotic Burn : Basic Fire but stronger hits an enemy causing high damage
    can be used multiple times in a battle,

    Freeze Storm: Basic Ice but stronger comes down on and enemy causing high damage, Slow, and freeze rarly,

    Thunder Strike: Basic lightning but stronger Strikes an enemy with very strong effects has no after effect

    Ground Zero: Breaks rocks and chunks of mountain of and causes them to come crashing down on an enemy can be used 3 times in a battle and takes large concentration,

    Wind Charge: Sends out a blast of wind that knocks down an enemy and damages them and can only be used twice in six posts

    Back Ground

    Sevion was bor under a long line of fighters. His mothers side of the family were sorcerers and sorcereses. His fathers side were strong and knowlagable with fighting with combat. His mother wanted him to be a strong sorcerer and so he became. His father wanted him to have some fighting skills so he taught him Basic combat and made his body very strong. Now Sevion is the ready for anyting...
    Last edited by Sevion; 05-28-2006 at 09:04 PM.

  6. #426
    Zell Dincht's Avatar
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    Jan 2002
    Arch DeRe'el
    Race: Angelic/Human
    Age: 35
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Family Relations: Artuero DeRe'el; Father-Deceased, Lilya-Angel of Light; Mother-Deceased, Sammy Lilya DeRe'el; Sister, Current Status Unknown.
    Blood Type: A-
    Hight: 1.74 meters
    Weight: 69 kg
    Appearance: Standing tall Arch DeRe'el is the half breed child of a Human Guardian and an Angel Prophet. The majority of skills come directly from his father whereas his Sister, Sammy, inherited almost entirely her mothers angel like powers. Arch's hair is as golden blonde as his Sister and Mothers, yet he received his green eyes from his father. His face has retained its youth and will for a great time to come. He has a scar on the left side of his neck which is a mark for ignoring his dying fathers final request...that he not avenge him. The dark knight who killed his father and mother would've killed him had he not been a young boy. He wears a half cape on his right side, one that envelops the suns rays just right to glint off a bright white shininess.
    History: Having been born into a family whose task in life was to protect those pure of heart. His family was one wrapped up in Destiny, a great dynasty of Guardians. His father was a warrior for the good in life. A great monument to all those knights who had came before him. He was the last stand in the protection from evil in an age which was slowly becoming dark.
    His Mother had been sent to unify this last stand and nurture a family who could lead on in the never ending fight to save those in need.
    After his Mother and Fathers death. Arch became an orphan...with only his sister Sammy to protect him. She was far more angel then he, and thus had wings which carried them far away. After a ruthless attack on the two young guardians, his sister went missing leaving Arch in the dark with just a few learned tricks up his sleeve.
    Many years into the future Arch had started fighting in the Arena's and many pit fights of the world. Earning a small wage, and ignoring his own Destiny.

    Weapons: The Diamond Destiny; a sword forged of white steel and a diamond encrusted hilt; A family heirloom that was passed on from generation to generation.
    Steel Shuriken- Medium sized, usually in rest on his back.
    Armor: Breastplate of Royalty: One of his first earned pieces, It shines a majestic blue that accents his white cape and shoes. A perfect match for any ensemble.
    Arm Guards: Just your basic steel guards, useful for parrying attacks.
    Spells: Netsui- medium fire attack that usually can emit a powerful flash that will sometimes blind attackers for a few seconds. Minor Damage/Chance of Burn
    Mizu- Cold Water Rush- A Quick burst of water that can push enemies away.
    Jaakuna Kaizoku Itae!: Evil Pirate Pain: A move where the attacker releases an incredible amount of force with his body and ramming himself into whoever or whatever is in the way. Heavy Damage to opponent/object, medium damage to attacker.

  7. #427
    Registered User Character Statistics. HUNK's Avatar
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    Blood type:A+
    wepon:Necids left hand is a claw made of special Metal aloys from the other dimentiom hes from.he also has a piece of the place he came from that he bends into different wepons axe,sword,spear,staff.
    bio:Necird is a deamon from a different dimention and he is here looking for shards of a legendary sword.He has entered the tornoment that Zell Dincht is in hoping that one of the fighters there would have a shard of the legendary sword.
    Magic:Hells flame,necrid sumons a mighty flame out of the ground to eat at his enimes but he dose not use it often for the flame attacked him once and thats why he has a claw instead of an arm.
    Last edited by HUNK; 05-30-2006 at 09:19 PM.

  8. #428
    Character Statistics. Slim Perfect's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    .....In your closet.....
    Waarne Gharough

    Age 36
    Sex Male
    Height 6'11
    Weight 293 lbs
    Race Lidenn

    Body Waarne is so incredibly muscular he is unable to wear much clothing as it is doomed to be torn ashred either way. Blue skin, claws for fingernails on five fingers. He wears large brown worker boots, a black vest over his bear chest, and torn jeans.

