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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #391
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
    Blog Entries
    Note to all RPBers:

    I have recently made slight alterations to the RPB forum rules in regards to curative magic. If you would like to use curative magic in your battles, please refer to a copy of the rules and review the segment in the godmodding section prior to doing so. Adjustments were made at the request of your fellow RPBers, so don't thank me, thank them.

    (Oh, and might I remind you... no signatures in this forum.)

  2. #392
    Hmmm. I'm noticing trends in characters.... Let's try to buck that just a tad?

    Name: Kaleb Schwinn
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'8"
    Weight: 263 pounds
    Skin: The boy is homeless. So basically, as much sun as someone would get when they have no shelter... There you go.
    Hair: Brown. Cut by himself with no real style intended, Victor's hack job of a hair cut serves only to keep his head warm.

    Kaleb's wardrobe generally consists of little more than some brown pants (brown being his favorite color) and a white wifebeater, with his favorite green jacket draped over his body.

    His fighting matches his clothing: Strong, no frills, and dirty. Kaleb usually uses little more than his size and lack of compassion in a bout, but has been known to pick up anything that can be used as a club (poles, large sticks, basically anything sturdy.)

    Kaleb has managed to snag a few part-time jobs across town, usually the kind of jobs that require little more than heavy lifting.

    And he loves to swim. And the like.

  3. #393
    Name:Zach Anstor
    Weapon:Crystal Sapphire(Large sapphire broadsword, passed down by the original Water Elemental, not very heavy, can be put away into body due to the sphere of the ocean in the hilt)
    1.Control and creation over water.
    2.Telepathic(Telekinesis and Telepathy)
    3.Defender(An energy force field)
    4.Channel(Able to fuse Mind, Body and Soul into another creature to make one)
    5.Shift(Able to disperse molecules then move them slightly slower than the speed of light then re-assemble)
    1.Elementian Tunic(has a pull-up face mask, up to eyes and a hood)
    2.Elementian Slacks(space for comlink device e.t.c
    3.Hydrian Boots(allows to walk on water)
    Zack has longish, brown hair and grey blue eyes which light up bright blue when using Water magic. He is outgoing and is kind of a joker. His spirit companion is a Siren Wolf called Azre.(this spirit is used in most of Zacks Spirit Fusions) But, due to too many fusions Zach has started to become a Seraph, a half human-half Siren.
    Last edited by ~WP-Night; 04-29-2006 at 04:03 AM.

  4. #394
    Name:Lieutenant Archadon
    Age: 28 (16 human years)
    Race: Morgai. Born of Captain Brooklyn, head of the Cutthroats, in Port City
    Class: Pirate
    Height: 6ft
    Element: Storm

    Weapons:dual Storm-catchers; guns that channel his storm powers into them for devestating attacks. When enemies close in, blades flip out of the barrels and are used as dual katanas. His storm powers can also be channelled through the blades.

    Armour: Two leather holsters on back for Storm-catchers; brown trousers and leather boots

    Appearance: Mid-length black hair; musclcular build; mark of Cutthroats burned onto back of hand; various tattoos and beads in hair from his various campaigns throughout the world.

    Bio: trained as Cutthroat from being very small, Archadon didn't realise his storm powers until he was 15 Morgai years. Once they were discovered, his father thought it time for him to join him as second in command of the Cutthroat pirates. From there his father gave him a fleet of his own ships to command and allowed him to take father's flagship, the Infernous. His father's first mate, Kenob, wasn't too pleased that his position was taken by this child and some of the Cutthroats weren't happy to be serving under him either. Archadon was challenged by Kenob and five Cutthroats. Needless to say, at the end of it Archadon was the only one left standing. Regardless of his success in the battle, his father felt he was too inexperienced in commanding people so employed his closest friend, Merik, to be Archadon's adviser. Enraged that his father had so little faith in him, Archadon left with the Infernous and is gathering all misfits and scallywags to challenge his father one day.

    The crew of the Infernous;

    Merik; Though he does not agree with Archadon's actions, Merik swore to advise and protect Archadon and went with him when he left Brooklyn. He acts as the first mate on the Infernous.
    Sleen; Archadon's oldest friend and companion, Sleen is an expert with pistols and has saved Archadon more than once since they broke away from the Cutthroats.
    Incen; The Inferous' quartermaster. He trained Archadon to become a Cutthroat and has stuck by him since. He keeps the rest of the crew in line and is in charge of the weapons hold.
    The rest of the crew; various criminals and misfits that Archadon has picked up along the way.


    1. Seek; Archadon calms his mind and looks mentally for somone or something
    2. Strength boost; Archadon calls upon the elements to fuel his strength and he becomes mega strong
    3. Telekenisis; control over objects e.g. throws Storm-catcher at opponent and controls it to follow opponent
    4. Puppet control; he focuses his mind on someone and attempts to control their mind
    Last edited by Fredrik; 04-17-2006 at 09:57 AM.

  5. #395
    Character Statistics. Bonezero's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The spanish word for mountain.
    One of my charcters.

    Name: Carbine

    Age: Unknown

    Race: Chaotica

    Height: 6'9
    Weight: Unknown


    Saber: This weapon emits energy from Carbine's hand, forming an energy sword. The sword can be charged. When timed right, it can also reflect energy based attacks back at his opponent.

    Buster: Carbine shoots energy shots from his hand at his opponent. He can also charge the shots.

    Reflect shield: Carbine can reflect physical projectile attacks back at his opponent.

    Chain Rod: Allows Carbine to graband throw his opponent from a distance. Mainly used for getting to higher areas or swinging over chasoms.

    C-Knuckle: Carbine touches an opponents weapon and converts its energy to an attack.

    Carbine can also combine his weapons together. Each has its own strength and weakness.

    Weapon combinations:
    Oyu: Carbine combines his chain rod and reflect shield. This weapon gains a saw like blade, which can defend against attacks. Increases defensive rate, but limits movement on account of the weapon requiring two hands

    Myalkuko: Combines the saber and buster together. Fires sabre shots and can also be charged.


    Rysuku: Carbine draws his saber and charges his opponent. When in close enough he strikes, jumping into the air.

    Majika: Carbine charges his buster. Depending on current area, if fires a random elemental shot at his opponent.

    Balistaku: Carbine charges his buster and fires charged saber shots when in Myalkuko.

    Crostaue: Carbine charges Oyu and forms a cross in the air. When an opponent hits Carbine, his opponent takes a quarter of the damage inflicted.

    Retsutuan: Carbine charges his fist and puts it in the ground, affecting the current area around him. Energy beams suddenly rise out of the ground around Carbine inflcicting massive amounts of damage to anyone who get hitr by them.

    Limit Attacks:

    Omni force: Carbine charges his saber to its fullest extent, carving a Z in the ground. He then jumps in the air and slams his saber into the ground, unleashing a massive energy assault against his opponent.

    Ultimate blast: Carbine charges his buster to its fullest extent and uleashes a huge energy blast. If blocked by a shield or a weapon, it instantly desintegrates the shield or weapon.

    Chaos bomb: Carbine's most powerful attack. Carbine jumps into the air and puts his hands up high, creating an energy ball containg every element. When the ball is big enough, Carbine throws it down at his opponent. Powerful enough to destroy a planet.

    Appearance: Carbine has long golden hair and crimson eyes. His armor is blue with red stripes and extends all over his body.

    Bio: Carbine was born of Chaotican desent. This race was one of the most powerful in the entire universe. Their true power would be put to the test when a Another Chaotica called by the planets name attacked. The planets star army was easily crushed, and when the warrior was finished, destroyed the planet with a single attack.

    However, one thousand years after that, a man named Oblivion would release him. Oblivion was twice as powerful as Carbine in their final encounter, but in the end, Oblivion killed Carbine. Yet, Carbine was still alive, in a new form. His hair blue, energy signature above the charts, Carbine was the only one able to stop HIM. However, it came at a high price. Two planets were destroyed in the battle and Carbine died while battleing his most feared enemy.

    Another millenia later, Carbine was brought back to life by the effects of the Chaos Jewel of death. Unfortunatly, he doesn't remember anything about the battle. The only thing he truly remembers is his fighting techniques.

    When the new world was formed, because there wasn't any Jewels on the planet, a new Jewel was created. The blac Jewel, which unleashes a persons darkest side, making them nearly unstoppable. Carbine knows about the black Jewel and vows to destroy it.

  6. #396
    Hmm... I think I'll post my Weretiger. xD

    Okay, the bio so won't fit on here... :\ I'll give the link to it.

  7. #397

    Randal Harrington

    Name: Randal Scott Harrington (Sharzademar)
    Race: SArtogian (Radiated Human)
    Class: Flaming Swordsman
    Armor: Clad in SArtogian Rock, which as little armor purpose, but shows his heritage and tradition.
    Weapons: Quickblade - "My first weapon back in the day, oh the memories. Not too powerful, but as fast as lighting." Kiathe-Maelor- "The sword forged by the spirits of the fire demon and lightning demon. Now forgiven for their sins and holy preists, I recived their dual-edged fire-lighting emitting sword as an apology for the evil they brought upon me and to help me with further evils. I forgave them a long time ago..." Sephiriam (Angel of God, I think). - "The long hard fight with the very devil himself. So much joy in fighting him, but i thank god every time i lay eyes for the Sephiriam, the Holy Sword of Extreme light. Without it, i may have became one of the devil's slaves to burn in hell forever. Plasma-Machine Gun- "A simple machine gun. Sometimes the damn thing gets jammed."
    Radiation: Blaze, Mind, Freze , Bolt.
    Note: "A can survive very fatal cuts, but not always. Depends on the opponet's skill."
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 04-06-2006 at 07:15 PM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

  8. #398
    Character Statistics. Shelus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Kansas... without the accent
    >>> Name: Shelus Enzinual
    >>> Age: Unknown (estimated to be several thousand years old)(appears to be late teens)
    >>> Race: Banished Angel(Seraphin)/Human.

