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Thread: Your View on Child Porn

  1. #61
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    What is the difference between pedophilia, homosexuality, zoophilia, and necrophilia?

    Keep in mind, I am NOT asking the difference between child molestation, homosexual sex, bestiality, and ... sex with corpses. This question does not concern the actions, but merely the desire and attraction.
    Good question.

    As far as I'm concerned there is little to no difference concerning the subject of the desire, everyone likes something different. But, same goes for heterosexuals. They also have an object to their desire, one that is considered 'normal' and therefore more acceptable to pursue than any other interest to a greater majority of people.

    But that's why I see the issue of drawings of child porn as I do. While I feel it is also a freedom of speech issue, more importantly I feel it could be a more positive outlet for a pedophile. It's like how some losers I know could very easily go their entire lives without sex so long as their pile of pornography is large enough... Saves some poor women from suffering.
    victoria aut mors

  2. #62
    Sasquatch, an adult who watches porn will not, in most cases, become a rapist. Chances are they can find another adult to have sex with without having to rape them. Hell, most porn sites I've ever been on are plastered all round the edges with women wanting to have sex with me in my area.

    It's different with child pornography. Without exceptional circumstances, a paedophile can't just take to the streets and quickly find a willing child. For adults, the outlet for sexual fantasy and desire is other adults, maybe even prostitutes, who usually aren't too hard to find. With paedophiles, their outlet is much harder to come by. The fantasy can't be lived out quickly, and the intensity of the desire may grow to the point where they do end up harming a child. I'm going out on a limb here, more for the sake of argument than my own belief. I'd like to see your argument against it.

    I don't think there is any difference between the kinds of sexual preferences you mentioned beyond how society interprets them. Each is a deviation from the norm and from the biological imperative. Homosexuality is between consenting adults who both gain gratification, so that's okay. With beastiality, well, nobody can say for certain whether or not donkeys enjoy being ****ed by humans, but no humans are harmed so we can leave it. Necrophilia is similar, unless you count the defiling of someone's memory.

    Paedophilia is different because someone will always be harmed if we stick with the definition that paedophilic acts are carried out upon children of prepubescent age. It is a person's right to be aware of what is going on the first time they engage in sexual acts (unless you're steaming drunk your first time, which is probably your fault). They have the right to be old enough to fully understand, to fully comprehend, the situation. A child cannot do that, and the adult must take advantage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post

    Another difference is when the desires are acted upon. When it comes to pedophilia, a child is usually assumed to be a victim. With adult homosexuality, an adult can consent.
    This has been the one point that's bugged me throughout the thread.

    The law, when it comes to children, is not arbitrary. It is designed to protect them, because their brains physically cannot process what is going on. It doesn't matter if you had orgasms when you were 7, for you are not a majority. The law can't be tailored to the preferences of a minority, because that leaves most people stuck with a law that does not fit them. The legal term 'minor' came about because it is clear to most people that children are innocent and thus bereft of sexual impulses, and that it is their right (yes, their RIGHT) to have this innocence maintained until their bodies tell them that it's about time to start kissing other people.

    On top of that, their nature makes them infinitely suggestible. Unless someone has corrected him, my 6 year old cousin still believes that the slime on slugs is highly poisinous. I told him this when babysitting to keep him away from the kitchen cupboard where slugs kept getting in (which, of course, was the most interesting place in the world as far as he was concerned) because it was filled with cleaning products I would rather he stayed away from (he was four at the time). When I told him that slug slime melts your fingers he screamed, but believed me completely when I said that he could keep racing snails because snail slime is safe. He didn't need me to say that slugs and snails are different, he didn't ask why. He just took my completely falsified information at face value and proceeded to hate slugs and love snail-racing.

    Do you see where I'm coming from here? A friend of mine believed that God literally peeled the night sky away to reveal daytime, only he did it really slowly so we couldn't see, until she was about 9. While we're on this point, Santa Claus. Tell an adult who has never heard of Santa that on the 24th of December each year a guy and 12 reindeer round the entire planet on a magical flying sledge with presents for everyone except the Starving Millions. Unless they're on something, they probably won't believe you, and even then they'd ask questions about it. A child will not. A child is perfectly okay with the fact that Santa does this, and they like it even more because they get presents out of the deal. Same with the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, and so on.

    This suggestibility means that every adult has a responsibility with children. If you tell a child that railway lines are safe, they'll probably believe you unless they've been told otherwise. As such, adults have the responsibility not to tell kids that railway lines are safe. We also have the responsibility, and this is mainly my point, not to take advantage of their inherent suggestibility and their trust.

    Of course, this amazing (and, in my opinion, absolutely wonderful) capacity for suggestibility and imagination is usually gone by the age of 8 or so, as this is when rational thinking and question-asking starts to grow. Before that they have absolutely no clue. And even then, they still have years before they can come close to understanding what sex is and what sex means.

    Children who are sexually abused by adults in early life end up needing years of treatment to help them with the memories and the pain. Does that not say something to you? At the time, they did not understand what was going on, but in later years the memories come back to haunt and hurt them, when they are old enough to understand just what was done to them.

