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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #91

    My Character

    Name- Slasher

    Appearance- He has a massive, muscular body covered in a plate breastplate. He also sports a helmet atop his rugged face. His arms and legs are huge and muscular and his muscles look like they are ready to burst out of his skin. He has a height of 6"7

    Weapons- He carries a large battle axe and his belt is lined with various type of swords containing magic spells.

    Magic- He knows defensive and assist magic such as iron skin and invisibility. His swords also know small attack spells like fireballs and lightning bolts. He is also one of the only known fighters to master the summoning of the legendary golem race.

    Bio- He is a very strong and competent fighter who is always bloodthirsty. He is loyal to any friends he may encounter but crushers all that may be brave enough to oppose him.

  2. #92
    NAME: Dink Tink Wink

    CLASS: Moogle

    AGE: 6 years old in moogle time but 14 in human

    HIGHT: 3 feet High

    WEIGHT: I don't know, not alot

    EYES: Nice leaf Green

    HAIR: Well i have fur (deep deep deep blonde)

    ELEMENT: My dancing

    WEAPONS: My bon bon and my dancing and by lil scooter

  3. #93
    Self Profile

    Name: Arus Lee
    Age: 21
    - March 17
    Race: Human, Half Demon/Half Hybral
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Eye and Hair color: Bloody Red
    - Hair is in braids and shoulder-length
    Blood Type: O+
    Clothing: Sleeveless black shirt. But elbow sleeves attached with connecting hand gloves. With holes. White tight shorts, and high platform rubbers with sharp spikes.
    Other Appearance Info: One left earring, one key necklace, one Hybral sign scar on her right leg.
    Class: Mediator, Soldier

    Battle Equipment
    Main Weapon: Hart Mazaga. 4 foot long sword. Black and has green writings. Red and Blue fluid flowing inside.
    Sub-Weapon: Metallic Fighting Gloves.
    Other: Dark Mini Chip. Evil weapon full of data worth of research for 7 years.

    Battle Info

    Sword Dances: Torrent triumph, Rian torture, Reggatabane, Unite with the planet. ¬_¬
    Metallic moves: Impulse triumph, Reverse, Pirouette hits, Split Humor. ¬_¬
    Fighting Level: Trainee (Still in need of more improvement)
    Last edited by Arus Kim; 05-22-2002 at 05:08 PM.

  4. #94
    Name: Sabin
    Age: 15
    Race: Human
    Class: Barbarian
    Height: 6 feet 2 inches
    Weight:180 pounds
    Weapons: One pair of clwas for left hand, one longsword for my right.
    Armor: Dark armor, full mail
    Description: Long brown hair (well for a guy), tall with long arms.
    Strengthes: Almost immune to physical attacks.
    Weakness': Magic
    Powers: Super-human strength and speed to match.

  5. #95
    NAME - Magemaster24
    Battle name - Rick
    Age - 15
    Race - White Knight
    Height - 5 feet 3 inches

    Weapon - Ragnorak : Sword used by white knights of MYSIDIA

    Armour - Maximillion : The best armour

    Accessorie - Neo Talesmen : Fathers momento

    Story - Rick was once a Grey mage , but an incounter with the feared DARK MAGE and strange messages from his Father , who was thought to have died in the Dark Mages attack on Mysidia , forced him to turn to the way of the white knight.

    Skills - White magic ( varied )

    Attacks : Stock break - Causes damage to all oponants ( amount of damage depends of Lv. )

    Angel of Light : Heals entire party

    Anger of the Land : Causes Earth element damage

    SPECIAL SKILL : Pendant summon - calls forth NEO - BAHUMAT

    Crimson Lightening : Cause lightening element damage to all opponants
    Last edited by Squall_Leonhart; 07-05-2002 at 04:40 AM.

  6. #96

    Name: Souji
    Age: 17
    Race: Human
    Weapon: Nagasone Kotetsu
    Battle: Souji's quirk is his lack of emotion. It allows him to kill without hesitation and does not allow his enemy to predict him. His speed is god-like with the sword and his movements.

    Background: After Souji's real parents passed away, he was horribly abused by his family members. They were often drunk and beat him for the smallest things. Through these experiences, Souji began to hide his emotions because when he smiled, the beatings would stop.

  7. #97
    Evil Dark Odin
    Seymour Omnis cast Scan on Odin...

    NAME: Hosokawa Kimora
    AGE: 34
    HEIGHT: 6'1"
    EYE COLOUR: Ocean Blue
    HAIR COLOR: Sandy Blonde
    APPEAREANCE: Usually seen wearing a large cloak of black worn out cotton, that covers his entire body and concealing his deadly weapon. Used to decieve the enemy into think into thinking he is a weak old man. Underneath he sports a coat of black steel plated armor, strong against swords but the metal melts fairly easily. His face is usually stubbly, be he likes to keep a freshly trimmed mustache.
    WEAPON: Eternal Doom - A sword revered for it's judgmental powers it bestows upon it's posessor. By touching the sword you will be forced to confront your very own fears and immorals. The sword chooses it's owner, you do not choose it. Made of adamantium and a by-product of steel it's lightweight design makes it deadly in battle.
    ACCESORIES: Odin's Momento - Small pendant given by the family guardian to him. It's holds mysterious curative powers.