    >>> Physical Atributes
    Shelus is a tall White Half Seraphin, half human. His hair is White, wild and short almost. Shelus stands at 6 feet and 3 inches tall, weighing 157 lbs a with a medium Build. Strong and Agile His eyes are a bright orange and has an orange tattoo under each eye. Showing no scars on his body, surprisingly, Shelus wears no armor over the upper part of his body... his Armor is his flesh and the Two long 8 foot white wings that fade to orange at the tips on his back. The pants he wears are black and loose. Shelus wears no shoes as well. There are also two circle scars above his wings, and two below. The other two sets are destroyed upon his banishment from Gods house. No more to cover his face... no more to cover his feet.

    >>> Class: Unknown (possible Spectral or Abyss Knight)
    >>> Elemental Class(es): Holy, Darkness, Wind, Air and Solar Winds/Plasma

    >>> Personality:
    Shelus is mostly quiet and rarely talks and is considered very Mature. Hates to argue. Shelus is very Evil but at the same time very good. (Will be more detailed in bio)

    >>> Weapons:

    Shelus Blade: The sword that is used by Shane was made by the one and only Shelus Enzinual. The Shelus Blade can be used Masterfully by Shane, but when used by Shelus... everything comes to him almost like its predicted. Shelus Enzinual Made this Sword through the forging of many Metals folded with the emotions of all living beings. (such as hopes, dreams, Nightmares, fears and wishes)

    Kaitoryu and Poetic Night: As other weapons can be used by Side and Shane... Shelus is of the ability to wield them as well. See "Side" bio for appearence of these two.

    >>> Background/Bio

    Being ordered to slay the Dragon by the direct order of his Master of the Time 'God' Shelus encountereed the beast for the first time. As a the long battle between the two pursued, it seemed evident at the time that the dragon would most surely triumph. But through a mishap on the dragons behalf, Shelus took quick initiative of the situation and poised to finish the beast off for good.

    With the life of the dragon in Shelus' grasp, he couldn't find the ability within himself to finish the job. How could someone who has only been there for a small flicker of time slay something so magnificent as a dragon who has been there for aeons and aeons and has traveled into unknown galxies and even possible to say... different universes. With the Dragon bearing this in mind, it spoke softly into Shelus' mind, a voice of old that promised great strength and protection for the deed he had performed to the dragon by not slaying him.

    Returning to his Master of the time. God had already known of Shelus' failure and how close he was to completing the task that had been set before him. For his punishment... God sentenced him and sent him into the Void where he would soon encounter the mutilated being known as the Kolobos. It didn't take long for Shelus to come in contact with Kolobos. All Shelus could do was take the agonizing pain of torture and apparent mutilation as he stood stunned in front of the Voidish beast, unable to believe the betrayal that had been set upon him. Unfortuneatly... The Greek God of old had only been able to torture and partially mutilate Shelus of a considerable amount before Xenomide forced his away into the voidish resting place of the Kolobos and brought Shelus out of harms way. Although now out of danger, it could easily be noticed that Shelus had lost his entire left leg.

    Fortuneatly for the banished Angel, Xenomide knew of certain techniques that could replace the flesh now dangling off of where Shelus' leg once was. Although few have ever seen his leg due to the fact that his pants keep it out of sight, it is of the very metal that was used to forge the Blade named after the Angel himself. Various metals make up the leg and and the sword. As for the leg, all componets are attached to nerves and skin to make it feel as it once did, except for pain. Now... Shelus had the sword made by him and named after him, and... a leg of various metals unknown to man... made by Xenomide.

    Unfortuneatly again... the torture that had seemed to go on forever had corrupted part of Shelus' mind and created unto him a second persona. Mostly unheard of, but especially dangerous for one whom had just been betrayed by all he knew. The power that he could unleash when in his unstable state was almost unsurpassed, but dangerous none the less. With time running low for Shelus to find a catalyst, Xenomide had some terrible plague affecting him as well... an after affect of willingly entering into the Void to save Shelus. The price Xenomide had to pay however was much different than physical scarring... he became mentaly insane, not too insane to where it would take over him with haste, but with slow agonizing time. Shelus would almost find himslef giving up hope on finding a cure for his mood changes and one for Xenomide. But one day, Xenomide mentioned to Shelus of a method that could help contain the power of his burden, or gift, and one that could keep himself, from entering into the same state as Shelus. A safe and reliable method it turned out to be...

    Shelus searched long and hard for a young man that would be suitable enough to be a catalyst for half of his persona. Shane would end up becoming the first catalyst. To Shelus' suprise though... Shane would have to find a catalyst for the second half of the persona. Side would end up being that which would hold the faith of Shane and Shelus in his very hands. However... to Shelus' suprise, once both personas were handed out, Xenomide would have to finish the process of making Shelus' power dormant for a while. In simple, Shelus had to lay in deep Slumber in both Side and Shane.

    Before Shelus could be put into slumber inside Shane and Side, Xenomide had to infuse his very soul unto Shelus to keep them both from a mental death. What Shelus did not know... this would alternatley kill off Xenomide to an extent. No longer would the Ancient dragon be able to live and move freely by himself, but instead... he would now find himself soul bound to Shelus. In simple... Xenomide can only be free upon the moment Shelus is free and of the ability to summon his presence when in need of his strength.

    >>> Special Accesories
    - Galactic Necklace - A Necklace that contains a galaxy within it that was said to be destroyed by some unknown force. Contains immunity towards all ailments.

    >>> Basic Attacks
    - Poetic Chi - The Yari used by Side is hurled at his enemy in forms of wind.
    - Eletrical Slash - Shelus throws blades of electrical energy at his foe using his sword.

    ((( Although this new addition to my bio may seem overpowered... Rest assured that only few people ever have to see this. Usually those who I believe are talented enough. xP )))
    >>> Unique Abilities
    - Plasma Orb (Orange) - One of the four Orbs Shelus can cast out during or before a battle. The Orange Orb is able to conjour up a random weapon of Side, Shane or Shelus and lash out physical attacks against a foe.
    - Plasma Orb (Green) - One of the four Orbs Shelus can cast out during or before a battle. The Green is able to spew out a rare metal that can warp in order to defend against most physical attacks aimed at Shelus.
    - Plasma Orb (Blue) - One of the four Orbs Shelus can cast out during or before a battle. The Blue Orb is of the ability to use any of Shelus' magic at whim... usually to keep certain enemies on their toes.
    - Plasma Orb (Black) - One of the four Orbs Shelus can cast out during or before a battle. The Black Orb is able to defend against most magical attacks aimed at Shelus.

    >>> Special Attacks
    - Darkened Beam - An orb of dark light hovers in Shelus' palm. From the orb, a dark beam of intense energy is shot out torwards a single foe.
    - Dual Ray - Shelus sends two orbs of light out at his foe. When the orbs are close enough, they lash out with multiple beams of light.
    - Sword Stretch - With space between Shelus and his foes, he holds up his sword and aims it at his enemy. Within an instant, the sword stretches out and is lunged at a foe.
    - Electrode Shrapnel - Shelus forms 5 small spheres of plasma at the end of each finger tip and casts it out towards his foe.

    >>> Magic
    - Omni Light - Shelus stretches out gathering energy to every single part of his exposed body. With a single blast of energy, seven rays of light home at the imidiate area of his enemy
    - Dark Flux - Shelus sends a flicker of dark light into the ground. Soon, multiple beams of dark energy tear away at the earth under his enemies feet.
    - Lightning Tempest - As storm clouds hover above the earth, several bolts of electricity shoot out torwards the enemy and earth to ensure some sort of pain.
    - Plasmatic Pillars - (Only used while in his Level 4 Limit Break) - Seven pillars all made up of Light/Holy, Darkness, Plasma and Solar Winds are fired forward out of the Shelus Blade at any target as the Insane Shelus sees fit.

    >>> Summons

    >>> Xenomide <<< - A grotesquely, but attractive looking beast that once inhabited the deep recesses of Space. Being a beast that inhabits space however, only by chance would it be that this beast and Shelus were to meet along time ago.

    - Appearance - To be more exact... the Xenomide takes the appearence of an ancient dragon that can take to flight with the seven massive wings that make up most of its back. All four of its legs are of equal size and strength to one another and make the appearance of the dragon... equal and simple. The tail that branches off... you know where... is a little longer than most and seems to have a snake like mind of its own and contains the looks of spinal cord bones along the whole shaft of the tail itself and splits at the end to look like sickles of a ghastly radiant steel.

    >>> Class: Ancient Dragon
    >>> Elemental Class: Solar Wind magic use/damage, Mass destruction on a severe level.

    >>> Limit Break: Shelus Enzinual Whole

    Limit Level 1

    Shelus Enzinual Whole - Taking the other half of the Persona from Shane and Side, Shelus becomes enraged and uncontrolable. Shelus starts attacking all foes from the sky with wings, sword, magic and his Special attacks caring for know one who will be in the path of his destrustion.

    Limit Level 2

    Supernovae Nemesis - Shelus calls upon the Companion of the Sun 'Nemesis'. While it approaches Earth... the affect of its gravitational push can be felt almost instantly. As it screeches to a hault next to the sun... Both 'Sun' and 'Nemesis' react together. This causes them to fire beams of beams of Fire, Plasma, Energy, Lightning, Ice and Gas into the immediate area in and around Shelus' Foe.

    Limit Level 3

    XenoShell - The two souls of these powerful entities become one. Shelus now takes place of the Dragons Soul and their attacks and defenses are even stronger than before. With Shelus in control of the Ancient dragon, he can mix the attacks of both as he seems fit. His appearence is as the angel himself looks, but a bit different... markings of the dragon tounge outline his body as do Alchemic circles and other unknown glyphs. Four of the dragons Plasma like wings also find their own place on Shelus' back.

    Limit Level 4

    Chaotic Enzinual - (Only used after Limit Level 3) - XenoShells entire body becomes the fourth state of matter... Plasma. His attacks are relentless, his sanity is destroyed, his mind is warped. All he will know and inflict is pain, torture and destruction.
    Last edited by Shelus; 09-29-2006 at 07:45 PM.