    Face Wide Jaw, Tall Nose with large bridge, underbite with 3 huge pointed teeth pointing up.

    Hair Red Bandanna just above the eyes at the hairline (separates hair from face). Long dark blue hair that goes down his back to his shoulderblades that is so dark it just has a blue tint in the light.

    Dual Claws
    His right hand has a small claw with two blades, attached to a metal wristband that goes on his "wrist". His left hand claw is a massive three blade claw attached to a huge metal ARMband attached to his "arm".

    Bouquet of Steel
    His right hand claw is made up of but one long, curved, blade; his left a pinwheel of blades, all equal in length, fixed in a heavy metal armguard.

    Background A feirce fighter who makes up for what he lacks in speed with massive amounts of strength and vitality, He simply does not stay down whenever he is knocked over no matter what stands in his way. Doesn't speak often (probably because he has never stayed around another living creature for longer than a fight), his past is known only to him and he never shows any sign of emotion. His lust for battle sometimes gets him into tough situations during a fight, because of how he storms right into a fight (possibly trying to end it quick). The only thing known about him is that the only person to ever beat him in a fight was his father. He was trying to protect his younger brother from his raging lunatic of a father, but was unsuccessful. Since that moment he has wandered in search of an undetermined goal.

    Full body Picture...
    Last edited by Slim Perfect; 08-29-2007 at 09:48 PM.

  9. #429
    Registered User Character Statistics. Black Hawk's Avatar
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    the bottom of your heart





    -Long white robes with gold trim around the arms and legs.....Dragon hide boots...brown hair with the usual elven ears. However there is something difernent about him. His eyes are pure white and he has a scar from the right middle of his forehead down to his chin.

    -Warrior mage (renegade)


    White Staff-Legend to belong to the king of the elven kingdom 2000 years ago was only resently found.

    Elven Bow
    -Belonged to the General of the elven army....however he has now passed.

    Daggers-Forged from the strogest steel from the elven forges.....he contains 2 one in each boot under the robes.

    Through the abilities of the Staff he can control the elements of Nature!!

    Wall of Stone- A circular shield of stone rises from the earth just infront of him.

    Bubble- Traps his enemys in a bubble and fills up with water.....the water is as strong as steel and hard to break

    Water dragon- Summos water from the staff in the form of a dragon....attacks opponent with the force of a crashing wave.

    Dragon flame-Creats a ball of fire....when it hits it turns into a vortex of flame.

    Hurricane-Summons a very stong wind that picks up all things around it with such ferocity that even leaves cut with massed force.

    The bow has no special abilities.....however he can summons fire and earth into the arrows to increase the force.

    History- He is very young for an elf...and has not even began to explore the world in which he was born. He trained under one of the greatist warriors of the elven race and learned to become invisible on command and be as agile as a ninja. He then became a corporal in the elven army ....he became very upset when the general in the army ordered him to execute one of his comrades and best friends. He decided that he wouldent do it. The general ordered him exeuted when he failed to comly with his orders. The general paid for that with his life, and he recieved his bow. This meant that he was now an outlaw and that the could never return home to his family. In one of his journies he meets up with an ol hermit up in the hills, the old ma deamed him worthy and he recieved the white staff. He now travels in search of meaning, to gain strength and to find a place to live.
    Last edited by Black Hawk; 06-09-2006 at 03:34 PM.

  10. #430
    Registered User Character Statistics. HUNK's Avatar
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    class:Ninja/samuri(fights like both)
    wepon:small samuri wakasashi and two daggers that he likes to use when there are alot of enemys.
    Race:human so we think...
    magic:earthquake,a thunderous crash into the ground witch compleatly is different than riddicks style.
    apperance:riddick wares normal ninja garbs like a mask and robe.

    history:Riddick is a top genral in his ninja clan the sleeping dragons.he has no true history most people think he has only recntly come to this world and is another being from another dimention in disuise.

  11. #431
    Character Statistics. Slim Perfect's Avatar
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    .....In your closet.....
    Name: Cordienne "Beast" Groulx
    Race: *UNKNOWN*
    Age: 21
    Hair Color: Dark Brown
    Eye Color: Ice Blue
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 170 lbs.
    DOB: May 12th

    History: When Cordienne was 13 years old he woke up to find his abusive father, and his older brother Waarne gone. He was sure that his father had abandoned him. He went wild killing hundreds of people with his steel scimitar when eventually his queen put a magic seal over his body making him unable to enter his homeland. In a desperate attempt to find a home he began to scale the country, and found more than that. News had spread of his killing spree and he was immediately put into training for war at a nearby city lead by a power-hungry King. He was finished his training at age seventeen and developed a strong bond with the current general at the time. Three years past and he had gained much respect from the people of his new home, so when the previous general passed away, he was promoted. He has only served as general for almost a year causing him to sometimes make bad decisions. He is developing fast, however. He, much like Waarne (another character of mine), is searching for his father.

