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Thread: Web Community Help Thread

  1. #61
    Nope, found it. Its not sevenet though Thanks though ^^

  2. #62
    Web Community Help Thread Auron's Avatar
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    Feb 2002
    Finally Auron has come back to TFF!
    HEY IS THIS the thread where you post your banner to place it on your sig? this is my first time in posting a banner here so hope you don't mind... it's pretty bad actually... but it's my just my first work... I'll make it better sometme in the future i promise...

    [Edited By Secret Azn Man: As KOS-MOS said, TFF is not your host. Please find another host. A list of suggestions are locatated at the Your Digital Needs topic by the awesome Arus Kim.]
    Last edited by Secret Azn Man; 06-11-2003 at 01:29 PM.
    <img src=>

  3. #63
    Actually, no, this isnt the thread to post your banner for your sig. Hell, youre not supposed to even host it on TFF at all, since it sucks up the site's bandwidth. This is actually the Web Community help thread, which is supposed to be for QUESTIONS about Web/Computer things. The thing your probably thinking of Rate the Banner Thread, but you didnt even ask to rate it.

  4. #64
    Absent Web Community Help Thread Indigo's Avatar
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    Jul 2001

    Searching for a script...

    I've got a quick question for all the web-designers out there - Tiff, SAM, whoever.

    I was in the process of creating my newest site - I'll post the background at the bottom so you can get a better idea of it. What I want to do is create one of those transparent scroll boxes with the customized scrollbars, etc.

    The perfect example of what I'm trying to do is available at Of course, I'm trying to apply different colors to it. Unfortunately, I haven't had success looking around on the web, and when I look on sources to see how it was done, I can't seem to decipher it correctly. I'm looking to place it under the "Serenity" label, land over the slightly faded Yuna image on the left. Any help is very much appreciated!

  5. #65
    I think Tiff is currently creating layouts similar to what you want. I'll tell her to look at your post.

    I'm too busy watching Lupin III.

  6. #66
    Lmao, I just noticed a correlation between SAM, Kaychanne and me ... XD


    The scrollbars is really just CSS. You can easily find a site that will help you with that, so I won't do that with you since it's a pain explaining it.

    The box, I'm supposing youre going to use Iframes, right?

    First thing I usually do is draw the box out, even faintly, so I know the restrictions and placement of what I'm going to make. This involved DIV and IFRAME coding, not too hard if you ask me.

    Apparantly, youre trying to have the layout image in the middle of the page, right? Well, it's not quite good of an idea to have a ton of white around the image like you're doing there. It'd be a better idea to cut just the layout out, and make everything else into frames, so it's centered. There is a way just to have everything in the middle, but I honestly dont ever have the layouts in the middle so I don't use it.

    Frames are ... annoying to explain. Look that one up too XD Though, here's a tip. Just have every other frame have a source of something like filler.html so you dont have to code too many pages. Besides, its not like youre going to use anything in those places. And make sure that you dont have a frameborder. Frame borders = bad.

    An example for the frames is at .

    Also, if you have links on your image that will lead to anywhere else, then slice it up in Photoshop with the slice tool, and go to Save for Web.... That'll save it into an HTML file and sliced up images in an /images folder, with the tables and all ready for you. When you want to find the image that you want to link to somewhere, just open up the HTML document, find the image URL for the image you want, and then EDIT the HTML document, with the <a href=> <img src=images/whateverimage.jpg BORDER=0> </a>. MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE BORDER=0 OR ELSE EVERYTHING WILL GO AWRY.

    Anyway, the next stuff about the div positioning and the iframes is based off of my website ( ). This is based on the idea that you have the frames all set and ready (three rows, second row with three frames- the layout in the middle frame).

    <div style="position:absolute;left:370;top:156;">
    This code is for the div style. The underlined stuff you can change- this is measured in pixels. What you pretty much do is open up that HTML document, take a screenshot of it, and from the point where the ACTUAL WEBSITE starts (right below the address/whatever bar and on the left); SEE ATTATCHED IMAGE. Highlight the area from THAT POINT to the beginning of your box. Copy it, and go halfway through creating a new document- just so you can see the width and height. In left, plug in the WIDTH pixels and in the top, plug in the HEIGHT pixels. That should do it for that.