  9. #399
    skin:ice blue
    clothes:Light Blue Bikini, Purple Sarong
    weapon:IceAngel wields two diamond blades
    armour: She's currently wearing a frost bangle, with abilities of nulfrost and raises magic defense by 25%
    Special attack: Heavenly Strike
    Black magic: Blizzara, Blizzaga, Thundara, Thundaga.
    White Magic: Nulfrost, NulBlaze
    Background Info:
    IceAngel, born from shivas ( one of many aeons from final fantasy 10 and 10-2)spirit,currently living high above the clouds on the peak of Mt. Gagazet.
    Last edited by xXxsArAhxXx; 04-08-2006 at 11:18 AM.

  10. #400
    Name: Camas Druthra
    Race: Human
    Class: Rogue/Thief/ Nature Elemental.
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'0
    Weight: 184
    Eyes: Hazel
    Hair Brown hair that he just lets do whatever its gonna do... Comes down to about his midneck all around... normally his bangs are swept to the side so he can see.
    Weapons: He keeps a dagger in an ankle sheath just above his boots. He carries a staff that is about 5 ft long made of a hard wood. This staff pulls apart into 2 swords. He also keeps a few hidden daggers on the inside of his cloak.
    Armor/Clothing: He wears a deep green deeply hooded cloak which he often keeps pulled down low over his face. Underneath the cloak he wears a black shirt and some black pants. He wears a pair of boots that protects his feet from warmth and cold, but not fire. As said he has an ankle sheath just above his boots that holds a dagger. And he keeps 3 more in his cloak. Normally for throwing or extremely close quarters.

    Special Stuff- Camas is an extremely quick character who never really uses so much power as he doesn his speed and agility. He is quick with his hands and can easily steal things from a person. His way of life and job as a blade for hire has also given him the ability to easily hide in the shadows. He climbs well and has pinpoint accuracy with his daggers. He does not have any magic. He keeps a pouch on his belt where he keeps sand or dirt or whatever is around which he will often toss at an enemy's eyes.

    1: Able to control Nature...plants and stuff.
    2: Primal, the ability to call on certain animal's spirits to use their powers.
    3: Summon, the ablility to summon animals from the elemental plane by his side to help him, mainly he calls on his wolf Keyes.(Only if you agree.)
    4: Sense, allows Camas to know the nature of people, whether they are good or bad and how they feel, Also heightens his awareness to everything around him.
    5: Communicate, the ability to "speak" with animals, from whatever plane telepathically, only animals though.(not people)

    Personality: Camas is a very quiet guy he only talks to a few people. He has few friends. He is a very calm patient person. He only kills when he has too, either when someone attacks him or when he is offered the right price. He enjoys dueling with people to keep his abilities up.

    Bio: Growing up in a larger town wasnt too bad for Camas until the night came when his father refused a job that a very rich man offered him. That night ruffians hired by this man burned his house and killed his family and Camas narrowly escaped when his father made him jump out a window and run away. Camas then lived off the streets as he now does doing petty jobs, stealing and being a blade for hire. Later with the help of a person he was supposed to kill, Zack, he finds out that he is the nature elemental. Through this he learns his father is still alive on the elemental plane and is now his wolf companion that he can call on.
    Last edited by Camas28; 04-21-2006 at 08:15 AM.

  11. #401
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Character Statistics. Bryan 2.0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    ((Please forgive me for the triple post, but all of this character's profile will not fit in a single post. Not even close.))

    Name: Raven (Prince Of The East)
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'1" (185 cm)
    Weight: 165 lbs (75 kg)
    Eyes: Off-green
    Hair: Black. Short in the back and long in the front.
    Fleshtone: Average tone.

    Strength: 4
    Speed: 5
    Dexterity: 4
    Resistance: 2
    Stamina: 3
    Dark Power: 1
    Overall Power: 6

    Specie: Human

    Attire: Black pants, black leather belt with silver skull decorations, a white thermal shirt with the sleeves torn off (It's very aged and weather worn, holes and such). Basic, mid shin black leather boots. When fighting or hunting a kill, he wears a skull design painted on his face.

    Strengths: Anything that reminds him of being home boosts his confidence in battle. For instance, if it is raining, it reminds him of home, thus making him more aggressive in the battle. His skill of throwing daggers, quick movements, and close quarter fighting are a few of his better skills.

    Weaknesses: The harming (or in this case, the death of) of Raziel, which would cause complete distraction for Raven, leaving him feeling completely helpless.

    Short biography
    Has/is hired from time to time for contract killings. Has had a raven bird named Raziel follow as his partner since birth. His home is located in an unknown region where it once never rained, but now only storms.

    Main Weapons
    Two twin daggers which are carried side by side with one another, attached to the back of his belt. (

    Raven's story
    Once a man with nowhere to go and nobody to turn to, Raven was nearly a lost cause. Near the age of 19, he lived in an old, run down farm house just outside of the region he grew up in. It was not always rainy in this area, but now, it never seemed to stop storming. But this is a different story altogether.

    Raven lived here with Raziel, the raven bird that has been by his side since birth. The bird simply judges character of other people and navigates Raven in directions he may need to go and that are unknown to him. Little is known about Raziel's past. With his home village in shambles for years, Raven was left with nothing to do but hunt and train with his twin blades. That, and try to teach Raziel new things (which often ended in failure).

    He kept with him in this old farm house very few things aside from essentials. These being two hollowed out marble stones, filled with black and white paste material that he used only when hunting....humans (we will get to that in a bit). You see, Raven's always had a bit of a confidence problem and a fear of what ran through his veins...the killer's instinct. Thus, when he killed, spoke of business, or was around somebody he was not familiar with,he wore a skull-like design on his face, using the paint from the marble containers. To him, it was a different person...someone he could be aside from the person he really was when he was not taking care of business.

    Ah, business. Raven was a self proclaimed contract killer at this point in his life, traveling wherever business took him. Over the years, he had been given various jobs which he took on and prevailed flawlessly. Things were content for Raven until he received an offer for a kill. The letter nearly made him collapse. Somebody in a far off area, which would not be revealed until he accepted the offer for the kill. It was a name he recognized. GORATH was written in bold letters in the middle of the page, in what looked like blood, followed by instructions.

    Here's was his problem. Even when he was a boy, he heard of Gorath's tales of horrible murder and rape about various regions. There was even a tall tale among the children of the village claiming that if you were to wonder off into the woods at night alone, Gorath would be waiting with a twisted take you back to his home, which the whereabouts were unknown. All Raven knew is that he was a part of a group called the Brotherhood Of Doom, or at least that's what legend had told. He had only met a few of the members and actually drank with ToroMor in various pubs about Raven's home region on a few occasions.

    He had rarely talked with anyone else, but he knew of their being. Back to the letter, Raven's stomach dropped as he saw the kill's name on the paper, however, there was a nice reward involved, thus, he had to take the job. Without any time to waste, Raven armed himself with his knives as Raziel landed on his shoulder. He walked across the creaky antique wood floor with heavy steps. The storm was picking up outside to the point of rattling the window panes.

    Raven stopped at an old desk and removed the two marble containers with the paste-style paint and began to apply it on his face with shakey hands.

    "This may be the last time I see this place, least for a long, long time....are you sure you want to go with me on this one?"

    The raven rubbed it's head on the side of Raven's neck in a calming manor. Raven cracked a nervous smile. An enormous bolt of lightning struck nearby, lighting up the area in a quick flash, followed by a rumble of thunder great enough to threaten the foundation of a well built house.

    "Let's go see if the boogie man is real, shall we?"

    As Raven completed applying his dreadful skull design upon his face, he turned around and headed slowly for the door, picking up the letter on the way out.

    "My luck....I can't believe I'm going to try to kill Gorath...." mumbled Raven, chuckling in disbelief.

    He opened the door and peered out into the pouring rain. The storm had turned wild at this point. He looked down at the letter and read where to meet his employer for further details. It was a place he was not familiar with. It was a holy place that was far across the body of water not far from where Raven stood. He was to meet this man in a temple....Azma Raah, the place was called.

    He then rolled up the letter and put it in his back pocket and headed through the storm to the shore, where there was a boat waiting for him to his suprise.

    "What the hell is this?" said Raven, confused.

    It was a pearl white boat, elegant and almost angelic looking. There was a figure in a dirty white robe, that almost look war torn. The figure's face was covered in shadow by the hood of this robe. The figure was holding an long paddle, so Raven put two and two together and figured this would take him to Azma Raah. Raziel clucked in caution as Raven stepped slowly onto the boat and sat down. The figure turned slowly around, facing the front of the boat and began to paddle. Raven kicked back and tried to relax in the chair.

    "So...who exactly am I doing this for?" Raven asked the cloaked figure.

    There was no reply. Raven gave a short chuckle and sat foward, impatient.

    "I asked you a question...who ordered the kill?" he asked impatiently.

    The figure slowly extended it's arm and pointed foward out into the black abyss of the water.

    "Okay then.....anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?" he said sarcastically.

    The figure did not respond and Raven replied with a sigh. He figured this ride would be a long one, so he began to think about the mission at hand. Who would have thought that Gorath was actually real and that Raven might be the one to put an end to his reign of terror. The thought of going head to head with such a beast could turn anyone's blood to ice. Raven didn't even know what Gorath looked like, however, he had a mental picture of something horrible.

    More thoughts came and went as they sailed about the night and eventually, Raven fell asleep...Raziel in his lap.

    "Raven. Open your eyes and follow me immediately." said a stern, demanding voice.

    Raven quickly opened his eyes, Raziel was standing alert on his shoulder. The boat had stopped and the cloaked figure was gone. It was no longer raining and it was dusk. Stood in front of him was of all things, a glorious looking angel. He must have stood about 7' and weighed roughly what looked to be about 300lbs.

    He had an almost blinding white aura around him and was dressed in ancient looking battle armor, which Raven had never seen before. His hair was almost completely white, his eyes glowed a deep blue. On his back sprouted wings that moved in what can best be described as a smoke like fashion. These enormous light blue and white wings were truely something to see...something again, that Raven had never seen before. The angel turned and began to walk towards the overwhelming pearl and white marble fashioned castle. Raven followed.

