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Thread: The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss.

  1. #1
    TFF's Token Imp The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Martin's Avatar
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    The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss.

    The only reason I say this is that because of a few idiots, anyone under the age of 21 seems to be just basically stereotyped into being a lairy alcoholic thug. Perhaps I'm stereotyping in that assumption. But it's from my own personal experience I suppose.

    What annoys me is that people who know me well say I'm a kind, courteous, polite young man. But because of the area in which I live for example people take one look at me because of my age (when I've asked why they've said it's because of this simple reason) and cross the street to avoid me. This isn't fair: I can't say I blame them in particular; the streets in Manchester could be described as lawless but I can't say I'm happy with the idea of being tarred with the same brush as say a 14 year old underaged-drinking hoodie.

    Well I guess I'm just after some opinion on the subject.

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  2. #2
    Lady of the Flowers The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Anthiena's Avatar
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    I totally agree. Most people tend to still think that 'Children should be seen and not heard' or that they couldn't possibly have anything interesting to say or that they are criminals just waiting for a victim. It's unfair. Most people think I'm still a kid, though I'll be twenty-one in April. (Maybe it's my face?)

    However, kids and people in their twenties have their misconceptions, though I think there is getting to be less of a generation gap in America than in past years....

    ...but you know how people say that kids are more violent in recent years? Not fair and utterly not true:

    The people who say that video games make kids violent aren't seeing the whole pictures. At least in the US, this is the most peaceful generation of kids in quite a while.
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  3. #3
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    This perticular out look on teens (and people in their ealry to mid-20s) has been going on for many years. Times change and people do not like that. it is a strange epidimic.
    i was labeled an outcast by my elders for being a skater as my elders where outcasted for being tree hugging hippies by their elders and their elders critisized them for dancing and listening to music that was contempary (at the time).

    i too was a good kid but had a very bad rep because the way i dressed and the number of women that i dated. and the sad thing is that i have cought myself making fun of the younger generation for things that they think are cool that i do not (damn hypocrite!).

    like i stated people dont like change, it scares them. kids arent any worse then they were 30 years ago they just do things differently.

    i think one of the main reasons youths are portreyed worse then they where in the past is because we as people dont hide the fact that kids make mistakes anymore, hell they put it all over the news, TV,the internet and even talk about it on forums. in years past most mistakes where hidden and people where ashamed to talk about it.

    its kind of ironic if you realy think about it...

    (sorry for the incoheriant rant)
    Last edited by Meier Link; 02-11-2008 at 08:28 AM.
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  4. #4
    Meier Link covered a lot of it.

    Kids are still kids. We think we are put down more because its in our nature to feel oppressed. One of the main differences between the good ole days and now is that it is all out in the open now, while in the past childhood malfeasance wasn't in the news all the time.

    Kids are probably more materialistic than ever, but that is the case for all ages in society, frankly.

  5. #5
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    People stereotype for an absolutely ridiculous amount of reasons. Age, gender, race, background, schooling, so and on so forth.

    My advice is to deal with it, because later on someone will find something else to stereotype you on. I'm stereotyped as an overall lazy person because I'm a recreational gamer and overweight, however when I'm dedicated to something (such as my job, or something I just so happen to be doing) that's far from the case.

    However, the problem with stereotypes in general occur when people ACT, DRESS, LOOK, ect in a manner befitting the stereotype they fall into.

    Don't want to be stereotyped as something? Either stop acting like it in an overall fashion or let the person get to know you so they can understand that you aren't part of that "crowd."

    If they can't get over that, shame on them; it just shows their true ignorance.

  6. #6
    TFF's Token Imp The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Martin's Avatar
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    Good points, and I take them on board.

    I suppose the problem I have is that I'm just sick of people judging me without knowing me. I wear stuff that's comfortable to me that's all. Not to fit in with a social group, or to give the impression I'm in a gang or anything like that.

    El Wray, I can sort of see your point but regards the materiality I'm not so sure. I've never been what you'd call materialistic: when it came to Christmas I honestly never asked for anything because I've never wanted what I haven't already had. I was never spoilt, but I grew up learning the value of a pound/dollar. I think it's quite the compliment to the way I was brought up. But for the youth as a whole, I can understand that.

    But as Meier said regards the media, we get a bad press. All that's highlighted is the 'crimes' we commit. Never the good stuff, like the volunteering or the charitable work. It's just well... annoying.