    If you are simply making it a divbox, meaning without iframes like I have ( ), then simply add into the code width:x;height:y right after the top:156; in the above code (before the quotations, also). The measurements are selfexplanitory, and also measured in pixels.

    The following is if you are using IFRAMES. This is also taken from my website source ( ).

    <iframe name="_iframe" width="361"height="211" src="main.html" frameborder="0"></iframe>

    Iframe name is just the name of the iframe. So that for any links that I wanted to open up in that iframe, I'd just include target=_iframe in the A html. Width and height are selfexplanitory, pretty much the x and y in my explanation of dix boxes. SRC refers to the page that will automatically be opened up in it. In this case, it is main.htm. It could be any other page, but because main.html is the opening page, that's what it is. Frameborder obviously means ... no frame border. :P You dont need to add anything between <iframe> and </iframe>

    Well, I think that sums it all up. O_o If I was confusing in any part of this, or if you need help in it, just feel free to IM me or post here again, I'd <3 to help out.

  7. #67
    Absent Web Community Help Thread Indigo's Avatar
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    Ai, Iluvatar, Tiff! You've helped enormously! Hannon le, nin mellon.

    Update: I have the image itself sliced in all the right places - I tested it. I have the div box/iframe in just the right place, and it works perfectly. I have the frames (I actually already had those in place). Now, there's just a few more pieces to my puzzle.

    A: How can I make the background of the div box match up to my background? Right now, there's just an unattractive white box there. How can I change that?
    B: Am I supposed to make my sliced image my background? It's saved as an Html file, but that won't work for a background. So how do I get the sliced portions to work as a background too?

    Thanks so much for all your help, it's proved to be immensly useful!

  8. #68
    I lied. Okay. Lets see.

    Get the URL of the image for the background box, and copy it. You shouldve had it as a single slice. Set it as the background for all the pages that will go in the iframe (static).

    Uh .. I think that answers your question up there. Anything else, ask me and Ill answer it tomorow.

  9. #69
    Web Community Help Thread Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    I was so happy when I saw how good some slash pages looked and I looked at a few. I found this effect on Cammy's site. It is on Yuna where it says enter. How do you do that? I have no idea i even looked around for it...

  10. #70
    Er... it's the Javascript Link effect. I just read through the pages code, and she got it from "" in an archive.

    Here's the page where she (I'm guessing) got it from; . Enjoy.

    Oh, and here's a question... If you have a link you don't want in your right click menu on your IE, how do you get rid of it? (By the way, right clicking on it doesn't work!)
    Last edited by Messy; 06-24-2003 at 05:42 AM.

  11. #71
    Registered User Web Community Help Thread streaml1ned's Avatar
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    Ok, every time I log on to the TFF forums, it never automatically logs me in. Like when I try to change my profile or options, it keeps askin me for my user and pass and its really startin to piss me off. Once in a while, it wont do this but I know it has something to do with cookies. I should have everything in order on the "Internet Props." I tried using Netscape but it does the same thing and it really sucks. If you can help me out, I would really appreciate it!

    EDIT: nevermind, I got it. The problem was that the website was .com and not org. Weird. Oh well...
    Last edited by streaml1ned; 04-11-2005 at 06:19 PM.

  12. #72
    I know this probably isn't that important, but I just wanted to say thanx for posting this. It helped me a lot. I was having trouble with my sig coming up. It works now so thanx a bunch.

    Edit: Btw you said something about Adobe, is it adobe photo deluxe you were talking about? I use Paintshop, but I have adobe.
    Last edited by LadySubaru; 08-04-2003 at 11:11 AM.

  13. #73
    Hey, no problem. I'm glad it helped The Adobe I'm talking about is Adobe Photoshop ^_^

    By the way, to anyone who's viewing this ... I'll be deleting posts from this thread and adding more stuff to the first post- and revamping the layout of it. ^^

  14. #74
    Web Community Help Thread Mugetsu's Avatar
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    This is a question about my computer rather than photoshop, please help.

    I cant click on any links, none work, be it in here or on msn or whatever, they dont work. I cant even watch my movies or eps since my right click options dont work either, it just does nothing. WTF???

    Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  15. #75
    SAM's the computer expert, but are you sure your computer isn't/wasn't frozen? Did you try restarting it and seeing if the problem's still there?

