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  1. #1

    Web Community Help Thread

    If you need help with any banner making, avatar making, website making, or anything related to Graphics or the Web at all, here is the place to ask. The thread is made so that Web Community will not be clogged with threads that ask the same question.

    A few questions, as well, have been repetatively asked. Here are answers to the most commonly asked ones:

    Key }} [G] - Graphics ... [T] - TFF ... [W] -Website

    [T] How do I put images in my sig? The [img] code won't work!

    Use <img src="urlofimage">. First, upload the image you want to use somewhere (look in this thread for resources). When you have it uploaded onto a server (the image url ALWAYS begins with http:// and will usually end in .jpg or .gif). Copy the URL in the bar up top, and paste it into the code, then put it in your sig.

    [G] How do I make banners/avatars?

    You need a graphic making program, like Adobe Photoshop or JASC's Paintshop Pro. Paint isnt a good program as it's very basic and ruins image quality. As far as the actual graphic making, you'll need tutorials and etc to learn techniques. However, the BEST technique to use is PRACTICE. That I cannot emphasize enough ^^;

    [G] How do you change something from .BMP (etc) format to .JPG or .GIF?

    Go to your image editting program and open your file, then go to SAVE AS ... and select "JPG" or "GIF" from the dropdown menu. Or ask someone else to do it.

    [G] How do you make a file size (KB) smaller?

    For Photoshoppers, the key is to SAVE AS Quality 8. Or 10. Anything less than 12 and higher than 8 that keeps the quality generally the same. If you dont have Photoshop, ask someone who has the same program as you, or ask a PS user to do it for you. XD

    [W] How do I make things bold, italicized, and underlined in HTML?


    The </x> closes the coding, so that nothing after that as affected and returned to default text. You can also put make combos. For example, if I wanted "my name" bolded with "name" italicized, it would be

    <b>my <i>name</i></b>

    [W]How do I get images in my sig?

    <img src="http://url_of_image.jpg">

    The url MUST begin with http://. You should host it on your own server. Meaning, not on TFF. :p Refer to this thread, which was conveniently started for you by Arus :P If the image URL starts with C:\, D:\, etc, then the image WILL NOT SHOW for all us other users.

    [W]How do I get a border on my image without editting the image?

    <img src="http://url_of_image.jpg" border=#>

    Replace the # with any number value. I'll usually have 0 since I dont like my linking images to have borders around them. Most people will tend to use 1, otherwise.

    [W]How do I make text move across the page?

    <marquee>moving text</marquee>

    The text will move from left to right, if I remember correctly. Adding alternate into the code, like so:

    <marquee behavior=alternate>moving text</marquee>

    Will make it bounce back and forth between the table edges.

    <marquee direction="up" style="width: # here px;height: # here px;">Text</marquee>

    This will make it go up. Change "up" to "down", if you want it to go down. Keep "px" there, and only change the # for width and height values. This is measured in pixels.

    [W]How do I make my text glow?

    [The text in italics are the things you should change]

    <table style=filter:GLOW(color=your color here strength=put a number here>Put your text in here</table>

    [W]How do you make an image into a link?

    <a href=""><img src="http://urlofimage.jpg"></a>

    [W]How do I make the link pop up in a new window?

    <a href="" target=_blank>Your text here.</a>

    [W]How do I make text become mirrored / flipped?

    <table style="filter:flipH">this flips text horizontally</table>
    <table style="filter:flipV">this flips text vertically</table>

    {Extra Comment: You can only use HTML in your sig, unless the forum defines otherwise (which is unlikely). If you want to bold text or whatever, then use vB code. Other HTML, however, can be learned at some place like HTML Goodies :) If there are any other questions, feel free to ask me.}

    [T] What is Gil?

    Gil is basically earned by posting (five gil per post), doing a graphic job (self assigned; if a person asks for a banner/avatar and puts up a price), or 'services' (bodyguarding, etc). Its basically another fun factor. You can buy special effects and different things for your username in the "TFF Shop".

    [T] How can I request a banner?

    There will be threads for banner makers, usually with a BMT attatched somewhere on the thread (Banner Maker Thread). You can try there, or you can go to the Banner Requests thread. :) If you are looking for an Avatar, you can also go to a BMT thread, or you can go to the Avatar Requests thread.

    [T] Can I post up my layouts on my website asking for comments / whatever?

    Yeah, sure, as long as its for the layout and not to get hits to the website :) Otherwise it would be considered advertisement. But there's no problem with posting up a layout for review.

    [T] What is the max # of PMs I can have in my PM box?

    20, unless it has changed.

    Any questions can be sent to me if you dont want to post it here. Otherwise, ask away! :D

    REMEMBER: Check this thread over to see if your question is answered BEFORE asking!
    Last edited by Tifa; 08-07-2003 at 08:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Kyosuke Kagami
    I'd like to know how to display random images. I make Pixel Cards and I wanna have it randomly generate them when someone loads the page...