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  7. #7
    In most cases, people are remembered for the negative things they've done rather than the positive. It just sticks in the head easier, so I don't blame adults too much for that. Unless some kid is really outstanding and great, they won't be as publicized as another kid that steals. Say you have a box of some cereal and you open it to find like ten percent of it are nuts you hate. You'll probably just hate the whole cereal type because you won't notice all the nice flakes and marshmallows that are still there.

    It's just what happens.

    Most adults I've met that aren't teachers will see a kid and avoid them. If he or she makes too much noise or are wearing funky clothes that adult isn't used to, that kid will be branded as a punk or trouble maker.

    Differences are what causes the problem. I just don't know what to say about that though, since Meier Link got it all. Good job, man.

  8. #8
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    lol @ kids whining.

    Ever stop and think why stereo types are made in the first place? Stop trying to be a rebelious teen seeking attention, the biggest problem with being older is you have to put up with younger kids trying to be part of everything and ruining it cause they can't understand it yet.


  9. #9
    TFF's Token Imp The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Martin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angantyr View Post
    lol @ kids whining.

    Ever stop and think why stereo types are made in the first place? Stop trying to be a rebelious teen seeking attention, the biggest problem with being older is you have to put up with younger kids trying to be part of everything and ruining it cause they can't understand it yet.

    Hahahahaha! Well shucks...

    Well this is my point. I'm not trying to rebel, quite the opposite.

    I don't really really get on with people my age, I tend to associate more with what I guess you'd class middle-aged persons. But I do see where you're coming from in a way. And I'm far from what you'd call attention seeking. I just wish that...

    Oh hell I don't even know anymore.

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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Angantyr View Post
    lol @ kids whining.

    Ever stop and think why stereo types are made in the first place? Stop trying to be a rebelious teen seeking attention, the biggest problem with being older is you have to put up with younger kids trying to be part of everything and ruining it cause they can't understand it yet.

    Aww...but we don't ruin everything. We aren't whining either. We're just trying to figure out why we're thought to as demons.(whining just to be ironic)

    I get where you're coming from with the cause of stereotypes, but if someone doesn't actually fit into the regular stereotype, it sucks to be judged that way. It's just annoying to have to see other people judging or thinking one way about you because you look like the actual people they're thinking about.

    What do you mean by kids ruining everything though? We don't do anything but what we're allowed to...since we're not allowed to. Trying to be a part of something is a way to learn though if you don't understand it. That's why I try to do things anyway. You can't learn to read by watching someone else read. You've got to go at it yourself and just give things a try. Every thing's a learning experience as a kid, so you can't blame us for not knowing all that an adult does.
    Last edited by Bleachfangirl; 02-16-2008 at 12:14 AM.

  11. #11
    Registered User The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Dimi's Avatar
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    Originally posted by FFGuru
    I suppose the problem I have is that I'm just sick of people judging me without knowing me. I wear stuff that's comfortable to me that's all. Not to fit in with a social group, or to give the impression I'm in a gang or anything like that.
    You summed it right there about what I wanted to say dude. I've learned to not give a shit what people think of me. Although I might sound like a "rebellious teenager" for saying that, I know who I am and I don't need to change myself to please people that don't know me and see me as that kind of person. I'm not a bad person. I'm not one of those "angsty teenagers" or those people that seel attention. You just have to learn to accept how people perceive us and not care and prove them wrong about you.

    If anything, the main reason why the youth of today get a bad rep is because people are so judgmental about inclining teenagers to be like that. But I do agree with Winter in a way. There are teenagers that do act like that. But there are adults that do the same thing. There's adults that play the victim just as well as those attention-seeking teenagers.

    El Wray does bring up a good point though about teenagers nowadays being materialistic. Technology has gotten better since the last generation and it will continue to do so in time.
    Last edited by Dimi; 02-15-2008 at 10:18 PM.

  12. #12
    Synthesized Ascension The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Zardoch's Avatar
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    Pretty much it has already been said that kids will always be kids, but there is one problem I see more frequent these days: bad parenting. Because of bad parenting, we're seeing more and more dumbass kids who either shoot up schools [as there's been a lot more shootings than years before] or try to act like thugs because of some idol [I.E. 50 cent yo]. I mean there are certain things about kids people don't really trust or can change, but it seems that bad kids have been increasing all over the world thanks to bad parenting. I constantly see on news sites of some kid doing something stupid or just plain wrong, like this one kid killed his grandma because she said "Dinner's done" when he was playing his favorite game.

