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Thread: Writers Academy (Previously Demonia)

  1. #91
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Holy Kharlan
    I treid to base this around my charcter. Here's my battleground.

    Liao Crater Monastery:
    Set at the base of a massive crater the monastery is said to hold powers of healing and prosperity ironically, however, upon the month which fell a few years ago, just before the new monks were set to their enlightenment tasks and training exercises it was attacked and it inhabitants killed. The buildings still stood a testament to old China, built in an ancient style. There are a few choice features that the monks chose for various reasons, fighting and training ground situated in the centre with the buildings stood all round in a square. Next to this square of flat ground stood deep, navy blue water 20 foot across and more than 50 deep. Further out into the monastery stood and old apple tree plantation this block of vegetation spread back as far as the eye could see on the northern side. On the other sides however a thick dust-cloud lingered, the north side was fortunate enough to have tree’s to block this as all around the other slopes and bottom of the crater this dust made visibility impossible. The dust didn’t appear all day but for an hour or a few at a time, then visibility would return and be snatched from them with the changing of the winds.

    Back within the monastery grounds the buildings held large gardens of wildflowers, one selected by each monk upon his admission to the monastery. It was run through with rivers and streams and culminated by meeting with a large lake on the southern edge. This room stretched out and around in a horseshoe on three sides of the fighting arena and was protected by glass so that spectators of the fights didn’t have to feel the blood of the loser or the blades of the combatants. Leading off the gardens were doors where the dormitories stood. In each of these rooms were remnants of the previous occupiers, the Shaolin.

    On the south side stood a mess hall, a dining facility and a large lake that stood just south west, on this lake a strange hut stood upon the water. A mystery how it didn’t sink and simply bobbed up and down, in the evenings this and the lake would be shrouded by dust as the sandstorm set in upon the monastery shrouding it from view.

    Originally posted by Xeim:
    Ok, well, you don't fight with the character you have in the Academy. You still fight with Nkomis. See, YOU go to the academy to better your writing skills. For the sake of an RP, all we're limiting the characters on are their personality. And we're only limiting the personality because the character is you. Does...that make sense? I can be confusing sometimes...
    Ahhh, I get you. I thought it wa sgoing to be like us going into battle and then we'd be commenting on it like we were constantly in RP. Like this

    'Aimee gets back from her battle a bloody mess, tired and weary she slumps into a chair in the academy lounge,

    "I really shouldn't fight against big guys" faintly she smiles...'

    Blah blah blah, I just thought thats what you meant thats all, like full on interaction about the fights and realistic reactions; that's all.

    Heh, silly Aimee.

    Lets get these fights going, me and Darkwolf are ready, we both submitted maps too. Oh wait, im jumping my gun, we arn't fighting on our maps, duh. Sorry.

    Thanks, Aimee.

  2. #92
    Imperius Rex Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Storm's Avatar
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    Ahh the world is flashing before my eyes! So much has happened and I've only posted once! I appologise for my inactivity in this club while i've been more active elsewhere on the forum. Its a shame to be missing out on the RBP tournament but it's all self-inflicted, i'll join in in the next one. I've already got some characters designed, who are mainly characters I have come up with for a story i've been in the process of writing for the past few months (although length-wise it hasn't got very far).

    I like the idea of being assaigned characters, as it would work well for creative training when given some sort of guideline, especially, like as people have said, when characters are made too similar. I think that assaigned/ made-up characters should be more of a rule that can be chosen at the start of a battle. I personally prefer using my own characters since I seem to picture their behaviours more vividly, and find it much easier, but I guess that everyone gets better by finding out their strengths and weaknesses and working to improve them.

    I have a question about the inner-club RP. I'm assuming this will start once the tournament begins to kick off? I'm still a little confused about this, although I think that it is a great way to do things. Also, I think that posting the bio of the student characters would be a good idea, although i'm fairly sure that would of been on the agenda anyway.
    PSN username: Raikujaku
    A meow-ed member of PRK9

  3. #93
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Are we dead? Are we gone? Where is everyone these days? nearly 3 days since I heard from anyone.