  16. #76
    Web Community Help Thread Mugetsu's Avatar
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    Feb 2002
    Yeah, I checked that.

    It seems fine just now but im always afraid incase it occurs, this is a new computer you see and I cant afford to replace it at this moment in time.

    Anyways, if you have any ideas as to why it malfunctioned then I would be super happy, thanks.

  17. #77
    Ahh... I'm so new to this html and banner making stuff. I just tried to make this one simple sword and it seemed fine but I can't get it in my sig...

    If anyone would know the "html" code for this, please post here.

    THe pic's here

    Thanks in advance!

  18. #78
    Nevermind, I got it. Sorry for the useless post.

    Wait, I got another question: is Adobe Photoshop worth the 600 bucks that it costs? I got this weird PhotoSuite but it seems ok, although a little simple. So, I was wondering....

  19. #79
    Web Community Help Thread Osirus Lancet's Avatar
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    the graves of the ones i slaughter
    hey i think this belongs here so i will ask it, what is a graphic mural i have seen people have it in many places where people make a mural but i dont see how it is added on by the second person i dont get it ok thanks
    when death occurs the mark of osirus is found
    the top banner is my banner of the moment
    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    proud owner of kingdom hearts club

  20. #80
    Banned Web Community Help Thread Hecate's Avatar
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    With my son, living a life.
    Hey...I have a question...

    I'm really good at making Dolls....and I was wondering if I could make a doll making thread for anyone who might want one. I can do FF least Paine and Aeris....I'll be working on well as custom characters. If you want samples I'll show you some. I don't have a doll maker's all done pixil by pixil for best origional quality.

    EDIT: My hosting site won't let me host them on your server, so I gotta get a new hosting site, but I won't load them into an attachment. I already had two requests....and you can IM me on MSN if you wanna see some of my works....since it won't work on TFF. You're taking over 2 weeks to reply so I shall PM all three of you mods and wait again....Dawezy already said that he doesn't mind this idea at all...and it's in this section 'cause it's the banner making threads.
    Last edited by Hecate; 02-16-2004 at 09:10 PM.

  21. #81

  22. #82
    I have a problem. When I try to view>source of a website, it won't let me. It works when I view the source when its not on the internet (its stored locally on my comp) but it won't let me on the interent. anyone know why?

  23. #83
    Pretty sure they're using some source blocker, which would only be using a database, and generally only active when actually on the page, when connected to the internet. Which is also why it would work offline.

    I hate it when people do that...

  24. #84
    No, it still happens with pages i know don't have a source blocker (i.e. friends websites, my website!). Yea, I dunno, it's weird. I was hoping SAM would be able to help though ...

  25. #85
    Hmm... Sorry, I have no idea then >.<

  26. #86
    Banned Web Community Help Thread Hecate's Avatar
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    With my son, living a life.
    I had to PM SAM after waiting for 16 days for them to answer my thing. It's a possibility they do have it blocked so no one can steal the lay-out of the forums as well as colors and such. It would be stealing.

  27. #87
    Oh my, it's started doing the same to me. Even on my own site, which I am sure has no script blocking (lol).

    Any ideas? I've looked around and found next to nothing. Still looking though... Running out of ideas.

  28. #88
    Yay! Not long after that last post, I found the cause.

    If you look on your desktop, k^2, is there a link to NotePad? Or a folder / app. called NotePad? If there is, delete it, and reboot.

    First, though, look at "Tools > Internet Options > Programs > HTML Editor" What's selected? NotePad? It <b>must</b> be. Select it, if it isn't already, then follow the instructions in the paragraph above.

    Happy source stealing .

  29. #89
    Okita Soushi
    Don't know if this is asked before, but how do I put those fancy text styles and shapes into my custom banner? I'm using Adobe Photoshop and I don't know if I have Paintshop Pro.

  30. #90
    Elaborate more if you could. The "fancy text styles" are based mostly on pretty text and in Messy's case, a layer option - Overlay I think. Havent really used Photoshop in ages so I'm rusty. Shapes can be made through pen tool and/or making shapes and distorting them with Free Transform or Filters. If youre talking about what's in k²'s banner, that's with 3DSM. Or you could try to make it by randomly freetransforming and layer optioning shapes.

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