    The law does not remove children's rights. It protects them. Fundamentally, every child has the right to be a child. That means playing, believing in crazy shit and making even more crazy shit up, having food, water and shelter provided for them as they grow, and being protected from sexual and emotional stress that they should not have to endure. When was the last time a five year old girl, of her own volition, approached a 30 year old man for sex? Or even the last time a ten year old did? I admit, they're wearing more and more makeup, but that's media influence. And parents who put earrings on five year olds. I mean, come on.

    Also, I remember that Fluffy wrote that he experience sexual pleasure while he was 7, and that in girls "it is no different than in women". Without getting graphic, as a young girl you do explore a little bit. I thought the bit at the top looked weird and that the bumpy bit in the middle was pointless. From experience, I can tell you that that is not how I view my genitalia as a 19 year old woman. As a child I had no clue about the various uses of it as there were more important things to do like make snakes out of salt-dough with my brother. As a note, we bathed together until we were seven and five. I knew his bits were different, but that was because he was a boy. And that was exactly as far as my line of enquiry went, because I was a child.

    And completely off-topic, I noticed that someone, I think it was Silver, kept asking what was normal and putting the word normal in quotation marks. Normal is easy to understand - normal is the majority. It is a word used to denote habits and preferences of society at large. It's not a volatile word, it just describes something. It is a scale of the preferences of the majority, nothing more.
    Last edited by Govinda; 01-19-2009 at 04:43 AM. Reason: spaz

  3. #63
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post
    And completely off-topic, I noticed that someone, I think it was Silver, kept asking what was normal and putting the word normal in quotation marks. Normal is easy to understand - normal is the majority. It is a word used to denote habits and preferences of society at large. It's not a volatile word, it just describes something. It is a scale of the preferences of the majority, nothing more.
    It was indeed. My argument there was mainly centred on things being considered 'normal'. 'Normal' has very little to do with what can see as right or wrong a good deal of the time. Good manners for example is becoming rarer and rarer with those my own age. It certainly don't make them wrong.

    Words cannot express just how amused I am that you decided to address that and nothing else I've used. Especially as it was likely one of the more trivial bits. Notice my real life examples I went by to show how I could come to the conclusion some pictures being legal might benefit children?

    Quote Originally Posted by Myself
    In terms of sexual activity I ask you this. If the average guy is pent up not having had sex or masturbating in ages, what will relieve it? Let me now answer with what I believe the answer to be. Either getting laid OR batting off to whatever floats a guy's boat. If a pedophile can relieve himself on a picture of a fictional kid rather than screw some random real one, ain't that at the very least a better thing to have happen?
    But that's why I see the issue of drawings of child porn as I do. While I feel it is also a freedom of speech issue, more importantly I feel it could be a more positive outlet for a pedophile. It's like how some losers I know could very easily go their entire lives without sex so long as their pile of pornography is large enough... Saves some poor women from suffering.
    Not that it matters all that much anyways Gov.
    victoria aut mors

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post

    Words cannot express just how amused I am that you decided to address that and nothing else I've used. Especially as it was likely one of the more trivial bits. Notice my real life examples I went by to show how I could come to the conclusion some pictures being legal might benefit children?

    Not that it matters all that much anyways Gov.

    I left those bits alone because I agreed with them.

    Words cannot express how amused I am at the idea that you didn't even think of that as being an option.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    The law, when it comes to children, is not arbitrary. It is designed to protect them, because their brains physically cannot process what is going on. It doesn't matter if you had orgasms when you were 7, for you are not a majority. The law can't be tailored to the preferences of a minority, because that leaves most people stuck with a law that does not fit them.
    It is, in fact, arbitrary. It is merely based on age and not an actual capacity of a person.

    Take getting your driver's license, for instance. Allowing everyone to drive would undoubtedly put them and others in danger. Although the age at which one is qualified to apply for a license is arbitrary, the law regarding who actually receives one is not. One must show that they are capable of driving before being allowed to. This is not true of sex. In the case of sex, capability is assumed at whatever age it is in your region, and assumed not to be before then.

    As I said before, I do not believe the word of all children should be taken as consent, but rather, it should be when it comes to those who can show that they are capable of it. Let's say it was done, instead, by who has a license, and not by age; a child who has no concept, let alone any understanding, of sex, would not even apply to begin with. Those with a concept but no understanding would not pass. Their word should not be not consent.

    I do not believe that the "right to not know what the hell is going on", as I would prefer to call your "right to be a child", should be forced upon those who do know what is going on.

    Your claim that their brains cannot process what is going on is based on a general assumption. All it requires is one exception and your claim is false. I believe that those exceptions deserve their right to choose, while still protecting those who are not the exception.

    You said this yourself (with emphasis from me):

    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    The legal term 'minor' came about because it is clear to most people that children are innocent and thus bereft of sexual impulses, and that it is their right (yes, their RIGHT) to have this innocence maintained until their bodies tell them that it's about time to start kissing other people.
    For some, this comes much earlier than others. Yet we still base the law on an arbitrary number. I don't disagree with you. Those who do not know should be protected. Where I do disagree is that I believe that those who do should not be forced into the same position as the rest. We do this with adults as well, but it is the reverse. Those who are the exception are sometimes not allowed things because they are incapable. Is that not tailoring a law based on a minority as well? Should we perhaps start allowing them their freedoms too?