    Anyway, I have news. I have an RP if anyone is interested. I'm working on it with somebody else, I've written it I just need another persons perspective so I have asked a person I look up to and revere. That is at hand and I'll copy it into here as soon as we have it sorted. Just tell me if you are interested in playing a futuristic RP set in a kind of Tokyo meets Treno city of darkness from FF9 city. I have a plot and such and I have new species I have invented and several things to keep interest, but like I said I need concurrance before I pot it here. Too many of my RP's are being taken on by people who are just doing 1 post and scrapping it, I don't have the energy to waste my idea's this time so I'll perfect it before I post it.

    Also If we have an artists I'm looking for people to draw pictures of it, if they are fully willing.

    EDIT: If you want rough details then mail me.

    Thanks, Aimee.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 12-07-2007 at 08:05 AM.

  4. #94
    The Lost Writer Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Psiko's Avatar
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    Well, here is the character I shall be using:

    Name: Rasui Kynathi
    Alias/Title: The White Dragon
    Race: Draekonykyn
    Physical Age: 22
    Actual Age: 418 (approx.)
    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 185 lbs
    Eyes: Pale Blue
    Hair: White
    Wings: White


    Flat straw sandals (zori) with a slightly elevated base; usually removed prior to battle.
    Dark blue hakama (divided, pleated skirt resembling pants) with a pattern of white flowers running vertically on the left side.
    A white sash (obi) around the waist.
    Dark blue, thigh-length robe (haori) with a large white flower over the heart; this is also normally removed for battle because of his mainly aerial combat style.
    A thin white sash around the forehead and tied off in the back; keeps hair out of his eyes.
    No shirt or armor of any kind.


    A simple, unnamed parrying dagger in a leather sheath on the left hip; used with the right hand. The only notable characteristic of this weapon is a wide guard to protect the hand. The blade is slightly curved to help deflect incoming attacks.


    Rasui is very unusual. The Kynathi clan is renowned for their skill in the use of the water element, but he alone is able to use ice and even snow. He uses his magic as both his primary defense and his sole offense.


    Rasui favors a very formal, stern appearance. His hair is very long but always neatly brushed and pulled back in the traditional warrior's tail. If his clothing is ripped or stained he repairs it immediately after battle, sometimes even before treating his own wounds.


    The Kynathi clan has a reputation for honor, often known as the pride of the Draekonykyn. Rasui follows the strict code of the clan to the letter. He was once considered the runt, the weakest of the clan; he is now their strongest warrior.

    Rasui's ability to use ice and snow are due to a physical disability. His body's core temperature is so unnaturally low he's said to be as cold as death. It isn't far off the mark, either. His extremely low body temperature is also why his hair, eyes and wings have almost no color to them. His low core temperature prevents him from producing the pigments that determine colors, so they remain white. His eyes have a faint blue tinge, enhanced primarily by external light sources. At night or in the darkness, his eyes appear to take a more silver hue.

    This strange disability also has a huge impact on his physical combat abilities. His preferred method of fighting is to either stand or hover in one spot and cast his magic on the opponent. If he's forced into physical combat, he will actually overheat very quickly and overburden his weakened heart, which could cause permanent damage or death. As such, he avoids such fighting as much as he can. He is very fast and extremely agile for this reason. He has perfected the use of thermals and air currents to move with as little effort as possible.

    It has another secondary effect as well; in hot environments, he is forced to lower the air temperature in his immediate vicinity to avoid overheating, and it must be maintained at all times. He can only tolerate temperatures up to approximately 60° Fahrenheit in normal situations, 50° in battle.

    Rasui is actually related to Kylista; they're distant cousins. They have met on several occasions and are friends. Kylista has always treated him like a younger brother, but Rasui wishes she wouldn't be so defensive of him. They are a formidable team in battle.


    Battleground: Seasons of Change

    Description: A magical field surrounding the ruins of a crumbling castle causes the weather to constantly shift, sometimes from one extreme to the other (blistering heat to frigid cold and back; earthquakes to hurricanes; also sometimes sunny and slightly breezy. This changes with no rhyme or reason, nor during any set period of time). The castle's structure is unstable in appearance, looking as though a small breeze would cause it all to collapse. Despite this appearance, it has held up in this state for over a decade since the demise of the kingdom. It is rumored that within the darkest corners of this castle lurks a most dangerous beast, but nothing has been verified. Outside the castle the only thing of note is a dense forest to the east, otherwise the terrain is gentle rolling plains.
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

    See also classic.

    Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.

  5. #95
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Name: Mitsu Kana

    Race: Human

    A four foot blade attached to a wristband on Kana's righthand wristband. Known as a Batatsu.

    Black as night ninja-gi pants with a white mythril shirt and a matching ninja-gi sleeveless vest.

    His hair is a silvery grey color.

    His eyes are a mystifying blue color.

    His only niece Hitari Mitsu, and his Sensei Otenaki Kage.


    Uses the thunder element as a basis for his attacks. He uses different seals to perform the specific attacks. The seals are based off of the chinese zodiac.

    Kagerou No Jitsu - Tiger, Rat, Ox, Rooster
    An attack that uses the surrounding air and transforms the atoms into that of electricity and shoots a deathening beam of 50,000 volts right into the opponents chest.

    Thunder Replication - Goat, Dragon, Rooster, Dog, Ox, Horse
    He vanishes into thin air in the untrained eyes, but under the eyes of a talented warrior, he would appear to have duplicates of himself which if they are hit, they explode with 25,000 volts. (Similar to Double Team on Pokemon, except if you hit them, you get shocked.)

    Omega Raiken - Dragon, Rabbit, Snake, Sheep, Ox, Horse, Rabbit, Rat, Rooster, Dragon, Monkey, Tiger, Sheep, Ox, Snake, Rabbit, Rat
    An attack used as a last resort if facing a really strong opponent that he feels that he cannot beat. This particular move increases his stamina one hundred fold, and increases his chakra two hundred fold. But at a price. Once this technique wears off, his chakra runs out completely, therefore he must rest in bed for several days to recooperate his strength.

    He created his own ninjitsu style of the unique Kesari Reika style which was originated by the great Otenaki Kage.

    He had been Kage's pupil ever since he was an orphaned teenager. Kage opted to take him under his wing because of the tremendous potential he saw within. And was he ever right in his choosing.
    Battlegrounds: Artificial Thunderbird
    An airship built in respect to Quezacotl, also known as a Thunderbird. It generates storms and a lot of open space for combat. Though there is no specific arena built on the ship. Though the very top of the ship could be used as a platform of sorts. It is a dangerous place to fight for one could get electrocuted by the lightning from the clouds, and also may fall from the ship to certain doom unless they knew how to fly. ...Unless the ship's security system gets to them first. It is an unmanned ship with multiple storm generators placed throughout the ship. Getting too close to one is hazardous to one's health, at the very least.

    The security system consists with scaled models of Quezacotl drones that can produce their own electricity and can swarm the targets en masse and stun them. Although a thousand stuns at once could be very fatal.

    And no, Hyz, we're not dead. It's only been 2 days. It's not like there's anything to post until the tournament starts, though we do have to start creating profiles and such for the Inner RP, for those who are interested in participating.
    Last edited by Victoria; 12-07-2007 at 11:30 AM.

  6. #96
    Morning Always Comes Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Xeim's Avatar
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    From lack of suggestions, the official version of the inner RP is not much different from the one I posted a while back. We can expand on it later. The tourny should be our main focus right now, but as soon as you get time you should esign a character. The inner RP will probably not begin until the tournament has ended.


    Characters in the inner RP are loosely based on you. You sdot have to use your real age or name, but please base your character’s personality on your own. You will not be fighting with these characters. They are merely the characters that attend our school, Writer’s Academy. These characters will attend classes and possibly other social events- if we want to take it that far.







    Classes are the most important aspect of this inner RP. They each help you to better a certain aspect of writing. All members must choose at least 3 classes from the list below. These classes will determine the types of training activities you are allowed to do. Training activities are detailed in the first post, and it is recommended that members participate in them from time to time. After signing up for your initial classes, additional classes can be chosen every other day of the week-except Sundays.