  8. #98
    Name: Tifa Lockheart
    Age: 20 (this is just for my character)
    Height: 5' 4"
    Eye color: Ruby red
    Hair color: Jet black
    Blood type:B
    Appearance: Usually wears a white tank top with a black mini-skirt and red shoes.
    Weapon: A fighting glove, Premium Heart
    Weight: Unknown
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Armor: Wears a plate under her tank top
    Accesory: Power Ring, which increases her strength.
    Beat Rush- Initial attack
    Somersault- Tifa jumps on the enemy and does a backflip.
    Waterkick- Tifa kicks the enemy in a circular motion.
    Meteodrive- Tifa picks up the enemy and hurls him/her on the ground.
    Dolphin Blow- Tifa performs an uppercut, followed by a dolphin.
    Meteor Strike- Tifa grabs onto the enemy, picks him up, goes a very high distance, and throws him down.
    Final Heaven- Her ultimate attack. Tifa gathers energy in her fist and rughes forward, punching the enemy.

    Special skills: All of Quistis' Blue Magic
    Family (TFF): None yet.
    Element: Random

    History: Tifa's mother died when Tifa was born. She was Cloud's childhood friend. One day, she gave Cloud, Sephiroth, and everyone in Soldier a tour of Mt. Nibel. One fateful day, Sephiroth started his descent into madness. He burned Nibelheim down and killed Tifa's father. Tifa attempted to exact revenge on Sephiroth, but was badly injured in the process. Cloud saved her and battled Sephiroth... Zangan found Tifa injured and cast cure on her many times. 5 years later, Tifa returned to Nibelheim, and
    learned a skill that Zangan was unable to teach her: Final Heaven.

    This does qualify, does it not?

  9. #99
    Name:JiNAl_Z WeApoN (Jinal Kaizerner)
    Eye Color: Black
    Hair Color: Black(real)Blonde
    Jobeath Swordsman Class:00
    Weapon:Rifle M-16 XIA1 Model (capable of using Magic Bullets)
    Kaizen Giant sword(it dupicates into 2 and it's not seen lately)
    Armor:Terch coat it has the hardes fabic
    Accesory:left I.D. Earring Feizantaiken Choker and Customize Bullets(magic)
    normal pants and kevlar(the vest with bulletproof)
    Bio: was born with vast riches,when he was 7 his family was killed by a group of coupdeta acticvist.which lead to a planetary war and jinal escaping with his family legacy the Kaizen giant sword.
    when he was 11 he was known as Death which left fear and he was recurted to a Non-Sided Army A.K.A. Order of Feizentaiken where there people planing to stop the war.
    at 16 he had a mission to kill(it has it's own mind) the ultimate weapon
    But he failed still he was able to control it and it became his terch coat due to becoming a summon named odin which lived in the Ultimate Weapon
    and founded it's related to his giant sword which given him the ability of Zantetsuken
    currently he's goes all over to the world helping people as a Feizantaiken merc and it's done free
    Limit break
    (Upgrade)Zantetsuken -cuts the dimension for momentary and damages innerbodyparts or vital parts
    (Upgrade)Akahemeroheromeki -hits the enemy with all his power in a downward and a upward slash
    (Upgrade)Neo-Zantetsuken -summons Odin or gilgamsh to give the Kaizen giant sword a divine power
    (Upgrade)Dimensonal Clef -Makes a dimensonal opening summons Ramdomly
    Ultimate limit
    (Upgrade)End of heart -does 40 slashes(20 for each hand)
    Neo-End of heart 5similar from end of heart but get's the divine power of Odin or Gilgamsh 100 shashes(50 for each hand)
    KI Defend - defends with the power of Ki using aura
    Gatousu - using a huge amount of force capable of blowing the bodypart away using stab techninc
    Adv. Gatousu it's up to date form after it's first use 1000 years ago,this can destroy even the hardest thing
    Overdrive - use to absorb 1/2 of the damage and converts it into energy used for limit breaks

  10. #100
    hyper will

    William hyper

    Name: william hyper.

    Age : 18

    Battle: Summoner

    Amour: D.S dimond cloack and S.a dimaond ring

    Weapon: Sword staff:
    Swinger, magicie, Flame wand, Thunder staff, water world. Blue Megatron Staff.

    Special: Summon
    White magic and black magic
    Dimond killer, devil pound, aqua angel, Zues hammer
    Mega hit.

    Limit: Angel ceath call or blured magic.

  11. #101
    Name: Dirk Temporo

    Age: Appears to be 23

    Eyes: Ice blue

    Hair: Black, spiky like Mystic Gohan

    Equipment: Katana(Varset), black cloak, soft black leather pants, black leather boots, black leather jerkin, machine gun(on his back), air crystals(used as throwing knives).