    Hope someone understands, I'm not so sure how to word it, exactly.

  3. #3
    sorry if this has been posted before, how do i center my banner and text?

    as you can see it's all the way over to the left...

  4. #4
    Which webserver? And Ive never worked with that program.. so sorry, cant help you on that -.-0

    jdm89, use the code <center>what you want centered</center>

  5. #5
    ok, well, i have another question. how do you change the color of the text in your sig?

    also, i did the glowing text code, but no matter what color i type in, it's always red, any ideas?

  6. #6
    Originally posted by M
    are you talking about this?

    <a href="URL">The Word</a>
    edit- darnit, someone beat me to it.
    Isn't that exactly what i posted at the top of the page.

    Also to change your text colour i think it will be

    <font color="color">text you want to be that colour</font>

  7. #7
    what are the different shades of green taht i can type in the font color code? i know you can type in green, but that color is too bright. i tried typing in dark green but it didn't work. what can i type in?

  8. #8
    You can use custom color codes. Instead of typing "color," you type "#6letters/numbers" like "#FFFFFF" (which is white). I found this site,, that has some codes for colors, but if you search on your own, you might find better sites. I like to make the colors in Paint Shop Pro, and then use the code it gives me.

  9. #9
    Vaogun Dar Neo
    Can somebody help me with my problems? Some of them are in my sig bleow, as you can see, and slso, how come it won't let me attach files? I went to google and found a good pic at fusions.shtml. I tried attaching it but it doesn't work. Help!

    EDIT: In my sig, it automatically turns it into a hyperlink. How do you turn it into an img? I tried using the img code already.

  10. #10
    What are you talking about, it didnt work? If you used the [img] code, its more or less not going to work.. cause it doesnt. You have to use the HTML code, which is shown at the beginning of the thread.

    <img src="imageurlhere">

    Where the bolded is replaced with the HTML. If you did that, and it still wasnt working, show me the exact code youused.

  11. #11

    JavaScript Question

    Does anyone know the webscript so I can make a page fade? I've looked everywhere, in search engines and various websites, but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

    I think this script is in "<meta ..." form. Help me out please!

  12. #12
    Kenkaku: I thought I posted already, but whatever. I couldve said it to you an IM ;shrug: Youll usually get them at font sites, or some may have a few in their comps already. The ones I use are VTMEIOrnaments, Kata, Hiragana Tryout, Hanzi-Kaishu and BMUGAsianFont. I dont have that many though, anyways. Some things I get from other images or something like that.

    Arus: Sorry, no clue. Im not too fond of that code, though (I think it takes more time to load for people with lower connections, too).

    Sweet: It should work. Youre probably doing something wrong; show me the code youre trying to use.

    Vaogun: Nope. That URL isnt even correct anyways. You need the URL of an image. Or else it wont work. The codes should be in the first post, look there. And to minimize it, you have to either decrease the quality, crop it or shrink it. Paint sucks at shrinking though (well, actually everything).

    By the way, Jin, GIF usually decreases quality, though its still pretty high. Its usually less than JPG though, unless you decide to have it animated. JPG is smaller in KB than BMP though. BMP is usually huge, from what I remember (though things can be posted in that format)

  13. #13
    Yeh i thought so, but i wasn't too sure because i don't really use .gif files, i tend to stick to .jpg's....but thanks for clearing that up for me

    Also i think Vaogun was just using that url as an example...dunno why he didn't just use the url of the picture he wanted to use though

    As for the fading pages thing try going to they have loadsa javascript on them for you to simply copy and paste.....i think they have some tutorials aswell but don't hold me to that

  14. #14

    Re: JavaScript Question

    Originally posted by Arus Kim
    Does anyone know the webscript so I can make a page fade? I've looked everywhere, in search engines and various websites, but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

    I think this script is in "<meta ..." form. Help me out please!
    You mean Page Transitions? It only works on IE 5 and 6 for windows and it is not standard wc3 compliant. But if you wish, knock yourself out.

  15. #15
    No no no, what I meant is the code that youre trying to input into your sig that isnt working.

  16. #16

    Re: Re: JavaScript Question

    That's the idea SAM, thanks. ^o^

    Originally posted by Secret Azn Man

    You mean Page Transitions? It only works on IE 5 and 6 for windows and it is not standard wc3 compliant. But if you wish, knock yourself out.

  17. #17
    Vaogun Dar Neo
    How come there's a little red cross in my box where my picture should go?

  18. #18
    does ne1 know how to make those little quizz thingys...ya know what i am mean how to make little quizzes that they use for the anime stuff to find out who ya r....

  19. #19
    Ok. These are questions relating to web pages.

    1.) How do you link to a different part of the same page? i.e. If I had a page listing computer games from A to Z, and it was all on 1 page, what is thecode that lets u jump to any letter u want?

    2.) How do u get guestbooks and polls to work? I have made both, but people can't reply to them. I think it's because I don't have the stuff about cgi-bin?? I think you need to put that in somewhere, but I don'tknow the code and I don't really understand it.