    You're absolutely right, most children are suggestible. The moment you can tell me at what age all children stop being so, I'll stop calling age of consent laws arbitrary.

    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    We also have the responsibility, and this is mainly my point, not to take advantage of their inherent suggestibility and their trust.
    I don't disagree with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    Of course, this amazing (and, in my opinion, absolutely wonderful) capacity for suggestibility and imagination is usually gone by the age of 8 or so, as this is when rational thinking and question-asking starts to grow. Before that they have absolutely no clue. And even then, they still have years before they can come close to understanding what sex is and what sex means.
    Or some of them might start questioning sex concepts. And if explained, some of them may very well understand it fully.

    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    Children who are sexually abused by adults in early life end up needing years of treatment to help them with the memories and the pain. Does that not say something to you? At the time, they did not understand what was going on, but in later years the memories come back to haunt and hurt them, when they are old enough to understand just what was done to them.
    Sexual abuse is a tricky word. Abuse and harm is assumed. Yes, I said it again. Assumed. Even if a child knew fully what was going on, and it was what they wanted, they are considered to be "sexually abused". Ignoring the law, this is an assumption.

    While I'm at it, I might as well point out that not all people who were in sexual situations as children, whether with another child or adult, end up needing treatment. Some of them knew what was going on, and it was something they desired. Of course, whether this is true or not, if the "sexual abuse" was known, they are forcefully given treatment. They are told that they were wronged. They are told that they were harmed. Many times over. For years at times. What was it again that you said about children and suggestibility? Actually, forget about children. I think anyone who's constantly told something is at risk of suggestibility. I believe that's sometimes called "brainwashing".

    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    The law does not remove children's rights. It protects them. Fundamentally, every child has the right to be a child.
    At the cost of the right to be a person like any other. They are forced to "be children" (mentally assumed, legally forced), regardless of what their capacity as human beings is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    When was the last time a five year old girl, of her own volition, approached a 30 year old man for sex? Or even the last time a ten year old did?
    Five years old may not be common. 10 years old is surprisingly moreso. Regardless of how common it may be, I believe that those who do, and understand what it is, should be allowed to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    Also, I remember that Fluffy wrote that he experience sexual pleasure while he was 7, and that in girls "it is no different than in women". Without getting graphic, as a young girl you do explore a little bit. I thought the bit at the top looked weird and that the bumpy bit in the middle was pointless. From experience, I can tell you that that is not how I view my genitalia as a 19 year old woman. As a child I had no clue about the various uses of it as there were more important things to do like make snakes out of salt-dough with my brother.
    I was speaking that it is no different than in women strictly in physical terms. That is what Pete was talking about, that's what I was replying to. Had you masturbated as a young girl, you'd have experienced orgasm, given you were doing it right. Just as males will, but without any ejaculation. Though, there may sometimes be a bit, as it is, in fact, there.

    And as a child, I actually figured out what they were for. I may have not known the full details, but it's really not as hard as everyone makes it seem to understand. Had they been explained, I'm sure I'd have understood. And at age 10, when it was, I understood it. That's beside the point of what I was saying, though. All children are capable of orgasm, unless if something is medically wrong.
    Last edited by Fluffy; 01-19-2009 at 09:05 AM.

  6. #66
    I do what you can't. Your View on Child Porn Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post
    Sasquatch, an adult who watches porn will not, in most cases, become a rapist. Chances are they can find another adult to have sex with without having to rape them.
    Rape isn't about sex so much as it's about power. Still, as Silver pointed out, it's more than possible to go quite a while with no release for sexual pleasure other than onesself.

    Hell, most porn sites I've ever been on are plastered all round the edges with women wanting to have sex with me in my area.
    I bet they're all sexy, mostly between 19 and 26, with big boobs and skimpy clothes, right? I don't want to surprise you too much here, so you'd better sit down ... Ready? Okay. Not everything you see on the internet is true. Especially when it has to do with ads on porn sites and women available for sex.

    It's different with child pornography. Without exceptional circumstances, a paedophile can't just take to the streets and quickly find a willing child.
    Who says they need to?

    For adults, the outlet for sexual fantasy and desire is other adults, maybe even prostitutes, who usually aren't too hard to find. With paedophiles, their outlet is much harder to come by. The fantasy can't be lived out quickly, and the intensity of the desire may grow to the point where they do end up harming a child. I'm going out on a limb here, more for the sake of argument than my own belief. I'd like to see your argument against it.
    There's not much of an argument against it, save the lack of evidence and logic to support it. There's nothing that says that a pedophile will eventually act on their desires, any more than the idea that I will eventually rape a redhead because I have a fetish for them and have never dated one. If that were true, Asian women would have a higher chance of being raped, would they not?

    It's not like an addiction to a drug, where one will resort to violence to get it if they don't have it. (Not with most people, at least -- normal, fully-functional people.)

    I don't think there is any difference between the kinds of sexual preferences you mentioned beyond how society interprets them. Each is a deviation from the norm and from the biological imperative.
    Thank you -- some people don't want to admit that.

    Homosexuality is between consenting adults who both gain gratification, so that's okay. With beastiality, well, nobody can say for certain whether or not donkeys enjoy being ****ed by humans, but no humans are harmed so we can leave it. Necrophilia is similar, unless you count the defiling of someone's memory.