    Class: Elemental Warrior of Air

  12. #102


    Name: Unknown, known as Black_mage#1
    Age: 3
    Eyes: yellow, glowing
    Hair: Unknown
    Facial attributes: unknown
    Birth: Invinsible Airship
    Creator: KUJA
    Hight: 3'2"

    Bio: Black Mage #1 was the first black mage ever created by kuja. Served for him since the beggining. Polite and generous, black mage #1 saved many people during the lindeblum attack. He shows not defeat, he shows no mercy....for he is an advanced black mage which lives longer then 1 year. Haha, kinda funny isn't it, the prototype ended up to be the best of them all. He is friends with Black Mage #44 and #156. He also likes to play with the chocobo in black mage village. Searching for a worthy opponent. He respected everyone for too long now...

    Black Magic: Fire Blizzard Thunder Poison
    Causes weak elemental damge to one enemy
    Fira Blizzara Thundara Bio Drain
    Causes average elemental damage to one enemy
    Drain sucks mp from one enemy
    *not yet learned:
    Firaga Blizzaga Thundaga Comet Meteor Flare
    Causes Major elemental damage to 1/all enemys
    Doomsday casts shadow damage to everyone in
    Trance: Double black magic/able to cast ultima

    Dare to fight me in a rpb....i show no fear to anyone...
    Last edited by black_mage#1; 06-13-2002 at 12:13 PM.

  13. #103
    - Joe -
    Name: Braxton
    Age:Unknown, yet believed to be Ancient
    Eyes:Bright Green
    Hair:Short and Gray
    Weight:89 lb.
    Armor:A diamond plated wrist band, known to summon winged creatures
    Weapon:Elemental Staff
    Special Abilitys:Flying, Hovering, Summoning Flying Creatures
    White Magic(Mainly used for Healing, and Reviveing
    Weapon Abilitys:
    Untamed Fire
    Aero Artic
    Balistic Wind
    Unleashed Lightning
    Toxic Fumes

    Bio:Known to beat opponents by using lightning quick speed and small stature(Small Target). Most opponents under-respect him, which is the last thing that they do.

    Battle Call:Big Things Come In Little Packages

  14. #104
    Scar Face
    Name: Dragon Master,Drakion,Demotica,or Ultikri
    Race:Wind Ninja,Dragon,vampiric demon,or Angel.
    Age:15 or 1,000,000 or 1,000
    Weapon:Stormy blood:His most powerful sword.
    Hurricane blade:Has all the winds of earth in it.
    Weight:250 LBS.
    Armor:Who needs armor when your speedy!
    Clothes: Dragon Master:White ninja suit.Light blue gloves and boots.Ultikri: Drakonia's Armor.Demotica:Has all black on.
    Hair color:long and silver.
    Eye color:Blue and Hazel.
    Attacks: Physical:
    Fast slashes
    Drakions bite
    Drakonias Wings
    Drakonias energy
    Dragon energy ball
    Pheonix and thunder bird feathers
    Dark Past
    Vampiric blood
    Dark Desires
    Psychos mind
    Psychic powers:Can use any psychic powers he wants by using the jewels on his head.
    The Dark Blood
    Dark Aorea
    Storming howl
    Bloody Moon
    Drakions rage
    Blood flow

    Bio:A very good person but you don't want to get him in a rage or he'll use an attack not listed.he can transform when he wants but only when he needs to.he saw his mother die at the age of 6.he then went on a journey to kill the person who killed her.He has three jewels on his forehead which are shaped like Fire balls.They can't be broken or smashed to pieces.His power comes from them.He was said to be a Demonic force to be reconned with.

    height:5ft.11 inches
    Skill:Spanish Ninjutsu
    clothes:yellow and green bullfighting clothes along with a mask.
    Weapons:metal claw,a rose
    eye color:blue
    Hair color:long,blonde
    attacks:Claw upper,wall jump,roll and stab,slying slash,and rose attacks,and Burning Flash.

    Bio:Vega is incredibly vain. He thinks he is the most beautiful; he, will win the tournament. He uses a mask to protect his face and a steel claw to destroy his opponent's. He fights using a mix of ninjutsu and bullfighting. Some people call his style savate or spanish ninjutsu.

    Vega was born in a noble Spanish family. His mother is also from a noble family but they went under (everyone in this family was beautiful). The tattoo on his body represents his mother’s side of the family. Anyways, an ugly nobleman picked her up. Despite his ugliness, he was loaded so she married him and had Vega. Since Bull Fighting's a common tradition in some Spanish families, Vega began to develop a taste for it and became a skillful matador. However, he decided to take a twist in his hobbies and went to Japan in order to learn Ninjutsu, a style that went perfectly with his agility and speed. He took part in many street fights and soon became one of Spain's best cage fighters. Angry that his wife lacked respect for him, Vega's father killed Vega's mom in secret. This is what made Vega snap and turned him into a psychotic killer. In the public, he was just an honorable nobleman. At night he went around killing ugly street beggars for fun. This is what made M. Bison like him and recruits him into Shadowloo.He also has a secret power noone has ever heard of....
    Last edited by Scar Face; 07-04-2002 at 02:22 PM.