    Upon entering the doors, which seemed to be about two stories high and made of white marble, the angel stopped as they close, crossed his arms and looked at Raven.

    "I expected you to be bigger." mocked the angel.

    "I expected you to be some person who is scum of the earth that was too big of a coward to kill a man...but I guess I was aren't a person." Raven shot back.

    "I'd watch your tongue while you were in these walls, if I were you. Never has a murderer been in between these walls and never will there be again." said the angel.

    Raven yawned. "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening there. So where do I have to go to do this thing?" he asked.

    " are such a complete fool. Nonetheless, you have been hired, so I will give you your instructions. You will be going to a place most opposite of where you are standing now. It is a castle surrounded by deep, dark woods which will not be a pleasant hike. The castle itself is a maze of hallways and chambers. Chambers that are used for unspeakable acts....hallways that have been walked by those so evil, I dare not speak it. Somewhere in this castle, you will find Gorath. He must be killed for his horrible acts of murder and rape. He is barely even a man anymore." explained the angel.

    "Wonderful. So if I kill Cadaveras, what do I get out of it?" asked Raven.

    "More money than you could ever know what to do with. And maybe the chance to track and kill your ultimate goal....your brothers. You could be rid of them forever, Raven. But Gorath MUST DIE!" shouted the angel angrily.

    "No need to keep your end of the deal, I'll keep mine." Raven said.

    With no further exchange of words, the angel handed Raven a map to the location of the sinister castle. Raven boldly walked toward the enormous door and stepped outside. It was night time again. He calmly pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a drag.

    "ToroMor is out there, Raziel. I know he is. I have no quarrel with him and I'd like to keep it that way. He musn't know about this." he said to Raziel.

    "But Gorath, it's him and me in this that I know he exists. We'll see if I can end this legend...." said Raven to himself.

    Raven began following the directions to the dark castle. The mission had started. It was time to track down the dreaded Gorath.
    Last edited by Bryan 2.0; 04-08-2006 at 08:00 PM.

  12. #402
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Character Statistics. Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    After Raven looked at the old, worn directions, he folded the paper and tucked it into his back pocket. His journey had passes 6 days when the sky began to slowly turn black. Raziel screetched as they came to a stop to examine what was in front of them. The sky was black and they stood at the edge of a dead field, decorated with frightening jack-o-lanterns, burning dimly. As far as the eye could see burned these hideous pumpkins along with home made lanterns, which burned dimly.

    Other ravens could be heard in the distance as Raven and Raziel began to lurk through the horrible field. The heat was incredible from the burning lanterns and jack-o-lanterns, so Raven removed his shirt and let it hang from his back pocket, slightly tucked in. He withdrew his blades and continued to stalk through the field. Though Gorath's presense was not felt in this area, something evil was up ahead, though Raven did not know what it was...he would not be unprepared for it. At last, they reached the edge of the field, only to see a forrest which seemed endless.

    The trees stood high and almost blended in with the night sky. Directly in front of him was a wide path, which led into the forrest and showed no light at the end. This path was not completely dark, however, as it was lined with similar lanterns, burning dimly to some unknown location. Raven took out the map and realized that on the other side of this forrest stood the mightly castle in which Gorath should be in. Nervous, he tucked the map back into his pocket.

    Knowing that this voyage through the forrest would not be a walk through the park, he kept is knives out and his shirt off to prevent heat exhaustion. Raven gave Raziel a quick pet.

    "Let the games begin, Raziel...."

    He started into the forrest. As he got deeper and deeper into the abyss, he looked around and could not see past the dim light of the lanterns. Raziel walked back and forth on Raven's shoulders in an uneasy manor. Raven was walking cautiously in the fighting stance, waiting for anything to come at him. Hours passed and Raven became more focused on walking than fighting, convinced nothing was out here.

    The entrance had long gone past eye shot. Raven continued to walk and put his knives back into their holdsters. All of a sudden, he heard a swift movement to his left. This made him stop and Raziel stand full alert. A figure was slowly approaching, coming to surface.

    Raven slowly put his hands on his blades, ready to kill what was come towards him. As the figure became more visable, he took his hands away from the blades. It was a woman. A young, fair skinned, pale, gothic woman. Raven was kind of shocked by her beauty and wondered why this girl would be out here. She approached him slowly through the dim light of the lanterns in a seductive way.

    "Who are you? Why are you out in these woods all alone at night?" asked Raven.

    The woman (which was PLW!) got close to Raven, placed her hands on his chest lightly and ever so seductive. She leaned in to his ear, the night so quiet, he could hear her mouth opening to tell him something.

    "Who said I was alone?" whispered PLW in a seductive voice.

    Startled, Raven turned around quickly to see another woman standing across from him. This woman was another beauty, but he did not get the chance to take it all in before he felt a sharp pain in his side and the arms of PLW wrap around his neck, choking him. The woman across from him had thrown a throwing star into his side as he turned around, he quickly noted that he could not match her speed. Raziel took flight and hovered above the group and screetched. Raven, choking for air quickly removed one of his blades and ran the spikes down PLW's right thigh, releasing her grip so he could focus on the woman in front of him.

    It was at the moment where he tried to look at this woman again that he felt another sharp pain in his chest. She had thrown another star into Raven.

    "Shit! Little girl, you're quick as hell, so you better hope I don't get my hands on you!" yelled Raven at the mysterious woman.

    He staggered towards her, his vision blurring from loss of blood. This woman was truely deadly. Raven continued to confront her, however. Raziels sounds were fading in and out as he got close to the woman. He drew back to stab her in a lethal area, but collapsed just before he could make the blow.

    The mixture of the heat, loss of blood, and confusion had taken him over. As he fell, the woman caught him in her arms. And in those last few seconds of conciousness, she said something to Raven...something that he'd not soon forget.

    "Victoria. Remember my name, boy. That is, if you are able to think after I'm done with you." said Victoria in a stern voice.

    As Raven slowly looked up at her face fading in and out, he felt another sharp pain in his chest. He staggered back away from her and looked at what she had done. She had cut a large "V" into his chest. She had also at some point removed her stars. Raven heard slow foot steps coming behind him and he slowly turned around, barely holding onto conciousness. It was PLW coming at him in a swift motion, kicking him in the side of the head.

    Then there was darkness. Raven was seconds from passing out when he heard the women speaking. One of them, Victoria, he believed, had taken his map and assignment paper.

    "Lets just kill this mother ****er, Victoria!" shouted PLW from above him.

    "Hm. Gorath, huh? Well, if it's Gorath he wants, it's Gorath he'll get." said Victoria in a mocking manor. "We'll leave him here and if he survives, he'll face Gorath which case, he won't survive."


    Dull pains. Raven slowly sat up, his head pounding, he looked down to notice that he had been bandaged up. It was still night. He figured it would be a never ending darkness around here. He slowly stood up and put his shirt on, walked over to a tree, slid his back down it and sat.

    He reached into his pocket for his cigarettes and discovered there was a paper that was placed in his pocket at some point. He put an unlit cigarette in his mouth and unfolded the paper. The paper had a kiss mark, left with lipstick and a little note underneath that said:

    "You really know how to show a girl a good time. Love Victoria".

    He slightly chuckled, lit the end of the paper on fire and lit his cigarette with it.

    "Bitch..." muttered Raven.

    He slowly stood up and stretched. Raziel flew in from the woods and landed on his shoulder and he began his walk again. This time, his blades never left his hands and he never let down his guard. For a span of about a week, he walked. After what seemed like an eternity, there was finally a flickering light in the distance. He picked up speed and walked towards it.

    As he finally reached the forest's edge, a cold breeze came through, which Raven embraced. In front of him stood the mighty castle, opposite of that pearly white castle he had seen before and about twice as large. He approached the bloody, giant, wooden doors. There was a torch on opposite sides of it, showing the blood splatters from who knows what. Raven got about 50 feet from the door when it swung open. Raven quickly drew out his blades and stood terrified at what was in front of him.

    Standing at close to 7', was Gorath. His eyes fixed upon Raven, Raven's eyes fixed upon Gorath. The giant slowly approached him, the ground slightly shaking as he walked.

  13. #403
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Character Statistics. Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    "You pathetic little fool, thinking you could have my head as your bounty. I will make you feel pain in ways that you didn't know existed. All of the stories, they're all true and I'm about to show them to you first by one....BWAHAHAHAHAH!" screamed Gorath.

    He lifted his mighty Halberd to the sky and smashed it down into the ground, the blade moving so fast that Raven swore he saw flames flickering off of the back end of the blade. It came down hard and cracked the earth. Gorath came running full charge at Raven. Before Gorath could hit him, he quickly dodged his movement, cutting Gorath with his spikes in the process. Gorath laughed wildly and swung for Raven's neck with blinding speeds. He ducked quickly and jumped back. Raven quickly analyzed his opponents attributes.

    Gorath was clearly mad in this state of mind, fighting with brute force, yet blinded by his own fury. If Raven was to stand a chance, it would be to wear Gorath down and go in for the kill, yet this beast showed incredible stamina and was showing no signs of exhaustion. Quicker than Raven could finish his thought, Gorath was back at him again, lunging down at him from a jump.

    Raven quickly rolled out of the way as Gorath came rocketing down, cracking the earth's surface once again. Raven knew that one slip up, one tiny little mistake and it would be all over. Gorath had far too much strength and was breathing down Raven's neck in terms of speed. Raven quickly made a run back for the forest, Raziel following.

    Gorath let out a laugh that seemed to echo throughout the abyss of this black forest. Running through the forest, off of the trail, Raven came to a stop by a small pond and waited for Gorath to come after him, but there was only silence. Once the silence set in, a chill ran down Raven's spine and he blindly threw one of his daggers to his right. A mighty hand caught the dagger in mid air and threw it into a tree right next to Raven. He quickly looked over and was in terror at what he saw next.

    It all hit him at once. What was standing to the right of him was not only a member of the Brotherhood, but the was the horrifying ToroMor! Standing over a foot taller than Raven and dressed in frightening armor, the demon spoke to him in a deep, blood freezing voice.