    Yes, youth has always been given certain stereotypes from over thousands of years and there will always be certain things that will never change, but the ever-growing population of ****-up kids is turning that into an even worse rep. Shiendar made a good example with the violent video games bullshit some pathetic parents like to point fingers at to explain this anomaly. Kids today have either become more spoiled, treated worse than shit, molested, or even just ignored by parents who just give them money and leave them alone. So the answer to your question as "Why kids get a bad rep" comes in three parts: Mistreatment, bad influences, and bad parenting as I said. It'll only get worse if people continue to point fingers.

  13. #13
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I think a good deal of this is just the trends. Around this region of Australia anyways.

    I'm in my late teens but I've noticed the vast majority of teens here seem to be going two ways, both being deserving of a bad reputation. Firstly there's your emos. While this doesn't apply to all of them, many seem fairly lazy (as in they don't wish to pull their weight), angsty (why is life so unfair, why do roses have thorns yadda yadda yadda) and many can seem unappreciative of all the good things they do have.

    Then there's the 'gangsta' types. Those guys who watch too many US Hip Hop music videos and the like and start dressing in hoods pulled over a beanie or cap as well as other loose fitting clothing. Some even carry weapons and may get violent over next to nothing. Most seem to have an attitude problem (ARE YOU ****ING STARING AT ME? etc).

    Oh and there's also those who just follow the fashion of either of these. Now these people may be better adjusted and all, BUT chances are those who've seen others who dress the same way act bad will see them in a rather negative light.

    As for alcoholics, we don't hold so much respect for those who can't hold a beer or ten.
    I guess it differs place to place.
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  14. #14
    TFF's Token Imp The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Martin's Avatar
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    Interesting. The same happens here Celtic.

    What annoys me is I guess there is a minority of people such as ourselves who don't really apply as being 'Emo' or 'Gangsta' who are just hard-working decent people who strive to make themselves a better life and we get knocked down because of what others do around us.

    Let me give you my example. I'm not saying out of a desire for praise or anything, just I don't see it that happens to a lot of teens. I got my first job during the summer of 2004 - I was 14 years old. I didn't leave school or anything (I used my summer holidays) but I made sure I was earning my keep. I did the same the following year and then when I went to college, I got myself a permanent part-time job which I've now been in for 2 years. I never borrow a penny - anything I want I wait for, do some overtime and get it when I get paid. Now these are not my words, these are other people's: How many kids do you know who do that?

    Meanwhile I do 30 hours a week at Uni, 20 at work and I usually do a bit of volunteering too. I don't want any sympathy or anything like that, but why should I be tarred with the same brush as some kid who's had it all, doesn't work and basically does nothing for anything?

    If I'm fair, some of the youth that get criticism deserve what we get, but not all of us.
    Last edited by Martin; 02-16-2008 at 07:40 AM.

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  15. #15
    Bass Player Extraordinaire The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Joe's Avatar
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    yes the youth of today do get a bad rep, and there's not much to be done about that, at least on a large scale. This is because, as several of you have said, of bad parenting skills. It's not video games, or music, or even the television; it's the parents who don't monitor what thier kids watch or listen to. For instance, a Northern Illinois University was shot up by a student recently. he was a sociology student, and had been unstable in the past. A few days after he decided to go off of his psych meds, he went on his rampage. That night on the news, the only reason given any credibility for the rampage was that he played too many video games. If he had been required to go back on his meds, the incident likely wouldn't have happened.

    I too have noticed that nearly all of the kids around here either want to be "emo" or "gangsta". This is a horrible thing, since the stereotypes in and of themselves are negative. merely dressing like them, without acting like it, is just as bad because you're automatically associating yourself with that trend.

    The real way to combat the whole bad rep thing? Go out of your way to do nice things for people, be helpful, active, a hard-worker. Make yourself known as a good person, and eventually you will earn some respect and to hell with the generation of thugs and emos.

    Most of that was probably off topic, but it makes sense to me.

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  16. #16
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Stereotypes are wrong, and there are no exceptions. Because of a few bad incidents, one begins to think of all the people in the same category are the same way. That is very wrong. The stereotype on teens and all that is lazy, not caring, self indulgent, and wants to act bad. Not all people are like this, there are some.

    The only thing I can think to stop this is to do as many goo things as possible, and on a large scale. That being said, I would find it very difficult to achieve this.