    A question about TFF.

    AT the top of my sig there is a little picture of a woman. However, this image is a gif, but wont work on tff. Is there any reason for this?

  20. #20
    GR: I think you forgot the </A> on the end.

    Answers relating to webpages for Blitzie:

    1) make use of the Name tag:
    This will be the link:
    <a href="#type anything but without spaces">this will show on your page as a link</a>

    This will be where you're going to when you click on the link, place this code where ever you want on the same page:
    <a name="type the same thing as above, but without the #">Type a titel or something else, a pic could be nice too</a>

    Example 1:
    <a href="#chrono">Go here for info about Chrono Trigger</a>

    <a name="chrono">Chrono Trigger</a>
    It's about blablabla...

    Example 2:
    <a name="list">Games:</a>
    <a href="#list">back to list</a>

    2)I don't know much bout creating guestbooks and polls yourself (if that's what you meant), tried it once. But getting it from free services is a lot easier, I use this for polls and this for a guestbook.
    Last edited by rinoa_chen; 01-23-2003 at 03:20 PM.

  21. #21
    Ok, I doubt any of you know this, but can anyone tell me the OnMouseOver scripting? PLEASE? Oh and please highlight the variables (names, img src's etc...).

    One more, can anyone tell me how to get transparent iFrames?


  22. #22
    Silent Sorrow: The OnMouseOver scripting that I know is this:

    <a href="Your Link Here" onmouseout="self.status='';" onmouseover="window.status='Text here that you want to appear in the status bar instead of the link address';return true">Your Link Here</a>

    I hope that was what you were looking for. And for the transparent Iframes. What do you mean by that?

  23. #23
    Oh~! IFrames! I think I know those...

    But actually, you don't 'get' them, they're actually in a code, lol.^^0

    You basically put this:


    into the iframe tag, or into DIV style, or table style. Though I prefer using DIV styles, since it's much more easier.


    <div style="position: absolute {whichever position you choose, but I prefer absolute better.} ; top: top number { whatever you choose }px; left: left number{ whatever you choose }px; width: width number{ whatever you choose }px; height: height number{ whatever you choose }px; filter: alpha(opacity=opacity number{custom opacity}); background: transparent;"><img src="img url"></div>

    {}'s dont put into the code. And for the 'px''s are named as pixels, but you don't have to put them in there, unless you prefer them to.^^;

    Hope that help ya. ^_^
    Last edited by MOMO; 02-14-2003 at 12:31 PM.
    <center><img src="" border="0"><br><b>ASTROSEXY</b></center>

  24. #24
    Thanks Jeri, I use DIV too... Is SPAN any good? I've been told that it is, but it seems very pointless XD.

  25. #25
    I'm not really quite fond in SPAN, but it can be quite useful in some styles. I think it's similar to DIV styles though, correct me if I'm wrong. But seeing how I've already gave you the DIV style for the transparent IFrames, there's really no use for SPAN anymore, lol. =P
    <center><img src="" border="0"><br><b>ASTROSEXY</b></center>

  26. #26
    Ah... Does anyone know any good FREE font sites? I know about... Acid Fonts (though it really sucks...) and 1001 Fonts. Any others? Oh and Jeri, where does the entire "iFrame" actuall code go?

  27. #27
    It goes into the <body> code of the html code, of course. =P

    As for font sites, I would either recommend - good fonts - has a shitload of a variety of fonts there.

    Despite that the Fontalicious site has less fonts than Dafont, it has pretty good free fonts there, mostly the ones you could rarely find in other fonts, but yeah. Hope that helps ya.
    <center><img src="" border="0"><br><b>ASTROSEXY</b></center>

  28. #28
    Capn Anarchy


    My topic got deleted or lost, so ill try here.

    Ever heard of these things? They get in your system and slow it down, and have downloaded pop-ups that well....pop-up. Alot.

    I think I have one of these. I hate it. My broadband is running like 56k and it pisses me off. And the pop-ups are more than annoying........

    So, does anyone know of any software that takes care of these buggers?

    A firewall might be good too.

  29. #29
    OK, here are a few general precautions to preserve your computer.

    1. Get a firewall, I use ZoneAlarm, and that's fine.
    2. Get a VirusScan, like McCafee VirusScan. Run it every few weeks.
    3. De-Frag your computer often, every fortnight. [Start--> Settings---> Control Panel---> System Tools---> Disk Defragmenter.]

    Hope it helps .

  30. #30
    I'd suggest purchasing Nortan Anitvirus (or system works), i used to have one of them and i too noticed the lag in my broadband connection, it was swiftly dispatched after a scan by might not be able to get rid of it immediatly but if it does this it will quarentine it so it doesn't effect the computer...then when a virus definition that can delete the parasite is avaliable norton will download it and you'll be rid of the damn thing for good.

    The only bad thing about this is that Norton antivirus isn't cheap

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