    EXTRA: Unlike his brother Waarne, Cordienne was not at all concerned about stalling the violence. He fought much like someone who thought it was a game. His fighting style infuriated Waarne, but he knew why Cordienne was like that. Waarne and Cordienne were not of the same mothers.
    Waarne was born of a woman named Rhet Urylle, who was killed by his father when Waarne was only 7 years old. He was unable to do anything about it at the time, and he feared his father, so he lived with him.
    Cordienne's mother was named Sanna Groulx, and when Cordienne was 13 his father killed their younger brother, Heddem, who was 10. His father was gone and so was Waarne. He went nuts. The death of his brother caused him to go on a rampage killing everyone he met. When he finally met back up with Waarne, his older brother beat some sense into him. He normally travels with Waarne now, to keep him from losing it again. However, sometimes he is sent to cover for him, as he too is a skilled fighter.

    Brief Description/Personality: Cordienne is a shorter man with a strong build. He wields a large scimitar and wears a red bandanna on his forehead, making his eyes clouded in shadow beneath it. This causes his eyes to shine an almost white glow. Oddly enough, the only emotion he has ever shown is happiness. Loving every minute of life outside of battle... Telling jokes and goofing around. Everyone around him loves his personable nature. He goes by the name of "Beast" for 2 of reasons. (1) He is physically much smaller than an average person and likes the pun (small person named Beast), and (2) He hates the female sounding name given to him (Cordienne). He knows how to twist things for his benefit.
    Last edited by Slim Perfect; 06-09-2006 at 01:07 PM.

  12. #432
    Character Statistics. Chase's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    While you are reading this,I'm behind you stabbing you with a sponge
    Name : Dante
    Age : unknown
    Race : Half Demon Half Human(mostly on human)
    Eyes Colour : Blood Red
    Hair Colour : Silver
    Height : 5'1"

    Weapon = Soul Eater(Absorbs the souls of humans)
    A blade that changes shapes based on the soul of the prey

    Armour = Terezen's Seal Clothes
    A normal Clothes created by the Terezen people

    Abilities = Death Sighs
    Strike an enemy with the power of Death besides

    DreadLocks = Cast Darkness Orbs floating around him,causing damage when touched

    Moonlight Slash = Strike Horozontically with a large range and damage

    Curaga = Heal massively of life force

    Special = Burning Soul
    Converts his own life force in this desperate final attack

    History : Born in the lost city of Terezen.A young prince with the gift of Terezen's Seal.The residents there were envy of the young prince.They killed the his only Father(the king).With Anger and Hatred he destroyed Terezen Kingdom in one night.

    He kept his hatred and walked the path of darkness.

    Background : Quiet,revengeful but kind towards those who doesn't offense him

  13. #433
    HRH Albha Character Statistics. Aerif's Avatar
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    Name: Mikealla Zastan
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Race: Elf
    Class: Archer

    Appearance: Wears a green dress which ends just above her knees, it is tied with a red ribbon just above her waist. She wars a green jacket with armoured shouler pads and Leather boots. There are two green bows just above the tips of her boots. Her hair is tied back in a plait and is green. Her ears are traditonally pointed and eyes are blue.

    Weapon: Green Long bow with Mirthil arrows, also carries a single dagger and is adept at Hand to Hand fighting.

    Accessories: Tetra Ring - Protects from fire/ice/thunder

    Charm - Has never failed, convinces a male enemy that he is in love with her, delaying him. Only works on females if they are lesbians ^_^
    Instant Kill - (Only used if enemy resigns) Self Explanatory
    Enchant - Nex arrow will be fire/ice/thunder elemental

    Bio: Used to work as a Gaurd around the walls of her elven settlement, not much else is known of her...
    Last edited by Aerif; 06-09-2006 at 12:17 PM.

  14. #434
    Character Statistics. Zell's Avatar
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    Does it really matter
    Name: Vegeta jr.
    Race: Half-human/half-saiyan
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male

    Weapon: This sword is known as the Dragoon. It is a sword that has been in many bloody battles along with Zaku. Being a master of hand to hand combat, Zaku's body makes the perfect weapon if he is not using his sword.