    "You've come for Gorath, have you not?" said ToroMor.

    Without showing any signs of fear (though he was feeling it inside) Raven replied, "Yeah, we were supposed to be fighting, but I guess he had other plans".

    ToroMor laughed...the sound of it would have killed any living creature in a normal forrest, but this forrest was far from anything normal.

    "The Dark Prince Gorath will not be coming to this place. But enough of this...idle talk...".

    ToroMor quickly grabbed Raven by the shirt and threw him into the pond face down. He then placed his foot on Raven's back, holding him under water. Under the water, Raven tried to push himself up, but could not budge ToroMor's foot. There was no use in struggling. ToroMor had far more strength than Raven could go against. He knew that his life was in ToroMor's hands at that moment and there was nothing he could do. There was no dodging his attacks or landing any hits on him.

    ToroMor then raised his foot off of Raven's back and threw him out of the water effortlessly. Raven gasped for air and coughed on land as ToroMor slowly made his way through the water to where Raven was. Raven touched his face and realized that his face paint had been washed off. He slowly got back onto his feet, still coughing, ready for ToroMor's next attack. ToroMor had ahold of him before he could run or move.

    The leader of the Brotherhood then picked up Raven by the shirt and held him above ground by at least 4 foot. "I know you....I believe you've been so kind as to buy me a drink once or twice, have you not?" questioned ToroMor. The amazing thing about his attacks is he wasn't even angry! Raven could only imagine what he was capable of when angry.

    "Yes", Raven choked out. "I've met you before...a couple of times....bought drinks...".

    Toromor dropped Raven, leaving him on the ground, gasping for air again.

    "You know (cough) I won't kill you without (cough) that face don't worry (coughs several times)".

    ToroMor laughed that horrible laugh. "Trust me, I'm not worried".

    There was a minute of silence as Raven sat on the ground with ToroMor towering over him.

    "We shall talk later. Your hunt is over".

    With this being said, Raven looked up at ToroMor to question with a "What?" response, only to be hit in the head with a fist that seemed to be just a bit smaller than his head. Darkness once again overcame Raven as he was knocked out.

    When he awoke, he was sitting in a huge dining room at an enormous table. There was an uncountable amount of delicious looking food placed about the table, which stirred Raven's interest as he had not eaten in days. At the end of the table sat ToroMor, only, he was no longer wearing his helm and he was eating.

    "How nice of you to join me." ToroMor chuckled.

    "Where am I?" questioned Raven.

    "You are in my be specific, the dining room. The rest of the Brotherhood are taking care of your little "employers"..." said ToroMor. "Feel free to eat as much as you like, I'm sure your travels have been tiring." he said.

    Raven began to load his plate with various foods and began to eat. Raziel was eating next to ToroMor.

    "I have to ask...why are you being so nice to me...I was sent to kill one of your Princes..." questioned Raven.

    ToroMor chuckled. "As I have said before, your hunt is over. You will not be seeing a reward from your employer. Your employer will not be seeing the light of tomorrow, I can assure you that as well. To answer your other questions: Gorath has had numerous bounties out for him, though none ever make it to my castle. I'm suprised that you made it this far. Now, what I'm about to propose to you will put you in good terms with Gorath. I see potential in you. You're a killer and you can obviously endure quite a bit...some might say that you're flat out evil."

    TorMor stopped and chuckled

    "I've heard stories of your previous jobs, Raven. I know what you can do. That's why I'm asking you to join us." said TorMor.

    Raven stopped eating for a moment and stared at ToroMor.

    "Join the Brotherhood? This place is for monsters! All accross the land I've heard of horrible tales of the Brotherhood, surely, I would not fit in here as I have no tales. I'm a mere mortal living one day to the next, I've just landed the wrong kind of job. Never thought I'd be sitting and talking with the Lord of the Brotherhood." said Raven.

    ToroMor chuckled once again.

    "You amuse me, Raven. Little do you know that you do have tales, just like the rest of us. Think about it. Do you really believe that people would tell your stories right in front of you? I think not. I've heard the stories, yet I've never heard the stories about me that you speak of. Do you understand?" asked ToroMor.

    "That does make sense when you put it in that manor." said Raven.

    "However...for your previous actions, joining us won't be so easy for you and it will be time limited. I present you with two options. You will fight me and kill me....and be free to leave, or you will fight me and take the risk of me killing you to join us....what will it be, Raven?" questioned ToroMor in a serious tone.

    Raven stopped eating and realized that either way, he would have to fight this impossible battle...a battle in which he would probably not be walking away from. Raziel flew over to Raven and rubbed up against his neck. Raven looked at Raziel, then back at ToroMor. He gave a quick smirk to the Dark Lord, then tossed his marble containers holding his face paint in the air and catching it.

    "I'll be needing my face paint....."

    After applying the dreaded skull paint, ToroMor stood up and began to walk down the hallways, Raven following. Usually at times like these, he would observe his surroundings, but this time, he was completely focused on the demon in front of him. His soon to be opponent.

    After what seemed like 30 minutes of walking, they came to a massive arena, which was at the bottom of the castle. Raven could only imagine what this was normally used for. As they both entered the fighting ground, the two prepared for the battle on opposing sides of the ground. Raven, closing his eyes, began to spin his blades around on his fingers, trying to think of something positive and breathing deep.

    On the other side, ToroMor was merely watching, arms folded, waiting for the battle to begin. Out of the blue, Raven stopped spinning the blades and caught them in his hands. He opened his eyes and gazed accross at ToroMor. At this moment, ToroMor raised his hands slightly. When he did this, fire erupted from the floor, blazing angrily. ToroMor began to walk slowly around the outer edge of the pit, through the flames, while Raven stood guard with his blades.

    Raven thought he would take the first move and attack ToroMor as he was walking the outside, through the flames. He ran at ToroMor, full speed, with a lunge, blades pointing towards the Dark Lord. With no struggle, ToroMor grabbed Raven by the throat in mid air and held him high above the ground, choking him. After about a minute of choking, he threw him accross the pit, against the wall. Raven was stunned and out of air, but came back to his feet, only to notice ToroMor was still walking slowly, watching him.

    Raven quickly dashed back in to stab ToroMor in the stomach with both of his daggers, but was backhanded to the ground. Before Raven could get back up, ToroMor grabbed him by the throat again, holding him high above the ground...once again. This time, the demon spoke....

    "Your efforts of attacking me are worth noting and you show no fear. For this, I shall end this battle now, for there is no chance of you emerging victorious. For all of the pain you have endured and your lack of fear, I will bestow upon you a gift that will make you cold and heartless...never to fear again. It will make you powerful and feared. And your employer...I took care of him personally. He was an arch angel and he gasped out his name just as I was seperating his head from his body. I believe it was "Kristoff"....him and his kind should be the last alive, which is taken care of now." growled ToroMor, still holding Raven above ground. With his other free hand, he brought around the severed head of the familiar arch angel and dropped it to the ground.

    The heat from the flames grew almost unbearable. Raven saw to his left a black spirit object flying in from above, stopping to hover behind him. Toromor's eyes were glowing a fearful red at this point. The black spirit then dived into Raven's body, possessing him. Raven froze up, his blood boiling, breaking into a cold sweat....and feeling like he was nearly about to pass out.

    "From this day foward, you will serve me. You will become Prince of the East. You will be feared in places you knew not existed. When you awake, return to this place and redeem your throne as one of the four Princes. Serve us well, Raven." said ToroMor.

    The last sound Raven heard was Raziel screetching and the crackling of the flames. Then, again, there was darkness.

    When he awoke, he was back in the forest with a woman lying next to him. He figured this was ToroMor's doings, as she must have been a whore. He felt different then. Emotionless and without care, cold and desolate. He had a distinct feeling to move foward, back to the castle and vaguely remembered the night before.

    Raven, Raziel, and the woman made their way back to the castle without exchanging so much as a sound. When Raven arrived, he made his first, non-contract kill in a way that he had never killed before. It was a custodian who claimed lies of his presence. And equally as cold, he killed the woman.

    He later met with ToroMor on much different terms than their last meeting and requested the company of Gorath, to talk with him. After days of lurking about the castle, he finally found a room he was comfortable with and made it his temporary living space until he found otherwise. His experiences with the Brotherhood continue to this day in that dreaded castle. Back at his home in the North, it storms ever harder now....awaiting his return one day.

    "Some say you can still hear Raziel's cries out at that old farmhouse" said the old man, in between drinking his ale in the smokey old tavern, which was located just South of Raven's home.

    "As for his whereabouts now...people still believe that he is in that castle. Some convinced that he has not changed, though when you are near that old farmhouse, you can feel it in the rain as it grows colder. When Raven returns to that dreaded place, he will not be a man any longer, for he is now and will always be a member of that unspeakable Brotherhood.....forever roaming the night and killing in the name of the dreaded ToroMor." warned the old man.

    Lightning strikes and we see Raven, Raziel perched on his shoulder, walking towards his sanctuary door as he looks back with that dreaded facepaint, he gives a slight smirk, enters the door, and pushes it closed. As the door shuts, thunder rumbles in the distance.

  14. #404
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Figaro Castle
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    That's a hell of a story, but I suppose since it's part of the character's profile, I cannot exactly ignore it. Before I scrolled up to see the first of three posts, I thought you were roleplaying in this thread and I almost deleted it. Good thing I looked.

    ...anywho, back to the character profiles.. ^_^;;

  15. #405
    Lady Advent
    Hehe I'm kinda new at this but I will have a go....

    Name : Lady Seneca
    Race : Half Virtue/Human - One of the Lost Ones
    Age : 17

    Appearance:She has large dark brown eyes lightly shaded with a hint of mascara. Scarlet nails and rosey cheeks, she has pale snow white skin. Her hair is jet black straight and shiney, with intense red ends. She has small wings made out of black Phoenix feathers. Around her left arm she has a tattoo in the shape of a ring of black roses. She wears a pendant with a black butterfly gemstone. She is clad in a deep red corset, the ribbons a maroon colour. She also wears a short black lace miniskirt with a golden belt. She has knee-high black boots which are black with bows at the front. Black and red butterflies fly at her ankles.