    -Grammar (sent structure, punctuation, etc.)


    -Tense Shifts

    -Detail (description)




    You do not have to post for this inner RP every time you post. Just throw in an occasional bit here and there. The goal of this is to create the atmosphere of an Academy and to help improve writing on a smaller scale.


    Now I have my battlefield. Tell me if I need to change anything, as it's my first time designing one. ^^;

    Balthur Ruins

    A complex course of danger and constant fear. The Balthur Ruins are a labyrinth of narrow paths all overlapping in unpredictable patterns. The stone walls are weak and crumbling, with ivy and moss growing upon them, while the floor is uneven and supports the occasional puddle. At the center of this once great structure, for those lucky enough to find it, is a large room open to the sky. It has only one entrance, and is flat, with most of the floor still intact. It holds only a throne. In front of the throne lies a large, golden goblet, tilted onto its side as if it was discarded in a hurry. Ivy still grows up the walls, and a moat-like “waterway” of stagnant water encompasses the entire ‘arena-like’ area.

    Hazards: Puddles of water and uneven flooring makes it easy to trip. Also, the possibilities of running into your foe before reaching the main room and having to fight in the narrow hallways can keep one quite on edge. An ominous presence lingers over the ruins, as if someone hasn’t quite left its walls yet…

    It is also said that a curse surrounds the goblet. Each time you doubt in your ability, the goblet calls out to you, desperately trying to distract you from your fight. One survivor of the ruins tells us that the goblet righted itself the moment he assured himself that he was to lose and began to fill itself with blood, one drop at a time. If it were to fill itself to the top…perhaps you would witness the original possessor of the throne?

    A battleground for the strong-willed, Balthur Ruins is still shrouded in myth.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  7. #97
    Errm, I can't say I've read all the pages on here because that would be lying! I got the generalities of it though and I'd like to join, seems maybe this could help boost me; or at very least help me meet people on here. Do I need to like... take a mission or something before I can join up or do you guys just give me the benefit of the doubt?

  8. #98
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Well, I don't think we have anything against new forumers joining, but we do need to see an example of your writing skill in the form of a battle or an RP (role play). You may link to an example from another forum since you haven't been here long enough to do any internally.

    If you do not have a current example, we can give you a test battle against one of us and judge from there.

    Update: I just went through and checked everyone off for battlefields and we have six for sure. PM, is the one you submitted complete? I saw that you have the basics of it, but I do not know if it is the final version or not. Also, we need a field from Red. As soon as you two are ready we can start the tournament.

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 12-11-2007 at 09:14 AM.
    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  9. #99
    Guess I'll go for the latter, heh. I couldn't tell you any site as I don't really do this, I just joined the site through interest in FF. I write though, fiction, from what I've read it's basically multi-lead based stories, I can handle that.

    I'll roleplay anyone you think is suitable, but the extent of my knowledge will come from creative writing and notes to friends. I'm sure I can handle it though or I wouldn't have asked.

    Can I ask a question also? Even if you say no I'll have already written it; rheatorical man... thats what people call me. This place is to help people learn right? So just by looking through the names, who would you say would be best to aim my questions toward?

  10. #100
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Well, before we do anything, you need to read the rules of the RPB system we have here. This thread will tell you all the basics you need to get started.

    As far as who's the best to ask, well, just about anyone here can probably answer any question you may have. I'm not one to boast, but Psiko, Loco and I are the most experienced members of this club, as well as Toph Bei Fong. However, we're all writers here, so feel free to ask anyone. This is a club of equals, after all. We hold no ranks or status over others.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  11. #101
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Nice try, Aimee. making a Duplicate account as a noob. Why would you do that for? There's no reason to be a "noob". >_>;

    Please stop making duplicate accounts.

  12. #102
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Hyz...if you're going to pretend to be a newbie just for shits and giggles, remember to log out of your original account first...and mask your IP. I don't particularly appreciate this kind of duplicity, especially when there is absolutely no reason for it. Care to explain why you are posting as Azure?

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  13. #103
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Okay well apparently Azura is someone else at the resort she's staying at, and knew this would happen. So Hyz is going to quit the club for now and come back later because she can't trust people.