    Actually, looking back, all of the young generations had bad reps at one time, they just had to deal with it. This generation will just have to ride through it, just like the rest.
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  17. #17
    TFF's Token Imp The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Martin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Fantasy Fan Cid View Post
    Stereotypes are wrong, and there are no exceptions. Because of a few bad incidents, one begins to think of all the people in the same category are the same way. That is very wrong. The stereotype on teens and all that is lazy, not caring, self indulgent, and wants to act bad. Not all people are like this, there are some.

    The only thing I can think to stop this is to do as many goo things as possible, and on a large scale. That being said, I would find it very difficult to achieve this.

    Actually, looking back, all of the young generations had bad reps at one time, they just had to deal with it. This generation will just have to ride through it, just like the rest.
    I agree, but it's still damn infuriating.
    I wish it was different but the more I think about it those of us who get our heads down and work will just get ignored while those who laze about and do nothing will reap the rewards.
    It's disillusioning.

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  18. #18
    Here's an interesting point.

    I've never been judged by my age at all. It could be because I don't look like I'm about to cause trouble (who knows); or it could be because I'm female.

    I could be wrong here, but I've noticed people judging young males - but females seem to get left alone, unless they're in a relatively big group and being loudly drunk.

    Another stereotype, based on gender this time?

    Ohoho, I wonder.

  19. #19
    TFF's Token Imp The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Martin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pablo Honey View Post
    Here's an interesting point.

    I've never been judged by my age at all. It could be because I don't look like I'm about to cause trouble (who knows); or it could be because I'm female.

    I could be wrong here, but I've noticed people judging young males - but females seem to get left alone, unless they're in a relatively big group and being loudly drunk.

    Another stereotype, based on gender this time?

    Ohoho, I wonder.
    Wow... guess I never thought of it like that but yes. It seems to be only if large groups act loutish. Still gender discrimination isn't fair either even if I do understand the reasons behind it, but that's another topic. Based on recent events where I live, I'm starting to understand why I think.

    Nice to put another spin on it, thanks PH

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  20. #20
    The joke is far too true The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. loner-kid's Avatar
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    To put a odd spin on things lets assume that this generation is worse than any before it. One thing I've noticed is that if your a girl you're assumed to be better behaved than a boy no matter what stereotype you might be thought to be in, whereas boys are supposedly loutish criminal buffoons. Now pretending these assumptions are true, why? It can't be bad parenting as that would apply equally to both sexes, some would argue that boys are inferior and that is why,that explanation is a load of rubbish neither boys or girls are a stronger sex, their brains are designed to fulfil different tasks as has been scientifically proved. Therefore whatever is causing this difference must be only affecting boys, let us look at the single most defining aspect of a child's life; school. We are taught in a way that is far more beneficial to the female Psyche, this means that many boys lose interest in school from an early age and will start to become disruptive in lessons. This schooling extends further than just how we are taught, it seems that in schools the male psyche is repressed at every turn, take for example the playground rules prohibiting games like chase or bulldog, these are kind of games young boys will know almost instinctively and enjoy tremendously, yet they are not allowed. Boys are competitive and are suffocating under the nobody loses idea to sports, no victory nothing worth achieving, and so many boys give up on sports altogether. To throw a little more evidence into my argument we know that the average grade for girls is rising while the average grade for boys is falling some again would say this is because of female superiority, but if this was true than girls grades would always have been higher which they haven't mainly because of a vice versa of this current argument and less educational opportunities. Because of all this it may be true that their is growing amount of loutish behaviour in boys and young men

    yeah sorry for the rant got carried away in quick reply

  21. #21
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    just a few after thoughts

    i find this conversation a bit hypacritical, dont take that the wrong way please. but i have noticed it alot through out my time. even the youth through out the past and even now hang sterotypical type titles on each other. then inturn they bash on each other for lifestyle preferences.

    this is where i am going with this

    you have youths calling youths things like emo, punks, goths, hooligans and preps but thats not helping the whole bad rep thing. and then you get little bad sects of each and it further influances the overall opinions of the general populous. it just seems a little on the obsurd side to me.

    so what is your thoughts on this??? please enlighten me....
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  22. #22
    The joke is far too true The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. loner-kid's Avatar
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    It's human nature to hate people but we're still young so we deal with it differently, children are when you get right down to it are fairly viscous not in a physical way but in a verbal way and I quote "the sound of children playing is so much sweater when you can't hear what they're actually saying"

  23. #23
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Of course the youth of today get a bad repuation, and why? Because a good number of them are violent drunks.

    I live in London, and here, seeing teenagers beat a grown man to death for refusing to buy them cigarettes is not a rare scene. Do I get looked at like I'm some kind of murderous? No, not at all. I dress sensibly, I don't cover my face and I speak English as a British person should.