    Paedophilia is different because someone will always be harmed if we stick with the definition that paedophilic acts are carried out upon children of prepubescent age.
    Again, the question was concerning the desires, not the actions. Just because somebody might want to bone a child, corpse, animal, or another guy doesn't mean they'll act on it.

    The law can't be tailored to the preferences of a minority, because that leaves most people stuck with a law that does not fit them.
    I agree with this, especially in this situation ... but you might want to be careful about how you word your point, here.

    To play devil's advocate again, some countries have an age of consent set at thirteen, or even nine. In these areas, sex with a young person is considered consensual (and many are Muslim countries, where even if the sex is not consensual, the female is punished). The law clearly dictates one way, who are we to say it's wrong in these areas?

    In fact, what about adults who are clearly not mature or responsible enough to experience sexual relationships? Why not bump the age of consent up to twenty? Or twenty-three, past college age?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    Sexual abuse is a tricky word. Abuse and harm is assumed. Yes, I said it again. Assumed. Even if a child knew fully what was going on, and it was what they wanted, they are considered to be "sexually abused". Ignoring the law, this is an assumption.
    It's "assumed" with rape, as well. But we all know that if a woman shows off her legs or chest, she really wants it, right?
    Last edited by Sasquatch; 01-19-2009 at 09:48 AM.

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  7. #67
    Registered User Your View on Child Porn Kytte's Avatar
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    Its absalutely vile and downright disgusting

    [Warned Post]
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 01-19-2009 at 02:02 PM.

  8. #68
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post
    I left those bits alone because I agreed with them.

    Words cannot express how amused I am at the idea that you didn't even think of that as being an option.
    I think the main point of that post was just I found it amusing you were getting into something as trivial as my mentioning of 'normal' without relating it back to the topic at hand. Or even mentioning it in the context I used it in. I really do find things like that amusing, just as I found this other brief post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy
    It is, in fact, arbitrary. It is merely based on age and not an actual capacity of a person.

    Take getting your driver's license, for instance. Allowing everyone to drive would undoubtedly put them and others in danger. Although the age at which one is qualified to apply for a license is arbitrary, the law regarding who actually receives one is not. One must show that they are capable of driving before being allowed to. This is not true of sex. In the case of sex, capability is assumed at whatever age it is in your region, and assumed not to be before then.

    As I said before, I do not believe the word of all children should be taken as consent, but rather, it should be when it comes to those who can show that they are capable of it. Let's say it was done, instead, by who has a license, and not by age; a child who has no concept, let alone any understanding, of sex, would not even apply to begin with. Those with a concept but no understanding would not pass. Their word should not be not consent.

    I do not believe that the "right to not know what the hell is going on", as I would prefer to call your "right to be a child", should be forced upon those who do know what is going on.

    Your claim that their brains cannot process what is going on is based on a general assumption. All it requires is one exception and your claim is false. I believe that those exceptions deserve their right to choose, while still protecting those who are not the exception.
    Looking at the issues in terms of a child's suggestability, I don't think it matters just how well they actually may understand in some cases. You can appeal to the pride of most twelve year olds (they truly are intellectual adults at this age ) just as easily as you can lure a younger child away with candy.

    I find this to be fairly universal in most cases, and I have exploited it in the past, usually to get a kid relative to get me a drink at a family party or something if I was feeling lazy. It's just different ages require a different approach. I tend to find most kids start wising up around early to mid teens, but even there some are quite suggestable and you can make them do near anything.

    Actually, a handy piece of advice for life, many kid relativess will actually do chores and the like and enjoy them to some extent if you go on about the awesomeness of responsibility. It's likely unethical, possibly 'child exploitation' or something, but if you're lazy, it's handy information.

    There are a few exceptions to the rule however, and I've been pleasantly surprised to actually hear one or two tell me to go **** myself or similar if I do try to get them to do something. Kids grow up so fast these days... *sniffle*
    victoria aut mors

  9. #69
    Yeah, well, it's those exceptions I speak for. I don't pretend that it's even a practical thing to do. I simply believe it's what should be.

    We've clearly gotten off topic. I only came into this to speak about fictional child porn. We clearly disagree on a lot of this stuff, and that doesn't seem like it's going to change.

    As it seems we're no longer going to discuss child pornography, and I think there probably isn't even much more to discuss beyond going back and forth saying whether we think it's wrong or not, I'm done with this topic.

    I only pray that the U.S. Supreme Court has some sense.

  10. #70
    Asking all the personal questions. Your View on Child Porn RamesesII's Avatar
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    Just quickly skimming through some of the post it appears that the thread has moved to your views on child porn to pedophilia to child exploitation, this in mind i am not basing my post on the last relevant conversation which happened to end 3 months ago, instead i will write my post according to the original post.