    Kamehameha - The attack is charged with cupped hands behind the back, then brought to the front with the arms outstretched, and fired.

    Dragon Fist - He uses the power of the eternal dragon to try and take his enemy down!

    Galic Gun - The energy is gathered behind the user with the backs of the hands together then the hands are brought forward with the palms outward.

    Spirit Bomb - It allows the user to borrow energy from all the things around him. The energy is gathered by the user raising their arms upwards, this however does leave them open to attack as the strength of the attack is proportional to the time it takes to charge.

    Energy Wave - This is one of Vegeta's signature moves. He charges energy into his hands and launches it toward his opponent in the form of a medium sized blue beam.

    Devil's Breath - Vegeta shoots several ki balls from his mouth. They hone in on their target and chase the opponent until they hit. They explode on impact.

    Rocket Drag - Another of Vegeta's signarute moves. He attacks his opponent with a flurry of attacks and he then uppercuts his opponent into the air. He then flickers over to the opponent and grabs them. He then flips them upside down and flies down toward the ground, and slams them into the ground.

    Hybrid final - Vegeta's Death move. Vegeta puts all his attacks into one and he then charges up all the energy can get from the earth. He finally launches it toward the opponent.

    Power growth - Upon each new tranformation, Vegeta's attacks get stronger.


    Super Saiyan
    Vegeta can become a Super Saiyan, in which his hair becomes glowing golden, his hair also spikes up, and his eyes take on a darker sheen. He also expierences a boost in speed and strength, accompinaied by an equivilant increase in bodily muscle.

    Ascended Saiyan
    Ascended Vegeta, a mode that goes by several other names, including Super Super Saiyan. This transformation increses the muscle and strength to a great degree, but also slows the body by a large amount, and reduces flexibality.

    Super Saiyan Two
    The second Super Saiyan transformation, not much changes from the first externally, apart from an amount of sparks encircling the body. The user's speed and strength both increse by a great amount.

    Super Saiyan Three
    A more primordial-appearing form, someone using Super Saiyan level Three looks as if they are sliding down the evolutionary chain, their brow sliding foward, their muscles bulging, and their hair lengthening. This form allows over twenty times the user's original power, and is much more brutal then the other Super Saiyan levels.

    Super Saiyan Four
    In Super Saiyan Four, the user's chest is exposed, their body sprouting thick fur over their chest, and a tail, one of which is essential to actually make the transformation in the first place. This form is highly dangerous and volatile, and the user retains little of their own personality in it.

    Super Saiyan Five
    A transformation that takes the descent into an ape-like form further, this time the user's fur becomes golden, and their entire body is covered in it apart from their chest and face. They are highly agile and powerful.

    The Ape form of the Saiyans, it is triggered by Brutz waves. The user transforms into a Great Ape, losing themselves in their own instincts.

    Golden Oozaru
    A form of the Oozaru in which the user has achieved control, this form is both powerful and brutal, but slow and cumbersome.

    Personality: Vegeta is confident in his abilities at all times. He is nice to others and feels a sense of duty to protect Earth and any other planet that needs protection. He cares about others feelings and he loves to train past his own limits. He is like Goku when Goku was younger.

    Biography: Vegeta is the son of Goken and Bulla. Vegeta started training at the early age of 3. His training was harsh and sometimes it was almost unbearable but, Vegeta kept going. He wanted to be a great hero like his great grandfathers. Vegeta was a quick learner and he learned some of his great grandparents's attacks.

    When he reached the age of 6, Vegeta entered the World Martial arts tounament with the other Z warriors. He foguth hard and was able to get to the finals. Goken was the only person standing in Vegeta's way of becoming World Champ. It was a long and hard battle for Vegeta. In the middle of the match, Vegeta was able to transform into super saiyan and he used the Dragon Fist for the first time ever. The attack knocked Goken out of the ring and Vegeta became the youngest World champ ever.

    As Vegeta got older, he learned two more Super saiyan transformations and he learned the Spirit Bomb technique. Vegeta jr. was starting to reach his of goal of being as good as Goku and Vegeta but, he wasn't quite there yet. Vegeta often hid his power level so, others would underestimate him.

    Vegeta grew in tremendous power. He was amazing in battle. One tough fighter to deal with. His speed and power had grown to powerful heights. He could take on Super Saiyans while still in his normal state. That was pure power at it's best.

    Finally his power was put to the test. It was the day he had to battle Goku jr. Goku had been a step ahead of Vegeta for the longest. They were best friends about to unleash full power upon eachother. Vegeta was ready for this battle. They battled witht their fullest. Vegeta had immense power but, he had a hard time in the battle against Goku.