    Do I cross the street to avoid a bunch of drunks? Yes, I do. Do I cross the streets to avoid a bunch of hoodies? Yeah. And why? Because I haven't met a single educated hoodie that will refuse an extra beer or a cigarette.

    I know very little youths worth speaking to these days, and when out or at college, I do my best to avoid people that look like their going to hassle me or start shit. I don't need the bullshit of todays' youth society to bug me, because I just end up wiping them off my shoe like the scum they quite often can be.

    So how do you tell who's a troublemaker or not? You don't, but a Hell of a lot of them travel in large groups and talk like they came from another planet.

    How does this make me better than any of them? I won't steal your grandmothers' purse and then mock her for being unable to protect herself. People wouldn't fear youth as much if they were still frightened of the police like they were forty years ago.


    And yeah, maybe it is stereo-typing, but please prove to me that they're not the sole causers of trouble. (Chavs/gangstas.)

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  24. #24
    The joke is far too true The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. loner-kid's Avatar
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    Most violent individuals are classed as either chavs or gangsters but you're saying that almost everyone is a trouble maker. It doesn't take many people to commit a crime, you see large groups of people wandering around causing trouble that doesn't mean that youths are evil as a general rule. The youths who do bad things are the ones who go out regularly, you said you almost never find a youth who isn't a degenerate piece of scum unworthy to live on the same planet as you, could that possibly be because they're doing school work or just don't care about going outside very often. I know that personally I've given up on going to parks to play a quick game of football, people have gone purposely out of their way to avoid me, going as far as to turn around and walk the other way, simply because I'm holding a football, I'm one of the most un-assuming un-aggressive people in the school, I know that sounds ego heavy but seriously how many people can be punched in the face and then just walk off, and because I'm holding a foot ball they believe I'm going to start knifing people, I wouldn't be surprised they spat in my face. I've given up on other people's morals they stand there telling you happy little lies to keep you on a leash, only to go around breaking them left right and centre. Bodies are made in the womb, People are made by their parents.

  25. #25
    I do what you can't. The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Sasquatch's Avatar
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    The point is, there's a reason these stereotypes exist. There's a good reason that most stereotypes exist -- either that's the way quite a few of the people are, or that's the way that quite a few of the most visible of those people are. Why do people think black people like fried chicken and watermelon? Most black people I've met like fried chicken and watermelon. Is that a negative stereotype? Not really negative, no, but still a stereotype, I suppose. Honestly, most asians I've met are good at math. Most feminists I've met are ugly, hairy-legged man-haters. Does that mean that all blacks eat nothing but fried chicken and watermelon, or that all asians are good at math, or that all feminists are hairy-legged, bra-burning man-haters? Not necessarily. Neither does it mean that all white men are beer-chugging, wife-beating, NASCAR-watching chauvanists, or that all teenagers are thugs and gangsters. These people just have the biggest influence, they're the most visible -- the largest impression of their group comes from the worst of their group. And while stereotypes may not be correct for all members of the group, the reason stereotypes and generalities exist is because they reflect the impression that the most visible members of each specific group give off.

    Basically, stereotypes don't reflect every member of the group. You're a member of a group, but nothing like the stereotype? Tough luck kid, it happens. You can either complain about it (and add "whiny" to your group's stereotype) or be an example of somebody that defies the stereotype (and help to wipe out your group's stereotypes).

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  26. #26
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    just a few after thoughts

    i find this conversation a bit hypacritical, dont take that the wrong way please. but i have noticed it alot through out my time. even the youth through out the past and even now hang sterotypical type titles on each other. then inturn they bash on each other for lifestyle preferences.

    this is where i am going with this

    you have youths calling youths things like emo, punks, goths, hooligans and preps but thats not helping the whole bad rep thing. and then you get little bad sects of each and it further influances the overall opinions of the general populous. it just seems a little on the obsurd side to me.

    so what is your thoughts on this??? please enlighten me....
    I'll answer this through how I am myself.
    I dislike emos as they're all so depressing. That or they do it as they think it's cool or something. Either way I can't really respect them for their life style, even if I can respect a few for other things they do.
    Punks are fine. They can get violent and stuff, but most of them if you're cool, they're cool. They're not really out to bash people or anything.
    Goths... can seem a little gloomy depending on the individual, but they're not like emos. A higher percentage than emos tend to know how to fight decently, and most stand by their convictions without acting like little bitches. Something I greatly respect.
    Hooligans are cool most of the time too. And the ones who act stupid tend to run into trouble which either straightens them out or kills/injures them anyways.
    Preps? Ehh.... jocks and cheerleaders, right? Most seem cool, and the ones who aren't, you just call them on whatever the issue is, and most tend to be nothing.