    [QUOTE] Your View on Child Porn

    Hey all, wanted to do my part to contribute to the reivival of the I.D Board. Well getting on the topic at hand, I don't think anyone attempted to press on this subject, but what are your views on Child Porn? There have been alot of issues, controversy, and debates over this heated topic. I for one think Child Porn is awful. What about the child? This kinda thing I can be sure scars the child for life. This will probarly for some children end up having some serious issues in adolesense and adulthood, literally changing their view on relationships, love, and even life. I've never been a victim but for some of the children or adults that have been in that sitution I think it probarly either ruined them (inside and out), or didn't change them at all (but holding it in won't end the pain.). Here are some cases of Child Porn incidents I've read on the net and the news:[/QUOTE]

    I am a father of three so i suppose you can assume that i am deeply against anything to do with child pornography and those people who are connected to it in some form.
    To start i noticed what phantom said about the child being scarred for life, if we are talking about pornography it might not scar them for life not if it is family photo taken on the beach with the children in their bathing suits and then posted on the internet for friends etc to see it only takes a right click on the mouse to save the picture and then alter it on a program and display it on a filthy site for mental sickos to float their boat.
    But debating against myself i can also say that yes it would or will scar the child if photos are taken in a sexual way usually including pedophile acts which then do scar the child, what i am trying to say is that i suppose most cases of child porn also involve sexual abuse as well which in turn will is affect the child through out his/her life if they are at the age where they comprehend what is going on but what about those children are not of an age and are not being sexually abused and photos etc are being taken the i don't think in these cases the child would be affected.

    I am absolutely sickened by these people and despise these acts as are the the members of CPC8, you hear about it almost every day, in the last two weeks there has been two serious cases of child abuse or rape and even murder and several cases of child pornography stored on computers or accessed etc in my area of Australia which just shocks me to think that it is that common.
    Last edited by RamesesII; 04-28-2009 at 07:04 AM.
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  11. #71
    I will finish the hunt Your View on Child Porn Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    While it is true that back in the day children where seen as sexual fit as adults in some countries. I believe there is a reason that is no longer a constant view throughout history. Even today you can see the effects of children being raped of their innocence.... growing up to become a far worse monsters themselves. Often molesting others, harming themselves, etc.

    I believe child porn is disturbing and wrong. The child has no idea what they are doing, and the mental effects can be devastating. Especially since most children are forced to pose in those ways. The people who are behind it should be castrated on sight, and made to walk around in chains the rest of their life with no contact with children or the outside world.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesevixen
    The people who are behind it should be castrated on sight, and made to walk around in chains the rest of their life with no contact with children or the outside world.
    What the hell are you going to castrate them for if they're going to be chained with no contact with the outside world?

    "The child has no idea what they are doing" is an assumption.

    I'd say more but there's not much more for me to say. I'll just assume you read the rest of the thread and know what I'd say. That, or you don't care. Either way works for me.

  13. #73
    I will finish the hunt Your View on Child Porn Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    My question is why wouldn't you castrate them? There is a direct link between people who view child pornography and those who commit pedophilia. Just because we tell them to stay in their houses and stay away from people doesn't mean they will. Nor can we expect them not to try and escape from jails. Which is why castration would be awesome to implement. Its simple sociology and human behavior. If their penis or vagina is a threat.....get rid of the threat. Although, I am a bit harsher on the inhumane than most. I can see how some people wouldn't understand that view. Murderers should be murdered, rapists should be raped. I can understand how some may not completely get that.

    I believe there is a certain age limit to where is it considered child porn vs. just a whore with a cam, but I am taking the word in it's most literal sense. CHILD. A small human with under developed sexual organs. I don't believe a child as such can truly understand what is happening for the simple fact that even ADULTS and TEENS rarely have a good grasp or understanding on sexual appropriation; especially in cases where children are being exposed. The usual response of " WTF?" that we as normal human beings feel inside is the correct response. If you don't have that feeling toward little girls being forced to take off their clothes than there is something wrong in your brain. "Your" not being used for anyone in particular.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesevixen View Post
    My question is why wouldn't you castrate them? There is a direct link between people who view child pornography and those who commit pedophilia. Just because we tell them to stay in their houses and stay away from people doesn't mean they will. Nor can we expect them not to try and escape from jails. Which is why castration would be awesome to implement. Its simple sociology and human behavior. If their penis or vagina is a threat.....get rid of the threat. Although, I am a bit harsher on the inhumane than most. I can see how some people wouldn't understand that view. Murderers should be murdered, rapists should be raped. I can understand how some may not completely get that.
    One does not commit pedophilia, at least not in the general term. It is a sexual orientation, or in some people's views, a mental disorder or a disease. It is not something you do, it is something you have. A person who is a pedophile is someone who has pedophilia; an attraction to prepubescent people. It is not someone who did something. One would not say, "By the way, I pedophiled last night." Call it what it is, please. Child rape, child sexual abuse. Pick one, but please use something that actually makes sense. In a given discussion, there should be an agreed upon definition. I believe it has already been established in this thread.

    I believe there is a certain age limit to where is it considered child porn vs. just a whore with a cam, but I am taking the word in it's most literal sense. CHILD. A small human with under developed sexual organs. I don't believe a child as such can truly understand what is happening for the simple fact that even ADULTS and TEENS rarely have a good grasp or understanding on sexual appropriation; especially in cases where children are being exposed. The usual response of " WTF?" that we as normal human beings feel inside is the correct response. If you don't have that feeling toward little girls being forced to take off their clothes than there is something wrong in your brain. "Your" not being used for anyone in particular.
    See, this is an assumption again. The topic is child porn, not "porn created by forcing kids to do things". There is no specific way in which child porn is created. Take a picture of a little girl taking off her clothes at the beach, put it on the right site, and it's child porn. Take a picture of a girl in the bathtub, make sure it gets into the hands of a pedophile, even if it's her own father, and it's child porn.