    So Eva, if you still want in, you can be in now.

  14. #104
    Cool? I guess I'll join the tourney then. So do I need to post my character here and a battlefield? Can I use a character I made in the RPB statistics too?

  15. #105
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Yes, you can use whatever character you like. Please provide battleground info and profile here in this thread. (Unless we just keep Hyz's..though I don't see a point.)

    And don't forget, Red, you have to make a field as well.

  16. #106
    I suppose I'll use my lates RPB character, a Firebender.

    Name: Zaku the Firebrand
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human

    Appearance: Zaku is 5'8'' and weighs 165 pounds. Like most Firebenders, he has short, black hair, amber eyes and light skin. He has a medium body build and highly toned muscles. His Fire Nation clothes are tight fitting and contour his physique nicely. He wears a dark red sleeved kimono with black trim (representing his status as a member of the military) and the same for his pants and shoes. On his back is a emblem of a sword bathed in fire. On both his arms he has gold armor. Engraved on the shoulders are Fire Nation emblems. Like Prince Zuko, Zaku wields twin broadswords sheathed on his back. He also carries around a small container of oil.

    About: Zaku is know as a Firebender. A highly skilled one at that. Born in the Capital City, at a very young age Zaku was trained in the arts of Firebending and warfare. His father was a Colonel in the military, and was able to train Zaku well. His mother was skilled at the sword and showed him how to make and wield his broadswords. Like Prince Zuko, Zaku uses Firebending in tandem with his swords, thus he earned the title of Firebrand amoung the people of the Firenation and the world.

    Signature Moves
    ~Breath of Fire- using the oil he carries around, Zaku takes a swig (careful not to swollow any) and uses his Firebending to create a wide-spread spray of fire. Best used in clode-combat situations.
    ~Firewall- Zaku forms a small defensive wall of fire to block small projectiles such as arrows or daggers.
    ~Dragon's Wrath- an extremely focused "beam" of fire shoots out from Zaku's fore and middle fingers.

    Fyr Drage Lair- Home to a fearsome fire dragon, Fyr Drage makes her home in the mouth of a volcano. Semi-active, there is a massive solidified magma platform in the middle of the battleground. Surrounding it are smaller platforms that rotate around the main platform. Dangers of the battleground include fireballs spewing from the lava's surface, the ocassional fire pillar, falling rocks, and the possible return of Fyr. The sky is obscured by the smoke rising from the volcano, giving either the Sun or Moon the appearance of glowing gray orbs.

  17. #107
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Well, I have an important update regarding the recent incident.

    I have determined that Hyz had no part of it and that Azure fully intended to cause mischief and cause us to doubt and mistrust her. Therefore, Azure will not be allowed to join this club. I gave him one chance and he has not taken it, so he forfeit his membership.

    Hyz is welcome to stay, as always. Please do not take what happened as a reflection of her, as she had nothing to do with it. Toph, please remove the post that Azure made on her account if you haven't already.

    And, because of my own error of judgment that led to Hyz being disqualified from the tournament, I am now going to retire from participation and give my spot back to Hyz, as she shouldn't have been removed in the first place.

    Toph, Aerif, if you have issue with my decision please contact me. I believe it's my responsibility to set this right since I was the one involved.

    To Hyz I offer my sincere apologies for not having the wisdom to let the cards settle before calling the bluff. We will all be more careful next time, I trust.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  18. #108
    HRH Albha Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Aerif's Avatar
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    I see no reason why their can't be a 10 person tournament, I know Storm wanted to participate but left it until too late. No. 9 and 10 could compete to cut down on time if the need may be.

    Red, you haven't posted a battlefield yet, if you don't want to then I don't think we're short of battlefields, but when you don't reply to the topic it makes one wonder whether your actually going to be here on account of activeness.

    Banners and Stuff:

    ˙uɐɔ I ʍouʞ I <- uɐɔ I ssǝnƃ I¿sıɥʇ op I uɐƆ

    Last signature update: 02/08/2014

  19. #109
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Agreed on that part, Aerif. And why drop out, DH? I thought you wanted to fight Psiko. Don't back out now. Why can't Hyz just have her spot back?