    Class: Unknown
    Elemental class: Darkness, Storm
    Personality : Lady Seneca is very friendly however she finds making friends rather difficult. She is very kind and gentle always putting others before herself. She likes to be around nature and can be extremely stubborn.

    Weapon: She wields two long swords one called Beautiful the other Dream. Both are silver and whispsy clouds emerge from them. The left one has chinese lettering meaning "Beautiful Dream". The swords were gift to Lady Seneca from her Uncle who was a very good blacksmith.


    Seneca was a normal girl who lived in the village of Drane. She did what every normal girl of the village had done...helped with the washing etc.
    One day while Seneca was playing with the other girls thier favourite game "hide and seek". Seneca decided to hide within the thorn bush. While the other girl was seeking a small red snake came to Seneca and began to whisper in her ear. He told her of great treasures and gifts that he would bring her if she let him crawl around her neck and harmlessly take some of her blood. Being foolish Seneca agreed. The snake however had tricked Seneca and actually ended up biting her left upper arm.
    The other girls heard Senecas cry and rushed to her aid. She was taken to the old village healer. The healer tried to preform every spell and carnation they knew to try a stop the flow of poison. In the end however the healer called for Seneca's parents and told them that their daughter would die. Two days past and Seneca's memory began to fade, a tattoo began to form on her right arm. When Seneca died black butterflies came and lifted her to heaven.
    But because Seneca still wished to stay on earth her soul wasn't transported to heaven but remained on earth.
    For months Seneca's soul searched for a victum's body to steal as she was angry about her misfortune and unfair death. She captured the body of a new born child and fused within the body, thus regaining life.
    Seneca ran away from her village at the age of 14 because she began to grow black wings and lived in the wielderness, she forever searches for her parents, the black and red butterflies remain around her ankles to serve as a reminder that she cheated fate and should really be at peace in death.

    Basic attack:

    Heavens Call : Senecas two blades glow and thousands of small splinters are launched at the enemy.

    Special attacks:

    Even in Death: Seneca breathes thick black air into her palms and can use this to blinden her foe by throwing sticky black balls of it from her swords.

    Innocence: Senecas swords begin to reach very high temperatures and burn wildly. If Seneca strikes at an enemy her sword will cause the ememies skin to crumple and turn to ash.

    Serpent Kiss: Seneca's swords begin to fill with blood and leak. Seneca can use this to cause dangerous blood floods to drown her enemy. Seneca can also use the blood as a source of poison dripping the blood in an enemies wound it will cause there blood to slowly stop flowing.


    Butterfly humming : Seneca can send lightening bolts from the earth at her enemy.

    Limit Break:

    Dark Wings: Seneca's wings begin to beat rapidly and she can fly at great speed. Her tattoo begins to bleed and Seneca is thrown into a insane state in which she only lusts for destruction. Her swords become leathal and begin to emit dark ribbons of light which can tie down the enemy allowing time for Seneca to give the lethal blow. They also when come in contact with the enemy eject poison which quickly kills the enemy causing them to choke on thier own blood. Lastly a swarm of Black Butterflys surround the enemy causing dizzyness and confusion.
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 04-11-2006 at 02:19 PM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

  16. #406
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Character Statistics. RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Erm, Im new to all this, but since im creative ill give it a go.
    Please forgive me my crappy Bio, I dont feel like working it all out...

    Krendo Znapp

    Human Phoenix (no one can tell when this race had its origin)

    Judging by his knowledge about battle, one might believe he has witnessed ages of war and pain. Once in a 1000 years, he is reborn. His identity is lost, but his instinct and curiousity remains ever the same.

    Physical Appearance:
    -He looks mid 20s
    -black hair
    -black cloak, but when wind waves, several red scarfs and other clothing can be seen under it.
    -carrying a straight and tall but light sword on his back and several knifes under his clothing.
    -speaks slowly and soft to misleed his enemies and hack 'n' slash them even harder and more surprisingly.

    Having had a lot of rebirths, he has lost his identity several times, forgetting who he is and what he stands for. He has fought many warriors who knew him better than he did. Though he changed a lot through time, his curiousity and instinct during a battle never left his well co&#246;rdinated body and mind. He's father was a famous warlord and he is proud of it but wants as less people as possible to know this. He doenst like it at all when people worship him for his name, not for his skills. They who dare to do this often have no time to apolagise, for their heads are rapidly separated from their body with a single slice of his sword.

    Wheres an ancient armor of wich he cant remember where he got it from.
    His movements are often hidden by his large cloak that seems to change in form and size and often reminds people of Phoenix wings.

    -Several small knifes wich he uses only when he sees no way out or when past and present get messed up in his head.
    -He has one main sword on his back. It seemslike the blade can change in size and form as he pleases. The sword is often not controlable. It is dark red with a black kling. It usually has a small blade and is called Burning Pride.

    Fighting Class:
    -Mainly sword fighter
    -Fire and Air magic (Phoenix Elements), often becomes one with his ancestor.

    (His anger and confusion is usely expressed in fire and wind)
    -Sunshine Wings: When in danger, huge wings appear round his body to protect him from furhter injuries. This happens when he's innjured and confused about what's happening in his mind.
    -Flaming Halo: When he gets real angry, his body looks like its on fire and his eyes shine red.
    -Ancient Fury: His body fills up with anger to then raise his speed. He quickly flys around his opponent and stabs him many times with his knifes. After a few seconds he finishes this with a strong air attack with his sword wich is on fire by now and causes an explosion with any contact.

    In his first life, he never knew his mother. His father was a celebrated war hero, who he looked up to very much. He started training with swords when he was 6 years old and realised there was something out there that helped him to raise this talent. Soon after his father died, he was 17 years old back then, the lands of the great kings fell apart and he was declared an exile, for his father's greatest rival became ruler of his homeland. After many years of travelling through, living in and becoming one with nature, he arrived at the place where he believed he was supposed to be:
    Znapp stood up and smelled the air, he knew he had reached his detination. Walking furhter through the trees, he noticed an open spot in the forest. As he approached, the scent of burned grass became noticeable. When finally arrived at the end of the trees, Znapp was surprised to find there nothing but a small waterfall. Dissapointed as he was, he sad down on a small rock next to the water. Suddenly, the water began to vaporize. He stood up and saw a flame coming out of the water. The flame burned his face and he fell behind onto the grass. He cursed the one who was responsible for this and drew his sword. Ready to attack, he stood in front of the water, wich was almost gone, when the flame dissapeared. He fell a warm feeling inside of him and fainted. The next moment, he was covered with fire and he started to scream out of pain. He looked around, nothing but fire. A soft, female voice said: "Get up my son. Face this test and be proud of your origin."
    He did as told with a lot of effort to find himself standing at the water, there was no fire at all. He checked his reflection: no fire wounds anywhere. He felt perfect. He knew he had changed.The voice appeared again, as did a transparent creature in front of him, covered in flames and surrouned by huge wings that didnt seem to belong to this spirit, because this female creature was the most beautiful being he had ever seen. "You have chosen for life, my son. You shall carry my fate along the ages to fulfill your destiny and every destiny of everyone of us that is bond with it. You shall be proud of your origin, having a mother like this, and you shall never forget that I shall be with you, always. When you lose faith, ill be there. When all hope is gone, i shall be by your side and there will be no need for words, you will feel the power our race is given when most needed and it will be used wiesly by your mind and body. Be strong and never forget these words. You shall remember this as your first rebirth. This is the last time I will appear, but my spirit and strength shall not vanish. For we are phoenixes, and we dont die..."
    After Znapp had heard all this coming from the mouth of the spirit, who appeared to be a godess of phoenixes, the perfect embodiment of beauty and fire, his body began to feel warmer than ever and he felt he became stronger.
    From now on, all strength, anger and pain of his ancestors, would be shared with him. He would never forget this day.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 06-24-2006 at 09:15 AM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

  17. #407
    Hey there guys. New, but slightly good at giving a decent background... I hope... *prays*

    Name: Sol (has no last name)
    Age: (No one knows, not even himself. Yet he looks like he's in his early twentys)
    Race: Solar Angel
    Eye Color: Gold, constantly glowing.
    Hair color: Inch long hair, bangs are sticking outwards forming a half circle yet layed slightly back. Rest of hair is laid back.
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Build: Slender, yet very muscular. (Kind of like, Cloud's build.)
    Choice of weapon: Fists, and sword. If he has to, will use anything at his disposal.

    Sun gloves: In each glove, is a golden sphere the size of a marble, with an orange Sun emblem on the top of the hand. From the wrist, to the tip of the fingers, finely crafted with strange material, looks like a normal leather glove, yet it's color is dark yellow.
    Sun Sword: His sword is large. The blade itself in length is 5 feet, in width it's 1 foot. Doubled edged, it's weight is abnormal, weighing up to 200 pounds. The handle is encrusted with a similar gem on the gloves in the center of its handle, inside the gem looks to be a glowing fire. Color of the handle is black, no hand guard, and can be used with two hands. It's sheath would be to small for him to pull out with just his arm, so he made a special synthetic material similar to his gloves, and made a buckled sheath for the edges of the handle to rest on. Handle is upward on his right side, to take out his weapon, he must reach behind himself, and pull hard on the strap to make it let go of his sword.


    A skin tight yellow vest, zippers pockets. Baggy dark yellow cargo shorts, one large pocket on the lower part of the pantleg, which is past the knees on each side. This clothing is light, yet extremely durable against any flame protecting him from it, made with the same material as the gloves. A black leather belt keeps his shorts from coming down. His boots are buckled, and start from his top of his ankles, black in color, buckles are bright yellow. The material looks like gloves material. A black scarf hangs around his neck, one side is shorter than the other, but both ends of the scarf rest on his back. When he gets into a life threatening battle, wings of golden energy sprout from his back, three wings on each side, and 5 feet in length. The wings increase his speed.