    I do have a problem with girls being forced to do things. That is not the entire topic. To believe that it is is an assumption, and one that is wrong.
    Last edited by Fluffy; 04-30-2009 at 12:34 PM.

  15. #75
    I will finish the hunt Your View on Child Porn Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    One does not commit pedophilia, at least not in the general term. It is a sexual orientation, or in some people's views, a mental disorder or a disease. It is not something you do, it is something you have.
    Sorry ' bout that. I just assume people understand somethings by using context clues. Which, I am sure most people understood, however, there will always be the few.

    There is no specific way in which child porn is created. Take a picture of a little girl taking off her clothes at the beach, put it on the right site, and it's child porn. Take a picture of a girl in the bathtub, make sure it gets into the hands of a pedophile, even if it's her own father, and it's child porn.
    I can agree with that to an extent, but you picking a part a picture determining whether that child sexy or not is a little different. When someone is charged with possession of child pornography it is usually a lot more complex than a little girl taking off her shirt at the beach. Although, there are some cases in which the pictures have been taken out of context. The police force is usually good about delegating whether or not the picture is sexual explicit of just plain fun. I mean, I have pictures of my son taking a bubble bath I am sure someone can use for very ugly purposes (And honestly if I found someone using them for that purpose I would want them to get some kind of trouble), but I am sure the police are going to arrest someone that has pictures of a naked 6 yr. old in the doggy style position a long with thousands of other pics of random naked children before me.

    You can debate the meaning of child porn, ask yourself which pictures should not be considered child porn as opposed to ones that should, question how the authorities should handle it, or even if children are capable of posing that way on purpose, but it all comes down to the person not the picture. It comes down to someone taking an innocent picture of a child and having unnatural sexual feelings towards it,and acting out on that. They know what they are doing is wrong....there is no debate in that.
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  16. #76
    Asking all the personal questions. Your View on Child Porn RamesesII's Avatar
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    My question is why wouldn't you castrate them? There is a direct link between people who view child pornography and those who commit pedophilia. Just because we tell them to stay in their houses and stay away from people doesn't mean they will. Nor can we expect them not to try and escape from jails. Which is why castration would be awesome to implement. Its simple sociology and human behavior. If their penis or vagina is a threat.....get rid of the threat. Although, I am a bit harsher on the inhumane than most. I can see how some people wouldn't understand that view. Murderers should be murdered, rapists should be raped. I can understand how some may not completely get that.
    Good point but citizens do make their life a living hell take Dennis Pherguson in Australia who is Australias pruposed worst sex offender at due time, i have recently heard that yet again he is being menaced by the community of where the government have situated him in NSW since kicking him out of QLD and they will do so untill they move to the remotest location in Australia he wont rest he wont be safe he will never be able to live a normal life again which is good if you ask me and the only reason the government are constantly moving him is for his own safety ha that makes me laugh. Once again people should think of the consiquences brfore doing something although that wouldn't be entirely possible in ever case.

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  17. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesevixen
    It comes down to someone taking an innocent picture of a child and having unnatural sexual feelings towards it,and acting out on that. They know what they are doing is wrong....there is no debate in that.
    Well that depends what you consider natural. To me, it's natural.

    And depending on what you mean by "acting out on that", I could strongly disagree. There are many ways to "act out". Masturbating to a pic of a child? I see nothing wrong with that. Depending on the picture, there could be something wrong with how it was created. But the aforementioned act itself? I don't think so.

    The other forms of acting out I will leave alone. I'll only say that I could still disagree. But that's another subject.

  18. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    Well that depends what you consider natural. To me, it's natural.
    The biological imperative, ie being attracted to people of breeding age, is natural. It's what we're born to do. What would you say to that?

    I've already made my position on this clear, so that's all I have for now. My opposition to child porn remains. People can chuck around as many hypotheses about what leads to what, and who gets harmed in a drawing of a child, but as far as I'm concerned none of that really matters. Children are above and beyond that. If you truly love them, which isn't really that difficult, then your primary concern in matters like this is their protection from any form of harm whatsoever.

  19. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post
    The biological imperative, ie being attracted to people of breeding age, is natural. It's what we're born to do. What would you say to that?
    They eventually reach that age. And when they're in that borderline age, pedophiles are still attracted to them quite often. Many are also attracted to both children and adults, but simply more so to children. If we're to be attracted to the breeding age, then who better than those who will soon be in that age?

    Also, breeding age has its limits. Is it unnatural to be attracted to someone who is post-menopause? I don't think it is.

  20. #80
    Asking all the personal questions. Your View on Child Porn RamesesII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post
    The biological imperative, ie being attracted to people of breeding age, is natural. It's what we're born to do. What would you say to that?