    Goku went super saiyan and began to beat down Vegeta until finally pulled it together and became a super saiyan 4. He and Goku were at equal power. They batlle came out as a tie. Neither won but, neither had lost the great battle. Their true test was on the way

    Bibadi allowed Goku and Vegeta to go to back to Earth for one day to test Vegeta jr. and Goku jr. Vegeta and Goku arrived to a warm welcome and then they told the reason they had come. Goku jr. and Vegeta jr. was excited and the fight started.

    Goku jr. and Vegeta jr stood there ground and kept fighting. They then watched as their great-great-grandfathers did the fusion dance and became Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. Vegeta jr. adn Goku jr. decided it was time to try there hand. They did the fusion dance and became Gogeta jr.

    At first it seemed as if he was no match but, he transcended their power and defeated the mighty super saiyan. Goku jr. and Vegeta jr. was now befallen with the duty to protect the Omniverse. They took this job and began to travel to different worlds. They fought each evil that was in their way. Vegeta jr. could sense that something bad was coming but, he didn't know what it was.

  15. #435
    Name: Mark Calaway
    Sex: Male
    Age: 26
    Height: 6 foot 10
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Blue

    Weapons: Zanbato- A massive sword whose blade alone stands between 3 to 4 feet. Thanks to his monsterous strength Mark is one of the few people who can wield it like a normal sword.

    .45 Colt Revolver- An infamous revolver that Mark has rarily used. Although he doesn't use it often, Mark is still an incredible shot and is very accurate.

    Armor: None

    Clothing: Long black trenchcoat over a black tank-top and black pants. He also has a black wide-brimmed hat that often covers his eyes.

    Abilities: Lightning- Mark is able to cast a bolt of lightning in his opponents direction.

    Fog- Used by Mark when he is really in trouble. It causes fog to cover the area and allows him to escape or disapear.

    Bio: Mark has had a hard life. He lost his family early on in a fire accidently set by his brother Glenn. All his family died that night. Since then Mark has wondered the world, helping those in need and defending those who can't defend themselves. He has become much more efficent since finding the legendary sword, Zanbato. He has been known to take out corrupt officals and others that he believes are harming the general population.

  16. #436
    Permanently banned Character Statistics. darkViVi's Avatar
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    In a world gone mad
    (This is my second character, and I couldn't find my post so I'm just gonna make a new one)

    Name: Azaras
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Height: 180CM
    Body build: Slim
    Hair colour: Black
    Skin colour: Corpse white
    Eye colour: Red, glowing (may turn black if Azaras is angered)
    Job: Mage
    School: Necromancy
    Alignment: Chaotic evil
    Clothes:Black hooded cloak, black boots and a staff with a shiny orb.

    Bio: No one knows where Azaras came from, some say he came from the abyss, others say he came from the ancient Jotunheim mountains.
    Not much is known this spellcaster except from the ancient tomes of Vestfold where he annialated entire villages and even cities before he ventured up into the mountains. He can cast powerful spells and has a tremendous number of different scrolls and magics. (TBC)

    Abilities: Casts black magic spells, and if possible call fourth demons straight from the deepest pits of Hell.

    Elemental magics: Burning Hands, Fire, Fireball, Fireblast, Firestorm, Shocking Grasp, Thunder, Lightningbolt of Glory, Thunderstorm, Chill Touch, Cone of Ice and Icestorm, Quake, Tornado and Hurricane.

    Non-elemental magics: Meteor, Flare, Abu Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Finger of Death, Kill undead, Slay living, Cause critical wounds, Magic Missiles, Vampiric Touch, Melf's Minute Meteors and Skull Trap

    Enchantment spells: Emotions (Target lays down and gives up fighting temporarily), Feeblemind (Target's intelligence is reduced to the level of a mere animal), Ray of emfeeblement (Target gets as physically weak as an old man).

    NOTE: Some of these spells isn't allowed in the RPB forum, I'm gonna read the rules again soon and delete what's not allowed.


  17. #437
    apperance: u all no wat he looks like off the film
    Weapon: Very long unbreakable sword
    Spells: metaor, flare, ultima, fire, water, lightning, blizzard

  18. #438
    Character Statistics. Slim Perfect's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    .....In your closet.....
    Put some more time into it and be creative. Jeez, there is way too much "I wanna be a final fantasy character!" roleplaying out there. Think of your own unique character please.

  19. #439
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    ...this isn't a commentary thread. This thread is for characters only. If you have a problem with someone's character, you're supposed to report the post to me. You're not the moderator; it's not your job to tell someone what's right and what's wrong with their characters.

    Conversely, iamsephiroth, Slim DOES have a point. Not only is your biography incredibly short, but you're really just copying Square's material anyway. Have some creativity and try coming up with something new.