  15. #105
    Banned Character Statistics. Hecate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    With my son, living a life.
    Name:Rachel Lucros

    Age:generaly 17, but can be 15-21 in some threads

    Hair Colour:deep brown

    Eye Colour:deep Blue

    Skin Colour:White

    Skills and Class: Silver Mage-the last

    Weapon: Magic (summon time white and black... too many spells to name them all) A goddess dagger and a sword of Pythias.

    Background: Beofre she was born, the lord of the land made a bounty on the Silver Mages. Soon after, his 5 year old son killed Rachel's mother and Rachel received her powers. 15 years later Rachel learns of her powers and she and a group of friends defeat Seth (the boy who killed her mother) and were also killed in battle. Because Silver Mages had a bad reputation, Rachel roams the land and heals people secretly as if apologizing for what had happened. She searches for even just a single person who isn't afraid of her, and hopes to find a friend. When she gets enraged or if something attacks, she can 'transform' and sprouts wings with a span of 20ft tip to tip and her magic power greatly raises.

  16. #106
    Self Character Status(upgraded)

    Name: Ayumi Hamasaki/ Xochi Bada
    Age: 15
    Birth Date:
    Race: Human, Half Psychic
    Height: 156 cm
    Weight: 40 kg
    Eye color: Right eye: Crimson firey red, Left: Metallic ghastly blue.
    Hair color: Blonde with light brown highlights.
    Hair Style: Hair is in wedged position and neck-lengthed
    Blood Type: Access Denied
    Clothing: A typical japanese school girl uniform. A navy blue sailor t-shirt along with a sailor colar that has a white/navy blue stripes on them. A navy blue uniform silk skirt that's 2 inches above the knee. Black/white streaked light blue Adiddas.
    Other Appearance Info: Left ear: Black star earring, Right ear: Red moon earring. Right leg: Silver metallic chain anklet with multi-color silver and black crimson sun and moon charms. Hidden japanese character 'Psy' symbol on forehead; occurs during dangerous phenomenons.
    Class: Psychic Specialist, Jap. Student, Unknown Lab Experiment

    Battle Equipment
    Main Weapon: My Mind. There is no need for me to use one since I have psychic abilites.
    Sub-Weapon: Scarlet Engima. 29 3/5 in. blade. 11 3/8 in. handle. Overall length 40 3/4 in. Black Lacquered Wood Scabbard. Weighs 39.5 oz.
    This blade is made of AUS 1050 spring steel, dead souls of lab experiments, and death visiona's. Individually heat treated, tempered and polished by experts. This is the real thing not a replica, it is considered a weapon and it is extremely sharp. The sword can easily sever a 7" thick bamboo with one stroke.
    Other: Left eye: Has the ability to scan the opponents chara info. Right eye: X-ray and night vision; able to see from afar.
    Both eyes: Past, present, and future vision ability.

    Battle Info

    Psychic Teks: Death Reborne Revolutiona, Spiteful Diaspora, Death Trap, Enigmatica, Deadly Nightshade, Dies Irae, Satan's Claw, Psy Burn, Silent Glaive.
    Sword Dances: Triple Blade, Deus Ex Machina, Galaktika, Impulsia, Curari Reijis.
    Fighting Level: Middle Class

  17. #107
    Name: Lurisin

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Hair Colour: Blonde, Short Spikes

    Eye Colour: Dark Blue

    Skin Colour: White

    Skills and Class: Cross Knight can use two swords but must give up shield, has access to some of the arcane arts but is only experienced enough to use the basics, Haste, level 1 elemental magic.

    Strong Against: Holy Magic

    Weak Against: Dark Magic, Poison Magic

    Weapon: 2 Swords, #1 A long Katana made for swift blows called Chirijiraden #2 A slightly thicker sword used for parrying called Heaven's Cloud

    Armour: None except his clothes and a small plate of steel on the left arm.

    Background: Born in country town Acemia, but the town was destroyed in a war and he was orphaned. Raised in Spire by Jericho the captain of the Dark Guard. The captain trained him from an early age how to use weapons and by the age of 12 he knew more than most of the Dark Guard. Able to hold his own in battle at that age is was thought that he should attend the school of Spire, the only place where they teach the arcane arts. He started at the scholl when he was 15. The school was destroyed though while he was in his first year, his only friend was killed in the battle between Spira and the Dark Forces gathering at Dragon Ridge. He then told Jericho he must leave to find the killer of his friend. Understanding, Jericho gave him his two best swords. He then set out on his quest.

    Special Attacks:

    Broken Memories - Raven will remember the pain and suffering in his life, channel it into an extreme rage and put the energy into the blades. He will then attack with both swords.