    And I thought Storm wouldn't want to participate because she's an RPer, not an RPBer. >_>; But that was just my assumption. If she wants to participate, she can, and we can make it a 10 person tournament.

    Though with a 10 person tournament, someone has to get a bye in the next two rounds.
    10 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 1

    See, it's uneven. >_>;

    But anyway... I don't agree with DH dropping out anyway.

  20. #110
    I wouldn't mind backing out so Hyz can get back in. I took her spot BTW, so its pretty logical.

    On the subject of a 10 person tourny, why can't it be like this:

    Preliminaries: 10
    3rd Round: 4
    Wild Card Round
    2nd Round: 2
    Wild Card Round
    Final Round: 2

    I think that how my idea goes...

  21. #111
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Or you could place the tournament like this maybies:

    1 \__ Winner\
    2 /Nothingness----- 1 0n 1 ----- Winner
    3 \__ Winner/
    4 /
    5 \__ Winner\
    6 /Nothingness----- 3 way ----- Winner
    7 \__ Winner/ e/
    8 /Nothingnes /
    9 \__ Winner/

    It's not as clean as it has been usually but at least it can flow. The 3 way may be difficult to do but it is do-able.

    I don't want to take DH or Evangels place. I'd rather sit it out, as I have told DH, than make somebody else drop out for me. I can always continue with my fight against DH after the tournament and that may keep me occupied.

    Oh and DH, thank you but you don't need to apologise, it was logical how you acted.

    Thanks, Aimee.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 12-15-2007 at 05:51 AM. Reason: White writing to make it make sense

  22. #112
    Imperius Rex Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Storm's Avatar
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    Nah its cool, the 8-person tournament ranking system worked better, and to be honest i'm not too fussed about not participating in the RPB. Thanks for your concern though Aerif, and Toph it is true that i'm an RPer, not a RPBer. I would like to participate next time though because I think it would be handy to practice RPBing a bit- it may improve my RPing skills a little in battle scenes.
    PSN username: Raikujaku
    A meow-ed member of PRK9

  23. #113
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Aimee... your bracket looks so out of whack that it doesn't even make any sense. I can't even understand what's going on. XD

    What does "nothingness" mean? There'd be 10 people in the tournament. Not 5. o_O;
    And yes we could do a three-way. But do you honestly know how damn hard that is? >_>;

  24. #114
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Lol, no no, If you read the bottom the white writing is supposed to be ignored, lol. White was teh closest I could get to teh background, which, due to me being colourblind anyway, looks white to me anyway. Although I can still see the writing, I hate my eyes.

    I have set it out so that I havn't named anyone. I have just placed "winner" neaning anyone" the 'nothingness' doesnt mean anything at all.

    Basially 1st fight, 2nd fight, 3rd= 1 on 1. 4th=1 on 1 on 1. get it? Basically though, its a shoddy Idea and you should ignore it anyway. =]

    Thanks, Aimee.

  25. #115
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Oh okay. I got that. But.. isn't that what I did in the very beginning? >_>;
    But if people really want to do a 3 way, we can. Lemme look on the list to see if a 10 person is possible.

    Edit: Okay, we can have 10, if no one drops out, and Zoe gets added in. =D
    Last edited by Victoria; 12-15-2007 at 10:16 AM.

  26. #116
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    *goes red* I don't know lol. Didnt you just say that it wasn't possible and that one person would have to drop out? Maybe I missunderstood you.

    Hey by the way Toph. You should remind people to do Xeim's inner RP profile, It's been ignored. I'm doing mine right now.


  27. #117
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Aye, you're right. I was so caught up in getting the tournament going that the RP got put in the back burner. But I believe the RP was going to begin after the tournament was through either way. *just checked Xeim's post in the previous page*

    Aye. The tournament is the main focus for now, but when people have time, please make a character profile for the RP. And may I remind everyone that the RP is not optional. It is mandatory. Thank you. >_>;

    I'll just go ahead and put up my profile for now.
    Name: Victoria Nova

    Age: 23

    Appearance: 5'11", black hair, brown eyes, soft tanned skin of her Latina heritage. Her measurements are as follows: 38D-26-30. She usually wears tops that have very low cut and a white lab coat with mini-skirts and high stiletto heels. Her legs are the best feature of her body as they are the longest part of her body at 41".