    I've already made my position on this clear, so that's all I have for now. My opposition to child porn remains. People can chuck around as many hypotheses about what leads to what, and who gets harmed in a drawing of a child, but as far as I'm concerned none of that really matters. Children are above and beyond that. If you truly love them, which isn't really that difficult, then your primary concern in matters like this is their protection from any form of harm whatsoever.
    That's all good and well trying to protect your child from any form of harm whatsoever as i do and will with my children but it is what happens away from our care and protection that matters or the innocent family photo in the bath tub or in bathers on the beach and that is what these perverted morons are after is some careless parent to plaster their child over the internet etc and not all children front up and tell their parents or comfortable talk to some one about what is happening, what we need to concentrate on is making the children aware of this and trying to encourage them speak out, and same goes for bullying in schools parents complain about nothing being done by teachers and principals but what they do not understand is that it doesn't have to be physical bullying to affect the child and therefore can happen anywhere anytime so therefore once again it sthe child that has to speak up.Although i do agrre with what yopu are saying that we should protect our kids but we can't wrap them up in bubble wrap and let them grow up naive to the world.
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  21. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by dragoon View Post
    That's all good and well trying to protect your child from any form of harm whatsoever as i do and will with my children but it is what happens away from our care and protection that matters or the innocent family photo in the bath tub or in bathers on the beach and that is what these perverted morons are after is some careless parent to plaster their child over the internet etc and not all children front up and tell their parents or comfortable talk to some one about what is happening, what we need to concentrate on is making the children aware of this and trying to encourage them speak out, and same goes for bullying in schools parents complain about nothing being done by teachers and principals but what they do not understand is that it doesn't have to be physical bullying to affect the child and therefore can happen anywhere anytime so therefore once again it sthe child that has to speak up.Although i do agrre with what yopu are saying that we should protect our kids but we can't wrap them up in bubble wrap and let them grow up naive to the world.
    I meant that we should protect them from paedophiles and criminals. Maybe that blanket statement was a bit too much. When I have kids, I won't bubble-wrap them, because everyone has a right to learn. I understand and agree with your point.

    Well played, Fluffy. I thought you would raise those points. It was a facile question in all probability, but I felt like asking it.

  22. #82
    Death Before Dishonor Your View on Child Porn Josh_R's Avatar
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    I to like the rest of you agree that this is sickening...I wonder to myself some times how does these kinds of f*ucked up thoughts get in someone's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Koda View Post
    First of all I think there should be more severe punishment for those involved in the child pornography circle. Five years imprisonment is not enough.
    Koda the legal punishment for child porn and molestation may not be lengthy and they may not get the legal punishment they should...But murderer's and thieves in prison have a code and it's is that rapist, and child molestor's are the lowest and should not be allowed to live...So in turn they kill them unless the cild molestors ask to be isolated they are killed and even if they do ask they are sometimes told no...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  23. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Kisuke_Hellsing View Post
    But murderer's and thieves in prison have a code and it's is that rapist, and child molestor's are the lowest and should not be allowed to live...So in turn they kill them unless the cild molestors ask to be isolated they are killed and even if they do ask they are sometimes told no...
    This coming from all the time you spent locked up right? Or sorry, all the movies hollywood has released. These forum's have gone so downhill. What used to be part of the general forums has made it's way in here under as though there is anything intellectual about it. Child porn is bad, anyone who likes it is bad, it's bad for the children and it's bad for society...this thread is bad.

  24. #84
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kisuke_Hellsing View Post
    I to like the rest of you agree that this is sickening...I wonder to myself some times how does these kinds of f*ucked up thoughts get in someone's.
    Kisuke, if you actually took the time to read a few posts in this thread you would know that not all people are in agreance that it is wrong. You wouldn't even have to read the whole thread to see that there is people who disagree with the whole "this is wrong" general statement. Given though I am one of the people that think it is wrong but I thought I would point this out.

    Koda the legal punishment for child porn and molestation may not be lengthy and they may not get the legal punishment they should...But murderer's and thieves in prison have a code and it's is that rapist, and child molestor's are the lowest and should not be allowed to live...So in turn they kill them unless the cild molestors ask to be isolated they are killed and even if they do ask they are sometimes told no...
    Do you have a valid source for this information? I am sure if you actually look up the number of pedifiles in prison you would probably be shocked at the number of them. Also if you do a local look up of sexual preditors in your area I think you will find quite a few, which means the ones that served time for their crimes made it out alive.

    Also I am curious if you are trying to group pedifiles and rapists into the same classification?

    By OnOneRyder
    This coming from all the time you spent locked up right? Or sorry, all the movies hollywood has released. These forum's have gone so downhill. What used to be part of the general forums has made it's way in here under as though there is anything intellectual about it. Child porn is bad, anyone who likes it is bad, it's bad for the children and it's bad for society...this thread is bad.
    You are complaining about the "low quality of posts" in this area of the forum and yet you make a "low quality post" to try to proove your point? Did you take the time to read this thread or just the last few posts?

    The whole middle part of your post is uncalled for and is completely off of topic all together, if you want to discuss how the ID forum has gone down hill then open a thread so it can be discussed, I will be sure to move it to General chat. If you care to disccuss this any further with me then VM / PM me.

    I advise anyone else to avoid responding to the flame baiting in the above post.
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  25. #85
    Registered User Your View on Child Porn Locke4God's Avatar
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    Child Porn is absolutely disgusting crap, and you should be flogged if you participate in this.

    I'll be frank. Sex is a fantastic thing. Whether you are into men or women, enjoying your partner is a wonderful experience and if you choose to be conservative about that or freaky is completely your thing. Have a great time.