    X-Strike - Raven launches himself at the enemy with his arms in the air swords pointing backwards he will then crouch in front of his foe, slash in an X shape, then do a 180 degree flip over the opponent and slash in the same way on their back.

    Elemental Edge - Raven will channel one of his elemental magics into his attacking sword he will then use that. (Wears off after 3 turns)

    Light Flash - Raven will attack at an almost unseeable rate moving at speeds far beyond that of any normal human. Slashing continuously until interrupted or if the foe moves.

    Limit Break - Eternal Light - Raven will channel all the power that he has into his stregnth and speed, he will then leap in the air and land with both swords on the floor destroying the area around him sending a blinding flash of holy energy towards the opponent if it hits it will most certainly to a large amount of damage.

  18. #108
    Heh, this might take awhile, oh well! ^_^



    Appearence~Fox is roughly 5'11, weighing 125 lbs. He has long silver hair, and eyes are steel, some feel the stare of him burning into there very soul. He wears a long black trench, which billows around him, with a pair of black jeans. His shirt is also black. Beneath the shirt lies a myrthril mail. He wears studded boots, and has spiked braces on both wrists.

    Occupation~A elite assasin for many corrupt associations and corrperations. Has ended many lives with the cold steel of his blade, moving swiftly and stealthfully past security and cameras, towards his prey. Many larger corrperations control the smaller ones in fear of the assasin...

    Hometown~Fox lives in the space colony Tyrsis, located on the sixth moon of Redula, in the Alpha Centauri system.

    Weapon~Fox controls the legendary weapon passed down from his great ancestor. Luciendar, the blade of the elements, allows him to control the seven elements.

    Fighting Style~Uses a ancient kick boxing method, quite deadly with his kicks. He also is trained in many forms of martial arts, and also a experienced swordsman.

    Spells and various powers invoked by Fox~
    Gaze of Wrath~A quite powerful spell. Fox grabs opponent by throat, then peers into his eyes, a gaze of complete terror. Causes opponent to lose all sense of reason for awhile.

    Wrath of Banshee~Summons creatures from the shadows to assist Fox. Very deadly, and come in packs, appearence of Shadow creatures will later be revieled when you confront Fox.

    Eternal Silence~Basically, this spell causes a deadly silence. The silence envelops the opponent, driving him mad.

    Tides of Time~Allows Fox to control the flow of time

    Elemental Attacks~Elemental attacks invoked by the Luciendar, the following are the avaliable elements: Fire, Holy, Dark, Earth, Ice, Thunder, and Ice

    Omega Flare~Summons large meteor of flames

    ******Many more, including Kill spells, you will see when you duel Fox******

    Background~Much alreayd listed above, he is also a quite dark character, and keeps to himself a lot, one thing matters to him, that is money for his job. He dosen't care who must die in order for hi to get him money, as long as he gets it...


    I will update my spell section once and awhile, until ti is complete. Please bare with me! >.<
    Well, seeya on the battlefield.


  19. #109
    Sinyuri Hawking
    Cracks neck and then my knuckles "here we go..."

    Name-Sinyuri Hawking


    Race=Elemental Halfling

    Apperence=Sinyuris is around 6'7,he has dark grey eyes,he has snow white tiger fur,black stripes,he has a long white robe with black linging and the sign of virtue on the back,white pants with black flames on the bottom,Silver breast plate

    Occupation=Gauridan,Warrior,He is a top elite of each,he moves strong and elegant,hes an ancient spirit,who only he was known as the saviour of the ancients,he comes from an ancient empire known as the Yuzdef empire

    Hometown=He was born in Yuzdes,and hes lived there all his life,until he was sacridiced to the god of thunder

    Weapon=His weapon,is a dark blue bladed katana,it has a gold dragon twined design in the middle,it is half serrated,half straight edged,the handle is a silver handle with a dragon coming up it,he also has a dagger he keeps in a sheath on his waist,he keeps his katana on his back

    Fighting=Style:He is very skilled in martial arts and sword fighting,he has elements mixed in with his blade and and martial arts,the magic is the element of dragon of the ancients,you will see it in my battles

    Magic and Spells=

    Crimson Flare-A bright flash flares and the blood in the enemy starts to boil and the enemies muscles start to tighten

    Spark Clash-A spark comes from the ground,it gathers energy and surrounds the enmy sending multiple shocks through them

    Flame Uppercut-My claws engulf in flames,I uppercut the enmy followed by an uppercut from my blade

    Bolt Lunge-electricity twines around the blade,I charge at the enemy and lunge at the,I thrust my blade slashing them

    Earth Force-I throw both of my paws out,the bround starts to rumble and a force of nature crushes the ground beneath the enemy

    Chaos Flame-I slame my fist on the ground and a sot of fire comes around my fist,I hurl it at the enemy

    Shock Wave-I hold my sword tightly in front of me,it starts to glow.and electricity gathers in it,a giant wave of electricty charges at the enemy

    LIMIT=Critical Spirit-My spirit energy gathers greatly inside me,a bolt of lightning strikes me,thunder raves furiously around me,dark bluw wings sprout and I tackle the enemy,I grab there necks and throw them into the air,I grab them in the air and locks arms with him by the elbows,I and bring them down head first

    Many more...