    Personality: She's very flirty to get what she wants and has a sarcastic wit, but when it comes to the subject of writing, she becomes passionate and serious as if she becomes a whole new person.

    Background: She used to be a student at this very school and then worked on her writing and thought to teach at her school to aid others in the discovery of their own writing styles.
    Well, there's my professor profile. It's pretty much just me. Heh.
    Last edited by Victoria; 12-15-2007 at 10:49 AM.

  28. #118
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Name: Aimee-Bethany Rose Summers, double barrel name.

    Age: 17, 18 in Feb. On here I have put myself as older but as Toph knows I do that so people don't talk to me like I'm young and I was 16 when I joined.

    Appearance: Long blonde hair, fringe swept to the left. Blue eyes, very light in colour and for some reason they sometimes go grey.

    Personality: I'm fairly bubbly, most of the time. I have strong oppinions and a quick temper, I also tend to give people too much and care FAR too much about people. Most of the time I'm incredably sarcastic, but my naivity makes up for that. I've been said to be 'cute' and 'innocent' before. I don't know about that though...

    Background: My origins lie in Cambridge, UK, the city of my youth and early teenage years. I moved up here (to Manchester) to be near my dad whilst my mum worked a new job in London. My mum does liev with us, just only really every other weekend or less. My dad's an archaeologist, he digs up boring stuff and reads books, no dinosaurs of ruins for him. My mums a doctor, she's crazy and banned me from dying my hair at my new school. Manchester Royal college of Music... I sing. I also study English Language, Law and Psychology via that postal University, good stuff. My dad spoils me, I hate it too, he buys me dresses I'll never wear that are far out of my fashion. More inkeeping with Paris Hilton. He buys me shoes that I wouldn't dare scratch because of their price. I generally have a "nice" life, so it would seem. I miss my mum though and I wish I could dissapear my brothers and sister. Found that music wasn't for me and decided to join a newly created school named the "Writers Academy" hopefully to meet new people, extend my skills and escape my parents.

    Read my journal to see who my brothers and sister is/are.

    Classes I'll take...


    -Tense Shifts


    =]. There we go.

    Thanks, Aimee.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 12-15-2007 at 03:11 PM. Reason: After reading Aerfifs I needed to put something

  29. #119
    HRH Albha Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Aerif's Avatar
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    So it seems that Uryu/Storm has been pulled into the tournament after all. Adding another match to the preliminarys. I'm fine with that, I'd just really like the tournament to start, which means everyone getting their charcters/arenas up and/or Toph starting the matches that are ready to go (unless Toph wants to pass the duties to someone else).

    Name: Chris McGerr

    Age: 18 (A projected age, considering it would be unjustifiable to have a professor

    Appearance: Rather tall, with shoulder length brown hair. Slim yet not too much so, slightly laid back when it comes to appearance, wearing jeans and t-shirt with a suit shirt being used in a jacket style

    Personality: Quiet and studious but can open up if approached by the right kind of person. Has a rare sarcastic side and tends to have fair judgement in most cases

    Background: Left school at the age of 16 to pursue a career in writing, once he discovered the Writer's Academy he applied for a position to aid as much as he could, young writers.


    Below are the planned fixtures for the tournament:
    Attached Images Attached Images Writers Academy (Previously Demonia)-quickrefwa1-jpg 
    Last edited by Aerif; 12-15-2007 at 02:49 PM.

    Banners and Stuff:

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  30. #120
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    That bracket looks pretty nice, Aerif. Thanks for that. And yes, Zoe's been pulled into the tournament. She gets some practice as well, so it's two birds with one stone.

    And I would think it'd be best to start off all of the matches at once instead of doing a few here and there.

    But here's the thing. We have the people. We have the stages. But the stages haven't been randomized for the battles.

    I'll have to go through the thread and gather all the stages together and put them through a randomizer.

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