    But if you think children are sexually stimulating, something is massively wrong with you. A hot 17 year old. You know I get that. They've developed and are practically adults, but you gotta know to stay away. But if you're they guy who prays on 8 year old, you need a serious beating. If you're the guy who likes to watch videos of them, you need a serious beating. What in the hell is the matter with you? Try enjoying a sexually mature person why don't you.

  26. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    Do you have a valid source for this information? I am sure if you actually look up the number of pedifiles in prison you would probably be shocked at the number of them. Also if you do a local look up of sexual preditors in your area I think you will find quite a few, which means the ones that served time for their crimes made it out alive.

    Also I am curious if you are trying to group pedifiles and rapists into the same classification?

    I'm guessing this is where you were going.

    Pedo does not equal rapist or molester.

    Pedophile is a word used for an adult who has al sexual attraction to children, whether he acts on it or not. Every child molester is not a pedophile, and every pedophile is not a child molester.

    Rapist is a person who rapes another person, some sort of sexual act, without consent or if the person is underage.

    Molester I guess can be thrown in too, it's a vague word and can mean almost anything you want it to. It refers to an adult who has sexual contact or penetration with a child.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 11-29-2009 at 12:52 PM.

    Ta DA!!!:

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    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
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    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  27. #87
    I want to play a game. Your View on Child Porn Zargabaath's Avatar
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    As with many others, I wonder what Phantom was expecting here. Was he trying to weed out those who do like child porn? This thread does seem to be a bit needless, as we are all in accordance. Now for some devil's advocate (I liked the movie too ).

    The first scenario or question, whatever it may be, will only pertain to the U.S. as I don't know about this "issue" in other countries.

    The U.S. state or federal attornies charge people for statutory rape, because the child (around 14-17) is not "mature" enough to decide if they really want to have sex. Let it be noted the brain does not stop developing and is fully matured till the age of late 23, 24, or early 25 years of age. At the same time, U.S. attornies love to charge minors as adults in murder cases because they were "mature" enough to make the decision. This is clear hypocrisy with the U.S. government just wanting to punish people. Either minors around 14 to 17 are mature enough or they are not. They can make the laws concerning minors absolute or a case-by-case situation; I fear though cases dealing about statutory rape, they would try to always deam the minor not mature enough but in murder, homicide, rape, etc as an adult. The government, at its convienance, finds minors to be mature enough, so could not a 14-17 make a rational decision to have sex and/or put up there own porn site, be in the porn industry, etc. Some people find young people sexually attractive, which I will be discussing next, so how it be bad for them to pursuit their happiness with a minor who is rationally making the decision to have sex with the person or for the person to watch the porn, some activity that no one's rights would be violated?

    Scientists have been studying whether or not there is a gay gene; that people are born being gay, that they are attractive to the same sex. In other situations, people sometimes turn gay, bi-sexual, or even straight (maybe) during their life. What a person's sexual orientation is their business and we should not treat them any differenlty for it. My high school psychology teacher once worked with people who were child molestors, child rapists, etc. What a lot of them told him was that in order for them to truly stop they would have to be fully castrated cause they won't be able to stop. What happens in these types of peopled during their life is a sexual arrestment, where what they find sexually attractive is stunted at a certain age never developing (i.e. they like very young people). As they get older what they find sexually attractive does not age as well. Just as any person cannot change what they find sexually attractive, neither can they. Should we hate, despise, loathe, and/or riducule them for something that was out of their control, just as it could be with the gay gene? What about they are with a person who made the decision to be with them, should we criminalize and destroy their happiness?

    People please remember the devil's advocate and I'm not talking about the movie.

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  28. #88
    My views? That the people who do it are sick. I know people can have weird fetises, but taking advantage of a child is out of the question. I have no problem once they hit 16 (legal age where I am, for sex), because at that age you start to take on responsibility, and are taken seriously. In a scenario, where say an 18 year old has (consensual) sex with a 14 year old, he will still go to prison. And some might disagree, but I agree with it. Despite it is consensual, the child is usually ignorant of the fact it is wrong and these days with teenagers it is usually "I've had sex so I'm cool".

  29. #89
    Kuzuya Mishima Your View on Child Porn ziroth's Avatar
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    Child Porn....ok....One question of some people would be why, and the answer would be because they are sick ****s. Well can we really say it's tere fault for looking it up. what if this person was sheltered there whole life and finally got out into the real world and made friends first with kids. Also like some gay people these people are born with it in rare cases.
    Everyone has a taste for something. Some people like men/women/fat men/fat women/skinny men/skinny women/crippled men/crippled women/old men/old women/dead men/dead women/ and even little girls and boysand not to forget to mention some people even like animals. I think it all wraps around their parents and how they treated them as kids. That can effect them in multiple ways.
    I think Child Porn is wrong by the way, but hey their's nothing I can do to stop it until I have a rise in governmental power when I'm older.

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  30. #90
    Registered User Your View on Child Porn Megatron0000's Avatar
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    Re: Your View on Child Porn

    It is a sick practice that is rightfully illegal. The people who commit this atrocity should be castrated slowly with a dull fishing knife. I mean really who gets their jollies off checking out the hot 12 year old on the internet. Its disgusting and despicable.

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