    Bio=A very skilled,cunning and swift halfling,he is very popular when it comes to battling and fighting,he was born in Yuzdez,his father was a master knight of the kingdom,the flare of battling was in his blood from day 1,his father always told him he had hidden potentail,but Sinyuri never really understood him,he trained and fought very skillfully,he is a very excellent warrior,he fights for himself,he rarely shows emotion and is calm and loyal on the surface,yet deadly and skilled on the inside,this was back in ancient times,he now searches for a spirit that is worthy of him,he is not a ghost,but a wandering spirit,he has found his spirit,now taking him on as a loyal spirit

    My human character

    Name:Sinyuri Hawking


    Race:Elemental Halfing,shadow angel

    Appearence:He has platinum silver hair thats that layed back in long spiky stands,it fades into black,he has deep blue eyes,hes 5'11,he has white long sleeve shirt,he has a small shield coming from his elbow to his wrist,he has light long pants that are black,white flames on the bottom,Kendo shoes

    Occupation:Hes a samurai and a fighter,hes a brilliant fighter and a very powerful samurai..hes very respected and loyal


    Weapon:He has a dark silver edge blade with a dark blue blade,its a long bladed katana,it has the spirit of fire and earth in it he has a tiger face on the blade that ignites when he activates a spell,he also has the power to transform into Sinyuri the Ancient tiger

    Fighting Style:Hes a shadow boxer and a fighter of the ancient arts

    Spells and magic:

    Dark Thrust-He hold the blade behind him,runs forward and jumps,he spins the swrd and slashes it at the enemy,igniting fire into the enemy

    Thunder Storm-He slams his fist into the ground,and thin neddles of thunder fall from the sky and stad into the enemy easily piercing through theyre skin and armor

    Shock wave:I flip high into the air,a force of thunder iincases me and it catches the enemy,slashing and shocking the enemy,I come down and smash the ground with my sword,it sends a thunder gragon out of the ground rammin the enemy

    Flare Raid-my blade engulfs in fire and slashes the enemy at lightning speed

    Terra Spark-A spark envelopes the enemy,a mix of fire and thunder bind the enemy

    LIMIT-Halfling crush=I throw the enmy into a wall,and start slashing them at lightning speeds,I slowly change into Sinyuri making the sword send thunder strikes into them

    and many more...

    Bio:Hes a lone warrior.hes very powerful,and wise,recently,while returning froma battle,he was possesed by the spirit Sinyuri,he now has the pwere to change into Sinyuri,he is still himself,but when hes Sinyuri,hes a very fierce and noble person,Sinyuri and he get along very well,they have similiar attacks and all,but they have different pasts,it turns out that his dad was his family

    OOC:Sorry if this was confusing,but what Im saying is,Ima strong warrior that can change into a strong tiger spirit
    Last edited by Sinyuri Hawking; 06-23-2002 at 02:09 PM.

  20. #110
    Name: THe GUnblade / Arun Hartfier

    AGe 17

    Class SeeD Mercenary

    Weapon of CHoice GUnblade
    Limit Break: Heart of Fear

    Armour THe Force

    Sry no time now ...... gtg.........i'll update this later

  21. #111
    Updated info

    Name: Sabin
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 181
    Hair: Brown
    Classification: Monk
    Background: A fusion of a Monk, Barbarian, and Geomancer. Uses bare fists. Calls upon the power of the earth. Can draw out the power of the ground he is on and use it as an attack. Also uses the power of chi for other attacks.
    Some attacks:
    Earth Slash. Absorbs power and sends it streaming through the ground, damaging anything that gets in the way.
    Call out: Calls out the power of whatever ground he is on and use it as an attack.
    Frenzy: Gets into a rage and turns into a blur of fists.
    Chi Blade: Pulls out power from inside and turns it into a blade of energy.
    Leap slash: After calling out Chi blade, he leaps high into the air and brings it down on the unlucky foe.

  22. #112
    Name - Rei

    Age - 17

    SexFemale (duh)

    Appearance - She has black skin, and long flowing hair. She usually dresses in all black, to contrast with her enemy, the Nodes, who always wear white.

    Background - Time - Around 2030

    Rei lives in the destroyed ruins of London. London, to the outside world, was wiped off the map 20 years ago during a strong explosion of some kind. Due to the reduced pollution, an eco-system develops into a thriving forest surrounding the ruins, completely isolating the area from the outside world. In this forest, it is believed by the general public that there are deadly creatures, gryphons, Norkles etc.

    A cult group called the Nodes, capitilizes on this public fear, by promising to protect the people from the creatures, and they kill any who happen to enter the ruined city.