    Bio: His birth was not made normally. He came into being by an unknown force of energy inside of the sun. Shot from the Suns solar wind, he rode it down into the Earths atmosphere, appearing as an average meteor, but was actually inside of some strange shield that came from himself. When he landed, someone came to inspect, and found him lying on the ground already equipped with his Sun weapons. Strangely enough, the weapons fit him perfectly, even though he was an infant. As he grew, his strength increased immensely. And he even taught himself how to use his sword, not properly, but well enough to slay any creature. At some point, he stopped aging physically, but his mentality transcended as time progressed. He has no idea how old he is, nor does anyone else. But he knows his name, and all through his life, he did nothing but study the current histories in the era he was in, and trained. He was taught eventually by very few teachers, these teachers had defeated him in a fight, an he, out of respect asked for their guidance to teach him how to use a sword. 7 teachers in total taught him how to fight. 4 taught him the sword arts. The last 3 taught him the fist arts. In time, he managed to combine the arts into one flowing art. Although he posseses the ability for powerful magic, it remains unfound. His teachers told him that for someone with magic like his, his life would need to be put into extreme critical condition for it to awaken. He tried, but it never came forth.

    Power and speed are his ultimate strengths. He was taught to hit hard and fast, as a result to his unusual physical limitations, he has trancended any human limitations.


    Onslaught: His sword strikes become fast, and strength is slightly used. 30 strikes can be done under ten seconds.

    Desert Blaze: His fists are lit ablaze in gold flames, and the heat is almost unbearable for most.

    Big Bang: Massive explosion, requires all his magic strength and puts him in a near death state. If he's not taken care of, he'll die within the next 2 days. He'll grab the opponent, and light engulfs him and the opponent, then the explosion occurs. Usually, opponent dies. Used, ONLY for a last resort. If it fails, then he'll most likely lose if the opponent is still able to attack.

    Wields sacred light magic, and fire magic hot enough to match the Suns flame. Fire and light magic have no affect on him no matter how strong, it only seems to make him stronger.

    Jovian winds: Speed increases greatly.
    Breaker: This move is designed only for ones with great defense. Ball of black energy shoots from his palm, and explodes on impact.
    Holy Flame: White fire scorches the ground around him, and flys into his sword. Leaping up, he'll strike the Earth, and the white fire surges from his sword across the ground and through the air to its target.

    His own bravery can get him injured. Although strong, he can die like anyone else, but it seems, age won't be the thing to kill him. He doesn't back down from challenges, even if people say it's impossible. He's rarely tricked into traps, but if he is, he always tries to find the way out. Dark elements and water elements affect him greatly.

  18. #408
    Character Statistics. Testbug's Avatar
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    In The North, Far Far Away...
    Name: Lorien Silvara

    Age: ???

    Race: Human/Angel

    Class: Master/Dragoon

    Elemental: Fire/Holy

    Appearnce: He is wearing navy-blue training suit that has has navy-blue cape. He has red eyes burning with rage. He has mid-long brown hair that is on pony-tail. He is about six feet tall. He has also scars on his face for earlier battles.

    Personality: Lorien had lost his family when he was young. He promised that he will revenge his familys fate and kill everybody that tries to stop him. Lorien will not fight if he doesn't have really good reason. He will defend weaker than he if he needs to but he won't battle without good reason.

    Weapon/s: Paladin claws, elemantal Holy. Paladin claws are gift for his family. Only thing that his family left for him before dieing. They got their holy power from his family that he didn't even know about. His mother come from family that are angels. He met his mother's sister that give he to holy power to add anything.

    Armor: Mythril suit, absord Fire, Ice and Water. Because Lorien had life only with he's father and mom in the mountains, he had learn to use power of nature. He had made everykind of stuff from anykind of metal. One day he was travelling on the mountains again and he saw something clittering on the cave. He walked to cave and found mythril. Magical metal that has great durability and it is light. He add that to his training suit and start using it.

    Magics: Fire, Flare, Holy, Barrier, M-Barrier, Haste, Cure,

    Special technique/s: Transform = Raises Strenght, Vitality, Magic, Spirit and Speed ; Fire Heal = burns bleeding wounds that those wouldn't bleed ;

    This are only basics of my character. I make it better with my trainer Anomaly.
    Last edited by Testbug; 08-27-2006 at 02:30 AM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

  19. #409
    (OOCK let me know if this is alright)



    Appearance: black hair,blue sun glasses,In his left ear he has a small blue earing,Blue Shorts,Blue Tank top,Blue gloves,Blue boots,and Blue eyes.
    Personality:Calm but when adjetative tells off evryone he sees.

    WeaponsIf this is not okay tell me and ill change it)2 Blue keyblades(Like the ones from kingdom hearts)

    Magic:cure,and Ice.



    Name:Leo spitfire


    Appearence:He has a sleevless leather jacket with his nam on the back.He has black pants with flames at the bottom.he is tan and has dark red eyes.and black hair with mixed in red.

    Weapon:Has a huge sword that is red at the handle and black at the blade.


    Last edited by Roxas; 04-26-2006 at 02:02 PM.

  20. #410
    kamen leonhart
    Name: kamen leonhart
    Age :17
    Weopon:can use any thing but prefers his hunting knives and a broad sword with a 3 foot handle
    Origin:kamen is squalls little known younger brother who was bitten by a werewolf and disowned, hes jelous of squall and wants a shot at glory
    Apearence:he is 5'11'' tall he looks like squall buthas no scar on face has peirced ears and wears fingerless gloves
    Magic:none but is imune to magic
    armor: none seED uniform
    Sidenote: only uses werewolf form as a last resort
    Last edited by kamen leonhart; 04-28-2006 at 10:08 AM.

  21. #411
    Character Statistics. fosterkid's Avatar
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    NAME: David Foster

    PHYSICAL DISCRIPTION: David is tall muscular but kindof skinny.he has blue eyes.has a tatoo on his back of the metallica ninja star and on his arm the mudvayne triangle.

    PERSONALITY: keeps to himself because everyone who has ever got close to him has been killed, but he isnt shy.

    HAIR: spiky black hair the tips are always red.

    AGE: 19

    RACE: Human

    OCUPATION: A solder

    From: the slums of midgar

    HIGHT: 6'1"

    WEIGHT: 169 lbs.

    WEAPON(S): David has a gun blade that is jet black with red flames coming up from the tip, and a sword that looks like the gun blade but at the hand it has in red, a skull with wings for they have fire magic in them

    ELEMENTAL CLASS[ES]: Fire, dark,light

    ATTIRE: wears a black coat, a white avenged sevenfold tank top underneith the coat, baggy blue jeans, sometimes he wears combat boots with flames on the toes,and sometimes a pair of sneakers[it depends how he feels]his coat has a red skull on the back and he usually always takes off the coat to fight.when out side always wears sunglasses.has black fingernails.

    SPECIAL ACCESORIES: a necklace that has his dead girl friends class ring on it. it give hime a extra boost of confidence and stregnth and extra power when doing a limit break.

    BIO: found at the age of 7 on the steps of a school with a metallica cd in his hands.he grew up in the in the school but kept running away just to try and find his mom and dad,but always kept getting ambushed by evil summons and had to be rescude but at the age of 10 he kept getting stronger and stronger because of the wendigos.he pretty mush stayed to himself untill he was 16 then he was forced to join a party and go out and fight monsters on a mission. the whole party was destroyed and david was knocked into a coma.he woke up 2 years later 3 hours before they were gonna pull the plug on him.he still looks for his mom and dad,when he can but he also looks for the monster that put him into the coma.

    LIMIT BREAKS: Beat Down: he takes his sword and just starts beating the hell out of the opponent by knocking him in the air and back down then thats when he starts hitting.
    OMEGA BLAST:takes gunblade and sword and throws both into the air then throws the opponent in the air then he jumps and grabs the sword and gunblade and starts slicing and slicing then with the sword he swings it upward and that sends the oppnent higher then he takes the gunblade and while falling shoots the living hell out of em then while they still in the air he casts Omega[which is like ultima but its holy and fire and dark magic]. then when the hit the ground he walks up and stabs them with his sword and gunblade.
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 04-26-2006 at 09:47 PM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

  22. #412
    Character Statistics. SoulDream's Avatar
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    May 2005
    Name: Unknown
    Alias: Shadow
    Race: Human
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'10''
    Weight: 155 lbs
    Hair: Black/Spiked
    Eyes: Red
    Place of Residence: Unknown
    Class: Ninja

    Main Weapon:
    Double Bladed Sword: A Long Double Bladed Sword Which if opened in the middle can become 2 swords.

    Secondary Weapons:
    -Ninja Ring:This full tang blade is constructed of one-piece, tempered 420 stainless steel with a coated non-glare, black finish, and the grips are traditionally hand-wrapped and tied with black nylon cord.Acts as a boomerang and very useful in Long Range Fighting.
    -Shiruken:A throwing Star(mainly a ninja star in other words),4 sided blades with 3 holes in the middle.

    A Long Black Kimono With Red Dragons Over it.

    -Kinesis: can move most objects using the power of his mind.
    -Teleport: Can Instantly transport himself from one place to another at an incredible speed.
    -Shadow Mirage: Can make 2 perfect shadows of himself.
    -Fake Shadow:A Technique handed down by his father before his death.Allows the user to make a copy of himself.If This is killed it turns into a*.....* as it is only a copy and not the actual person.

    Final Attack:
    -Soul Of Judgement: U Will Know When U Will See...

    (i'll modify him when i have the time...let's just say my mind isn't really on this right now...)
    Last edited by SoulDream; 05-02-2006 at 01:54 AM.

  23. #413
    Character Statistics. Bonezero's Avatar
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    The spanish word for mountain.
    One of my more powerful charcters.

    Name: Oblivion
    Race: ???
    height: 6'10
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: White

    Oblivion has no need for any kind of hand weapon except for his gauntlets, which can give him almost unmatched upper-body strength. His Kai attacks are also something that is to be feared.

    His attacks are very numerous, and almost always provide him with a way out.

    Energy shot: fires an energy blast straight at Oblivions opponent. This is one of Oblivion's most common attacks.

    Energy charge: Restores Oblivion's Kai.