  20. #440

    Xu Gaiden



    5 foot 5

    Body build

    Hair colour

    Skin colour

    Eye colour
    Emerald Green


    Long, brown hair tied back, a scar runs down her left arm.
    Wears a thin white top, navy pants, millatry boots and a brown jacket.

    Dual bladed sword (like Soul Caliber).

    Main Attacks
    Charges her blade up with magic, for powerful close range attackes. Can also release the boosted power from a distance.

    Uses mainly wind and Thunder magic.

    Fenrir (but only summons rarely)

    A loner by nature but an avid traveller
    Last edited by -Xu-; 06-23-2006 at 03:40 AM.

  21. #441
    Registered User Character Statistics. Black Hawk's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    the bottom of your heart



    -Too many years on him to count


    -Comosite Bow
    -Tow Daggers (one in left and one in right Boot)
    -Broad Sword

    -Long Green robes...A hood that is attached to the robes and is always covering his head.....When he was Young he was blinded when his town was attacked by Mauraders in the great war between the Humans and the elves so he always wears a black blindfold that covers half of his face.


    -When Using the bow

    Stone Arrow
    -Massivly increases the Force of the arrow.

    Light Arrow
    -Creates a Blinding light on contact temperarly blinds his opponent

    Darkness Arrow
    -When Fired it creates an artificial Night....rendering the sight of his opponent uselss

    Fire Arrow
    -Whe arrow comes into contact with anything it creates a large vortex of flame

    -When Using Sword

    Earth Shatter
    -Hit the Ground with the sword and opens up a big rift in the ground towards his opponent

    Thousand Blades
    -Creates the illusion that there are many Jasons and each one is striking at his opponent

    -Special Abilities

    Darkness Shield
    -Using the enternal Darkness that he has lived with ad harness it into a large shield that forms around Jason.....When anyone approaches it they also loose there sight

    Final Light
    -His most powerful ability....He removes his blindfold and his eyes start to glow....All light is sucked into his eyes and turned into raw energy....The energy can either be realesed through a waepon or his own body....


    When he was a young lad his village was attacked by an army of Humans and he lost his sight in the fire than consumed the village. After this his farther went to join the elven army and his mother went to work as a phsician in the reserves....They never returned.

    The elves ended up repulsing the humans and forces them to sign a peace treaty withe the elves. It Stated..."For Forever the Humans shall never set foot in elven territory and will pay reprimands to the elven nation for 100 years to come" However in the peace treaty it required that the elves give up one of there youngest Children to the Humans and have him be raised as one. The child chosen....Jason.

    He grew up as a human and loved them.....however when he was still alive and all of his friends and family were dead he had noone and began his life as a wonderer....To this day he is legendary in both elven and human kingdoms for his proress in battle and the ability to dissapear whenever he wanted......

  22. #442

    It is whatever you think is going to jump you on a dark lonley night, or what it hiding in your closet. It is your worst fear, right in front of you, whatever it may be. But it's not as simple as seeing it. For it is an entity held most dear by the devil himself. Some says if you are able to fight, fight hard, and you may be rewarded.

    (Trust me, it's not lacking. IT's very open ended with endless possibilities.)
    Last edited by Sharzademar; 06-23-2006 at 08:03 PM.

  23. #443
    Character Statistics. Bonezero's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The spanish word for mountain.
    Holy crap! How long has it been since I posted in here?!

    Name: Ultramecia
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Ultramecia has curved spikes along the back his arm. His head has an arch along the back of his head that goes down towards the ground. He also has curved spikes along the back of his legs as well. His body is a pitch black, and has a glowing line along it. Its colors change depending on Ultramecia's attack

    Weapons: ULtramecia wields a weapon called the Demons storm. If used to kill a person, they are put under Ultramecia's control. The blade can also fuse with Ultramecia, giving him extraordinary power.

    Abilites: Can regenerate certain parts of his body, if they are severed. If his body is shattered into pieces, he can create an energy field to attract the pieces to the energy source.

    Attacks: SInce the historical recored of SII says that each new ruler gains all the abilites of the defeated one; his attacks cannot be mentioned.

    History: Ultramecia gained control of SII around 3000 years ago. Since then no one has matched his power, and has planned an invasion for this world the humans call earth. Ultramecia has plans for earth neverbefore seen, and will kill anyone who stands in his way. He seeks warriors to fall to his blade, only to become his servants with potental unlocked they had never seen.

  24. #444
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Here's a little something I just whipped up for another forum. I figured, hey, I may as well post him here, just in case I ever feel the need to utilize his skills.