    Rei is a reble to that cause, she knows that some of the creatures in the forest, but only those that live deep inside, not the small ones who the public is so fearful of. She even owns a baby gryphon, named kiddish, who is about 40 cm high.

    I'm not going to go into detail about the story, because it really has no relevance here. All you need to know is she is an orphan living in the ruins of London, with no contact to the outside world, and she has a baby gryphon who sometimes helps in battles.

    Information important for battles:

    Battle Classification - Thief. I say this, because she is a very fast fighter and is very acrobatic so she can evade attacks often. When does get hit however, it is quite detrimental, and it takes a long time for her to recover

    Weapon - She has a pair of double-edged weapons called Lide-Lade. They are each about 1 foot in length, and at the edges, there is a curved blade.

    Other Weapon - She has a familiar, her gryphon kiddish. He is very young, and because of that cannot help greatly in battle. He can spray a breath attack - Hade's whisper, which disorients the target, making it harder for the target to dodge attacks.


    Rei does not have any special skills at the moment, but she does have battle maneuvers that are described in detail during battle situations.

    As rei continues on with her story, however, she learns to harness the fury of lost souls, to provide her with strength

  23. #113
    Name - Vincent


    Age - 267

    Sex- male

    Appearance - Long blue hair with red eyes, a tan color tone, black armor with red and blue color added. He has a scar on his left arm the shape of an eye with 3 drops of black tear drops, ti's more of a tatoo. The Neverwinter Knights of the First Virtue<<<look there for what the tatoo looks like, its the eye that game and picture.

    Background -He lived in a once proud city of Elves in which all got along with, after a few years there was a decrese in heath, and soon all of the town was gone, even his parents...he was alone, He later finds that his necklace the Dragons Tear kept the plague away from him and well protected him. He became a Druid and now ventures throught nature looking for treasure and last cits, that sort of stuff.

    For battles:

    Battle Classification - Druid.

    Weapon -Katana

    Other Weapon - Katana (# 2)

    animal transfermation-Wolf,Bear,Falcon,& Tiger. (thats all for now)
    and water.

    Well thats it hope you like.

  24. #114
    Name: Jimbob the multi-coloured
    Class: Elite Rock thrower
    Age: 46
    Hometown: Jimland
    Weapons: Able to use just about any weapon although Jimbob excels at manipulating huge heavy weaponry like boulders and rocks.
    Traits/Skills: Rock throwing, physical hand to hand combat
    History: Shortly after being born Jimbob, soon discovered the need to kill....carnage and death consumed most of his childhood...where toys should of been there was only anarchy....

    he burnt his entire village and killed all inhabitants including his family when he was just 5, his reasons for this were, "i was curious".....he left the remains of Jimland shortly afterwards and went on an excursion to hunt every living creature on the planet he found he had a skill and would soon get into skirmishes in the wild with just about anyone including any allies to prove his valor....after years of chaos brought about by Jimbob King Jeremy of Balk Spire sent his northern army against Jimbob, Jimbob single handedly destroyed the northern army of Balk Spire and tried to invade the kingdom of Balk Spire where he was defeated by the Kings loyal subjects 'the Giblets' and banished into the Pale Mountains.

    It was here in the pale mountains that Jimbob the multi-coloured learned to use rocks and boulders to his advantage, Jimbob secluded himself in the mountains for years......about a year ago for no apparent reason Jimbob emerged again and came down from his mountain retreat to once again wreak havoc and leave nothing but death and destruction in his wake.
    Last edited by Leviathan; 06-30-2002 at 07:50 AM.

  25. #115
    Name: Zorlin

    Age: 18

    Height: 5'11"

    Description: Dark spiky hair, green eyes, average build

    Background: Never knowing his real father, Zorlin was brought up in the forests of Hoth by his mother. One day, he came across a group of knights in the forests while hunting. Very rarely coming into contact with other humans, he initially mistook them for angels, but when they explained what they were, Zorlin decided that he himself would like to become a warrior and explore the world. He travelled to Terayon Castle, and, after proving himself in several tasks, was appointed as squire to Sir Bedivan. However, after two years as his squire, Zorlin decided that it was time to move on, and set out further into the world to discover his destiny.

    Hybrid Brand- a long sword with a strange green glow that draws on the power of magic to add elements to its attacks.

    Physical Attacksas of yet)
    Chaos Blade- slashes opponent repeatedly
    Flash Strike- non elemental damage to all enemies
    Mantra Slash- deals physical damage to the enemy
    Sword Magic- adds element to the attack

    Magical Attacksas of yet)

    Limit Break:
    Hell's Gate- causes KO to all enemies (if successful)

  26. #116
    Name- Angus

    Description- The ultimate warrior also know as the Teal Dragoon, His alter ego known only as Joseph is extremely intellegent, once he learns to combine both his egos he will truly be unstoppable. Angus on his own is exremely strong and when he Dragoonifies his sword becomes the fiery tooth, a Legendary dragons tooth with a living flame that has been forged by the great dragonians. he gains magic power that would scare the gods themselves. should he ever learn to control his power fully his power will be unlimited.