    Earthbreaker: Oblivion punches the ground and unleashes energy blasts from underneath his opponent.

    Element Apparition: (NOT A SUMMON) Oblivion puts an element into the air and a dragon apparition appears and unleashes the attack.

    Sheild: Oblivion forms a shield like barrier around himself which prevents any attack from getting through.

    Trinity's Strike: Oblivion reaps power from a long forgotton dragon. He then unleashes an enourmous energy attack towards an opponent.

    Hyper speed: Oblivion starts glowing, and all at once he can either dodge an attack, or send breakneck energy speed attacks towards his opponent.

    Nightmare Nexus: Oblivion puts both hands into the air and covers the area in darkness, making it impossible to see. Then a persons worst nightmare comes to life, inflicting massive amounts of damage.

    Flash Strike: Oblivion combines Kai and physical attack attacks with Hyper speed, which is an incredibly fast attack. If it hits the opponent may only feel one hit at first then it turns to thousands of hits.


    Dark Feel: Oblivion mereley touches his opponent, leaving behind a fatal energy poison, which eventually kills a victim unless they can find a pure holy fountain.

    Oblivion bomb: Oblivion puts his hands into the air forming a bomb, and sends it into space, where it becomes the size of an asteroid. When this attack is unleashed, it has the potential to destroy a planet. It also kills an opponet quickly, exploding when it hits them.

    Bio: Oblivion was born on a planet, which was destroyed by a warrior 1000 years ago. Upon the calamity of the planets destruction, one of Oblivions own managed to get a signal out to him, so that he may complete his transformation. He did, unleashing a wrath kept secret for thousands of years.

    However, during the battle for the universe, Oblivion was killed. Oblivion could not die however, because of the Death Jewels power, which could give a life back to a person, in this case, Oblivion.

    The being they were facing, Chaotica, a very powerful being whos power could not be matched unless one trained for 1000 years. When Oblivion was revived, he sought revenge, along with more power.

    "I hope you all are ready to die. When your finished, the whole universe is finished." Chaotica simply stared, there was no time for hesitation, they all knew that.

    "Hm, fine then." Carbine said as he transformed. His hair was a deep blue. Oblivion only wanted to kill Chaotica, so he could have his power. Oblivion was always power obsessed. "Your both dead, know that? I won't show any mercy."

    With that said, Chaotica went in for an attack but missed, Oblivion hit him, but it did little to no effect. He wished the Life Jewel could be used on Chaotica. Carbine got in some great hits, followed by consecutive energy attacks. Oblivion managed to damage Chaotica as well, by using his Dark feel on him. That will take a while...' Chaotica couldn't die by Oblivions touch. It wasn't possible.

    After a few hours, all three warriors were tired, but they wouldn't give up. More attacks ensued, causing more damage. After an attack by Chaotica, the warriors were down and out. "Didn't I tell you both that you were going to die? Now, rest in the vastness of the same black hole that I was sealed in thousands of years ago!" Chaotica then put one hand into the air, forming an energy ball, full of black hole energy. He flew into space, ready to throw it at the planet, consuming it with darkness. Oblivion and Carbine recovered enoughb to see the energy ball Chaotica had formed. "That's the Black Hole bomb! We have to stop it!" Carbine said.

    "NOW, DIE!" Chaotica had unleashed the energy bomb. The swirling mass of darkness loom over the planet, ready to destroy it. "Now!" Oblivion said, Shooting it with an energy stream. Carbine joined in unison. Chaotica could not believe it, the attack was being repelled back. "WHAT?! NOOO!" The attack hit him and erased him from existance. Unfortunatley, the energy attack Chaotica left them couldn't be avoided, as it hit the planet, destroying it, killing both Carbine and Oblivion. Both would come back to life, wandering the earth for the Black Jewel, the source of evil on Earth.

  24. #414
    Character Statistics. fosterkid's Avatar
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    ok i have a question
    what exactly do we do here?
    besides make characters?

  25. #415
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Umm... make characters. This is a character thread. It's for characters only.

  26. #416
    Character Statistics. fosterkid's Avatar
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    so thats alll you dont do any thing with the characters?

  27. #417
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    You battle with them. Read the rules for this forum, and then read some of the threads in this forum. Everything will be explained if you pay attention.

  28. #418
    Character Statistics. cloud13's Avatar
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    Somewhere painless...
    Heh i'm just gonna throw one out there that i'll probably use for ToA, if thats cool...

    Name: Rinn

    Eyes: Blue

    Hair: Light grey with dark blue highlights, spiked and in a bandana.

    Height: 5'7

    Weight: 123

    Age: ???

    Style: Ninjitsu. He uses tricky attacks in battle and he is a very skilled ninja, he has mastered the ability to use his surroundings to conseal his presense. He doesn't talk very much, but he fights enduringly.

    Look: Dark blue face cover over his mouth and neck, a Black bandana, and loose ninja suit( ya know the suit that is only one piece and is baggy only on the body and has bandage looking clothing around his lower legs and arms) And a cloth belt around his waist.

    Weapons: Shuriken, Ninja stars, and throwing knives

    Background: He trained in a martial arts dojo but formed his training into a type of ninjitsu. He never new his parents because they were murdered in a "accidental" house fire. He grew up as a almost normal kid, but he trained for most of his life up until he thought he was good enough to stop training.

    Edited for ToA standards.
    Last edited by cloud13; 05-15-2006 at 06:35 PM.

  29. #419
    kamen leonhart
    hey guys new character

    Name: Mihawke kenthsar
    Height:5feet 9 inches
    Weight:189/ all muscle
    Weapon:broadsword with a 3foot handle and 20 hunting and tracking knives and werewolf like claws
    Appearance:always wears dark grey pants with a tight black shirt and badolires that hol 1/2 of his knives and his sword therest of his knives are straped to his legs in a manner as to not hinder his movement. he wears black tabi boots aka ninja shoes
    he has short brown hair and slanted but not quite asian shaped brown eyes
    he has a brown well groomed goatee and if you see him you cant help but think he's handsom.
    Hometown/Country:secret basement lab in balamb
    Limit Break:trackers fury/ mihawke systematicly stabs all 20 knives in you piercing every ogan but the brain slashes you with his claws and then decapitates you with his sword
    Occupation:high ranking seed acts as chief tracker/ assasin for balambs seed program and teaches the wilderness survival course at balamb garden
    Bio:mihawke was raised the son of a briliantly insane scientist. he never took to science how ever he took to the out doors instead and soon in listed to become a his childhood his father preformed expierements on him with wolf DNA he now posseses hightend sences/ grat speed and agility and razor sharp claws instead of fingernails he is well aware that he is going to battle in the biggest challenge of his life

  30. #420
    Character Statistics. Zephyr's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    New Zealand
    Name: Dargarth
    Age: Unknown (Looks 24ish)
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 150
    Eyes: Gray
    Hair: Dark Brown
    Star Sign: Taurus
    Blood Type: B+

    Breif Bio:
    Dargarth is very evasive when it comes to his past, and not many details are known at this time.

    Mystic Glaive
    This polearm's blade appears slightly translucent, and emits a soft blue glow. The haft bears a symbol meaning "To Strike True". This weapon is partially incorporeal, meaning it can be used to strike at spirits and the like, which normal weapons would normally not affect.

    Stream Reaver
    This jet-black katana is inlaid with a silver design depicting some form of river or stream. It is said to effect the flow of time, but it has yet to be used.

    Kokoro & Karada
    Two Wakizashi, one of a deep blue steel, the other a dark red. When used together, they allow the weilder to channel magic more effectivly, but are just normal daggers when used in combat.

    A relic from a future era, Soul is a .50AE calibre handgun. It resembles the Desert Eagle in so far as it's a gun. Soul is constructed of an unknown alloy that glows a vivid purple when exposed to magical energies. It draws this power into itself, and uses it as ammunition. The "bullets" fired by Soul in this way are anathema to the being from whence the magic originated. Otherwise, it functions as a standard handgun.

    Special Abilities
    Materialise Weapon
    None of Dargarth's weapons are actually stored anywhere on his person, unless he happens to be weilding it at the time. Instead, they are stored in a handy pocket dimension until such a time when they are needed. Dargarth can call them from this dimension at any time inter-dimensional travel is allowed.

    A remnant of days forgotten, Dargarth can sometimes glean information about the future, usually no more than 6 seconds or so ahead, that would allow him to dodge, block or otherwise negate an attack. Of course, some things just can't be stopped...

    Special Attacks
    Using Soul - Dargarth can fire two bullets simultaneously, and both needn't hit the same target

    Focused Magic
    Using Mind & Body - Dargarth's magic becomes twice as powerful as normal. This ability activates the moment he is weilding both Mind and Body.

    [I]Spirit Walk[I]
    Using the Mystic Glaive - Dargarth becomes incorporeal for a short while (Usually for one post after the one in which the ability is activated), rendering him immune to damage from normal weapons. (I.E non-magical) He can also move through solid objects.

    Using Stream Reaver - Dargarth cannot remember how to use this ability, or even what it does. He does know it does SOMETHING.

    Dargarth primarialy focuses on magic that can cause the most destrction in the smallest possible time, such as Fireballs and bolts of lightning. He does however know some more defensive spells. He see's magic as an artform, something that comes from within, and as such, he doesn't follow any strict rules about spell-casting. He draws mainly from the elements of Fire, Electricity, Air, Ice and Shadow. He prefers not to cast earth-related spells, citing personal reasons.


    1 - Soul Shot
    Dargarth channels a large amount of magical energy into Soul, and fires either a huge single bullet, or many, many smaller ones.
    2 - Calling Down Fire
    A hail of small fireballs streams from the heavens
    3 - Calling up the Shoggoth
    Dargarth summons a Shoggoth
    4 - Crawling Chaos
    Dargarth unleashes a blast of pure magical energy that begins to corrupt the very fabric of space/time.
    5 - Breaking of the Seal
    If he suffers enough trauma to get this far, he breaks the seal on his memories, and remembers everything about his past. Not a 'limit' as such.
    Last edited by Zephyr; 05-23-2006 at 06:11 PM.

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