    Name: Kenneth Black (alias: The Blacksmith)
    Age: 47
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6ft 9in (205cm)
    Weight: 278lbs (126kg; 19.8 stone)
    Hair: Dark brown, short and messy
    Eyes: Hazel
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Skin Tone: Tanned, though not dark

    Tonfa: Twin tonfa, nearly exactly alike, crafted by Kenneth himself. The tonfa are made of steel, and are precision balanced. The weapons are covered with various imperfections from extended usage over the two decades of Kenneth's career as a hunter.

    Armguards: A thin plate of curved steel that covers the outer portion of the forearms, held on with small leather belts; one for each arm. Often worn underneath the clothing.
    Shinguards: Same as above, for the front of the shins.
    Thigh guards: Same as above, for the outside and front of the thighs.

    Class: Bounty Hunter, trained in many arts, though most skilled with the tonfa

    Typical Clothing: Kenneth often wears all black, though not as a pun on his name. He does this so he may slip in and out of the shadows to remain hopefully unnoticed; as a large guy, he needs as little attention as he can get. Note that Kenneth will not always wear black, and clothing will always be noted at the start of every fight.

    Brief Biography:
    Before becoming a bounty hunter, Kenneth was a blacksmith in a small town on the ocean's edge. Due to much Eastern influence in that region, Kenneth dabbled in various martial arts, often just for play. He would occasionally craft beautiful weaponry for his friends and colleages, under the supervision of a local sensei, Tokuyama. Though the short man was by no means a mountain, he was very wise and virtuous, and very skilled in many of the Eastern arts. Close friends, like Kenneth, called him Toku.

    Unbeknownst to any of the inhabitants of that small town, Tokuyama was a marked man. One evening, a pair of assassins slipped into the sensei's home, not expecting to find Kenneth in their path. Kenneth had just finished his treasured pair of tonfa, and was excited to show the man they were crafted for. As the assassins began their attack, Kenneth knocked them out with ease; quick, efficient, and deadly, he nearly killed the men without breaking a sweat.

    "Keep them," whispered Toku, in reference to the tonfa. A third man, dressed in black, now approached. At the ready, Kenneth held his ground, with the fragile (though lethal) Tokuyama behind him.

    "Who are you, and what is your purpose?"

    "Easy now... I just came to capture them. You've made my job quite easy, young man. May we talk for a while?"

    The bounty hunter explained himself, and Kenneth was intrigued. That was twenty years ago.

  25. #445
    The Lost Writer Character Statistics. Psiko's Avatar
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    Jun 2001
    Name: Felicia
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 133 Lbs.
    Hair Color: Red (w00t!)
    Eyes: Sapphire Blue

    Weaponry: Dual daggers. Small bow.

    Magic: None for RPB purposes...><

    Bio: Unknown (Okay, I know, but it is long and pertains to my NiP (Novel in Progress) so I'm not telling!)

  26. #446
    Name: Virgil Hakeer
    Time period: present day
    Height:6' 5 when standing up right, but tends to hunch
    Age: 493
    Hair: bald, few white strands of hairs can be seen around his head
    Eyes: being very old, his bright blue eyes stand out from his gray apperence
    Bio: Living through many historical expieriences, his veiws changed about religious matters, politics, etc. He was just a lowly serf of HenryVIII. But around 12..

    NOTE: I'll finish later. sry.

  27. #447
    Lady Succubus Character Statistics. Victoria's Avatar
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    Name: Donovan Dwyre
    Age: 18
    Species: Human
    Race: Irish
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 160 lbs.
    Skin Tone: Pale white.
    Eyes: Red
    Hair: Black

    Clothing from top to bottom.
    Head: Black eyepatch which has a special purpose.
    Upper Body Layer 1: White T-shirt.
    Layer 2: Black jacket with Red trimming that has excessively long sleeves.
    Lower Body: Black shorts, which leggings reach just below his legs.

    Main Class: Assassin
    Sub Class: White Mage

    Weaponry: Thread made from Titanium. It has many uses. It can be used to eavesdrop, slay enemies, trap enemies, or even for a game of cat's cradle.

    Magic: White magic by way of incantations.

    Bio: His past is a blur to him, but his eyes tell the whole story. His left eye has a sincere tranquil look which gives him the personality of being a nice person and considerate of others. But his right eye has a look of a professional killer, which gives him a particularly mean personality that can easily kill people if need be. He knows of these personalities and can willfully switch between them by switching his eyepatch.

    Nobody knows how he became like this. Some fear him for it, and some admire him.