    Height- 6'2

    Weight- 180

    Hair- Angus- spikey goldish brown, Joseph-wavy straight back brown.

    Job Class- The Legendary Dragoon

    Limit Break-

    Solar Blast- an unstoppable beam of energy that destroy all objects in its path- doing so causes him not to be able to move for 1 hour.

    Ultimate destruction- should Angus ever be forced to use this attack it would destroy the entire planet and the only one who would survive is him. Because of the innocent lives that would undoubtebly be lost this attack invokes a curse that will slowly and painfully kill him. The only cure lies in the past, in an object called the Dragons Mercy. this item located in the year 63,000,000 B.C. ( when Dragons ruled) Is unattainable without the Epoch that was lost in the great war with Lavos and could be lost in time.
    Last edited by tealdragoon; 07-09-2002 at 11:25 AM.

  27. #117
    Name: Hail

    Age: 26

    Weapon: Kevlar(bulletproof) gloves with titanium knuckles

    Magic: fire and poison

    special abilities: can combine phisical and magical attacks

    past: Hail had a happy childhood during which he got into fighting and developed his own style. sometimes proforms powerfull magic unwillingly.

    Job: mercenary/ assassin

    Favorite weapon to fight aganst: Sword

    Hates: opponents that cheat

    likes: a fair fight

  28. #118



    2 leather gloves with titanium knuckles



    Special moves:
    Mimic- Immitate move that opponent used including limit break
    Armor Punch- Punch armor so hard that the hand goes through the armor
    Drop Kick-if person fall at any point in the game you kick(also called axe kick) opponent with your heel
    Lost Blow-a cuncussion causing move
    Hammer Kick-a skull and spine cracking move
    Torpedo Dive: special type of headbutting
    Areo Kick -jump and land on heel (an advanced form of drop kick)
    Wirlwind Kick-a fake Spin Kick then a real Spin Kick
    Sweeper Kick- a kick designed to make an opponent to fall while breaking their feet in the process
    Tri Magic-use 3 magic at the same time(not mixing them together)
    Mach1 Kick- a high speed jump side kick

    special combo moves:
    Super kicks combo-Trip and kill type


    Limit break:
    magic mix- mix two magic together and use- (ex. thunder magic + water magic = electric water magic)has 21 possible combo)
    super lost blow- a better form of a lost blow(deathblow)
    unknown- lets hope that i won't ever have to use this move

    A desendent of Zell

    Lived im Balamb Garden and became Seed before it crashed into the ground

    cheaters and arrogant rpbers and rpber that dont know how to fight at all and wussy rpbers

    war, and girls, and a good rpb match

  29. #119
    New Char. Vanne's no younger useable.

    Name: Alexiel
    Age: [No age]
    Race: Celestiel Angelical
    Hair: Deep Chestnut with lighter Sienna hihglights
    Eyes: Void and a deep stealy colour.
    Features: Tri Winged.
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 140 lbs [strong build]
    Weapon(s):A grand, broad sword with an akward key shape at the base, it's fine blade made of an unknown substance that glows eerily, it's translucent body shimmering deviously. At the handle, embeds a deep crimson orb, wrapped in a thick black twine.
    Armor: An assortment of materials, worn as clothes. They drape over her body losely... she doesn't seem to be afraid too much of being hit. her body is slightly protected though by a slick leather armour.
    Class: Angelic Warrior
    Powers: Minor Magic using mostly light/holy spells and some dark.
    Last edited by MinTee; 07-14-2002 at 01:32 PM.

  30. #120
    Character 1

    Name: Angel
    Last Name: N/A
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Race: Angel
    Hair: Brown with orange tips
    Eyes: Light green
    Height: 5'2"
    Build: Average
    Class: Preistess, Red Mage (white magic, blakc magic and summons)


    Flying with her wings

    Fire, Fira, Firaga
    Blizzard, Blizzara, BLizzaga
    Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga
    Water, Watera, Watereaga
    Holy, Meteor, Quake, Ultima



    Special Attacks:

    Magic Blast- A blast of magic
    Chaos- Attacks enemy wildly

    Limit Break:

    Weakness Victory- Finds enemy weakness and casts elemental spells. If no weakness attack wildly.

    Character 2

    Name: Emika
    Last Name: Alzhure
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Hair: Blond with brown streaks
    Eyes: Dark blue
    Height: 5'10"
    Build: Average
    Class: Warrior


    Sword called Angel's Eyes
    Bow and Arrows

    Transforming into any animal

    Fire, Fira
    Blizzard, Blizzara
    Thunder, Thundara
    Water, Holy



    Limit Break:

    Ultimate Annihalation- Attacks like crazy and uses all her magic spells.

    Special Attacks:

    Fists of FUry- Punches enemy a few times
    Kicks of Pain- Kicks enemy several times
    Mash- Kicks and punches enemy several times

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