    Myself, I'm a known toughass here. But I like that. Now I'm trying to live properly, it means there are less people desiring to mess with me. It's mostly idiots or those who have no idea who I am, and those aren't a great number of people it seems.

    It's near/impossible not to have opinions on people like these. Negative or positive, most have some sort of opinion even if they don't care to allow it to be shown. Society be damned, it's our individual views on others that are the underlying cause of 'society's views'.
    victoria aut mors

  27. #27
    Registered User The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Dimi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    just a few after thoughts
    you have youths calling youths things like emo, punks, goths, hooligans and preps but thats not helping the whole bad rep thing. and then you get little bad sects of each and it further influences the overall opinions of the general populous. it just seems a little on the obsurd side to me.

    so what is your thoughts on this??? please enlighten me....
    Its always been that way man. Even when my parents went to school, there has always been that labeling crap. Sasquatch does have a point though. Stereotypes do exist for a reason and they're not created out of thin air. They put organization to our society to the people we hang out with. Its normal. We're humans.

    The whole "emo, goth, gangster, jock" thing in my opinion is ridiculous. However, labels like this are created by peoples interests in clothing, music, sports, literature, and so on will never end. Also by the media is another thing to add that. But, the people that are "followers" tend to go a little far with labels.

    And if you affiliate yourself with a label, you follow what the definition of the label is. The music, the typical behavior of it, things that I've mentioned earlier in this post, is adopted to who you are. There are followers who do that just to be cool or just to fit in and feel some sort of acceptance from their friends where there are other people that do their own thing and are just trying to be themselves and not follow a particular trend.

    The problem I see with the bad rep of youth today is mainly the media and all the mainstream stuff going on. Rarely, do you see old celebrities without their panties or going to rehab where you see more of the younger and popular celebrities doing that. The media itself is the "Hollywood of Highschool" and this I believe, plays a big role on today's youth.

    And if you've seen the news recently, more teens are getting knocked up then ever. On top of that, you hear about these dumbasses who end up putting their baby in an oven or in a microwave. A while back, I heard a girl about year younger then me, killed her mom and two brothers because she wanted to be with her 19 year old boyfriend.

    There is obviously a psychological connection there. The way the youth is exposed to stuff such as drugs, alcohol, guns, things like that is a big factor in it.
    Last edited by Dimi; 03-19-2008 at 10:37 PM.

  28. #28
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimarik View Post
    The problem I see with the bad rep of youth today is mainly the media and all the mainstream stuff going on. Rarely, do you see old celebrities without their panties or going to rehab where you see more of the younger and popular celebrities doing that. The media itself is the "Hollywood of Highschool" and this I believe, plays a big role on today's youth.

    And if you've seen the news recently, more teens are getting knocked up then ever. On top of that, you hear about these dumbasses who end up putting their baby in an oven or in a microwave. A while back, I heard a girl about year younger then me, killed her mom and two brothers because she wanted to be with her 19 year old boyfriend.
    couldnt agree more as stated in my first post on the subject. my second post was simply put up as a secondary root to the overa ll problem.
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  29. #29
    The joke is far too true The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. loner-kid's Avatar
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    Hmm re-read my last post, didn't make much sense so I'll bullet point it

    1)The violent people are the most visible
    2)Doesn't take many people to commit a crime
    3)You don't meet the nicer side because the bad side stands out and is out for longer
    4)Comment to highlight the general bitchiness of the previous post
    5)Stereotyping by people can get very bad because they only hear about the bad things and if you look remotely like a certain stereotype they will treat you like your about to start slashing at them with a knife
    6)Most adults will tell you what you should be like and morals but tend not to uphold them themselves, you can't preach about it and then go against it, It's hypocritical
    7)Philosophical quote stating that a parents job is to raise their children well, obviously some are failing

  30. #30
    The youth of today get a bad rep: Discuss. Phoenix's Avatar
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    I think it's probably fair to say that in any culture, a few of the minority can totally wreck it for the majority. The majority of teenagers today are perfectly nice, normal adolescents but it's only the ones who go around committing anti-social acts who make the news. This of course, then lends itself to prejudice against all teenagers.

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