  28. #448
    Name: Sora Ichigo (Sky Strawberries)
    Nickname: The Grimm Reaper
    Sex: Male
    Age: 12
    Height/Weight: 150.8 CM 97.2 LBS
    Physical Appearance: Sora has shaggy dark brown hair, thats a medium length. He has light brownish highlights at the roots of his thick locks. His skin is a light auburn peach, and is as smooth as lavender or silk. He has eyes that are a steel gray, and a mixture of light blue; making them look like two pools of crystaline water, or miasma. Sora's build is thin, yet muscular, like a rapier. His body is well toned from constant training.
    Attire: It looks something like this.

    Primary Class: Lunar Heaven Knight
    Secondary Class: Omni Mage
    Tertiary Class: Keyblade Wielder

    Specialty: Dual Wielding

    Right Hand: Life Stream
    Left Hand: Apacolyps
    Head: none
    Body: Shoulder Guards
    Arms: Wielding Gloves
    Legs: Magi Shorts
    Feet: Skyline Shoes
    Accessory 1: Kingdom Chain
    Accessory 2: Nova Materia
    Accessory 3: none

    Life Stream: A keyblade that slightly resembles the former keyblade: Oath Keeper. It's white, and made with a shining platinum tint. Life Stream is thin, and long; which allows Riku to exacute fast and powerful blows. Dark silver designs of tangles run up this keyblade. The handle is all platinum, and has room for Riku to let go of the blade and use it to do new and interesting combos. At the end of the silver key-chain is a small glass sphere, filled with a glowing green liquid. This keyblade is of the magical type and boosts Mana reserve.
    Apacolyps: This keyblade is wraught from a rare material known as mythril. It has a crystal shade of light blue to its color, and is longer than the Life Stream, but thicker. Apacolyps is wider as well, and has gaps in it's blade, making it resistant to pressure. The handle is slick and thin, made for straight forward combat. Riku preferrs this keyblade because of it's great defensive and offensive boost.

    Wind Slash: Sends a strong blade of air at a target, when it hits target it explodes with a powerful air compression.
    Aura Explosion: Slashes the air sending a powerful beam of energy at the enemy. It explodes when it strikes the target, and explosions of aura from beneath.
    Lightning Claw: Conjurs lightning around the hand, and creates powerful claws of lightning.
    Cure Light: Summons the power of holy light to cure minor wounds.
    Invisable Wind: Uses the wind to hide between air particals. It makes Sora invisable.

    Sora doesn't remember most of his memories. Most of his memories seem like a blur of others. He has an instinct for fighting, and dual wielding. No one knows him. All that Sora has to lead him to the mystery of his existance is the few memories he has.
    Last edited by Tenrai_Kaze; 07-01-2006 at 06:57 AM.

  29. #449
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    Character III

    Name:Simon Akerfelt



    Apperance:Light Tan, Brown hair with blonde streaks roughly 7 inches up the top and fades down to 3, blue eyes. Wearing a suit similar to the SeeD uniform


    Weapons:3'ft Long basic Sword

    Biography: Simon has finished his years at school, he had quite strict parent going through school but once he finished he decided to train to fight before he joined the Army. He has thought a lot about fighting but due to his strict routine never had the time to practise. He has come to find somebody to train him.

    ((This is my training character, I am currently re-writing my main 2 characters in another forum though they could take a while))
    Last edited by Angantyr; 07-09-2006 at 03:26 AM.

  30. #450
    Character Statistics. Iudicium's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    I'm in a Purple Haze
    Character I

    Name: Clyde Legenda


    Height: 6'3

    Appearance: Wears black cloak and dark grey gloves, greyish blue eyes, silver hair (similair to Riku).

    Job:Archer/D Knight

    Weapon: Scythe, Bow & arrow

    Abilities:Bow tech (special shots like elemental shot, quick shot and status shots)
    Dark (Summons evil spirits and dark magical abilities)

    Stats: Average speed and defence. High attack % and average atack pwr.

    Biography: Clyde was born into a rich family but dispised his strict family. He ran away with his brother at the age of 15, at 21 his brother got killed by bandits. Ever since he has searched for them to get revenge.

    Character II

    Name: Hiro Sakaguchi

    Age: 19

    Height: 5'9

    Appearance: Wears navy green ninja outfit (no hood) and silver plates on his sholders, black hair with flecks of grey, black eyes and scar on his right check.

    Job: Ninja/ Monk

    Weapon: Double daggers (ninja style) can also fight unarmed.

    Abilities: Can shoot blasts of fire and air.

    Stats: Very fast, good attack pwr and %, average HP and low defence.

    Biography: Trained in a secret ninja school. But he was expelled for betraying the school by giving away their secrets to a rival school. Ever since he has become the leader of the kamikaze Klan, they are a group of fugitives that fight for the highest bidder. The Kamikaze Klan are very loyal to Hiro.

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